49th AN VAL CO VE TIO Hilton Kauai Beach Resort ukolii, Kauai October 19-26, 2008 Ho'Omana'O I Ka Wai Hala He Kumu No Ka Wa E Hiki Mai Ana Honoring Our Past Is The Foundation For The Future Leimomi Kha n, Presid ent Association of Hawaiian Civic lubs ( H ) AH onventlon omm ittee hair: Lorna Akirna Ho ting ou ncil: Kuuai, President Lionel Kaohi onventlon oordlnator: Alice Brow n Important: Due to inaudible recordings, these sessions are not verbatim as is normally prepared. Mahalo. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARy .. i-xv OPENING CEREMONIES .. 1-2 CALL TO ORDER .. 1,16,25,31 Halia Aloha . 3-5 Kukui Lama Ku . 6 Registration & Credentials Reports .. 6-7,18,31 Presentation ofCharters . 7 Resolutions Committee . 7-14 Awards Connnittee .. 14-15 President's Report . 17 Kauai Council. , . 16-17 Hawai'i Council. 17 Maui Conncil .. 17 O'ahu Council . 17 Mainland Council . 17 Minutes ofthe 2007 Convention Proceedings .. 17-18 Pu'uku Report (Treasurer) . 18 GUEST SPEAKERS: • Mayor William Asing .. 3 • Micah Kane . 3 • Clyde Namuo . 16 • Greg Chun . 25 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE REPORTS: • Komike Nominations and Elections . 18-19,23-24,36 • Komike Pilina Kaiaulu (Connnunity Relations) .. 19-22 • Komike Ho'onoho Halawai (Conv & Mtgs) . 7,22 o 'AhaMele&PihaHau'oli " . 25,34-35 o Awards . 14 • Kfimike Mo'ohelu Kala (Budget & Finance) , .. 22-23 • Kcmike Pilina Aupuni (Government Relations) .. 23 • Komike Ho'okele (Policy & Planning).. '" ,. 23 • Komike 'Enehana (Information Technology) . 23 PROGRAM COMMITTEE REPORTS: • Komike Ho'oilina Ali'i (Benefits & Trusts) ,, . 26-27 • Komike Po'aiapuni Waiwai (Economic Dev) . 28-29 • Komike Ho'ona'auao (Education) . 29 • Komike Kulana Pono Maka'ainana-flimployrnent & Housing) .. 33 • Komike Malama Ola (Health) . 33 • Kdmike Nohono Hawai'i (Hawaiian Lifestyle).. , , .. 31-33 • Komike Ho'okiipa'a (Native Rights) . 27-28 SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS: • Hawai'i Maoli . 22 • Nationhood .. 34 ANNOUNCEMENTS . 15,24,25,29,31,35 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . 1,35-36 ADJOURNMENT . 36 1 11 ASSOCIATION OF HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUBS A SUMMARY OF THE 49TH ANNUAL CONVENTION Nukoli'i, Kaua'i October 19-26,2008 HO'OMANA'O lKA WAIHALA HE KUMU NO KA wA E HIKI MAl ANA HONORING OUR PAST IS THE FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE ABOUT OUR THEME Consistent with the 90'h anniversary of the founding of the first Hawaiian Civic Club (the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu), the Association ofHawaiian Civic Club's convention theme, Ho'omana'o I Ka We.I Hala He Kumu No Ka We.E Hiki Mai Ana honored the legacy ofPrince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana'ole and those leaders of the past who laid the foundation for the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. Me ka mahalo nui to Wini Smith, Convention Coordinator, Kaua'i Council; kupuna Leimomi Solomon Hee of Wailua, Kaua'i; and Hailama Farden, Pelekikena, Ku'ini Pi'olani Hawaiian Civic Club who assisted with this theme. SPONSORS Mahala nui loa to our sponsors who enabled, encouraged, and supported our work. ILIMA Office ofHawaiian Affairs MAILE Department ofHawaiian Home Lands; Kameharneha Schools; Papa Ola Lokahi PIKAKE American Savings & Loan PLUMERIA Ku'iwalu; Pacific Diabetes Education; Queen's Medical Center ATTENDANCE Delegates: 244; alternates 38; At-Large delegates 20; members 27; guests 41. Total370 (Representing the voices ofover 3000 members) AWARDS Prince Chi (Outstanding HCC to Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana'ole Award) 'Ainahau 0 Kaleponi Hawaiian Civic Club Ka Po'okela '0 Ktihio (Outstanding HCC Member): Dreana Kalili, Pearl Harbor HCC Kalananiana'ole (O/S HCC Member for Service to the Community): Henry Gomes, Hawaiian Civic Club ofHonolulu Kulia I Ka Nu'u (O/S Native Hawaiian Non-Civic Club Member): Jerry Santos Kako'o '0 Kalaniana'ole (O/S Non-Hawaiian for Service to the Hawaiian Community): Shari "Leohone" Magno, Prince Ktlhio HCC Pualeilani (O/S Hawaiian Civic Club Family): Leota-Pascual, Beime-Keawe & Martinez ohana, Ko'olauloa HCC 111 KUKUI LAMA KU Recognition ofKupuna Martha Welolani, McNicoll, Hawai'i Council Papa Charles Kwai Chung Fu, Kaua'i Council Cecilia Lahela Kahue Ellertsen, Maui Council Moana Sanders, O'ahu Council HALI'AALOHA Remembering ourbelovedmembers who now sleep from seasonto season O'AHU COUNCIL Nalani Gersaba, President, O'ahu Council; member, Ali'i Pauahi HCC Ethelreda Kahalewai, Ewa Pu'uloa HCC Elizabeth Freda Gomes, HCC ofHonolulu Donald Van Gieson, HCC ofHonolulu Ellen Hyer, HCC ofWahiawa Carol 'lmiola Young, Ka Lei Maile Ali'i HCC Doreen Lindsey, Nanaikapono HCC Edward Sniffen, Pearl Harbor HCC lone Peters Akana, Prince Kuhio HCC Elia Long, Prince Kuhio HCC Robert Worthington, Prince KUbio HCC John Awana, Jr., Princess KaiuIani HCC Bill Correa, Queen Emma HCC and Lahaina HCC John Keolamaka'ainana Lake, Queen Emma HCC James Awai, Waialua HCC Gwendolyn Pikake Wahilani K. Pelekai, Waianae HCC and Ali'i Pauahi HCC HAWAI'I COUNCIL Josephine Pa, HCC ofHilo May Kaenaokalani Cook, HCC ofHilo Berni McKeague, HCC ofHilo Walter Chung, HCC ofLaupahoehoe Llewellyn Buddy Halona Farden, Kona HCC and Lahaina HCC Maile Mitchell, Kuakini HCC Martin Purdy, Waimea HCC MAUl COUNCIL Louise Montizor, Ho'olehua HCC Winona Beamer, Lahaina HCC Genoa Keawe, Lahaina HCC Frank Sylva, Lahaina HCC MAINLAND COUNCIL Arthur Gromsky, 'Ainahau a Kaleponi Victoria Tse, 'Ainahau a Kaleponi Helen Weatherby, 'Ainahau a Kaleponi Florence Kaliko Chamberlain, 'Ainahau a Kaleponi Alfred Correia, 'Ainahau a Kaleponi Lei Jensen, 'Ahahui a Lili'uokalani Shine (George) Liana, 'Ahahui a Lili'uokalani IV Michael Wong, 'Ahahui 0 Lili'uokalani Esther Kakalia Westmoreland, 'Ahahui KIwila 0 Hawai'i 0 San Diego Lawrence Chingy Milliora, Hui Hawai'i 0 Utah HCC Melinda Hanahano, Kauwahi 'Anaina Hawai'i HCC Jolyn Kauluwehionuuanuikaimilanioponoo Sadako Manuela, Kauwahi 'Anaina Hawai'i Rose Young, Kauwahi 'AnainaHawai'i HCC Myrtle Ku'ualoha Caldeira Nelson, Ke Ali'i Maka'ainana HCC Audene Barlow, Nii Keiki 0 Hawaii HCC Samuel Kamuela Kini, Nii Keiki 0 Hawaii HCC KAVAI COUNCIL Kapeka Chandler, Hanalei HCC Sam Pa, Hanalei HCC Alma Jeanette Noenoe Carroll, Kaumuali'i HCC KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Mr. Clyde Namuo, Administrator, Office ofHawaiian Affairs Since 2001, Clyde Namuo has been administrator of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Prior to that he served in the Hawaii Circuit Courts as Court Administrator of the Legal Documents Branch of the First Circuit Court, Chief Court Administrator, and Deputy Administrative Director of the Courts. As the administrator of OHA, Clyde has provided unprecedented service and support to Hawaiians through advocacy, and the provision of resources to empower the community. Through his leadership in carrying forth the vision ofthe Trustees ofthe OHA, the portfolio ofland owned by the OHA, on behalf of the Hawaiian community went from 1.1 acre in June 2006 to 27,732 acres as ofJuly 2006, securing an economic base for an eventual Hawaiian Nation. The grants program has increased significantly, with nearly $8 million going to community projects that support the goals ofOHA's Strategic Plan. Mr. Micah Kane, Chair, Hawaiian Homes Commission, Dept of Hawaiian Home Lands Micah Kane has been the Chairman of the Hawaiian Homes Commission and the Director of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands since his appointment by Governor Linda Lingle in 2003. The former Chairman and Executive Director of the Hawai'i Republican Party, Mr. Kane also served as a government affairs liaison for the Building Industry Association ofHawai'i. He was also a business consultant at the Pacific Business Center, which allowed him to travel to American Samoa, Saipan, Guam and Palau to help entrepreneurs start businesses. Mr. Kane received a Master's Degree in Business Administration from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa and a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from Menlo College, where he graduated Cum Laude. Mr. Kane is also a graduate ofthe Kamehameha Schools. Dr. Greg Chun, Kamehameha Schools President ofBishop Holdings Corporation and Subsidiaries (parent company is Kamehameha Schools), Dr. Gregory C. Chun bringsto his servant-leader position, an array oftraining and experiences. Following his graduation from Kamehameha Schools, Dr. Chun received a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Hawai'i at Hilo, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University ofHawai'i at Manoa. He has worked in administrative capacities with diverse local companies including Parker Ranch, Inc.; Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.; 'lulu Consulting; and Straub Clinic and Hospital. His community service is equally compelling, including work with Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce; Hiimiikua Health Center; Neighborhood Place of Kona; Kalihi-Palama Health Center; Hawai'i Island Economic Development Board; UH-Hilo Chancellor's Advisory Committee; Hawai'i Community Foundation West Hawai'i Fund; Kona Hospital Foundation; and Hawai'i Leeward Planning Conference. v Dr. Chun will share exciting news about restoration work at ancient sites in his talk entitled, "Ancient Ways, New Discoveries: Kamehameha Schools Huaka'i in Keauhou and Kahalu'u" PANEL MEMBERS, 'AHA MOKU EMPOWERMENT: KAUA'I LEADERS KIOLE SHARON POMROY is a life-long mahi'ai and lawai'a who lives and farms a 6-acre kihapai (farm) in Anahola, on the Moku of Ko'olau. She raises 40-plus mango trees with 19 different varieties and endemic and indigenous native Hawaiian species restored from the native forests of the Ko'olau Moku. By 1985, the Native Hawaiian forests in the Ko'olau Moku were severely decimated. Sharon has restored the 'A'alii, Ala He'e, Lo'ulu, several varieties of Kupukupu, koa and over 100 'ohia trees on the farm. Sharon is the President of the Anahola Hawaiian Land Farms Association THOMAS HASHIMOTO, 'Aha Moku Representative - Halele'a Moku. Uncle Tonuny is one of the most respected lawai'a in Hanalei and Ha'ena. A life-long fisherman and farmer, he epitomizes the complete ahupua'a practice of fishing and farming. KALEHUA HAM YOUNG, 'Aha Moku Representative - Kilauea, Halele'a Moku.
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