PA0ETHIRTY4IX- ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Wed., Oct. 85,1972 — ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------I .........V ■ liQgal Notice SETS RECORD Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 MOSCOW (AP) - The humor Blacks, Spanish-Speaking Voters To Have Special Reports Oouit of Protat* DMtIct of MancbatUr page of the Literary Gazette an­ certain. There haven’t been many All “networks will have high- NOTICE TO CREOm>RS nounced today that P. Shuranov, ByJAYSHARBUTT Angeles and WXTV here-as well winners in key battles. The for Ramsey Munb, the guber­ ESTATE OF KQN8TANTY KOWSS aka caliber political analysts on Elec- an engineer, has set a record by AP TelevUion Writer network, formed only last May, natorial candidate of the Raza endorsements of Democrats The Weather KON8TANTY KOBE or Koatanty Koac as by SIN’s three other stations Uon Night. But WXTV is hoping Punuant to an order o< Hon. DavW C. giving up smoking 57 times in one abo will Join MBS in reporting Unida (United People) party. here. and affiliates. Sunny this afttrnoon, high Rappa, A ctlnf Jud|e, all clalma muat be ^ The other Is the turnout — or “ The people seem pretty dis­ to go them one better. It’s trying pneamad to toe Odudanr named below on year. SIN’S election-night coverage national election results. NEW YORK (AP) - On Nov. affected by toth parties year, to get ambassadors as commen­ annmd 60. Clear tohiglit, low 16 or before January It, 1S7S or be barred by “ The previous record of 50 won’t be like that seen on the SIN b taking a different ap­ lack of it — among Spanish­ tators qn the presidential race. to 40. Fair FHday, High 60 to 60. law. TOe fiduciary la: times was held by American 7, America’s black and Spanish­ proach. In addition tb covering speaking voten In Loi Angeles, so It'll be critical to spot ahy HatteljpBtpr lEtipntttg Bpralh major networks. There’ll be no Alice Koae . speaking population will be trend — to see If they stay "If we can arrange It, we'll SS Cooper Street writer Mark Twain,” the paper New York-based “ election cen­ races involving Spanish-speaking where the Mexlcan-Amerlcan offered what they’ve never gotten Democratic, go for the GOP or have commentary from the Latin- Mancb., Conn. said. tral” brxxadcasting to the entire candidates, it also is closely population Is estimated at 18 per (MOW before' from network broad­ just abstain from voting at all.’* American ambassadors to the nation. SIN can’t afford the watching elections that directly cent of the county’s nearly 1.5 MANCHESTER — A City o f Village Charm casting — the minority report United Nations,” says news MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26,1072 VOL. XCH, No. 22 massive cost of siich a national affect the Spanish-speaking com­ million residents. In New York, which has a large TWENTY-FOUR P A G E S-TW O SECTIONS P R IC E P lIT la M C IN T I during a presidential election. “ The Spanish-speaking people director Guillermo Restrepo. television hookup. munity — particularly Qilifor- Puerto Rican population, WXTV For blacks, the report is on here have been unwavering "They’ll discuss how the election nia’s farm labor initiative. is emphasizing Its coverage of Your Reputation radio. It’ll come at Intervals on KMEX abo is out to report Democratic supporters for here will affect their countries. So it’s doing the next best two big elections In Puerto Rico the Mutual Black Network's 65 what could be two significant years,” says Danny Villanueva, It’ll be an important part of our thing. It’s rigt^ng a television — the gubernatorial race and the affiliate stations. Although the trencb. One b the size of the KMEX vice-president and coverage.” hookup only between KMEX and mayoral battle in San Juan. Is Safe With Us! network is white-owned, its Mexican-American vote in Texas general manager. “ Now It’s not reporting staff is black and its WXTV and bringing the rest of broadcasts tailored specifically the network together with Peace Settlement Terms Revealed It’s not easy to be the best cook on the block, but it helps if you for the black listener. telephone reports broadcast by start with meat from PINEHURST For the Spanish-speaking, the the other stations. report is entirely in Spanish and The Mutual Black Network, c a r care on television. It’s being broadcast part of the Mutual Broadcasting U.S. Choice 15 to 181b. by the Spanish International System, is concentrating on elec­ At Manchester CRC Session Packer Cut Network’s two most important tion races in which blacks are Accuses U.S. UHF station»-K M E X ‘ in Los involved^ and plans to project GENIER SIRLOIN TIP $ | 0 9 ROlirr MFXT to HARTMANN'S Rhone (.(irner WINDSOR X, WINDIRMlK’t AVt.NUL Of Delaying Tactics BEEF ROAST lb. L Cut into Roasts and Steaks. Peruvians Phasing Unfettered Local SAIGON (AP) — North Vietnam declared today that the United States agreed to sign a peace pact next Tuesday but then backed off and asked for further negotiations, saying it And lower price too on Out Santa Claus was having difficulty getting Saigon to go along. OVEN READY The Rugged TIRE An official North Vietnamese statement on the secret talks Christmas time,” he adds. Government Urged By WILLIAM H. HEATH ■'We re in the m id d le of in Paris between Henry A. Kissinger and Hanoi’s peace more than 30 capital projects, SIRLOIN TIP summer." By JOHN A. JOHNSTON negotiators apparently caught the United States and. South Associated Press Writer about a dozen of which were The southern hemisphere BEfTER TRACTION • GREATER SAFETY (Herald Reporter) Vietnam by surprise. LIMA, Peru (AP) — Christmas passed on referendunu. BEEF OVEN summer begins in December and Two speakers with present and past experience as top is two months away, but already He said that he has found no In the first Saigon reaction, the accord to “ give proof of its good Peru’s only snow is at the top of will and g o ^ faith. Mrs. Nguyen the word is out: Santa Claus isn’t administrators of state municipalities revealed a common problem arising from a conflict government's official radio said; some of the higher Andean peaks. ROAST ,b welcome in Peru this year. bond in their presentations on Uie strong mayor-council and between his political activities “ A separate agreement between Thi Binh, chief of the Viet Cong 4.39 Perez points out that his office Neither, are Christmas trees or manager-council forms of government at last night’s Charter and administrative duties. “ It all North Vietnam and the United delegation, said a U.S. signature cannot oblige all busin^m en to other yuletide symbols that don’t Revision Commission session. It is that participatory boils down to people,” he com­ States does not concern us in any would bring the peace every one SILVER TIP BEEF eliminate symbols from their conform to "Peruvian reality.” PRE-SEASON democracy should be geared up to work, and to accomplish mented. "People m ^ e things way. is waiting for. store windows, nor can it force The official Hanoi statement Taking their place will be ” E1 that, the hands of loqil government should not be tied. work. If he (the mayor) is a “ We in South Vietnam have the OVEN ROAST ,b. Nino Manuelito,” the “ Peruvian homeowners to discontinue their right of self-determination,” said said Kissinger had agreed to the 4.49 The guests were Mayor Gino political animal, playing political version of the Christ Child, usage. the commentator plan in his secret meetings in Arcanti of Danbury, currently In some communities, Arcanti games, the people vrill take care traditional manger scenes, and The North Vietnamese also Paris. BONELESS SQUARE CUT But bearded Papa Noels who serving his third two-year term; said, the effectiveness of the of that. G ^ politics is good other “ completely Peruvian” normally appear in Lima stores SALE PRICES read the statement to the Paris This called for a cease-fire in NO WASTE and David Bauer, general mayor has been weakened by the government.” symbols. on peace talks. Afterward U.S. Am­ Vietnam within 24 hours of the and downtown streets during the manager of the Greater Hartford establishment of many com­ (Continuity in the term of office The Ministry of Education says bassador William J. Porter said signing of a peace agreement. AU lb . Christmas shopping season “ will Chamber of Commerce and missions between him and the of the top administrative official SIRLOIN STEAK 4.59 advertising men have agreed to he thought it “ preferable not to prisoners o f the war would be have to beat a retreat” due to former manager of Wethersfield. operating departments. In this is the essential thing, Bauer said, eliminate foreign themes from make a formal statement at this released and all American and lack of advertising support “ and Atxmiti said that he sees the context, he said that Danbury’s in stating his case for the U.S. Choice Whole 18 to 20 lb. television and radio ads. It ex­ point. foreign troops would be because they are out of style.” strong mayor "at the roots of our 1965 charter revision eliminated manager-council structure of Packer Cut presses hope that the public will f SEIBERLING President Nguyen Van Thieu withdrawn within 60 days. democracy, a good clean form, the positions of police and fire local government. "You can't go follow the example. The Rev. Rene Paredes, met for an hour with U.S.
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