Topological Gaseous Plasmon Polariton in Realistic Plasma Jeffrey B. Parker∗ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550, USA J. B. Marston Brown Theoretical Physics Center and Department of Physics, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912-1843, USA Steven M. Tobias Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom Ziyan Zhu Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA Nontrivial topology in bulk matter has been linked with the existence of topologically protected interfacial states. We show that a gaseous plasmon polariton (GPP), an electromagnetic surface wave existing at the boundary of magnetized plasma and vacuum, has a topological origin that arises from the nontrivial topology of magnetized plasma. Because a gaseous plasma cannot sustain a sharp interface with discontinuous density, one must consider a gradual density falloff with scale length comparable to or longer than the wavelength of the wave. We show that the GPP may be found within a gapped spectrum in present-day laboratory devices, suggesting that platforms are currently available for experimental investigation of topological wave physics in plasmas. Edge states arising from topologically nontrivial bulk trivial topology of a magnetized plasma. The applied matter have attracted significant recent attention. For magnetic field breaks time-reversal symmetry, and there- example, topological insulators and the quantum Hall fore the topology is analogous to that of the integer quan- states are now understood as manifestations of topol- tum Hall effect [21] or Kelvin waves [17]. While other sur- ogy [1,2], and similar reasoning has been applied to a face waves in inhomogeneous or bounded plasmas have diverse range of other physical systems [3]. Edge states been investigated previously [22, 23], topological aspects have garnered intense practical interest due to topologi- have not been considered. The GPP initially appears cal protection and the prospect for robust, undirectional from similar mathematical structure as the surface mag- propagation with reduced losses to scattering from de- netoplasmon polariton occurring at the surface of metals fects. In analogy to the systems in the quantum mechan- or semiconductors [24, 25]. However, the internal struc- ical regime, classical systems, including photonics [4{10], tures of metals and plasmas are quite different, and quan- acoustics [11{13], mechanical systems [14, 15], as well as tum corrections are unlikely to play an important role continuum fluids [16{19], can exhibit topological quanti- in the gaseous plasma considered here. Another criti- zation as well as edge states between topologically dis- cal difference is that gaseous plasmas, unlike metals and tinct states of matter. semiconductors, cannot sustain sharp interfaces where Plasmas support rich wave physics, especially in the the density jumps essentially discontinuously. The spa- presence of a magnetic field, multiple species, kinetic dis- tial variation of the plasma density introduces additional tributions, and inhomogeneity. Analysis of band struc- physics such as a changing upper hybrid frequency, and ture and wave dispersion properties has been a corner- the character of the local dispersion relation may shift stone in the understanding of plasma waves, leading to across the plasma. The question of whether or not a important practical applications such as current drive plasma can support the GPP when the density varies and heating for fusion devices. Yet the topological char- over a length scale larger than a wavelength has not yet acterization of plasma band structure, and its conse- been addressed. Potential uses of surface waves like the GPP include surface-mode-sustained plasma discharges arXiv:1911.01069v2 [physics.plasm-ph] 12 May 2020 quences for edge states, has not been fully appreciated. One recent work has proposed that the reversed-shear [26, 27]. Alfv´eneigenmode observed in tokamaks arises from the We consider a plasma with realistic density profile and nontrivial topology associated with magnetic shear and demonstrate the GPP can be supported, and further- the topological phase transition across a zero-shear layer more we show that parameter regimes in which the GPP [20]. is accessible may be attained in currently existing labora- Here we consider one of the simplest plasmas, a dilute tory devices. Our results motivate experiments to probe gas of ions and electrons in a magnetic field. We inves- many of the open issues regarding topological waves in tigate the topological gaseous plasmon polariton (GPP), plasmas, such as to what extent they exhibit topological an electromagnetic surface wave that arises due to non- protection, and how nonlinearities affect their behavior. 2 We adopt the cold-plasma model of a magnetized, sta- c=!p, velocity to eE=me!p, electric field to E, and mag- tionary plasma, appropriate for light waves when the netic field to E=c, where E is some reference electric field. electron thermal speed is much less than the speed of Then the only parameter is σ = sign(B0)Ωe=!p, where light. We assume a high-frequency regime and retain only Ωe = jeB0=mej is the electron cyclotron frequency. Upon the electron motion, treating ions as an immobile neu- letting @=@t ! −i! and r ! ik, we obtain the eigen- tralizing background. Electron collisions are neglected value equation H jfi = ! jfi, where jfi = v E B is a for the dilute plasmas considered here because the col- 9-element vector and H is a 9 × 9 Hermitian matrix cor- lision frequency is orders of magnitude smaller than the responding to the linear operator, which plays the role wave frequency of interest. The linearized equations of of an effective Hamiltonian. We work in Cartesian co- motion for an infinite homogeneous plasma are [28] ordinates. The matrix H is written out explicitly in the Supplemental Material [29]. @v e = − (E + v × B0); (1a) We allow for an arbitrary propagation angle with re- @t me spect to the magnetic field. We fix kz and consider a pa- @E 2 ene = c r × B + v; (1b) rameter space k? = (kx; ky). This problem is isotropic @t 0 in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field. For @B = −∇ × E; (1c) each k?, there are 9 solutions for the eigenvalues !n, @t for n = −4; −3;:::; 4, which we order by ascending fre- where v is the electron fluid velocity, E the electric quency, and !−n = −!n. The corresponding eigenfunc- tions are denoted jni. Except for certain values of k and field, B0 = B0^z the background magnetic field, B the z perturbation magnetic field, e the elementary charge, σ, the eigenvalues are nondegenerate. The band struc- ture is shown in Fig.1. ne the background electron density, me the electron mass, c the speed of light, and 0 the permittivity of When the eigenvalues are nondegenerate, frequency free space. It is convenient to work in nondimension- band n may be characterized by a Chern number Cn = −1 −1 alized units in which time is normalized to !p , where (2π) dk? Fn(k?), where the Berry curvature Fn(k) 2 1=2 !p = (nee =me0) is the plasma frequency, length to of the band at a given k is given by R @H @H @H @H n m m n − m n n m @k @k @k @k x y x y Fn(k) = i 2 : (2) ( !n − !m) m6=n X 2 2 −1 The Chern numbers C1;C3;C4 are integer valued, but r(k) = (1 + jk?j =kc ) for some cutoff wave number C2 takes noninteger values when using the linear opera- kc. This modification functionally alters the plasma fre- tor in Eq. (1). The issue of a \noninteger Chern num- quency to become small at small length scales. To pre- ber" stems from a lack of insufficient smoothness at small serve Hermiticity, we also modify the nondimensionalized scales of the linear operator H, which leads to the inabil- Ampere{Maxwell equation to be @tE = r × B + r(k)v. ity to compactify the infinite k plane [16]. If H falls off Using the discreteness regularization, the Chern num- sufficiently rapidly, one can map the k plane into the bers are integer valued and are independent of the form Riemann sphere, which is compact. of r(k) as long as it decays sufficiently rapidly. The regu- larization removes noninteger contributions from infinite An integer C2 can be restored through regularization of H. Regularization of continuous electromagnetic media k while retaining the integer-valued contribution from based on the notion of material discreteness has been ad- finite k. A key point is that kc may be taken to be dressed previously [16, 30], although other means of com- arbitrarily large, such that the physical effect of the reg- pactifying continuum fluids have been discussed [31, 32]. ularization at length scales of interest can be made ar- The plasma ceases to look like a continuous medium at bitrarily small. Additional details can be found in the sufficiently small length scales, which the fluid model Supplemental Material [29]. does not take into account. To model this physical dis- We consider kz > 0. Because bands 2 and 3 touch at ∗ ∗ 2 creteness, the regularization suppresses the plasma re- kz = kz , where (ckz =!p) = σ=(1 + σ), there are two ∗ ∗ ∗ sponse at small scales. In the Fourier representation, the distinct regimes: kz < kz and kz > kz . At kz < kz , nondimensionalized electron equation of motion is mod- the Chern numbers of the positive-frequency bands are ified to be @tv = −r(k)E − σv × ^z, where r becomes Cn = −1; 2; 0; −1, for n = 1; 2; 3; 4, shown in Fig.1. The small at large wave vectors. For instance, we can take Chern number of the zero-frequency band is 0, and the 3 3.0 3.0 (a) (b) is simply Eq.
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