“Faith Alive” focus on mission trips, The Catholic Moment Page 13. Serving the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana Volume 74, Number 23 June 17, 2018 Carmel parishioner answers calling in outreach to the elderly Religious ‘God just freedom focus of opens all June 22-29 these doors’ observance By Caroline B. Mooney By Catholic News Service The Catholic Moment WASHINGTON (CNS) — CARMEL — Jennie Hesher has The U.S. Catholic Church’s had a heart for helping the elderly 2018Copyright religious material freedom since she was a child. That led her to observance begins June 22, create Connecting Hearts Inc., a non- the feast of two English mar- profit ministry dedicated to sharing tyrsPlease who fought see thereligious Jesus’ love with the aged. persecution — St. John Fish- “When I was young, my mom er andweekly St. Thomas print More — used to take me to visit my grandma and editionends June for 29, full the feast in a nursing home,” she said. “I of two apostles martyred in remember seeing so much sadness, Rome —content St. Peter and St. desolation and loneliness that I had Paul. never seen before. I got attached to “Serving Others in God’s so many people. I would just smile Love” is the theme of this at them or give them a hug. My year’s Religious Freedom grandmother passed away, but I Week. U.S. Catholics are kept visiting with my sister and encouraged to pray and take group of friends.” action in support of reli- Hesher, a member of Our Lady of gious liberty at home and Mt. Carmel Parish, Carmel, wanted abroad. her children to have the same experi- “Religious freedom ence she had. allows the space for people “About six years ago, while we of faith to serve others in lived in Fishers, I started taking my God’s love in ministries like daughter Jenna, now 13, and son education, adoption and Drew, now 11, to pass out cookies to Jennie Hesher poses for a photo with foster care, health care, and two nursing homes in that area,” she one of the recipients of bouquets migration and refugee ser- said. “We went on holidays and made and delivered by Connecting vices,” said the chairman of made good friends there.” Hearts Inc. with donated flowers. the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Commit- (Continued on Page 9) (Photo provided) tee for Religious Liberty. (Continued on Page 10) ‘Picnic with the Sisters’ a joyful gift of ‘girl time’ Forty girls, By Caroline B. Mooney ages 10 The Catholic Moment to 14, gathered LAFAYETTE — Forty for the girls, ages 10 to 14, recently “Picnic enjoyed a “Picnic with the with the Sisters” with the Sisters of Sisters” St. Francis of Perpetual Ado- at the ration at their convent. Sisters of “We were able to show St. Francis them what life as a sister is of Perpet- like and answer any ques- ual Adora- tions as they grow in their faith and see what God has tion con- planned for them,” said Sis- vent in ter Lucia Richardson, OSF, Lafayette. who organized the event. “Retreats are held at the (Photo motherhouse for girls in provided) high school, so it’s nice to reach out to younger girls (Continued on Page 8) Page 2 The Catholic Moment June 17, 2018 St. Paul Preschool in Mar- such as language, physical, and Family Studies experts ion has achieved a Level 4 PEOPLE & social/emotional and at Purdue University. St. rating in “Paths to thinking skills.” “Paths to Paul Preschool has been QUALITY,” Indiana’s PLACES QUALITY” is a voluntary caring for young children quality rating and statewide system created for 23 years and offers improvement system for to improve the quality of both 3-/4-year-old and 4- child care programs. Cindy child care and early educa- /5-year-old learning envi- June 17 Mauman, principal of St. tion for children. It gives ronments. It is an exten- 11th Sunday families a tool to find the sion of the mission and Paul Preschool, said, “This in Ordinary Time is one more step we are best quality program for ministry of St. Paul Cycle B Readings: taking to constantly to QUALITY’ made it pos- their needs, and supports Catholic Church. For more improve the quality of our sible for us to purchase a and recognizes providers information, visit preschool program. The nationally recognized cur- on a four-level rating sys- www.stpaulcatholic 1) Ezekiel 17:22-24 program is also accredited riculum which helps us tem. The system has been marion.org/preschool or 2) 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 through AdvancED. The meet the individual needs studied and validated by call the school at 765-662- 3) Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 funds provided by ‘Paths of students in all areas the Child Development 2883. Monday, June 18 1) 1 Kings 21:1-16 2) Gospel: Matthew 5:38-42 Tuesday, June 19 1) 1 Kings 21:17-29 2) Gospel: Matthew 5:43-48 Wednesday, June 20 1) 2 Kings 2:1, 6-14 2) Gospel: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday, June 21 1) Sirach 48:1-14 2) Gospel: Matthew 6:7-15 Friday, June 22 1) 2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-18, 20 2) Gospel: Matthew 6:19-23 Saturday, June 23 1) 2 Chronicles 24:17-25 2) Gospel: Matthew 6:24-34 Sts. Joan of Arc and Patrick School in Kokomo recently honored its 2018 SAINT Award winners: Sid- ney Gilbert and Caden Lechner. The SAINT Award is The texts of Scripture the top athletic award at the school and is presented readings for the Mass annually to the eighth-graders who best represent the for every day of the school as Students, Athletes, Inspiration, Natural lead- week are linked to the ers and Team players. Father Matthew Arbuckle, pastor diocesan Web site at of St. Joan of Arc, and Father Brian Dudzinski, pastor Youth at St. Lawrence Parish in Muncie recently www.dol-in.org. of St. Patrick, presented the awards during the end-of- joined in a May crowning celebration at the church. year awards ceremony. (Photo provided) (Photo provided) The Catholic Moment USPS 403-610 ISSN 1087-2604 How to report an incident of sexual abuse of a minor Cómo denunciar un incidente de abuso sexual PUBLISHER: contra un menor Most Rev. Timothy L. Doherty If you or someone you know has been a victim of child sexual abuse by a person working for the Si usted o alguien que conoce ha sido víctima del ASSISTANT EDITOR: Laurie Cullen Roman Catholic Church in the Diocese of Lafayette- abuso sexual infantil por parte de una persona que tra- CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Caroline B. Mooney in-Indiana (such as a priest, deacon, sister, brother, baje para la Iglesia Católica-Romana en la Diócesis de COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST: lay officer, lay employee, lay volunteer, etc.) you are Lafayette en Indiana (tal como un sacerdote, diácono, Sarah L. Murphy requested to report the incident in the following man- religioso, funcionario laico, empleado, voluntario, etc.) se Address all correspondence to: ner: le pide que denuncie el incidente de la siguiente forma: The Catholic Moment P.O. Box 1603, Lafayette, IN 47902 1) Realice una denuncia ante la organización de pro- 765-742-2050 1) Make a report to Child Protective Services by e-mail: [email protected] calling 800-800-5556. tección para menores llamando al 800-800-5556. Shipping address for packages: 2) Llame a la Oficina del Vicario General (765-269- 610 Lingle Ave., Lafayette, IN 47901 2) Call the Office of the Vicar General (765-269- Published weekly except the second 4601) or the Office of Assistance Ministry (765-464- 4601) o a la oficina del ministerio de asistencia (765- and fourth weeks in July and August 464-4988) de la Diócesis de Lafayette en Indiana. and the last week in December. 4988) for the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana. Subscription price: 3) Redacte una descripción detallada de los hechos e $27 per year; $.75 per copy 3) Compose in writing a detailed description of the incidentes de dicho abuso y envíela tan pronto como Through parish: $22 per year facts/incidents of the abuse and send it as soon as Periodical postage paid at Lafayette, sea posible a: Mr. Max Layden, PO Box 909, Lafayette, IN, and at additional mailing offices. possible to: Mr. Max Layden, PO Box 909, Lafayette, IN 47902. Postmaster: Send address changes to: IN 47902. The Catholic Moment 4) Posteriormente, la Diócesis de Lafayette en Indi- P.O. Box 1603, Lafayette, IN 47902 4) Thereafter, an investigation will be undertaken ana o un representante de ésta, llevará a cabo una Member of Catholic Press Association © 2018 The Catholic Moment by or on behalf of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana. investigación. June 17, 2018 The Catholic Moment Page 3 ‘Divine Renovation’ growing at Blessed Sacrament Parish By Sandi Patel sanctuary, as well as added For The Catholic Moment projectors and screens. The parish staff began being fully WEST LAFAYETTE — In present on the weekend so the book “Divine Renova- parishioners would be wel- tion: Bringing Your Parish comed, know who we were from Maintenance to Mis- and find us available to help. sion,” Father James Mallon We focused on the homily as shares his journey as a priest a leadership team to provide moving from failing parish Sunday messaging that to failing parish. parishioners could carry Some of the challenges he with them throughout the encountered were waning week. We built teams of attendance, deferred build- greeters to welcome parish- ing maintenance, no adult ioners to Mass and we formation, no outreach, jeal- enhanced our music.
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