EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF EGYPTOLOGISTS THE MENA HOUSE OBEROI CAIRO 28 March – 3 April 2000 10.00: OPENING CEREMONY OF THE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF EGYPTOLOGISTS Mr. Farouk Hosni, Minister of Culture, Dr. G.A. Gaballa, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Dr. Faiza Haikal, President of the International Association of Egyptologists Dr Z. Hawass, General Secretary of the 8th International Congress of Egyptologists followed by an AWARD CEREMONY to honor eminent Egyptologists 11.00: RECEPTION 12.00: FIRST MILLENIUM LECTURE AND DEBATE: D. O’CONNOR, EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGY Respondent: M. Bietak. Panel: F. Hassan, M. Lehner, K. Mysliwiec, R. Stadelmann, M. Verner 1.00: Lunch 1.30: G. A. Gaballa: The Work of the Supreme Council of Antiquities 2.15: B. Mathieu: Travaux et fouilles recents de l’IFAO 3.00: Break 3.15: G. Dreyer: Recent Activities of the German Institute of Archaeology 4.00: M. Easton: Expeditions and Conservation Projects of the American Research Center in Egypt WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH AM Debate: Zahi Hawass: Site Management Respondent: K Weeks. Panel: M. Jones, C. Leblanc, W. Mayer, F. Saleh WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH AM. ROOM 1 THE DESERTS AND EARLY HISTORY REIMER, Heiko: The Re-conquest of the Great Sand Sea KINDERMANN, Karin: Djara: Prehistoric links between the Desert and the Nile LINSTÄDTER, Jörg: Prehistoric land use systems in the Gilf Kebir HASSAN, F. A: Kafr Hassan Dawood, Preliminary Results of the SCA-UCL Archaeological investigations 1995-1999 FALTINGS, Dina A: Excavations in Buto 1993-1998 WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH AM. ROOM 2 NEW KINGDOM STUDIES PICCIONE, Peter: A Family of Priests Revealed in Theban Tombs No. 72 and 121 ZAYED, Abdel Hamid: Exploits Sportifs du Roi Amenophis II ORSENIGO, Christian: Khay, vizier of Ramses II: an unknown statue in a private collection and new perspectives on his role SEIDLMAYER, Stephan J: New Rock Inscriptions on Elephantine Island RAMADAN, W: La chapelle de Thoth à Abu Simbel WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH AM. ROOM 3 FESTIVALS… HEIDEN, Désirée N: New aspects on the treatment of the cult statue in the Daily Temple Ritual WALTERS, Elizabeth J: Women in the Cult of Isis at Hierakonpolis MOCHARAFA, Aya A: Les épouses divines d’Amon du Nouvel Empire jusqu’à la fin de la XXIIème dynastie OREKHOV, Roman A: Hathor - die Irdische und Hathor - die Himmlische EL-ADLY, S. Abd El Azim: Hathor: Herkunft und Entstehung 1 WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH AM. ROOM 4 GRAECO-ROMAN STUDIES MAJCHEREK, Grzegorz: Mosaic Floors of Roman Triclinia in Alexandria: Evolution of the Techniques and Design AUTH, Susan H: Ptolemaic Glass-Mosaic Hathor Plaques, Egyptian or Greek? EISENBERG, Jerome M: Some Unrecorded Egyptian Pantheistic Deities from the Graeco-Roman Period and Numismatic Parallels DAS CANDEIAS SALES, J: Les monnaies de l’époch ptolémaïque au Portugal SAAD, Ibrahim: Nine Terracotta Statues of Prisoners from Buto WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH AM. ROOM 5 LANGUAGE I SATZINGER, Helmut: The Position of Egyptian among the Afroasiatic Languages DARNELL, John: The Pony Express and the Origins of the Alphabet in the Egyptian Western Desert ZAUZICH, Karl-Th: Die Herkunft des Alphabets FATHY, Ashraf M: Phonetic Patterns of Arabized Egyptian Words: a Comparative Phonetics Approach DELATTRE, Alain: Les termes égyptiens désignant le scorpion WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH AM. ROOM 6 STONE CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION NAKHLA, Shawki, G. MAHGOUB and H. HUBACEK: Mechanism of Flake Formation and Limestone Degradation Case-study: the Sphinx and the Surrounding Rock NASR, Mohamed: The Reconstruction of the Red chapel of Hatshepsut SZAFRANSKI, Zbigniew E: Upper Terrace of the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari: Recent Results of Restoration Work GAZDA, Rajmund; Aesthetical and technical problems of conservation at the Hatshepsut Temple in Deir el-Bahri AKSAMIT Joanna: The Tuthmosis III Temple at Deir el-Bahari: Progress of Work and Perspectives for the Future WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH PM. ROOM 1 THE DESERTS AND EARLY HISTORY Van HAARLEM, Willem M: The Excavations at Tell Ibrahim Awad (Sharqiya Province) EIGNER, Dieter: Tell Ibrahim Awad: A Sequence of Temple Buildings from Dynasty 0 until the Middle Kingdom Van WETERING, J. F. L: Early Cemeteries of the East Delta; Kafr Hassan Dawood, Minshat Abu Omar and Tell Ibrahim Awad BADAWI, Fathi Afifi: Kurzer Bericht aus dem spät-prädynastischen Fundort Maadi WATRIN, L. and O. BLIN: The Nile's Early Stone Architecture: New Data from Ma'adi West BAKR, Mohamed Ibrahim: Recent Excavations at Ezbet et-Tell. KÖHLER, E. Christiana: New Excavations at the Early Dynastic Cemetery at Helwan/Ezbet el-Walda WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH PM. ROOM 2 NUBIAN AND LATE PERIOD STUDIES RESHETNIKOVA, Nadezhda A: Alternation of Egyptian Temple Forms in Ancient Nubia KENDALL, Timothy: Gebel Barkal: New Kingdom and 25th Dynasty Coronation Center and “Ka” of the Royal Crown GOZZOLI, Robert B: Piye Imitates Tuthmosis III. Trends in a Nubian Historiographical Text of the Early Phase KAHN, Dan'el: The Inscription of Sargon II at Tang-I Var and the Chronology of Dynasty 25 YOUNIS, Sobhy A: Psammetichus I and Gyges: A Secret Alliance? TOPOZADA, Zakeya: Amasis à Memphis STERNBERG-EL HOTABI, Heike: Politische und sozio-ökonomische Strukturen im perserzeitlichen Ägypten 2 WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH PM. ROOM 3 … AND FUNERALS PINCH Geraldine: Redefining Funerary Objects SOLKINE, Victor V: The Sculptural Representation of the Prince Khaemwaset in Moscow VASILJEVI?, Vera: Some Remarks on Royal Representations from Private Tombs of the Middle Kingdom LECLÈRE, François: New Data on Burials of Osirid Figurines: the So-Called Saite Vaulted Tomb at Karnak COULON, Laurent: The "Sanctuary of Shentayt" in Karnak: Gods and Priests of the Osirian Mound HASSOUN, M: Some Symbolic Implications of the Min Festival TREDINNICK, Stephen: The Origin of the Ankh: a Theory in Support of Ancient Egyptian Intelligence WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH PM. ROOM 4 NEW KINGDOM MEMPHITE NECROPOLEIS TAWFIK, Tarek S: The Extent of the New Kingdom Cemetery in the Memphite Necropolis GESSLER-LÖHR, Beatrix; Grabkapellen der Vor-Amarnazeit im Bereich des Teti-Nordfriedhofs in Saqqara ZIVIE, Alain: Les hypogées du Nouvel Empire à Saqqara: découverte, préservation, mise en valeur AKNS HASEGAWA, So: New Kingdom Necropolis at Dahshur YOSHIMURA, Sakuji: Recent Excavations of Waseda University in the Saqqara Area and on the West Bank at Luxor RAVEN, Martin: 25 years of work in the New Kingdom necropolis of Saqqara. Van WALSEM, René: Dutch Excavations at Saqqara 1999-2000 (The Museum of Antiquities, Leiden, and Leiden University) HASEGAWA, So, The New Kingdom Necropolis at Dahshur WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH PM. ROOM 5 MUSEUMS AND COLLECTIONS SALEH. Mohamed: The New Giza Museum ABD EL-MEGUID, Ossama: The Nubia Museum in Aswan MEZA, Alicia I: Ancient Egypt in Malta: an Ancestor Bust from the Delta and other Objects SIST, Loredana: A New Exhibition of a Roman Collection of Egyptian Antiquities GUIDOTTI, M.Christina: Le musée égyptien de Florence à la fin du deuxième millénaire PIACENTINI, Patrizia: Writing Tools in the Cairo Museum: Preparing the Volume of the CGC TRAD, May: The Lining of the Coffin from Tomb KV55 and related objects from Tutankhamun's Tomb (no abstract) WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH PM. ROOM 6 SITE PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT NAKHLA, S, ET AL: Ten years Experience of Silicate Technology in the Consolidation of Egyptian Stone Monuments DOBROWOLSKI, Jaroslaw: Theory and Practice: Charters at Work in ARCE’s Conservation Projects SMITH, Craig B: Site Management at Archaeological Monuments BRISSAUD, Philippe: Tanis: protection du patrimonie et recherches archéologiques à la lumière des derniers travaux SHEEHAN, Peter: Brief Encounters with the Ancient Landscape: Urban Archaeology in Modern Cairo PARIZEK, R.R., S.S. ALEXANDER, D.P. GOLD and E. WALTERS: Development of a Strategy for Groundwater Control to Preserve the Temple-Town, Hierakonpolis ALLAM, A. R. and G. A. MAHGOUB: Attempts for Archaeological Sites: Humidity Removal by Means of Electrical Method 3 THURSDAY 30 MARCH AM Debate: H.Te Velte: Religion Respndent: J. Assmann. Panel: J. Allen, J-P Frandsen, J-C. Goyon, E. Winter THURSDAY 30 MARCH AM. ROOM 1 DELTA SITES AND EARLY HISTORY CHLODNICKI, Marek: Stratigraphy and Chronology of the Central Kom at Tell el-Farkha JUCHA, Mariusz: Tell el-Farkha 1998-1999; Pottery from Predynastic and Early Dynastic Strata CASTILLOS, Juan José: The Predynastic Cemeteries at Mostagedda MEKKAWY, F: Discoveries at Tell El-Farain (Buto) BELOVA, Galina A: Geo-Political Importance of Tell Ibrahim Awad THURSDAY 30 MARCH AM. ROOM 2 THEBAN TEMPLES EL-SAGHIR, Mohamed: New Discoveries at the Avenue of the Sphinxes (the Great Processional Way of Thebes) VÖRÖS, Gyõzõ: The Ancient Nest of Horus above Thebes: Hungarian Excavations at the Temple of Pharaoh Montuhotep Sankhkara LEBLANC, C. GUY LECUYOT et M. MAHER-TAHA: Documentation, recherches et restauration au Ramesseum. Bilan et perspectives. KALOS, M., et M. NELSON: La chapelle de la reine blanche à Thèbes-ouest: Nouvelles données sur l’histoire du site MURNANE, William J: “A Tale of Two Kings”: Historical Revisionism and Epigraphy in Karnak Temple’s Great Hypostyle Hall THURSDAY 31 MARCH AM. ROOM 3 RELIGIOUS TEXTS AYAD, Mariam: Closing the Circle: On Deconstructing a Reconstructed Text; The Case of Pyramid Texts. BARTEL, Hans-Georg: Zur antiken Ideenähnlichkeit: Personifikationen im Pyramidentext-Spruch 205 BILLING, Nils: Some Spatial Properties of the Goddess Nut in the Pyramid Texts POPIELSKA-GRZYBOWSKA, Joanna: The Problem of Atum’s and Khoprer’s Mutual Relationship in the Pyramid Texts THURSDAY 30 MARCH AM. ROOM 4 GRAECO-ROMAN SITES CORTEGGIANI, Jean-Pierre: Les inscriptions hiéroglyphiques de la fouille sous-marine de Qâytbây GOUDCHAUX, Guy: The Rediscovery of Two Royal Bronze Figures of Alexander Helios KUHLMANN, Klaus P: The Ammoneion Oracular Complex at Siwa Oasis: Excavations and Restoration conducted by the DAI 1993-1999 DASZEWSKI, W.A: Marina El-Alamein: Excavation of an Unknown Coastal Town of the Graeco-Roman Period LIMNEOS-PAPACOSTA, Calliope: Macedonian Influence on the Funerary Architecture and Burial Customs of Hellenistic Alexandria THURSDAY 30 MARCH AM.
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