List of Polling Stations for 160 சீர்காழி Assembly Segment within the 28 மயலாைற Parliamentary Constituency Sl.No Polling Location and name of building in Polling Areas Whether for All station No. which Polling Station located Voters or Men only or Women only 12 3 4 5 1 1 Logambal Kulandaivelu Aided 1.Mathira velur (R.V.) And (P) Paluran Padukai ward 2 , 2.Mathira velur (R.V.) And All Voters Elementary School ,(West (P) Utchi Medu ward:2 , 3.Mathira velur (R.V) And (P) Ethakudi ward:2 , 4.Mathira Building) Mathiravelur velur (R.V) And (P) Pattiya Medu ward:2 , 5.Mathira velur (R.V) And (P) Keelakudiyana Street ward:2 , 6.Mathira velur (R.V) And (P) Mathiravelur Mela Street ward:2 , 7.Mathira velur ( R.V) And (P) Mathiravelur Kilatheru ward:2 , 8.Mathira velur ( R.V) And (P) Athidravidar Street ward:2 2 2 Muthusamy Viswanathan High 1.Mathiravellur ( R.V ) And (P) Periya Street Ward:1 , 2.Mathiravellur (R.V.) And All Voters School ,South Side Building East (P) Nadu Street ward :1 , 3.Mathiravellur (R.V ) And (P) Thiruvalluvar Street Ward : Portion, Mathiravelur 1 , 4.Mathiravellur ( R.V.) And (P) South Street Ward : 1 , 5.Mathiravellur (R.V.) And (p) Agraharam Ward :1 , 6.Mathiravellur (R.V) And (P) Madavilaga Street Ward:1 , 7.Mathiravellur (R.V) And (P) Vallalar Street Ward:1 , 8.Mathiravellur ( R.V) And (P) Kuravar Street Ward:1 , 9.Mathiravellur (R.V) And (P), Pandiyan Street Ward:1 Page Number : 1 of 84 List of Polling Stations for 160 சீர்காழி Assembly Segment within the 28 மயலாைற Parliamentary Constituency Sl.No Polling Location and name of building in Polling Areas Whether for All station No. which Polling Station located Voters or Men only or Women only 12 3 4 5 3 3 Muthusamy Viswanathan High 1.Mathirivellur (R.V) And (P) Poonkudi South Street Ward:3 , 2.Mathirivellur (R.V) All Voters School ,North Side New Building And (P), Poonkudi Colony Street Ward:3 , 3.Mathirivellur (R.V) And (P) Thoppu , Mathiravelur Street Ward:3 , 4.Mathirivellur (R.V) And (P) Kalungadu Street Ward:3 , 5.Mathirivellur, (R.V) And (P) Otha Street Ward:3 , 6.Mathirivellur,(R.V) And (P) Poonkudi Nayakkar Street Ward:3 , 7.Mathirivellur,(R.V) And (P) Senniyanallur Ward:3 , 8.Mathirivellur,(R.V) And (P) Subbarayanpettai Ward:3 , 9.Mathirivellur, (R.V) And (P) Keelavadi Athidravidar Street Ward:3 , 10.Mathirivellur, ( R.V ) And (P), Keelavadi Valluvar Street Ward:3 , 11.Mathirivellur, (R.V) And (P) Athidravidar Colony Ward:3 4 4 Meenakshiammal Aided Middle 1.Sothiakudi,(R.V) And (P) Kannikovil Street ward :1 , 2.Sothiakudi, (R.V) And (P) All Voters School ,(West side) Madapurm Pillayar Kovil Street ward :1 , 3.Sothiakudi , (R.V) And (P) Madapuram Chidambaranathapuram Mela Street ward :1 , 4.Sothiyakudi ,(R.V) And (P) Keerangudi Anna Nagar ward:2 , Sothiyagudi (P) 5.Sothiyakudi, (R.V) And (P) Keerangudi Vaikkankarai Street ward:2 , 6.Sothiyakudi , (R.V) And (P) Keerangudi Kudiyana Street ward:2 , 7.Sothiyagudi, (R.V) And (P) Konnakkattu Padukai ward:3 , 8.Sothiyagudi, (R.V) And (P) Chidambaranatapuram Thoppu Street ward:3 Page Number : 2 of 84 List of Polling Stations for 160 சீர்காழி Assembly Segment within the 28 மயலாைற Parliamentary Constituency Sl.No Polling Location and name of building in Polling Areas Whether for All station No. which Polling Station located Voters or Men only or Women only 12 3 4 5 5 5 Meenakshiammal Middle School 1.Sothiyagudi, (R.V) And (P) Sothiyagudi Pallikooda Street ward:1 , 2.Sothiyagudi, All Voters ,East Side Chidambaranathapuram (R.V) And (P) Pillaiyar Kovil Street ward:1 , 3.Sothiyagudi,(R.V.) And (P) Maniyam Sothiyagudi (P) Madapurm ward:3 , 4.Sothiyagudi, (R.V) And (P) Madapuram South Street ward:1 , 5.Sothiyagudi,( R.V) And (P) Main Road Sothiyagudi ward:1 , 6.Sothiyakudi,(R.V) And (P) Chidamparanathapuram Kudiyana Street ward:2 , 7.Sothiyakudi, ( R.V) And (P) Chidamparanathapuram Pallikooda Street ward:2 , 8.Sothiyakudi, ( R.V) And (P) Periya Street ward:2 6 6 Kollidam Panchayat Union Middle, 1.Gopala samuthiram, (R.V) And (P) Kunnam Colony Street ward:1 , 2.Gopala All Voters School, Eastern building samuthiram, ( R.V) And (P) Kadukamaram Kudiana Street ward:1 , 3.Gopala ,Aananthakuthan, samuthiram,(R.V) And (P) Kadukamaram Adi-dravidar Street ward:1 , 4.Gopala Gopalasamuthiram (P) samuthiram, (R.V) And (P) Anandakooththan Adi-dravidar Street ward:1 7 7 Kollidam Panchayat Union Middle, 1.Gopala samuthiram,(R.V) And (P) Anandakooththan Kudiyana Street ward:1 , All Voters School, Western building 2.Gopala samuthiram,(R.V) And (P) Rasangam Nagar ward:1 , 3.Gopala samuthiram, ,Aananthakuthan, (R.V) And (P) Ananthakoothan Mainroad ward:1 , 4.Gopala samuthiram, (R.V) And Gopalasamuthiram (P) (P) Chinnaputhur Mainroad ward:1 , 5.Gopala samuthiram,( R.V) And (P) Kuravar Street ward:1 Page Number : 3 of 84 List of Polling Stations for 160 சீர்காழி Assembly Segment within the 28 மயலாைற Parliamentary Constituency Sl.No Polling Location and name of building in Polling Areas Whether for All station No. which Polling Station located Voters or Men only or Women only 12 3 4 5 8 8 Srinivasa Subburaya Polytechnic 1.Gopala somuthram,(R.V) And (P) Kallar Street ward:1 , 2.Gopala somuthram,(R.V) All Voters ,New Building Room No.107 And (P) Kumilankadu ward:1 , 3.Gopala somuthram, ( R.V) And (P) Kapalli Puthur Gopalasamuthiram (P) muthaliyar colony Street ward:1 , 4.Gopala somuthuram,( R.V) And (P) Adi-dravidar Street ward:2 , 5.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Periya kuthvakarai ward:2 9 9 Srinivasa Subburaya Polytechnic 1.Gopala somuthuram, (R.V) And (P) Saraswathi Villagam Kudiyana Street ward:2 , All Voters ,New Building Room No.107 2.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Kuthavakarai colony Street ward:2 , 3.Gopala Puthur Gopalasamuthiram (P) somuthuram, (R.V) And (P) China kuthavakari ward:2 10 10 Srinivasa Subburaya Polytechnic 1.Gopala somutharam (R.V) And (P) Samiyam ward:3 , 2.Gopala somutharam (R.V) All Voters Main Building Room No.106 And (P) Muthaiya Nagar ward:3 , 3.Gopala somutharam ( R.V) And (P) Thendral ,(Main Building) Room No.106 Nagar ward:3 , 4.Gopala somutharam (R.V) And (P) Jinna Nagar ward:3 , 5.Gopala Puthur Gopalasamuthiram (P) somutharam(R.V) And (P) Samiyam colony Street ward:3 , 6.Gopala somutharam (R.V) And (P) Ammanagar-kallar Street ward:3 Page Number : 4 of 84 List of Polling Stations for 160 சீர்காழி Assembly Segment within the 28 மயலாைற Parliamentary Constituency Sl.No Polling Location and name of building in Polling Areas Whether for All station No. which Polling Station located Voters or Men only or Women only 12 3 4 5 11 11 Srinivasasubburaya Matriculation 1.Gopala somutharam (R.V) And (P) Salma Street ward:3 , 2.Gopala somuthuram All Voters School New building Eastern block (R.V) And (P) Thropathi Ammankovil Street ward:2 , 3.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) North facing 2nd Room ,Puthur And (P) Melavallam colony Street ward:2 , 4.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Gopalasamuthiram (P) Sakthi Nagar ward:2 , 5.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Pallikuda Street ward:2 , 6.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Perumal kovil Street ward:2 , 7.Gopala somuthuram ( R.V) And (P) Railway road ward:2 , 8.Gopala somuthuram ( R.V) And (P) Kollidam Main Road ward:2 , 9.Gopala somuthuram ( R.V) And (P) Puthu Nagar ward:2 , 10.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Thideer Kuppam ward:2 , 11.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Pusai Nagar ward:2 , 12.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Pullishwariamman kovil street ward:2 12 12 Government Higher Secondary 1.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Meenavar Street ward:1 , 2.Gopala somuthuram All Voters School (South Portion Block) East (R.V) And (P) Attrankarai Street ward:1 , 3.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Building ,Thulasenthirapuram Pallikooda Street ward:3 , 4.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Perumal kovil street Gopalasamuthiram (P) ward:3 , 5.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Railway road street ward:3 , 6.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Policeline main road ward:3 , 7.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) V.N.P.Nagar ward:3 , 8.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Bharath Street ward:1 Page Number : 5 of 84 List of Polling Stations for 160 சீர்காழி Assembly Segment within the 28 மயலாைற Parliamentary Constituency Sl.No Polling Location and name of building in Polling Areas Whether for All station No. which Polling Station located Voters or Men only or Women only 12 3 4 5 13 13 Government Higher Secondary 1.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Puthu Street ward:1 , 2.Gopala somuthuram All Voters School East Building North Portion (R.V) And (P) Thideer kuppam ward:3 , 3.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Poosai ,Thulasenthirapuram Nagar ward:3 , 4.Gopala somuthuram (R.V) And (P) Pullishwariammankovil street Gopalasamuthiram (P) ward:1 14 14 Kollidam Panchayat Union 1.Thirumiladi (R.V) Anaikkaranchathiram (P) Thittupadukai Santhapadukai ward: 1 , All Voters Elementary School ,South 2.Thirumaiyladi (R.V ) Annaikaranchathiram ( P) Anumandapuram Agraharam,Ward:2 building West Anumanthapuram , 3.Thirumaiyladi (R.V) Annaikkaranchathiram (P) Anumandapuram Kudiyanatheru Thirumailadi (P) Ward:2 , 4.Thirumaiyladi (R.V) Annaikkaranchathiram (P) Nadalpadukai-nadu Street Ward:1 15 15 Kollidam Panchayat Union 1.Thirumaiyladi (R.V) Annaikkaranchathiram (P) Anumadapuram Ambedkar Street All Voters Elementary School South building Ward:1 , 2.Thirumaiyladi (R.V) Annaikkaranchathiram (P) Nadalpadukai-Southi street East Portion ,Anumanthapuram Ward:1 , 3.Thirumaiyladi (R.V) Annaikkaranchathiram(P) Nadalpadukai-North street Thirumailadi (P) Ward:1 , 4.Thirumaiyladi (R.V) Annaikkaranchathiram (P) Nadalpadukai-Adi - dravidar Street Ward:1 16 16 Kollidam Panchayat Union 1.Thirumiladi (R.V) Annaikkaranchadiram (P) Santhapadugai Keelagundalapadi ward:1 All Voters Elementary School ,East Portion , 2.Thirumiladi (R.V) Annaikkaranchathiram (P) Manganam pattu Muslim street ward :2 Muslim Street Manganampattu Thirumailadi (P) Page Number : 6 of 84 List of Polling Stations for 160 சீர்காழி Assembly Segment within the 28 மயலாைற Parliamentary Constituency Sl.No Polling Location and name of building in Polling Areas Whether for All station No.
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