

TRAVEL TRAV KI. TRAVEL Lo.t and Found - Wanted h ^517** .**.«. A ~J ^ !_, Help S pp N e ws Bu.inr»» Card. (O] Situation» Wanted mßm^mmmt m tS ing Buaineai Wallt >"%.C1S Rooms and Boarder» Opportunitiea_ ~*^+* _ THE TIDES l'iirtr; Lorraine N-w HELP WANTED FEMALE South uel \'r,i. Croas, Orleans; Eman- LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS SITUATION WANTED FEMALE America Low wat«» ,|,. 11 Irli tHJtor |K) London. and I'M DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICES New England Points \M PM AM öijhl/"[tT EADS, Aug ID Arrived: Am«l«l- LOST..Reward offered for return 2 coplea Miscellaneous Cooks Hook.11:28 11:50 5 11 : 49 (Du), Europe; Augusta (Hond). i'nrt "f engineering reports, loot Monday even¬ g6:37 Corte on 50th FROM NEW YORK Governor s Inland. 12:13 8:03 H Bradelyde (Br), Norfolk; George ing Madison ave. between 46th and FROM Hell Gat*....1:37 2:01 8:14 8:54 Jones, New York: Lak«> Con-mi«, Cuba, «t.o or on ni-ar Madison ave. C. E. COOK, waitress ari --»': F'--.!».» HAVANA via FALL RIVER LINE standard d to dalvi «ton; Lake Knoeppel A Co., Inc., 52 Vanderblit ave. girl; good reference«. Lehti Agency. 5$ Note The above figure« are ":;'!'bile; Wlmioo, Mo¬ East 125th K '-'.»..:¦:>¦¦- '.¦ West Coast Port» Four time and not New s .>« U Btate time. Saramacca, Port Harriot; Tamaullpas WOMEN Splendid Steamers in Sctvice IM^x); Trçmeadow (Nor), Norfolk; U 3 LOST.Manuscript of Spanish play by O. ¦> West Coast p-unhont K. taxi Mon¬ ':<.'«>K. vourjr. i f\J'«nni<i «'ma! Calling at Ports Sailing YESTERDAY Wheeling, rimf waters, Hailed: Morrison, in Brown White 21-35 YEARS OF AGE gobd manager; exçetiea* t .,i <.'<i>¡.¡» Daily, including Sunday ARRIVED romus, New York: day «v.nlnc; plen,.. return to David Wal¬ reference«. Miss IV Burea«. 36* Cal'*0. Moliendo, .Trl<;i, luiimue, Panama Carmen and Dorothea, Laguna del lace. Hudson 301. 6th Ave. by I Orchestra Conceit» Excellent Cuisine Veasel Port. Departure. Campeche, Mexico; Demetrios Theater, Bryant FOR I ._ Antofacasta, Valpnraiw. 4 <\.ni. Comfortable Staterooms Mobile.Liverpool .Aug Pandells (Ok), Barcelona via Norfolk; i Schedule.EaMern Stanilanl Tim« Howlck Tin II.Sue* .Tu'V $ Oitnsfjord (Non. via LOHT-Safe keeping receipt No. 8.326, Th« NIGHT WORK General Houseworkers, Etc. 3 «j '¦ .' Btueflelda Capo Ora- New York ORTEGA.SEPT. 13 nsyllphi Savin g 'finie, Une Hour Latir Weal Cawthon. .Spezin .Illlv '¦-; r\ Host n irk. New York; Kennebeo Savings Bank.- Finder please AS .nd 3 Pall itlvi l, tin Is al Pier l I. V It. Trafalgar.Macorls .A"? 1° (Br), Sheernes«, England; return to hank. WORKING "EBRO" ""KSEQUIBO" (Fulton 4 30 Due 9 Cardenas and Lake Pickaway, HOUSEKEEPER..Youn* Sweäe St.), p. in. Boston. Maravnl.Trinidad .Aug Cuban ports; Lake TELEPHONE f, ,. : South Station, t .:". a Zallska, LOST Trunk from automobile between cooler ro, Cornel .Tampico .\'ig Tampico; Leopold L I» (Fr), Valencia via loi!K r« '.' ¦< nces; 5' Í'¦ 0 ) '« AUG. Z8 SEPT. 25 OCT. 23. New London (Norwich) Lino, dully r*. Con II F Hods:.-« au Prince-Vug 12 Barcelona, Lenox Road, Fla'.bUsh, Highland Boulevard, l'ier |o. N. It, Louisiana, Port Lobos. Mexico; Brooklyn; liberal 341 OPERATORS mayer's Agency, 10 East *3d l » FROM ENGLAND Rundny, Ulnniton St.), u A Lucftenbach..Philadelphia .\ici7 Michigan (Fr), St. N'riz.-ilrc- and reward. Chas. Lutz. $317 H II FROM CRISTOBAL 4 30 p. m Pier TO. E. u (22n St), 5 Hagood.Pom Lobos.Vug Dl Onion Bordeaux ; Harlem Boulevard HOURS Telephone Morra; p. m. Br dgoporl Line, exei pi Sun- q ' ¦'. (Hond), Omoa via Port Cortez; ['1er dally Vlsace .Srlntobnl .Vug transpon Santa effiy. 2< K. K (CaUiarlnc SI I, 1 P. m. Ouït of Mexico.Port Arthur.N'ig 12 ton.-. Leonora, Colon; San¬ J'^r. -August 15, between Lexington and 9:30 P. M. to 7:00 A. M. Nurses. Etc. BRAZIL and ARGENTINE Mer 7". E, It. (22nt| SI I. 1:13 p. m. Rico; West Creasy, Rotterdam Third ave. and 42d Fisher fur ekln; iv Maru.Cristobal .Vug 10 via New st.. .. WEST COAST PORTS Ni B> ill ird Une [Ne» Hertford, «'»pa Toyvoko fork; Wostrord, Hamburg and 'ibera! rewan!. 3282 Tromont. NTJRSE. yo'irc. mghJ H pit: »X- BcKUlar Sailings .¦ ¡m-1 Buzzard's Hay pointa, Martini .1 .M Danzlger.Now Orleans.*.ug 12 Bremen via port in Egland; William Green, to earn \ .. ... and I- aro r .1 \v Van Dyke.London .Vu« 3 Tarn pli o Opportunities Nantuckcl,. I'll 40 4 LOST -Two office books, time sheets, from anrl Cenhal America N 1! (Houston St \ Sunday, ¦". I'. M West Gavie.Shields .\ng PORT ARTHUR. 7.1 st. to a month South l-arjje ¡1 Foipia** Tex, Aug IS.Arrived: subway to 130th st. ferry. Boyd. $90.00 $100.00 Resalar Sailings Mail Steamer» NEW ENGLAND STEAMSHIP CO SiM'i-nvS:.Tampico .Aug Castle (Bri. Trieste; Winifred. 284 < olumbiis ave. Reward Freep't Sulphur 4. .Tampl« o .Aug 11 lamplco. Sailed: in six months. Professional Suwied.Buenos Ayres.luly 25 Lake Sucrosa, Port Lobos: 29 Flagstaff, Mexican ports; Gulf Lost Bankbooks CASHIER.Y ung .' com¬ ROYAL MAIL Rondo .Macassar .May ;' Tan Pico; Herbert I- Pratt, Sabine. $18.00 a week in two petent .' The Royal Mall Steam Parket Co PACIFIC LINE Holdana.Santa Fe.luno 13 ADD ARRIVALS PRO.« NEW YORK A. 1. 1 Tbc Pacific Steam Navigation Co. ,l .1 Drake.Lobos .Aug 11 PBNSACOLA. LOST.Bankbook No. 509.415 of the Union weeks when to 7 Sehr ,1 W Pia., Aug. 18.Arrived: Idilio Bank la assigned Road 'd. Virginian.Rotterdam .Aug Sonièrvllle, San Juan. Savings missing. Any per¬ _ C3MPA6KIÇ GénéraleTransatlantique 27 Sailed: son a claim to It Is NELSON pro s» J.v.sofjor'd.La Guayra.luly Plon Castle (Mr). having hereby called hours. GENERAL LINE La Postai Service v- London; City of to night assistant mai years' 11 * W Ni 1.SON. I td Mu.skok"".Texas cuy. herford, trial trip upon present tho same within ten day» or PORT submit to having said passbook canceled and a TAMPA, Fla., Aug. IS -Arrived: a n»wone Issued. $15.00 week during in¬ assurai NEW YOKK--HAVRE INCOMING STEAMSHIPS Llgonier, Tampico; Lake Traverse, phlla- Notary C i \ la; Mascotto, Havana via I.' «ST Bankbook No. S00.93Î of the Cn~iññ struction in the time. .-FROMENUANDBY LORRAINE.Aug 20, Sept. 17, «V:t 15 Due To-day Sailed: Key West. Dime Bank Is day NIAGARA .. .- Moldogaard, Baltimore. Savings missing. Any per¬ YOUNG lady wishes in. Hal .Aug. 21, Hubert.1 in hin .luly 31 PORTLAND, Me. son, having a claim to it Is hereby called KO<r!IAMRKAU,Au.ff. 21, Sept. 23, «'it. 21 Sorland. Shields 2. Aug. 18.Arrived: to advancement. edg Wrln $0iJIHÄ5l^1 bo rnlon-n'aiule I.Ar.WCTTK ,.AUR _'T. OU. 23 .luly Morganaea, Fowey, England; Nor- upon present the same within ten days or Rapid 1. G v- d si AtlNIONCASTIEIINf 24, Bylayl, Mall < Sept. Fort Hamilton_Bermuda .Vug 1 submit to said and Steamship 'ompany, Ltd. i.\ SAVOIE .Sept, '. o« '.. 1, Oct. 30 having passbook canceled Gothland.Southampton .\»ig » O... a new one issued. Higher salaries for more Korona..Demorara .Aug S LakeSÁVANNAH,Graphite, Aug. 18.Arrived: SITUATIONS WANTED MALE & Drottnlnffholm. .Gothenburg .Aus 10 sonville and Wilmington; Juniata. Jack¬ LOST.Bankbook No. 1093741. of the Bank SANDERSON GENERApVo%EENTR03ASrÄ*y-N-or S. S. FRANCE sailed for Baltimore. Sailed: responsible positions. AC« :« NT.,- T SON, I'h lia 12 for 2S0 Ave. problems; Any Stc.vush ielphla.Curacao. .Aug Nftcoochee, Savings. 4th Payment . Fast Steamer de Luxe Santa Marta.Cristobal 5 Boston; 17th, Lake Pleasant, Finder please return to bank. op. ..-rat '¦>»!.-. .Aug Texas City. stopped. If consultai terns Sept. 8. Oct. 6. Nov. 3. Due To-morrow TAMPA. Pin., interested call at led, talla. Norfolk, Aug. 18.Arrived: Kas- LOST. -Hankhook No. 1.070.938 of the Bank A ta .... 14 Sailed: Avt»snury 1158 I, Y TOURAINE.. .Sept. II. Oct. 12, Nov. 20 qui nia.Southampton Aug Havre; Lake Elva, (Br), for Savings, 2?0 Fourth ave. Payment Broadway, M.'-x ico.Havana .Aug lü tell, New Savannah; Lake Farls- stoppe]. Please return to bank. New York International Mercantile Narine Cohpahy NEW YORK.BORDEAUX Celtic.Liverpool .Aug l 3 tardonas. York; sehr Lizzie A Williams, City CAROLINE Due Saturday LOST.Bankbook No. 1123S3S. of the Bank american line white star line .A «i.e. 21 for Savings, 280 4th Ave. Payment (Cor. 27th St.) CHAI FFE1 R. 2 RG .>(>! TIIAMTTON COMPANY'S OFEICE. 1!) STATE ST.. N. Ï. A San Giorgio I....Palermo .luly 31 stopped. Finder ideas- return to bank. r8' expel Baui IS J Hart Y..CHEKBOI X. T..CHEKBOl r.<; Sor i HAMPTON Finland.Southampton .Vug 13 FOREIGN PORTS or Brook 1A.M. 21 4 M. Bas« quibo.Crist o liai .Vug 13 Departures for New York telephone V* York. Aug. Sept, 18 Ocl. 16 I Olympic P. Aug..28 Sept. 18 Oct. 13 Rotterdam.Rotterdam .Vug 10 FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET A.M. 28 Adriali. A M 15 Oct. 16 Nov. Eastern Steamship Lines, Inc. Karatsun s s Lowther Castle. Madison Square I2OOO % Paul ..11 Aug. Sept. 25 Oct. 13 20 Due Sunday Rotterd im-S S Hampden. East Side VERPOOJ, 14 Rio de Janeiro.S S Si-rra Quemada. rttddphit. li A.M. Sept. 4 Oct. 2 Oct. 30 To ^ Lafayette.Havre .Aug Gibraltar s s Jefferson NEW YORK Ol.: MA N >, 1ER REDITS, »Mobile^M Vm'V 24 23 _ 13O Roma.Marseilles .kuç 6 County.

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