NON-PROFITNON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION U.S.U.S. POSTAGE POSTAGE paipaiD D TheThe e emilymily Dickinson Dickinson i ninTTernaernaTTionalional s socieocieTTyy CHICAGO,CHICAGO, IL IL PERMITPERMIT NO. NO. 2422 2422 The emily Dickinson inTernaTional socieTy EDISEDIS Bulletin Bulletin c/oc/oc/o akaaka aka associates,associates, associates, inc.inc. inc. 645645 N. N.Michigan Michigan Avenue Avenue SuiteSuite 800 800 Chicago,Chicago, IL IL 60611 60611 eeeeeDDDDDisisisisis 20092009 200920092009 aa aaannualnnualnnualnnualnnual mm mmmeeeeeeeeeeTTTTTinginginginging eeDDisiseee ee2010D DD2010DDisisisisis 2010 2010 20102010i 2010ninTTernaerna aa aaannualnnualnnualnnualnnualTTionalional mm mm mcee eeeeceeeeonferenceonferenceTTTTTinginginginging VolumeVolume 21, 21, Number Number 2 2 November/DecemberNovember/December 2009 2009 Volume 22, Number 1 May/June 2010 “The“The“The Only Only Only News News News I knowI knowI know / Is/ / Is BulletinsIs BulletinsBulletins all allall Day DayDay / / From /From From Immortality.” Immortality.” august 6-8, 2010 EmilyEmilyEmilyEmilyEmilyEmily withwith withwith with with BeefeaterBeefeater BeefeaterBeefeater Beefeater Beefeater GuardsGuards GuardsGuards Guards Guards EllieEllieEllieEllieEllieEllie HeginbothamHeginbotham HeginbothamHeginbotham Heginbotham Heginbotham withwith withwith with with BeefeaterBeefeater BeefeaterBeefeater Beefeater Beefeater GuardsGuards GuardsGuards Guards Guards SuzanneSuzanneSuzanneSuzanneSuzanneSuzanne Juhasz,Juhasz, Juhasz,Juhasz, Juhasz, Juhasz, JonnieJonnie JonnieJonnie Jonnie Jonnie Guerra,Guerra, Guerra,Guerra, Guerra, Guerra, andand andand and and CrisCris CrisCris Cris Cris MillerMiller MillerMiller Miller Miller CindyCindyCindy MacKenzieMacKenzie MacKenzie andand and EmilyEmily Emily EllieEllieEllie HeginbothamHeginbotham Heginbotham withwith with BeafeaterBeafeater Beafeater GuardsGuards Guards SuzanneSuzanneSuzanne Juhasz,Juhasz, Juhasz,withwith JonnieJonnie Beefeater Jonnie Beefeater Guerra,Guerra, Guerra, Guards Guards andand and CrisCris Cris MillerMiller Miller withwithwith BeefeaterBeefeater Beefeater GuardsGuards Guards CindyCindyCindy MacKenzieMacKenzie MacKenzieSeeSee andand Pagesand Emily EmilyPages Emily 11-12 11-12 Inside Inside this thisSpecialSpecial IssueSpecial Issue TeaTea Tea CakeCake Cake PaulPaulPaul Crumbley,Crumbley, Crumbley, EDISEDIS EDIS PresidentPresident President andand and CindyCindyCindy MacKenzieMacKenzie MacKenzie andand and EmilyEmily Emily SpecialSpecialSpecial TeaTea Tea CakeCake Cake PaulPaulPaul Crumbley,Crumbley, Crumbley, EDISEDIS EDIS PresidentPresident President andand and CindyCindyCindyCindyCindyCindy MacKenzie,MacKenzie, MacKenzie,MacKenzie, MacKenzie, MacKenzie, OrganizerOrganizer OrganizerOrganizer Organizer Organizer ofof ofof theofthe theofthe the 2009the2009 20092009 2009 2009 AnnualAnnual AnnualAnnual Annual Annual CindyCindyCindy MacKenzie,MacKenzie, MacKenzie, OrganizerOrganizer OrganizerMeetingMeeting ofof theofthe the 20092009 2009 AnnualAnnual Annual MeetingMeetingMeeting GeorgieGeorgieGeorgieGeorgieGeorgieGeorgie Strickland,Strickland, Strickland,Strickland, Strickland, Strickland, FormerFormer FormerFormer Former Former EditorEditor EditorEditor Editor Editor ofof ofof theofthe theofthe the BulletintheBulletin BulletinBulletin Bulletin Bulletin NancyNancyNancyNancyNancyNancy andand andand and and BillBill BillBill Bill Pridgen,BillPridgen, Pridgen,Pridgen, Pridgen, Pridgen, EDISEDIS EDISEDIS EDIS EDIS MembersMembers MembersMembers Members Members GeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorge Gleason,Gleason, Gleason,Gleason, Gleason, Gleason, EDISEDIS EDISEDIS EDIS EDIS membermember membermember member member andand andand and and JaneJane JaneJane Jane Jane Wald,Wald, Wald,Wald, Wald, Wald, GeorgieGeorgieGeorgie Strickland,Strickland, Strickland, FormerFormer Former EditorEditor Editor ofof theofthe the BulletinBulletin Bulletin NancyNancyNancy andand and BillBill Bill Pridgen,Pridgen, Pridgen, EDISEDIS EDIS MembersMembers Members ExecutiveExecutiveGeorgeGeorgeExecutiveGeorge Gleason,Gleason, DirectorDirector Gleason, Director EDISEDIS ofof EDIS theofthe membermember the EmilyEmilymember Emily DickinsonandDickinsonand Dickinsonand JaneJane Jane Wald,MuseumWald,Museum Wald,Museum ExecutiveExecutiveExecutive DirectorDirector Director ofof theofthe the EmilyEmily Emily DickinsonDickinson Dickinson MuseumMuseum Museum Oxford University OxfordOxfordOxfordOxford University UniversityUniversity University OxfordOxfordOxfordOxfordOxford UniversityUniversity UniversityUniversity University FollowFollow us us on on .. JaneJaneJaneJaneJaneJane Eberwein,Eberwein, Eberwein,Eberwein, Eberwein, Eberwein, GudrunGudrun GudrunGudrun Gudrun Gudrun Grabher,Grabher, Grabher,Grabher, Grabher, Grabher, VivianVivian VivianVivian Vivian Vivian Pollak,Pollak, Pollak,Pollak, Pollak, Pollak, MarthaMarthaMarthaMartha Ackmann Ackmann Ackmann Ackmann and and and andAnn Ann Ann Ann Romberger Romberger Romberger Romberger at at banquetat banquetat banquet banquet GroupGroupGroupGroupGroupGroup inin inin frontfront in frontfrontin front front ofof ofof theofthe theofthe the ProvincialtheProvincial ProvincialProvincial Provincial Provincial GovernmentGovernment GovernmentGovernment Government Government HouseHouse HouseHouse House House JaneJaneJane Eberwein,Eberwein,andand Eberwein,and EllieEllie Ellie Gudrun GudrunHeginbothamHeginbotham GudrunHeginbotham Grabher,Grabher, Grabher, atat Vivian banquetVivianatbanquet Vivianbanquet Pollak,Pollak, Pollak, MarthaMartha Ackmann Ackmann and and Ann Ann Romberger Romberger at banquetat banquet GroupGroupGroup inin frontfrontin front ofof theofthe the ProvincialProvincial Provincial GovernmentGovernment Government HouseHouse House Bodleian Library Oxford All Souls College Bodleian Library andandand EllieEllie Ellie HeginbothamHeginbotham Heginbotham atat banquetatbanquet banquet "Emily"Emily"Emily DickinsonDickinson Dickinson SocietySociety Society (EDIS)"(EDIS)" (EDIS)" CoverCover Photo Photo Courtesy Courtesy of ofEmily Emily Seelbinder Seelbinder CoverCoverCover PhotoPhoto Photo CourtesyCourtesy Courtesy ofof of EmilyEmily Emily SeelbinderSeelbinder Seelbinder PhotosPhotos Courtesy Courtesy of ofEllie Ellie Heginbotham Heginbotham and and Georgie Georgie Strickland Strickland www.emilydickinsoninternationalsociety.orgwww.emilydickinsoninternationalsociety.orgwww.emilydickinsoninternationalsociety.orgwww.emilydickinsoninternationalsociety.orgwww.emilydickinsoninternationalsociety.orgwww.emilydickinsoninternationalsociety.org PhotosPhotosPhotos CourtesyCourtesy Courtesy ofof of EllieEllie Ellie HeginbothamHeginbotham Heginbotham andand and GeorgieGeorgie Georgie StricklandStrickland Strickland www.emilydickinsoninternationalsociety.orgwww.emilydickinsoninternationalsociety.org BodleianBodleian Library Library OxfordOxford All All Souls Souls College College BodleianBodleian Library Library emily Dickinson inTernaTional socieTy Officers President: Paul Crumbley Vice President: Martha Ackmann Secretary: Stephanie Tingley Treasurer: James C. Fraser Board Members Barbara Dana Suzanne Juhasz Nancy Pridgen Jed Deppman Cristanne Miller Martha Nell Smith Cindy Dickinson Marianne Noble Jane Wald Jonnie Guerra Elizabeth Petrino Kathleen Welton Ellen Louise Hart Vivian Pollak Legal Advisor:Barbara Leukart Nominations Chair:Ellen Louise Hart Membership Chair:Jonnie LegalGuerra Advisor: Barbara Leukart Bulletin Editor 1989-1990: Cristanne Miller Dickinson and the Arts Nominations Chair:Barbara Chair: Dana Ellen Louise Hart Bulletin Editor 1990-1991: Margaret Freeman Chapter Development Membership Chair:Nancy Chair: Pridgen Jonnie Guerra Bulletin Editor 1991-2002: Georgiana Strickland Book Review Dickinson Editor:Barbara and the KellyArts Chair: Barbara Dana Bulletin Editor 2002-2009: Michael Kearns Chapter Development Chair: Nancy Pridgen Journal Editor:Cristanne Book MillerReview Editor: Barbara Kelly Bulletin Editor:Kathleen Welton 2010 Bulletin Committee: Martha Ackmann Barbara Dana Bulletin Editor 1989-1990:Cristanne Journal Editor: Miller Cristanne Miller Bulletin Editor 1990-1991:Margaret Bulletin Editor: Freeman Kathleen Welton Barbara Kelly Bulletin Editor 1991-2002:Georgiana Strickland Georgiana Strickland Bulletin Editor 2002-2009:Michael Kearns 2010 Sustaining Members Martha Ackmann Diana Fraser Jack Capps James Fraser Sheila Coghill Cristanne Miller Scott Donaldson Gary Lee Stonum Jane Eberwein Ethan Tarasov David Forsyth Robin Tarasov 2010 Contributing Members Ellen Beinhorn Alice Fulton Jo Ann Orr Mary Elizabeth Bernhard Jonnie Guerra Carol Pippen Marisa Bulgheroni Eleanor Heginbotham Vivian Pollak Diane Busker Eleonore Humbert Nobuko Shimomura Carolyn Cooley Suzanne Juhasz Maxine Silverman Barbara Dana Lois Kackley George Stone Scott Donaldson Richard Tryon Donna Dreyer Polly Longsworth Robert Eberwein CindyNiels Kjaer MacKenzie Kathleen Welton Judith Farr Daniel Manheim TracyHiroko Winkler Uno EDIS gratefully acknowledges the generous financial contributions of these members. EDIS Bulletin (ISSN 1055-3932) is published twice yearly, May/June and November/December, by The Emily Dickinson International Society, Inc. Standard Mail non- profit postage is paid at Chicago, IL 60611. Membership in the Society is open to all persons with an interest in Emily Dickinson and her work. For further information,Bulletin andcontact the PaulEmily Crumbley, Dickinson President, Journal EDIS, Department of English, UtahBulletin State University, only). Membership Logan, UT inquiries 84322 or should [email protected].
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