THE Friday, May 5, 1950 SPEC"'THE SPECTRUM VoL LXV No. 27 FREEH NEW COMMISSION PRESIDENT LaVern A. Freeh, a junior in Sophomore Member agriculture from Harvey, won out Kaye Bayley in a hotly contested presidential BOARD OF FINANCE Nodak Science race last Wednesday as a total of Senior Member 983 students cast votes for their Helen Arneson favorite candidates. Douglas Payne Academy In Other winning candidates and Sophomore Member the offices to which they were June Hagen elected are. COMMISSIONER OF Annual Meet BOARD OF CAMPUS AFFAIRS- MILITARY AFFAIRS Senior Member Harry Bristol About 250 scientists are expected Ralph A. Christensen BOARD OF to convene on the North Dakota Gordon Hansen PUBLIC PROGRAMS Agricultural College campus this Senior Member weekend when the North Dakota Walter Christensen Academy of Science holds its 42nd Mary Ellen Shaheen annual meeting. Lilac Days Sophomore Member Dr. R. E .Dunbar, president of Edwin Boerth the Academy and dean of the AC BOARD OF ATHLETICS school of chemical technology, Festival Set • Senior Member announces that 26 original research ........ ...,..... Joe Peltier papers will be presented during the Sophomore Member * * * For May 16 two-day session. The conference Osborne Twedt began this morning at 9 a.m. in May 16 has been set for the date BOARD OF PUBLICATIONS Room 204 of the NDAC chemistry Senior Member building. Following a luncheon at Air Force ROTC when all communities from Fargo to Hillsboro will celebrate the an- Robert A. Johnson Ceres hall the group will assemble Junior Member at 1:30 p.m. nual Lilac Days festival. Society To Honor Lilac Days, a tradition on this Stella Aarskaug Tonight an informal dinner of Sophomore Member the Academy and the Red River campus since 1932, is a project of Dolve At Banquet the Little Country Theater under Patricia Carlson Valley Section of the American BOARD OF STUDENT UNION Chemical Society will be given at Robert M. Delve, (above) dean the direction of Alfred G. Arvold. The purpose of the yearly pageant Senior Member 6:30 at Ceres hall with members of the school of engineering at Robert Runice of Sigma Xi as hosts. NDAC for nearly fifty years will is to connect someday the cities of Fargo and Grand Forks with a Sophomore Member Dr. E. C. Stakman, distinguished be honored tonight at a banquet Roger E. Mohagen plant pathologist of the Univer- given in his honor by the Arnold chain of lilac blossoms. One of the featured highlights BOARD OF MUSIC sity of Minnesota will be the guest Air Society, the national society Senior Member of the day will be the play given speaker at the dinner. for Air Force ROTC cadets. Pre- Virginia Borderud Tomorrow morning's session will senting the framed certificate of during the evening of May 16. It will also be presented the following Sophomore Member begin at 9 when six research papers membership to Dolve will be Pat Larsen will be read. A business session will Brig. Gen. Harry A. Johnson, two nights. The play, entitled "See follow at which time reports of (right) commanding general, How They Run," is a farce in three James Dittus, a senior in civil engineering from committees will be given and elec- 10th Air Force, located at Sel- acts starring Rosemary Sullivan, of Dickinson, was elected "Mr. tion of officers will be held. fridge AFB, Michigan. Fargo, as Penelope Toop. Others Engineer" in cele- in the cast are Don Stewart as the bration of the 1950 Open House. Rev. Toop, Margaret Clarke, Irene Vogel, Bill Humphrey, Warren "Knights Of Old" Teichman, Neil Moen, Glenn Moen, Alumni Group Is Spring Sing Will Feature and Robert S. Johnson. Theme For Prom Tickets for the play must be Entertaining FHA purchased from members of the "Knights of Old" will be the Black Lighting Effects Speech classes. Price is 50 cents The NDAC Intersorority Alumni theme used in this year's annual per person. Junior-Senior Prom, according to "Black light" will be used in treated costumes are now being Council is sponsoring a Coke Party word received from Prom officials. parts of the 1950 Spring Sing, May prepared, Smallwood said. A Lilac Queen, to be announced for the 200 Future Homemakers The dance, which is set for Fri- 24, according to Blair Smallwood, Black light is a recent innovation next week, will preside over the of America who are in convention day, May 26, will be held at the special effects chairman for the in show business, and is currently entire pageant and supervise the here in an effort to acquaint theim Field House. Accousticizing of annual vocal competition. being used in many of the nation's planting of lilacs along the high- with NDAC sororities and the way. that building will be completed at The black light effect will be professional shows. The Spring college. • used to introduce vocal groups com- that time. Sing will be the first campus pro- The party is being held this All seniors will be admitted to peting in the Sing. A bank of duction to use the new lighting afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 at the the dance free but no admission ultra-violet footlights and specially effect. Saddle Cr Sirloin Gamma Phi Beta and Kappa Delta price has been announced for the Dick Thompson, general chair- houses. Representatives from each rest of the student body. It was man of the Alpha Phi Omega Contest Saturday of the six sororities on campus are decided at a meeting of the junior Anderson, Faiman sponsored event, reports that in- acting as hostesses. class to proclaim the dance to be formation and entry blanks have The annual spring judging con- Officers of the Intersorority semi-formal. To Attend Meeting been mailed to campus organiza- test sponsored by the Saddle and Alumni Council are handling the Any junior students who wish to tions. Entry deadline is May 12. Sirloin club will be held May 6, arrangements. They are Mrs. Earl Two NDAC engineering faculty aid in decorating for the event The show is slated for May 24 1950. Registration starts at 8:00 Jennings, president; Mrs. Perry should see any officer of the Junior members will attend the American a. m. at the pavilion. There will be Clarke, vice president; and Mrs. Society for Engineering Education at 8 p.m. in Festival hall. Admis- class after May 2. The men to see sion will be free. ribbons awarded to the three high Stanley Wilner, secretary-treas- are John Sigurdson, Prom chair- conference at the University of individuals in each class of live- urer. man; LaVern Freeh, Tom Dittus Minnesota, May 11, according to stock, and trophies will be awarded group leader Clifford Anderson, or Gordon Hanson. to the three high individuals in the assistant professor of mechanical The name of the orchestra to Open House May 7 contest. engineering. Quarter Century provide music for the affair has A Dutch lunch will be held at Mr. Anderson and Robert Fai- At Ceres Hall . not yet been released. man, assistant professor of elec- 6:00 p. m. in Morrill hall where all Club Meets May 22 awards will be made. Each contest- trical engineering, will attend the The Ceres Hall open house, which ant is asked to attend. conference sponsored by the North had been postponed from a pre- The third annual meeting of the TW-YM To Sponsor Midwest section of the ASEE. vious date, now has been scheduled NDAC Quarter Century club will The symposium will be on effect- for this coming Sunday, May 7, be held on Monday, May 22, in Marriage Series ive teaching methods in engineer- from 3-5. Everyone is cordially in- Vosburgh To Speak Fargo's Graver hotel, according ing and practical problems encount- vited to attend. to A. H. Parrott, director of ad- The Marriage series sponsored ered in the field. On Radio May II missions and records at the Land- by the NDAC YMCA-YWCA, will Grant college. Parrott is president. be held this year on May 9, 10 and tion," a talk by Dr. Gillam and a Miss Carolyn Vosburgh of the of the group. 17. Three outstanding speakers question forum conducted by Dr. art department will be the guest Organized to honor AC faculty- have been secured and movies will Gillam. The final night will be a NOTICE! of the radio class when they broad- and staff members who have served' 25 years or more, the club is spon- be shown on the 10th. The series talk by Dr. Hohn who will speak All Seniors please report to cast over KSJB on May 11 at 4 p. will be held in the Y auditorium on "After The Honeymoon." m. John Hesse will interview Miss sored by the North Dakota Farm and will start at 7:30 p. In. each There will be a charge of 50c for the Bookstore at once. We must Vosburgh on the subject of interior Bureau, which annually presents a night. the complete series. Tickets will be have your measurements for decoration. She will discuss the club plaque to candidates. To be The first night Mrs. J. E. Ben- available at the Y desk, from mem- caps and gowns by May 12th. arrangement of pictures and mats. honored this year is Miss Ruby nison will speak on "The Hunting bers of the Y in the dormitories, Yesterday Miss Ellen Harding Grimes, of the mathematics de- Season." The second night will in- and at the door the nights of the —A. C. Bookstore. was interviewed on the program partment. There are 68 members of clude a movie, "Human Reproduc- series.
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