Benchers’ Notes Winter 2018 Volumn 19, Number 2 This issue of Benchers’ Notes contains information on selected topics considered by Benchers at Convocation and other items of interest to the Bar. This edition of Benchers’ Notes is available online at www.lawsociety.nf.ca. President’s Report Welcome to the Winter edi- Donovan Molloy, QC concluded. On behalf of Benchers, tion of Benchers’ Notes I would like to take this opportunity to thank these indi- where I hope to continue viduals for their dedicated service over their two terms the tradition of keeping our as Benchers. Amy and Donovan always fully contrib- members informed and up- uted their intellect and skills around the Benchers’ ta- dated with our latest news ble and we appreciate their commitment and efforts. and to provide you all with information that I hope Following the AGM, I was pleased to attend the Annual you will find to be helpful. Dinner. This is always an enjoyable event, with one of the highlights being the presentation of awards. Stu- Before I get into the de- dent awards were presented to: Dana Martin (Hunt tails of what I have been Award), Sarah Pinsent (Penney Award and Sprack- doing since being elected lin Award), Stephanie Morton (Provincial Court Judg- Donald E. Anthony, as President, I would like es’ Association Award) and Nakita Ryan (William J. President, Law Society of Newfoundland to express my sincere ap- Browne Scholarship). Service awards were also present- and Labrador preciation to my prede- ed: Appointed Bencher, Linda Harnett was awarded cessor, R. Paul Burgess, the Jean Bruneau, OC, Certificate of Merit; Randell Ear- QC. I was fortunate to bear witness to Paul’s dedication le, QC and Sheila Greene, QC were each presented with to the Society during his tenure as President and learned the Gordon M. Stirling Distinguished Service Award. much from doing so. He continually expressed an eager- ness to deal with the complex issues faced by the Law On 15 June 2018, I officiated at my first Call to Bar cere- Society during his term as President and always carried mony which was presided over by Chief Justice Ray- out the role with apparent ease and a sense of excite- mond P. Whalen and where 6 students became lawyers. ment about the work. He is a great friend and passionate lawyer, dedicated to his colleagues and his profession. On 26 July, I met with incoming Chief Justice Fry. We had an expansive conversation wherein we canvassed is- I was officially confirmed as President following the An- sues of mutual concern and benefit to the Bar, Bench and nual General Meeting (AGM) on 8 June 2018, where public at large. the results of the Benchers’ election were announced. Elected were: Gladys Dunne, Valerie Hynes, Ann Mar- On 10 September, I attended and spoke at the Swear- tin, Doug Wright and Adrienne Edmunds, all of whom ing In of Chief Justice Fry - the first time in our prov- were warmly welcomed to the group. With their elec- ince’s history that a woman has been appointed as tion, the terms of former Benchers Amy Crosbie and Chief Justice. I was honoured to participate in the The Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador 196-198 Water Street PO Box 1028 St John’s, Newfoundland Canada A1C 5M3 Tel (709) 722-4740 Fax (709) 722-8902 Benchers’ Notes ceremony and to attend the reception fered we examined the regulators’ role This year, we have been saddened that followed. and responses to technology-driven by the passing of fellow Law Soci- innovations. At the center of the dis- ety members, John Cochrane Sweet- During the month of October, I met cussion at this conference was the law land, QC and William Augustus separately with Chief Justice Fry, Chief societies’ mandate to act in the public Collins, QC, both of whom will be Justice Whelan and Chief Judge Gould- interest and ability to increase access recognized in the “In Memoriam” ing to discuss, among other topics, the to affordable legal services. I cannot section in the following pages. It is relationship between the Law Society overstate the benefit we derive from always a difficult and sad occasion and the Judiciary. I took this oppor- meeting with other legal regulators to learn that colleagues have passed tunity to update the Judiciary on the from across the country to share ex- and the families and close friends of issues facing the Law Society, as well periences, glean advice and discover both were very much in our thoughts. as to advise them of ongoing, new and opportunities to improve our services. potential initiatives and programs. My term thus far has been event- On 30 October I attended a retirement ful and exciting and I look forward On 5 October, I officiated my second dinner for the Hon. Derek Green. It to the months ahead. I would like to Call to Bar ceremony, which was pre- was a lovely event and a great opportu- thank my fellow Benchers for their sided over by Justice David B. Ors- nity to acknowledge Justice Green for continued support. I extend special born, where a total of 10 students be- the remarkable work he accomplished thanks and appreciation to the Law So- came lawyers. during his tenure as Chief Justice. ciety staff, who make it possible to be able to fill the role of President while From October 17 through 19, On December 4, Ian Patey, Brenda maintaining a practice. The amount Vice-President, Ian Patey, Brenda Grimes, QC, and I met with Minis- and quality of the work they do is some- Grimes, QC, Aimee Rowe and I at- ter of Justice and Public Safety and thing we should all be proud of and tended the 2018 Annual Conference Attorney General, Andrew Parsons, for which I am immeasurably grateful. of the Federation of Law Societies in QC. We enjoyed a friendly and pro- Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. ductive conversation wherein we In conclusion, I hope that you and The Conference, entitled “Robots and advised the Minister of new and your families enjoy a wonderful Rule Makers: New Frontiers for Le- ongoing initiatives of the Law So- Christmas and holiday season a wish gal Regulation, focused on emerging ciety and how some of our work you all a Happy New Year! technologies. Through the various will require legislative amendment. sessions and workshops that were of- 2 The Law Society Benchers’ Notes Note from Brenda B. Grimes, QC Executive Director Over the last number of years, Law public interest by focusing on the real Society staff have been focusing on and identifiable risks which currently researching and preparing papers exist. As part of that process, Benchers regarding various policy changes are considering quality assurance ini- and strategic initiatives identified by tiatives such as: alternatives to the Benchers during the strategic planning disciplinary stream which allow for sessions held in 2015. Many of the public protection while recognizing initiatives relate to efforts to enhance the impact of mental or other health the Law Society’s regulatory tools in issues; practice management reviews/ ways which adhere to the Law Soci- tools which would benefit the public ety’s mandate to regulate the legal pro- by assisting members; and enhanced Brenda B. Grimes, QC fession and the practice of law in the technology and communication tools. Executive Director Law Society Library The last two years here in the Law Library have been filled holds on items that are out by contacting the Law Library. with changes. In the Spring of 2017, we began a collection Another great feature of our new catalogue is that Mem- reorganization project that would cover all of the library bers can check their due dates without needing to go resources. This project involved obtaining a new electron- through the Law Library. If you have items out or want to ic catalogue, reviewing our holdings for currency and make sure that everything was returned, you can select the relevancy to the needs of the Members based on the 2016 login button in the upper left-hand corner of our catalogue. Member use survey along with interactions with Members The system will request you to enter your email address conducting research and switching from the American to – that will be the address you have entered into the Law the Canadian call number system for legal cataloguing. Society Directory or provided to the Law Library. You do not require a password. The system will show you all of I am pleased to report that the call number reassign- the items you have out and your borrowing history which ment phase has been completed for circulating and ref- can be useful for both your current due dates and if you erence items. Library users can now be reassured that need to try to borrow an item that was useful previously. they will only need to search in one area rather than two Please note that this is only for Members who have bor- to find the items they need. If you are not familiar with rowed from the Law Library. You will not have an account the KF modified system, the call numbers follow a sim- in the system if you have never borrowed from us before. ple system of KF-a multi-digit number that identifies Also, please note that we are not linked to the Law Society the area of law-a unique identifier for the item-the year Directory so if you have made changes to your directory of publication (range of publication for loose-leaf bind- information, we request that you email us with the change ers), ex: KF 8935 .N49 2005 would be KF-evidence-Law of information so we can keep your library records current.
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