EE XX OO MM AA RR SS ExoMars: Planetary Protection Requirements & Implementation Presentation to the NASA PPS G. Kminek and the ExoMars Project Team 1 20 January 2011, NASA-HQ Programme Building Blocks E X OO M A R S •• EESASA andand NANASSAA havhavee agreedagreed toto embarkembark onon aa jojointint MarsMars roboticrobotic exexplorationploration programme:programme: InitialInitial missionsmissions havehave beenbeen dedefinedfined forfor thethe 20162016 (January)(January) andand 20182018 launchlaunch opportuniopportunities;ties; MissionsMissions forfor 20202020 andand beyondbeyond areare inin aa planningplanning stage;stage; TheThe jointjoint programme’sprogramme’s ultiultimatemate objectiveobjective isis anan internationalinternational MarsMars SampleSample ReturnReturn mimission.ssion. 2016 ESA-led mission Launcher: NASA – Atlas V-431 Orbiter: ESA Payload: NASA-ESA EDL Demo: ESA 2018 NASA-led mission Launcher: NASA – Atlas V-531 Cruise & EDL: NASA Rover 1: ESA Payload: ESA-NASA Rover 2: NASA 2 2016 Mission Objectives E X OO M A R S TECHNTECHNOLOGYOLOGY OBJECTIVEOBJECTIVE Entry,Entry, Descent,Descent, andand LandingLanding (EDL)(EDL) ofof aa payloadpayload onon thethe surfacesurface ofof Mars.Mars. 20162016 SCIENTIFICSCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVEOBJECTIVE ToTo studystudy MartianMartian atmosphericatmospheric tracetrace gasesgases andand theirtheir sources.sources. ➟ UseUse ofof aerobrakingaerobraking toto achieveachieve sciencescience orbiorbit.t. ProvideProvide datadata relayrelay servicesservices foforr landedlanded missionsmissions untiluntil 2022.2022. 3 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter Payload E X OO M A R S PRIORITISED GOALS INSTRUMENTS 1. Detect a broad suite of atmospheric trace gases MATMOS US, CAN H/W and key isotopes with high sensitivity. (ppt) B, F, RUS Science 2. Map their spatial and temporal variability NOMAD B, E, I, UK with high sensitivity. (10–1 ppb) USA, CAN 3. Determine basic atmospheric state by EMCS USA, UK characterising P, T, winds, dust and water (P, T, dust, ices, H2 O) F aerosol circulation patterns. MAGIE USA (Full hemisphere WAC) B, F, RUS 4. Image surface features possibly related to HiSCI USA, CH trace gas sources and sinks. (HRC 2 m/pixel) UK, I, D, F ExcellentExcellent coveragecoverage ofof high-priorityhigh-priority objectives.objectives. 4 2016EDL EDL Demonstration Module (EDM) Module E X OO M A R S EDMEDM AA EuropeanEuropean technologytechnology demdemonstratoronstrator forfor landinglanding medimedium-largeum-large payloadspayloads onon Mars;Mars; ProvidesProvides aa limited,limited, butbut usefuluseful meansmeans toto conductconduct scientificscientific measurementsmeasurements duringduring ththee dustdust stormstorm season.season. EDMEDM PAYLOADPAYLOAD IntegratedIntegrated payloadpayload massmass estimate:estimate: 33 kg;kg; LifetiLifetime:me: 44 solssols;; DatDataa:: 11 passpass ofof 5050 MMbbitits.s. 5 2018 ExoMars RM Objectives E X OO M A R S TECHNTECHNOLOGYOLOGY OBJECTIVESOBJECTIVES SurfaceSurface mobilitymobility withwith aa roverrover ((havinghaving severalseveral kikilometreslometres range);range); AccessAccess toto thethe subssubsurfaceurface toto acquireacquire samplessamples (with(with aa drill,drill, downdown toto 2-m2-m 20182018 depth);depth); SampleSample acquisition,acquisition, preparatipreparation,on, distridistribution,bution, andand analysianalysis.s. SCIENTIFICSCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVESOBJECTIVES ToTo searchsearch forfor signssigns ofof papastst andand presentpresent lifelife onon Mars;Mars; ToTo chacharraaccteteriserise ththee waterwater//ssubsubsurfaceurface environmentenvironment asas aa functionfunction ofof depdepthth inin thethe shallowshallow subsurface.subsurface. 6 2018 Pasteur Payload E X OO M A R S Panoramic camera system HRCHRC xx WAC WAC Two Wide Angle Cameras (WAC): Color, stereo, 34° FOV One High-Resolution Camera (HRC): Color, 5° FOV ~3~3-m-m pene penetratrationtion, ,w withith ~2 ~2-cm-cm re resosolulutiotionn (depend(dependss on on s subsuubsurrfafacece E EMM p prropeopertierties)s) 0 0 Aeolian deposits Sedimentary filling SSppeecctratral lrange range: : 0 0.4–2.4–2.4.4 μ μm,m, (m) (ns) SSaampmplingling res resoolulutiontion: :20 20 nm nm Ground-Penetrating Radar 10 100 AnAnalyticalalytical L Laabb 0 Distance7 (m) 30 2018 Pasteur Payload E X OO M A R S Use mineralogical + imaging information from μΩIR Imaging IR spectrometer, 256 x 256 pixels, 20-μm/pixel resolution, to identify targets for Raman and MOMA LDMS. 0.85–2.6 μm spectral range, 500 steps e.g. search 1.9 μm + 2.3 μm bands RocRockk Crusher Crusher Sample Powder Drill System Mineralogy 1) Survey 2) Detailed Analysis identify μΩμΩ IRIR targets Organics RamRamaann MOMOMAMA LDMSLDMS LDMSLDMS DetailDetaileded SurvSurveeyy ++ GCMS μΩIR = 20 μm GCMS Raman = 50 μm XRD = 1 cm XRD/XRFXRD/XRF LDMS = 100 μm Raman: spectral shift range 200–3800 cm–1 LDMS = Laser-Desorption Mass Spectrometry, Spectral resolution ~6 cm–1 GCMS = Gas-Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry 8 PlanetaryP ProtectionP Category Category E X OO M A R S EstablisEstablishinghing PPllanetaryanetary PPrrotectionotection CategorCategoryy andand RequiremRequirementsents ESAESA isis mimissionssion leadlead forfor thethe 20162016 missmissionion andand hencehence responsibleresponsible forfor isissuingsuing thethe planetaryplanetary protectionprotection categorycategory andand thethe associatedassociated requiremrequirementsents andand verifyingverifying theirtheir correctcorrect iimmplementation,plementation, inin accordanceaccordance withwith thethe ESAESA andand NASANASA PlanetaryPlanetary ProtectionProtection Policies.Policies. NASANASA isis missionmission leadlead forfor thethe 20182018 missionmission andand hencehence reresponsiblesponsible forfor issuingissuing tthehe planetaryplanetary protectionprotection categorycategory andand thethe associatedassociated requiremrequirementsents andand verifyingverifying theirtheir correctcorrect iimmplementation,plementation, iinn accordanceaccordance withwith thethe ESAESA andand NASANASA PlanetaryPlanetary ProtectionProtection Policies.Policies. DueDue toto thethe launchlaunch ofof thethe missionmission fromfrom aa NASANASA facilityfacility andand thethe larglargee contributioncontribution ofof USUS andand NASANASA hardwarehardware (e.g.,(e.g., launcher,launcher, paylpayload),oad), thethe NASANASA PPOPPO hashas beenbeen involvedinvolved inin thethe categocategorizationrization andand establishmentestablishment ofof thethe associassociatedated requrequirementsirements andand isis stillstill involvedinvolved inin rereviewiviewingng theirtheir correctcorrect implementationimplementation (e.g.,(e.g., PDPDR),R), inin accordanceaccordance withwith NASNASAA NPRNPR 8020.12.8020.12. Categories,Categories, toptop levellevel requirequirementrementss andand implementationimplementation approachapproach havhavee beenbeen presentedpresented toto thethe COSPARCOSPAR PlanetaryPlanetary ProtectionProtection PanelPanel inin 2010.2010. PPllanetaryanetary ProtectionProtection CategorCategoriesies ExoMarsExoMars TGOTGO isis plplanetaryanetary prprotectionotection categorycategory IIIIII ExoMarsExoMars EDMEDM isis plplanetaryanetary protprotectionection categorycategory IVaIVa ((nono accessaccess toto MarsMars specialspecial rregionsegions andand nono lifelife detectiondetection capability)capability) NoNo planetaryplanetary protectionprotection catecategorygory hashas beenbeen yetyet assignedassigned byby NASANASA toto thethe 20182018 missionmission bubutt basedbased onon thethe cachingcaching ofof samplessamples forfor aa futurefuture reretuturnrn missionmission aa planeplanetarytary proprottecectiotionn categorycategory V,V, restrictedrestricted EartEarthh return,return, withwith equivalequivalentent IVbIVb requirementsrequirements forfor thethe outboundoutbound lelegg isis expectedexpected inin complicomplianceance withwith thethe COSPARCOSPAR planetaryplanetary protprotectionection policy;policy; thisthis wouldwould alsoalso bebe compatiblecompatible withwith thethe lilfeife detectidetectionon objectiobjectivesves ofof thethe 9 ExoMarsExoMars roverrover 2016 PP Requirements E X OO M A R S ControlledControlled envenvironmentsironments UseUse ofof ISISOO standardsstandards forfor cleanroomcleanroom specspec (14644-1)(14644-1) andand controlcontrol (14644-2)(14644-2) StandardStandard toto bebe usedused forfor biobbioburdenurden controlcontrol inin clcleanroomseanrooms ECSECSS-Q-ST-70-58S-Q-ST-70-58 RequirementsRequirements andand proceduresprocedures sisimilarmilar toto NASANASA MarsMars missionsmissions CompatibilityCompatibility withwith bioburdbioburdenen assassaysays andand alcalcoholohol wipeswipes StandardStandard toto bebe usedused forfor bioburdenbioburden assayassay ECECSS-Q-ST-70-55SS-Q-ST-70-55 BBioburdenioburden assassessmentessment AllAll bioburdenbioburden constraintsconstraints havehave toto bebe verifiedverified pre-launchpre-launch TotalTotal bioburdenbioburden ofof thethe flightflight systemsystem hashas toto bebe assessedassessed OrganicOrganic invinventoryentory andand ararchivechive DeliveryDelivery ofof archivearchive withwith flightflight HH/W/W toto missionmission leadlead (ESA(ESA)) forfor storagestorage ImpactImpact probabilitprobabilityy constraintconstraint forfor launclauncherher -4 ImpactImpact probability:probability: ≤≤1x101x10 -4 untiluntil 5050 yearsyears afterafter launchlaunch TaskTask forfor llaunchaunch serviceservice proviproviderder BBiioburdenoburden controlcontrol forfor thethe S/CS/C stackstack (TGO(TGO andand EEDDM)/TGOM)/TGO 55 TotalTotal bioburden:bioburden: ≤≤5x105x10 spores,spores,
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