(No Model.) 5 Sheets-Sheet 2. J, K, KNIGHT & W. H. BAKER, ELECTRIC INTERLOCKING RAILWAY SIGNAL AND SWITCH SYSTEM, No. 272,839. Patented Feb. 20, 1883, NVENT ORS: J.K.KNIGHT N. Peters. Photo-Lithographer, washing ct, D. C. (No Model.) 5. Sheets-Sheet 3. J. K. KNIGHT & W. H. BAKER, ELECTRIC INTERLOCKING RAILWAY SIGNAL AND SWITCH SYSTEM, No. 272,839, Patented Feb. 20, 1883, ???YATTEST, ??????? S kyyyuSSSSSSNVENTORS: (No Model.) 5 Sheets-Sheet, 4. J. K. KNIGHT & W. H. BAKER, ELECTRIC INTERLOCKING RAILWAY SIGNAL AND SWITCH SYSTEM No. 272,839, Patented Feb. 20, 1883. ? ????J LS hS S S S LL SIE LL LS RIIELL SL LLS S S LAF SLL LLS --------- s: ENETI I I ITT ?{ --- ? - - - - - - ??- 5- -? Ti—? ? ? ? ? ?– ? . ?? ?---------------- = =t| ??????? A AS ASAAAS S S S qSqqSq SSqSS S S A qqq SS SS qSLYSYL L L LS GSLLLYLL SAAA AZu SLA AuL SSSY SLLL L S - ???ü E III-916 SS SS---S_IN_II_NHLL_LL SS SS SS SS SSSS ...O.O. TSHijn:TT-BRITIEsfelt NIIT - FT T?R? ?TT?. - ????I N. ?}?? DP----- N - - - ) ^y T - 1 #4%:25-2, , 4. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D. C. (No Model.) 5 Sheets-Sheet 5. J. K. KNIGHT & W. H. BAKER, ELECTRIC INTERLOCKING RAILWAY SIGNAL AND SWITCH SYSTEM No. 272,839. Patented eb, 20, 1883. Imf ?ì ??? AZT NVENT FS KNIGHWHÉŠAKE (17 ?r() ?? UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN K. KNIGHT, OF NEW YORK, AND WILLIAM. H. BAKER, OF BROOKLYN, . N. Y.; SAID KNIGHT ASSIGNOR TO SAID BAKER. ELECTRIC INTERLOCKNG RALWAY SIGNAL AND SWITCH SYSTEM, SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 272,839, dated February 20, 1888. Application filed July 22, 18s. (No model.) To all whom it may concern: and signals controlling the passage of trains at Be it k is own that we, JOHN K. KNIGHT and a depot or junction, the manual electric switches WM. H. BAKER, citizens of the United States, in this case being combined to constitute an and residents respectively of New York, in the electric route - switch, and arranged to each 5 county of New York and State of New York, control the releasing electro-magnets for the and of Brooklyn, in the county of Kings and railroad switches and signals requiring to be State of New York, have invented certain new operated when a train is to pass over one of a and useful Improvements in Electric Inter number of routes, and to each break the bat locking Railway Signal and Switch Sytems, of tery-connections for the electric switches con Io which the following is a specification. trolling all conflicting routes, so that the pas- 6o Our invention relates to electric railway sage of the train over the route chosen cannot switches or draw-bridges and semaphores or be interfered with, and trains upon conflict signals for indicating to an approaching train ing routes cannot be signaled to proceed until the condition of a switch or draw-bridge, com the first-named electric switch has been reset. 15 bined upon what is known as the “interlock Our invention consists, first, in the combi. 65 ing” system. nation, with the operating mechanisms for the The object of our invention is to provide a railroad - switches, railroad - signal, or draw. simple and effective substitute for the cum bridge lock, of electro-magnetically-controlled brous mechanical devices heretofore employed locking devices and a series of manual elec 2 o for mechanically connecting and interlocking tric switches controlling the circuits of the 7 o the operating mechanisms of the various locking or unlocking electro-magnets, said cir switches and signals; audi to this end we pro cuits being so arranged through the switches pose to employ in place of such mechanisms that the operation of any electric switch to re automatic locks controlled by electro-magnets, lease an operating mechanism will render the 25 and manual electric switches controlling the circuits for conflicting operating mechanisms 75 ci cuits of said electro-magnets, in such a way in operative. Under this head of our inven that until the proper manual electric switch tion each electric switch controls not only the be set the desired railroad switches and sig circuit of some one or more releasing device, nals cannot be operated, and while said man and may be thrown to allow of the operation 3o ual switch is set conflicting railroad switches of such releasing mechanism, but also controls and signals are rendered iucapable of opera the circuits of all other releasing mechanism tion, tthe electric connections through the por which should for the time being be rendered tion of the inlanual electric switch for the lat in operative, so as to make it in possible by ter being broken so long as the first-named setting another electric switch to operate a 35 switch remains set. conflicting railroad-signal or railroad-switch. 85 Our invention may be applied either to a Our invention consists, secondly, in the com single semaphore and its corresponding switch bination, with some portion of the operating or draw-bridge lock, the combination being mechanistm for a railroad - signal, railroad such that the manual electric switch corre switch, or draw-bridge lock, of electro-magneti 4o sponding to the Semaphore breaks the circuit cally-controlled locking devices for said mech 9 O or battery connection of the electric switch for anism, a manual electric switch controlling the railroad switch or draw - bridge lock, so the circuit for said locking devices, and an as to prevent the improper operation of the electro-magnetic locking device for the manual latter, and, vice versa, the manual electric electric switch, controlled or released by means 45 switch, which requires to be set when the rail of a bridge-lock or a track-circuit closer. 95 road switch or draw-bridge lock is operated, Our invention consists, thirdly, of the com breaks the connections for the manual electric bination, with the operating-levers of a num- - switch of the semaphore, so that the latter ber of railroad-switches and railroad-signals, cannot be improperly operated; or our inven of electric switches operated thereby, and pro 5o tion may be applied to a number of switches vided with back and front electric contacts, CO t Mer and suitable means for including the front mechanism, and to simultaneously connect the contacts of the electric switches for those rail releasing electro - magnets for the railroad road-switches that should remain locked in switches and the electric switch to a track-cir 7 O their normal position and the back contacts cuit closer, all as hereinafter more fully set 5 of those which require to be operated in the forth. releasing-circuit of the signals which require Our invention consists, ninthly, in the com to be set in order to allow a train to pass over bination, with the manual electric switches the desired route. that control the circuits for the locking de 75 Our invention consists, fourthly, in the com vices of the railroad signals or switches, of fo bination, with the two operating-levers for an mechanical devices adapted to prevent the op electric railway - signal and for a railway eration of any conflicting electric switch while switch or draw-bridge, of locking devices re another conflicting electric switch is set. leased by electro-magnets, and electric switches Our invention further consists in certain Operated by said levers when thrown from the Combinations and certain details of construc 5 normal position, each such switch being ar: tion and arrangement that will be specified in ranged to control the circuit of the releasing the claims. ?? magnet of the lever which operates the other. In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 Our invention consists, fifthly, of a series of shows one construction of operating-lever and switch and signal operating mechanisms, elec its connected electro-magnetic locking devices tro-magnetic locking devices, manual electric and circuit-closers that may be employed in Switches, one for each desired combination of carrying out our invention for operating the SWitches and corresponding signals, and cir railroad switch, semaphore, or draw - bridge cuit closers and breaker's operated by each lock. Fig. 2 shows a plan view of one portion 90 manual switch, and serving, when said switch of the manual electric switch and an auto 2 5 is operated, to break the battery-connections matic locking device applied thereto, and also for the releasing devices of the switches and shows the construction of a circuit-closer em signals of conflicting combinations. ployed, in conjunction with a bridge-lock, for Our invention consists, sixthly, in the com nomentarily closing an electric circuit when bination, with tle operating mechanism for a the bridge-lock is set to lock the bridge, the 95 switch or draw-bilge lock and for a sema function of which circuit is to automatically re. phore or signal indicating the condition of lease the manual electric switch. Fig. 3 is a par such switch or draw-bridge, of an electro-mag tial longitudinal section of one of the electric net acting to unlock such mechanism, and cir switch-bars, showing the manner of mounting IOC cuit-breakers actuated by said electro-magnets, and connecting the circuit-closing studs em 3. 5 and adapted, when the electro-magnet is ener ployed with the form of switch herein shown. gized for the purpose of unlocking one of said Fig. 4. is a diagrammatic view illustrating the mechanisms, to break the circuit for the un application of our invention to a railroad draw. locking-magnet of the otlher of said mechan bridge lock, and the operating mechanism for f OS isms.
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