Ohio University The fees, programs, and requirements contained in this catalog are effective with Undergraduate the 2005 fall quarter. They are necessarily subject to change at the discretion Catalog 2005-2006 of Ohio University. It is the student’s responsibility to know and follow current requirements and procedures at the departmental, College, and University levels. Ohio University is an af fir ma tive Produced by the Office Ohio University (USPS 405-380), Volume action institution. of University Publications CII, Number 2, July 2005. Published Editor: Brian W. Stemen, M.A., ‘98 by Ohio University, University Terrace, Editorial Assistant: Erin L. Stookey, B.S.J., ‘05 Athens, Ohio 45701-2979 in March, Cover Design: Katie E. Ingersoll, B.F.A., ’06 July, August, September, and October. Periodicals Postage Paid at Athens, Copyright 2005 Ohio. Ohio University Communications and Marketing 0136–46M 2 Extended Community Ohio University Mission State ment Ohio University serves an extended community. The public service mission Ohio University is a public uni ver si ty providing a broad range of ed u- of the University, expressed in such ca tion al programs and services. As an academic community, Ohio activities as public broadcasting and University holds the intellectual and personal growth of the in di vid u al to continuing education programs, reflects be a central purpose. Its programs are designed to broaden perspectives, the re spon si bil i ty of the University to enrich awareness, deepen un der stand ing, establish disciplined habits serve the ongoing ed uca tion al needs of thought, prepare for mean ing ful careers and, thus, to help develop of the region. The regional campuses individuals who are informed, re spon si ble, productive citizens. perform a critical role in serving this extended community. The University has state-wide respon- Undergraduate Education ate and professional education will be sibility for an extended university pro- Ohio University offers undergraduate centered on the Athens campus. This gram using in de pen dent study through instruction on both the Athens campus activity is not limited to that campus; cor re spon dence. and the regional campuses. Under grad- research and instruction are carried out u ate programs, designed to contribute at various locations. It is the purpose of these extended to intellectual and personal develop- University programs to serve a diverse Scholarship, Research, and ment and career goals of students, range of educational needs, from pro- Creative Activity em pha size liberal studies. fessional groups requiring con tinuing Ohio University is a center for scholar- courses of study related to the practice Undergraduate major programs, pre- ship, research, and creative activity of their professions, to individuals desir- professional, and professional pro- involving the creation, test-ing, and dis- ing oc ca sion al or special interest study. grams prepare students for employ- sem i na tion of knowledge, un der stand- ment in a variety of careers and for ing, ex pres sions, and technique. Ohio University contributes to cultural continued study. Two-year techni- and economic development, health care, As a public university, Ohio University cal and associate’s degree programs, and to other human services. has a particular responsibility to address reflecting em ploy ment oppor tu ni ties, societal issues and needs through such Adopted January 15, 1977, and reaf- as well as the general career interests scholarship, research, and creative activ- firmed January 1988. of students, are taught primarily at the ity. The scholarly and artistic activity of Academic advising statement added regional campus es. the faculty enhances the teaching func- March 2005. At the Athens campus, instruction is tion at all levels of the student experi- combined with residence life and other ence. extracurricular programs in an effort to create a collegiate ex pe ri ence in te grat- ing learning and living. Academic Advising Ohio University recognizes academic advising to be a central element of the educational experience of its under- A Commitment to Diversity graduate students. Advising is a collab- Ohio University is committed to promoting an atmosphere where under - orative relationship for which advisors stand ing and acceptance of cultural and ethnic differences are ensured. and students share responsibility and through which students create sound President Roderick J. McDavis under- munity. As a result, it is committed to educational plans consistent with their scored the University’s ongoing com- equal op por tu ni ty for all people and is academic, career, and personal goals. mitment to promoting diversity by cit- pledged to take direct and affirmative Advisors are responsible for being ing its importance in his 2004 inaugural action to achieve that goal. In uphold- accessible and responsive to students, address. A climate that represents and ing its commitment, Ohio University will and for providing accurate, timely embraces different cultures enhances not accept racism, sexism, homophobia, information. Students are responsible Ohio University’s ability to provide all bigotry, or other forms of violations of for being prepared for advising ses- of its students with the experiences human rights. Such actions are incon sis- sions, and for understanding University necessary to successfully compete and tent with, and detrimental to, the val- and major requirements. achieve in an increasingly diverse and ues that we hold essential as an insti- complex society. There is no better way tution of higher learning. All students, Graduate and Professional to learn about the world than to cre- faculty, and staff of Ohio University Education ate an environment where students of are expected to uphold the University’s Ohio University offers graduate and diverse backgrounds—and indeed, stu- commitment to a just and diverse com- professional education. The primary dents from all over the world—study, munity and to take a leadership role in forms of activity are advanced and spe- live, and socialize together. ensuring an atmosphere of equality. cialized courses of study, su per vised practical ex pe ri ence, and research. Ohio University is bound morally, emo- tionally, and intellectually to pursue The essential concentration of faculty, the realization of a vision of real com- material, and space resources dictates that the activity associated with gradu- 3 Contents 2 Mission Statement 2 A Commitment to Diversity 4 Academic Calendar Guidelines and General In for ma tion 8 Admissions 14 Schedule of Fees 19 Financial Aid 27 Academic Policies and Procedures 27 Precollege Orientation 27 Registration Information 28 Enrollment Information 31 Grading Information 32 Academic Status Telephone Numbers 35 Student Records Information The area code for all cam pus numbers is 740. 36 Grad u a tion Requirements— University Wide The University switchboard number is 593.1000. 36 Catalog of Entry 36 Requirements University Services 36 General Education Requirements 593.4100 Admissions 38 Residence Requirements 38 In Absentia 593.4300 Alumni Relations 38 Second Bachelor’s Degree 593.1174 Athletic Department 38 Graduation Procedures 800.575.4100 Athletic Ticket Office 39 Academic Opportunities— University Wide 593.4130 Bursar 42 Services for Students 593.9140 Disability Services Listed alphabetically 593.4141 Financial Aid and Scholarships 593.4800 Fine Arts Box Office Colleges and Curricula 51 Academic Organization Housing 593.4090 53 Major Codes 593.4027 Multicultural Programs 57 Minor Codes 58 Certificate Programs 593.1780 University Events Box Office 60 Arts and Sciences 593.4191 Registrar’s Office 109 Business 118 Communication 593.4025 Student Activities 134 Education 593.1660 Student Health Service 150 Engineering and Technology 593.1911 University Police 167 Fine Arts 188 Health and Human Services 593.4186 Veterans Affairs 214 Honors Tutorial College 593.2097 Visitors Center 216 University College 223 International Studies 224 Lifelong Learning Colleges 227 Regional Higher Education/ 593.2850 Arts and Sciences Regional Campuses 593.2002 Business Courses of Instruction 593.4883 Communication 237 Areas of study listed alphabetically 593.4400 Education 593.1474 Engineering and Technology Appendix 341 Departmental Faculty 593.1808 Fine Arts 348 Governing Boards 593.9334 Health and Human Services 349 University Administration 593.2723 Honors Tutorial College 350 Ohio Residency 352 Student Records Policy 593.1935 University College Index 354 4 Academic Calendar 2005–2006 Last day to add a fall quarter class (instruc- November 14, Monday Fall Quarter tor’s permission required). Last day to withdraw (drop ALL classes) from August 23, Tuesday Last day to remove a fall quarter class from the University for fall quarter (contact college Last day to pay fees for fall quar ter to avoid student’s academic record with possible fee or regional campus student services office). late payment charge. adjustment (use Web Registration or TRIPS); NOTE: Courses remain on student’s academ- Fall quarter classes dropped September 21– ic record with WP/WF grades with no fee September 1, Thursday October 10 will remain on student’s academic adjustment. Residence halls early move-in option for new record with WP/WF grade with no fee adjust- students only beginning at noon. November 15, Tuesday ment. Last day of classes for fall quarter. Limited dining hall services in selected loca- Last day to receive partial fee adjustment (80 tions as advertised. percent) of reg is tra tion fees for complete November 16, Wednesday Fall quarter monthly payment plan install- with draw al from the University for fall quar- Reading Day. ment #1 due. ter (all fall quarter courses removed from the November 17, Thursday September 2, Friday student’s academic record). Fall quarter examinations begin. Orientation for all new first year and transfer Last day to apply for pass/fail grading option November 22, Tuesday students not attending summer precollege. for fall quarter class (apply at your college Last meal served on board plan (lunch). student services office or regional campus Residence halls early move-in option for new Residence halls close at 5 p.m.
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