IfV • , Y’. • ‘ A PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Fri., Dec. 8,1872 The Weather ABOUT service project. All area Pi Congregational Church, will be participation in the 11 a.m. United Methodist Chnrdi will Phis are invited to attend. OB radio station worship service at Center meet at the church. Days Rain likely tonight and TOWN WPOP 8 Sunday morning Congregational Church. TH illattrIjFfitFr lEuTuinn iUrraUi Sunday with some fog. Low The Executive Board of the program “ Sunday ’Through the tonight in the 30s - high Sunday Manchester Newcomers Club Valley” this w eerThe M e e tin g s at Center Christmas! in the 30s. The Manchester Area Alumni wUl meet Monday at 8 p.m. at program is broadcast from 7 to Second Congregational Congregational Church on Mon­ Club of P i Beta Phi will boM its the home of Mrs. Frank 7:30 a.m. The Rev. Mr. Church will hold a chapel day include the Mothers Club, 8 MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, ,1972 VOL. XCII, No. 59 MANCHESTER — A City of Village Chcrm Christmas meeting on Monday Livingston, 217 Ralph Rd., Simpson will also appear on prayer meeting Monday at 9:30 p.m. in the Robbins Room; the at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Manchester. Channel 3 at 9 - 9:80 a.m. a.m. " Loyal ( ^ l e , 6:30 p.m. in the Austin Morris, 11 Madison Rd., Sunday on an interview Federation Room; and the Enfield. The program will The Rev. Clifford Slifpson, program entitled “ Santa Claus On Monday at 7 p.m. the Gospel Dance Choir, 6:45 p.m. dODGimTIOKS combine Christmas fun with a pastor emeritus of Center and Christmas’ ’, followed by Committee on Worship of North in the sanctuary. After the old original store reservoirs. Just before dark in None of the younger generation Icy Roads /|t Battle For Party Chairmanship building was moved back from the evening the lanterns were were interested in carrying on the comer <d Main and Oak Sts. lighted'and hung in the proper the business so it was decided a new three^tory brick building places. to close it out. Plague ““ was built. A Sfr. Mercer was Ten cents a day salary. That's Watkins Bros, bought the the general contractor. seventy cents a week. Who pcmerty and had the three- Drivers P i ^ him, O.C. got the job of wouldn’t go for that? THEN. s to ^ brick building moved to attending the red Untems kept H ie new building had three where ihe pld wooden building Freezing rain on top of a light M a k e where a board feqce barricade stores on the first floor. Next to had been clehredi and turned it snowfall created icy road detoured pedestrians into the Oak 5t. was Wicks and Quinn to face on Oak St..i9liere it is surfaces and extremely hazar­ streets out of danger of any drugstore. Later Oliver Wicks now. Then the present Watkins dous driving conditions from falling objects. Before going to le ft and M r. James Quinn building was l ^ l t on the site mid-afternoon on yesterday. sdxwl in the morning, O.C. employed Albin Peterson who from which the other bHck Area police reported numerous A**""' collected all the lanterns, latOT had his own drugstore in building was removed. accidents. Most resulted in T o d a y washed the globes, trimmed the the north end of tte Johnson The Savings Bank of minor damage and injuries, if wldcs and fiUed t^e kerosene oil building when it was built. Manchester now occupies Mrs. - any, not serious. In a majority The north store was John of the cases, no police action Ferris’s door yard where she Mrs. Westwood, handpicked McGovern nomination, party Porter and later Ferd. Williams was taken. WASHINGTbN ( A P f - The Strauss repeatedly declined, bung out the family wash to by George McGovern for the conservatives led by a core of NOTICE TO grocoy store, flie store in the V i ■' With road conditions prophetic fight, for the claiming he had. the votes to dry. 'Phbne 643-2711 To Include Your Business chairmanship after his Southern governors, and middle was Ferris Bros, worsening as the commuting Democratic party chair­ win. CONTRACTORS St. James pariah bouse where presidential nomination last moderates saying they want the hardware store. It extended to hour approached, several Hart­ manship climaxes today as in­ Mrs. Westwood said both she the priests lived was right August, has been under heavy party pulled back toward INVITATION the rear of the building and then In the Herald s Christmas Gijft Guide! ford insurance companies surgents seek to fire Jean and Strauss had com e to where it is nost* as long as O.C. S ' . ' •- pressure to quit ever since his centerfleld. TO B ID in a T shape across in back of closed early.' Westwood and replace her with represent extremes in tlte par­ can remember. But between it landslide defeat in November. Mrs. Westwood, who offered Sealed proposals will be the other stores taking upthe A Town Highway Department Dallas lawyer Robert Strauss. ty, rightly or wrongly, and a and Park St. was the home and p r h p l id a y Strauss, a forint party to resign for virtually any received in the office of width of the building th m . I- I spokesman said that a crew of Strauss, running with the victory by either Would leave office of Richard (Dick) Rich, treasurer and one of its most replacement other than the party bitterly divided. Griswold Si Fuss, bic., 210 Main In the basement floor was a o r a n B 16 men in eight trucks finished support of a conservative- real estate and insurance agent. SPECIAL PURCHASpI I successful money raiser, has Strauss, has shown little desire Street, Manchester, box-ball bowling alley and the N!ii,ngK.. sanding all streets by midnight. moderate coalition seeking to There were fine shade t r ^ the backing of bloc of labor in recent weeks to keep the job Connecticut, not later than South Manchester Rifle Club Imported Swedish ComtortI I i m . HIES II Two trucks were out this re-impose its traditional party sround the bouse. It required a leaders disgruntled over the herself if she could hand it over Thursday, December 21,1972 at had a range for smallbore low Body contoureu swivel chair ana matching ottoman. Both I morning. control, claimed to have 110 flight of several stair steps to to someone who could preserve 10:00 A.M., E.S.T., a t. which . power practice and contests with distincUve chrome bases, and c o v ^ in expanded I The National Weather Ser­ votes to elect him chairman. get from the sidewalk up to the at least most of the new party time and place said proposals vinyl. ■ i vice at Windsor Locks reported But he conceded there was lawn. Next on Park St. was Your Choice: reforms fostered by McGovern. Peace shall publicly be opened for The second story was some doubt over whether all of Finley’s, then Walter Cbeney, that the conditions were caused The outcome of today’s furnishing of all materials, occupied by offices and a studio • Whipped Cream White these would first take the Truman later Sherwood Cheney at Park by rain, in small, low pressure showdown was expected to set labo*, equlimient and inciden­ with a small apartment in the • Licorice Black dramatic and highly unorthodox and St. James Sts. waves breaking off a front the tone of the Democrats’ Talks tals to construct the FOLLY rear. The third floor was lodge • Beau Brummell Brown. step of first deposing publicly Slightly running to the south, falling political approach and appeal in BROOK TRUNK SEWER from rooms and facilities. In the old the head of a major political Six of the rivers bom in the through cold ground layers. For the years leading up to 1976 Leland DHve along Folly Brook wooden building the William party. Coioratio Rockies — the Rio the rest of the weekend, it Improved when the presidency will be Continue approximately 2,802 lineial feet Ferris Sr. family had all gone. forecast periods of light rain or A 105-vote majority would be Grande, Arkansas, Colorado, enough to carry eitoer issue, wide open again with the retire­ to an existing manhole on William Jr. had built Uie home South Platte, North Platte and BLE TYPEWRITER drizzle, but no major storm, but Mrs. Westwood, who says KANSAS CITY (AP) - ment of P ru d en t Nixon. PARIS (AP) - Henry A. Wetherell Street. on top the hill west of Foster St. Repuoiican — meander through 38®® The Most Wanted Christmas Gift! with patchy fog and Mrs. Westwood offered a Kissinger and Hanoi’s Le Due Contract Documents in­ south of Pearl. There had been Choose from the Besj;: • RoyalaOlympia • Olivetti-i temperatures in the mid 30’s. she will force Strauss to evict Window signs have appeared in a total o f 19 other states on week, ago before Democratic Tho opened their sixth secret cluding drawings and technical a damaging fire in the iniilding. ^ Underwood • Smith-Corona • Remington-Rand.frxnnS Monday, the spokesman said, her before he can run for the the Kansas City area reading their trip to the ocean. governors meeting in St. Louis meeting of the week at 3 P.M. q>ecifications, are on file at 654.96 • Sales-Service-Rent^ (Adding and nalriiinting | w ill be partly cloudy and office, claimed 115 votes "give ’em hell, H a ^ , let’s get ^♦♦♦•♦♦♦»»ee»eeeeeeeeeeeoe»eA»»ee»»e#»»e4 against a motion to remove her.
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