<<<* \>+R" Arbez cErr) \t .E Athletic r ofFu-.! Vnuu\-S*r:rg? 52nd ' Annual Q;;;.9 AwardsDinner Tomfs Rivera Center Universitvof Texasat El Paso \ Wednesday,May 2nd,2007 ,f YVvv %<<<\ /?>e \ J<-*s w- Welcome..", ""1iHf,#,,'ri,'1u" "",'l'fJJBKo*,.... RonLeiman PledgeofAllegiance . Bemard Polk Invocation. .. ReverendDavid Grousnick President'sMessage . Ron Leiman -----$E rNrRoDUCrroNoF rHE 2007INDUcrnns $&r-- MikeBeltran. ......Athlete SalCastillo ........Ath1ete BobbyGonzalez ....Athlete BobKitchens ...... Coach JackWilkinson ...... Coach KevinLovell. ...... Media AnnieMoncada .... Official Loretta"Lottie" Urarga ....... ....... Posthumous TexasWestem College: 1966Natioml Chamiions ...... SpecialRecognitior ----.$$ DTNNEREh- +Q PR-ESENTATIOI\OF THE 200? 'OUEt- PASOATHLETICTLA.LL OF FAME HONOREESO" Intoductions.. ......... SteveHill LivingAthlete. ... MikeBeltran LivingAthlete. ........ SalCastillo Living Athlete. .. BobbyGonzalez Coach.... , . BobKitchens Coach.... ....... JackWilkinson Media.... .... - KevinLovell Official... ........ AnnieMoncada Posthun'lous. Loretta"Lottie" Uranga SpecialRecognition . TexasWestem College: 1966 National Champions Rrlmarks.. ......... EddieMullens ( y)te_ -.!Q PRrcrs RrAr\rrRrEs -dTJ OUTSTANDI\C HTCHSCHOOLATHLETES 2006-200? OO. District 1-5AOutstandins Female/Mal€ Athletes LauraPaolaCarcia E stlvoodHish School Omarcarcia HanksHigh Scaool District 1-4A Outstanding Female,Male Athletes JimenaCandara - EITasoHiah School CliftonTucker ChapinHigh School District 2-4A Outstandins Female/Male Athletes {ubre\Baker - PdrndndHrah Scltool Ton)lrarer Parkard Hig-h School District 1-3A Outstandins Female/Male Athletes Yedith Cortez Clint Hish School JustinPowell ClintHiEh School P vate/Parochial Schools'Outstandins Female/Male Athletes DanrelleHJmDror JecusCh;nel School .hns Corde:o Je{usC\dpe- scl'ool TEE EL PASO ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME DONATED SCEOLARSHIPFOR UTEP AndriannaZolton Softball UTEPJunior INDIVIDUALAND TEAM STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS 2006Texas Clsss 5A BoJ'sTrack StateChampion MattDuillev D6cus ParklandHish School HeddCoach- Al Licon 2000fe\a\ ChrislianLesgue Foorball Chalnpionqhip Team faifi Cfiri,.ianAcddem) Heatl Coach- Homet Crcvte ChanmionshiDCame:FCA92 - Midhnd Tdnitv 63 - JoshulaRochou and Michael Harre .2006-2007Teyrs Srale IAPPS Bo)'s Swimming Championship Team Curhed.al'Hiqhschool- Head Cadch- Jack\/hite JorpeL.cJrcesa 200 medle e av.l00bd.Lrrrole Ca,lo' Fn r ceoa- i) lreesn-c:. 100 freesr\ le. )0u freesn-erela\. 400 fieelb le rela\ Jo,sDeiesLs - 200 nieoid\ relay, 100 brea.r'huk;, 200 free.r\ le relai M;Lhe$Enselbdun'- 200 mcJle\ rclav.400 lree'n le rela\ - Bn an Jones- 500 freds.wle LdsarHemdnJe/ - r00 rieesrilc reld\ Du.tln Luse- r00 reesn-drela\ JoshBiesanowski - 200 fr€eswle rcl:rv. 200 medlav relav - PairickGailey -200 fr*ityle 2007Texas State TAPPS Class 5ABoy's Wint€r Socc€rChampionship T€am LvdiaPatt€ison Instituie HeAl Cadch- MetchorYr\en Title Game:LPI 4 - Luth€ranBaptist Noth 0 VictorOlivares ChristopherYuen 200?Texas State TAPPS Boy's Te4nis Cnampionship Team ftthedral Hiqh School { Heari Coach- R:obenMaci^s DoublesChanpions: Jonathon Brower and T. R. Markowski e Dl Paso Athletic Ha.ll of Fanne Salutes Itst SOOZ Sporrsrrrs Title Sponsor Price's Creameries- GeneCuwejo sPoNsoRs PLATINAM Bandof theWest JamesArthur Lyle ShelterValet - GaryCrossland The ShinautFamily - In Memoryof Dick Shinault MidwestTextiles - SunnyHull GOLD GeneCalabro PepsiCola SonnyPitts JohnColeman A. J. Grall PropefiyTax Management PaulKimble Mike Wieland BruceB. Hubbard PatWieland JeepGutierrez Mr. & Mrs. Hatry S.Brown LauterbachFinancial Advisors JackMcGrath Brock,Veytia & Co.,P.C. ThigpinDistributing .ould Once Mike b€gnn pldying hone .nd hiswile-to-be Ileplayedfor r7.lnl987,hebec!'neU'ehe.dbaseb.11 Mike Beltran oG rized ball. he began plalins vilh Andy dd SydCoher !t UTle Doth of mach nt DelVnlle High School.A1Del Athlete oldcf dnd nror€ exp*iencedplay{s them were legendarynajor leaguesVallc, h's rcanrs lvon seve,al M ik e Sorneofthcnrq,enl on toplay basebill baseballplay*s ind he ledmeda lo1 championsl,ips n.lLrlin!.'n \,c.1 Bcttran \ professionally.Durin! dreseyeds Mike abontbig ledsuephilorcfhy fnn lheh. Ronndl'layoffJlJi,stI ubbolrin l')'rl r,r,< .. f.r leamedrhebrsrcsotbdsebJllrnrl(r!edMike wasthe (op pitcher tbr theMires In 1990and agai! rn 1991,lvliLe w.s i';i;';"'ii r...*d* l,s.LeJ,n. in re72. n red rhe Ei raso ride's BNcbrrl started with AtYsletr High School,Mrkcplayed lnl9?2,IlikewasselectodtoplayonCorch oflhe Year l| l99l,Mike$rs his Arrnd iorJ\(q surlisn,ltroeBm $iie: he the MexicanNation.l Teamrfc.a he inducledinLo the El l'asoBiscball I Inl I tuther: As ! ermcLlAllDBr.,ctrnilALrC,q lronurs. wls nanredAnatclr Pitchcrof theYear of Fane which 1!!s anothc, nuly voune bov of Tbe Indirnswon districtand6i-dnt,nr lleuJ..ele!r.dhrepresrntMLyico,n mrmotube nonenr ir hs clreer ln iive 6r sii, te championship_1:) ganes Hjs pitching the \\o ld Cup C!ni*, I'o\c\cr, the 1004 .Mike was n0ned the head sould sir'on recori was .nd most .xc,ting e\cnr $as iancelled du! ro an baeb.ll coach.t HorjzonHrsh school his !rdnd nenoriesw..e beatinsE.sLwood I 0 in earlqurkeinNnJr.aua.1n l97l,Mrke rntl hr\ go.l ren.lns wrnnrne i hedlanlnd Bi Dlstrictlnd Ninninga gdne .gairst srSned proft\siunJl J Nirh rhe ch5mpion5hrps. listen 1 o Midlmd Lee in Midland.Mike\ hieh thiladelphialhillies an,l playedilA M'ke\ 8ra,d tirthe xuultLh \ebe.n schoolexperience enabled hin toroe.m. ed n LeagueLeJgci,,,allJ inltially. Hehr wentLai onon,opL) to play proudpro,oof of hirnhDn elenee thntgh, ri heltr Jidnl o,.o.'ll crfre.b.o-oclor.1erjdro..,oo<\penen.e.o.oeJ'iIt on the radio. ' 'lidnl r.,-rri.".'.,D.d!(/.rrr.qo.leb..e'. \h'l. lp o Ranscr ,-,o, AccBd.eb" orrlclolcooMu,lhe,. b(ome lnorh(, M.l.\ v,re li \t,e sd. \"nt.e5_rr \vd olles- r..f,,chrlgre-ootherer..,'loLeD,oresrondl earn.ro,nlr''- graldtrh.xl^'y"..! cd o,nt'Id," d He ' enamoredirith bascballandw@ted b 120 and he wrs named Honorablc 1982. Mike played len )ca^ of etluLJhun llr cnd everrrh ns e\e oe Itc hb oero \.4ht"\ \4an'1. Mcn,,on \1. A-p,,. H, mo r prolc-iond b..co.'ll berorere.rnnS ro rou1".". ,, ol" eb'll ri.c \'llc rur _,'e.e-b. M.i. cc"m ro be(omer Indr", me,noib.e mome.r Rdrer w., cod.hb- ebrll rnJ t bltulime', roo\t .d l'"1.db'r .nr "^ ", ledqxebJseball Dlaler HN erandfaiier p,rlhins a no hitter asainslSrn Jachlo the high school level. Over hh career continu.s 1o passionardy live his .nc;uraqed hrni ro ouaue'hr dreao I unror ao Llegedd coming in rellef the Mike complleda pitchingrecord of 354 irondertuldream $ nh dresuppod ofhis 'ooush-.lsd\s erirrh,srz,ne r'rr n..,o-,idpr.l,n c!\' ,',,,;5of lr0Jld rir.ld" r 'h,(eour' na $ [eDdn'e rd i \rl l',.1| eor.tr,oncn; ius. Vri.. fih- \ed . lo-hr o""eb.ll.Aflfl Inu ,rle rer' o 8rc ,.ox.eoJ.\ereonrle.ddlor;dncrl.Jbr.eoclldo ettn,\e,. k.\'l\e \4.(e o.rri h o".clJll .o.chhg played rherever dd whenev* hc ae;idedtopla)forUTEPanLlbe.lorrurare*JrPq,iland H,shschoolin 1975: friendsat the El PasoTennis Cli6 dre sanc yee I! 1993,Sal played inteftationalchmpionship\ 1n telnrs Sal Castillo (Geoff Wright, Fred Dalbin, and profcssionally for Sar Anlonio sfigles and doublesand nlo uorld Athiete BobbyGoldf.rb. who hc pattemedhls Racqnetsworld teamtennis teah and chmpionslip doublestitles. He has smc after):as well d. all his El Pasowas nained United Statcs Professional been rankcd # I in then.tron at le$t ieachingliicnds, rvho were nevef too Tcn.isA$ociation National Player of oncein everyseniof agc division he has busyto gct togctherard play Tlicsc theYcar in 1991and 1994,d wcll as competedin. He has singlcs or doubles ruJiincluded.brothc,, RJ!.ud\ trtor Inrcrnanomlllayer of{re Yee by thc victoriesover the ibllowins o.and AxurLJr,Mru.l Ccndnt.\. DJ\,d ProlcsroNlTennlsRegblryin200l.Sldn chamrlons: Petef Flemi,rg Ochotorena (now living in He has comleted on elcvcn doublespartner ofJohn N{cEnrcc and Albuquerque),Mark Bailey,brorhes irtcrnationalUnltei StatesSenior Cup wimblcdon,F,ench Open. US Opcn LouisandM;centSegovia, and Mike te.nr ard hd!b(cn rhc playrnA .,ph; and AusrrrId DoubleqChamlioni (an],.,.$on BrJn led.,er. A..r,rl, n oten Be/er-... A.lrlK..Fone,"hou..c , e J{rv..,,k., ln; irhrstend6ciLcl(!ilrfc,mcdehinrrhc lds r nncc;orld chamoionshiDs ina SnlSlesChlmpioni victo. Pecci rcalize \rhat tennis \ras tnly row lrom2001 2002S;lrvasmked FrcnchOpen Singles Champ'oni Ross about... havhg fun dd huging outon # I ln the \torld by the lniemalionalCasc ,Austrllian Olen Doublcs Sal Castiuois one of the finest theicnnrscout Temis Fede.aionahead of fonner Cbampion;and llank Pfister,Ircnch tennisplaycN in thc world. He was In I 990 ai the ageof 15, Sal nas FrenchOpen Chamtion, vlcto. I'eccj, Olen DoublesChampion. bof! in nl Pdo and graduatedfrob featuredinSpofislllustrated."F.cesininthc men's45and overdivision. IIe In Aprll 2007, hc is once again uaslwoodHjgh School.He attend.dthe Cro\rd", lbr beingtte onlypl.yer aho ivor backto b&k doublesworld playingcatt.in 1brthc UnitedStates lheUnilenjiy of Soutbenlllinois on a in ihc history of the Unitcd Staleschmpjonshjls in 2001and 2002 while FrcdPmr Cu! Teanrin Turhcy. tcnnjsscholaNhip. Looktug bmk or TcMisAssoclarlontowinfoufnatlonaliosing the sjrgles findh both years- hiscareer what stands out the bost was doubtes titles rilh lour difcrcnt Durinqhis cdree.to d.Ie, Sal tras hrtinsJLrhchighschuol rouls $rth Drnne6on fourdjfferent slri:ccs ii eaned'ovcr 50 national and hLstso brotheFRtrh dntl Mrke his BobbyGonzarez :t9,"::tilT'"X1.:'liTT:1:,J"iliH:,1lt",T1U:J"3T:i'i;fil":'.,: i#"ili,,fiii1":"":litl;i,"lH:l; Athlete forte. Fie was Distriit IAAAA team caltain for the 1994 USA he was runnerupin drc 200,1Solano Championin the400 Freestylc Relay. Dualhlon Team that competedh BcachTriathlon (San Dicgo, CA) and At thiUIL RcgionalSwjnning Mcct, Hobart.Tasnania (Aust61id). Over his hewas thc chlmpion ofthe 2005 Tcxas tc wor a gold mcdalin the 400 Yd. carccfto d.te,Ie hasrcceived cight A ll SlateS!.int Triatblon. IrcestyleRelay, . silvcr medalin the AmcdcanHoiors (19c4.14s6. l()9r. Bobby has bccn sponsorcdby :00 Yd.IreestyleRelay and a b.onze 1998,2000,2001.2004and200s).dndPi,ser Brr, SpecialtyRdc ng lroducts medalir the500 Freestyle.
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