Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1985 The ommeC nt, April 22, 1985 Bridgewater State College Volume 59 Number 8 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1985). The Comment, April 22, 1985. 59(8). Retrieved from: This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. THE April 22, I 985 vol LIX no 8 GER Proposals ability to think critically and exceptional pn?blems may peti­ quantitatively, as well as the tion the Curriculum Commit­ ability to locate and process tee;" This means that classes At a full board meeting of the information. required by your major may not Curriculum Committee last The sub-committee took pain-: count toward fulfilling your thursday afternoon, the Sub­ staking efforts to include those GERs. One other major change Committee on General Educa­ individuals who would be instru­ would be that a Writing Profi­ tion Requirements submitted mental in the reevaluation of the ciency Examination be required their report and recommenda­ G~Rs. They held thirty one open in order . to qualify for tions concerning proposed meetings, formed many special graduation. changes in the GERs. The sub­ task forces, and conducted a sur­ The current college policy committee, consisting of Chair­ vey of alumni, regional employ­ with regard to testing out of man Stanley Hamilton, Robert ers, students, and faculty. classes would be retained. 1t also Boutilier, Judith Decker (ex offi­ The proposal, ifaccepted as is, provides and encourages self cio), Arthur Dirks, Edward would make a second English designed GER, or portions the­ James, Christine Quinn, and compositon course neccessary reof, in consultation with the Thomas Walsh, is to be er m­ for graduation. Among other Academic Dean and Advisor. mended for their hard wark )Il additions would be a mandatory The proposal, at present, is in this two and a half .\ ;,:ar class in creative arts, foreign lan­ the process of being discussed at guages and non-western civi1iza- several open meetings of the Curriculum ... Cummit.te.e_.,Jl.QW . 7;1;;;;iit~y~'~f&:e~,~~G;,,o:m:m~it;;7o, .. !~7~J:~::!:~~:g:;;i::!""" through the end of May (see "reflect the rich mix aqd diver- i). What ·would be missing from insMe for dates and times). At sity found inour large .conirrn.m-, the GERs as they stand atpres­ the ·,end of these meetings the it y." The Sub-Committee ent wo.uld be 6 credits of GER Committee will send their recommended that the gener?.! electives. recommendation to the All.Col­ education program be based rn Other recommendations 'lege Committee which will in the idea that all educated p.'' .. included in the proposal would turn discuss and make their sons, whatever their can~. r be "that double counting recommendation to President intersts, should possess aca- between the academic major and . Adrian Rondileau who will demic skills in writing, speaking the G ERs no longer be allowed; make the final decision. clearly and effectively,-have the however, specific programs with Heritag·e W ee'k Music Major: Under Consideration See page 13 - By department 'the question was by adding a music major the col- Mona McNamara asked: why has a music major lege would be. enhanced and WBIM Reporter not been· peveloped? Dr. Ian become more attractive. Dr. Special to The Comment Johnstone, \ Chairper:son, . said, Ridlon also. commented that for details .. There had been other attempts when the strongest push was There are five academic -· but they had been unsuccessful." made in the mid to late 60s, "the departments of Bridgewater He· also. informed this reporter department didn't have the com­ State College currently not that the department is only in the position it has [now] in terms of accessable for major study. This first stages· of developing a earned doctorates". Both Dr. means that one can not graduate major. This is called "intent to Johnstone and Dr. Ridlon feel GUIDE TO FEATURES from BSC with a major in the plan". It consists of writing the that the. music department is fo.llowing disc1'ffbes~cort'Bm­ propO"sal, then submitting it to .quite capable of handling a Dr. Robert ,- i cs, Media/Librarianship, Dillman, Vice Presi- music major." It has also been Letters 2 Secondary Education, Religious dent of Academic Affairs. He said that the original reason for Studies and Music. The music will discuss it with the other not allowing BSC to have a Editorial 2 department has begun the preli­ administration, which in turn music major was that Lowell SGA Notebook 4 minary work, by asking students will propose it to the Board of University, then Lowell State EntertainlJ:!~nt 6-9 to fill out questionaires. One Regents. · College, had a very strong music response given by the majority of Whe~ asked how long the pro- rnajor. GER ProposaJs 10,14,16 ,, the.students p,olled has been that cess would take Dr Johnstone BSC has had a long history of Heritage Day 11 was helpful. "A year from this they know or knew of students music. Originally it was taught 12-13 who would have liked Bridge­ September," he answered. In an as a concentration. When a per­ Sports water State, except that there. interview with Dr. Harold Rid- son .majored in elementary or News Briefs 15 was no music major offered. lon,. who formerly was director secondary education, they Living 19 They are presently atten~ing of th~. dissolved Humanities and would have to learn mu~ic, art Creative .schools. that do offer t.he m~J(}l'.; Arts Division· of which ,, ;ftiahinterview wHhthe·.jriu"siC' ~n:lu~ip;~~~ 1;1;,~p;irt/·h~~ta:ted that .·. com. on p' .. 3. ;f, " I~ ~ " '. ... " ,. .~ .. ' . ,'' ,,- ''' (' ·. ; . ,, ' '" ~ •, ~ ', 1", ,i- 2 The Comment Monday, April 22, 1985 letters to the editor ~ •• ·MORNING TICKETS??? Thursday night April 18 was wasn't depriving anyone of a True, I shouldn't have drank, just like any other Thursday parking space (at least not at. but being ·with friends who I night here at BSC. I took my car 6:26 a.m.). True, l could-have hadn't seen in a while, one beer and parked it at Scott Hall park­ parked in the lower lot but I led to another as we talked about ing lot and walked. to the Rat. don't feel safe walking over the the Rat closing because the insu­ After a few beers shared with tracks at night and returning rance companies will not insure good friends I found myself even later at night. Due to lack of them because of (how ironic) slightly under the influence. I · space the buses are unable to drunk driving. used my better judgement and enter this parking lot. Also true, I would like to close by sug­ chose to get a ride home from a­ I could have driven home so I gesting that administration and friend. wouldn't have been parked there campus police care more for the· At 6:30 a.m. I went back to the_ at 6::26 a.m., however, I didn't benefit of the studen~s than wor­ parking lot to retrieve my car want to risk the lives of others by rying about where faculty and only to find that at 6:26 a.m. I driving under the influence. staff will park in. the morning. I feel this is situation. I am open to any suggestions had received a ticket for parking Carrie Kulick in a restricted area. After ln either case, I would have lost. that will help any other students explaini'ng the situation to the I could have: that in the future find themselves police officer he bluntly told me a) been arrested for drunk in this situation. Editor-in-Chief that I was at fault for parking in driving Most Concerned. this area and I shou.ld have b) alone and unprotected in Kathy_Boyd Yes, I'm sure you have noticed by now that the GER proposal parked in the lower lot. a potentially qangerous area late SGA Attorney General has been submitted to the Curriculum Committee. This inciden­ My question is what differ­ at night Chairperson, Students Rights tally means that it is only in the preliminary stages of approval. It ence would it make for me to c)or leave my car and and Freedom Committee still has a long way and a lot of changes to go before it becomes law park in a staff area lot at night. I receive a ticket. of the land. I do personally have concerns with several parts of the proposal which I will wait until next week to share. in order that and formulate MEMORIAL tinuing the fundraising effort for you may carefully read the document in its entirety attend another week. Ticket sales will your own opinion. I would encourage interested parties to the paper to As you all_ know. we are in the continue in the Student Union, SuJ>erl one or all of the announced GER meetings listed in me I'd love process of developing the Wil­ in front of the bookstore, from express comments, questions and concerns. (Sit with liam Schmeidel Memorial Fund. I0:00 to 12:00 during the week of some company). Participation is extremely important in order freshman of Billy was ~tudying in the Sports April 22-27. Contributions will that we represent the interests of unknown would be Training area and was planning be accepted at this location or in years to come.
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