Friday, October 5, 2018 / PEOPLE DAILY Friday, October 5, 2018 / PEOPLE DAILY www.peopledaily.co.ke // www.epaper.peopledaily.co.ke 12 .HQ\D·V PG2 NewsBeat PG15 Business Hub )5((1HZVSDSHU TSC, Knut Tea revenue up, average fallout over farmers pay teachers' goes down contracts Commission adamant that performance contracting 'here to stay', as People Daily union threatens NO.06664 Friday, October 5, 2018 wildcat strike DNA nails 'Jowie' to Monica 1)0504".6&-,"3*6,* murder Samples collected from deceased's body and blood stains in TV journalist Maribe's house match 99 per cent with those extracted from prime suspect - page 5 Living proudly as an intersex... Darlan Rukih, a charismatic, confident and jovial 'Apostle', is renowned gospel artiste who has defied the stigma of being born with both male and female genitalia to earn rare acceptance in conservative rural Migori - Pg 6 2 NEWS BEAT Friday, October 5, 2018 / PEOPLE DAILY News World Business Feature Legislator Dutch Lower unga Keeping decries ‘thwart prices, cartels from increasing Russian President affordable POINTERS rape cases cyber attack’ tells millers housing P8Gatundu North P14Military intelligence P16 Uhuru also warns P21 Measures aimed MP says families allegedly targeted NCPB against paying at deterring crooks are compromised the Organisation for unscrupulous traders from derailing the to weaken cases in the Prevention of to the disadvantage State affordable court Chemical Weapons of maize farmers housing agenda $UUHVWLOOLFLW EUHZVHOOHUV VD\WUDGHUV 3HUIRUPDQFHFRQWUDFWV E\&OHPHQW.DPDX #3HRSOH'DLO\.H Bar owners in Kikuyu, Kiambu county, have urged the National and County governments to take action against traders selling sec- KHUHWRVWD\LQVLVWV76& ond generation liquor. Led by Kikuyu Bar Owners As- Teachers commission issues to speak about how we manage a sociation chairman Joseph Gach- workforce of more than 300,000,” wiri, the traders, who spoke dur- hard-line position as Knut said Macharia when she opened ing a public participation meeting the 5th Annual October Teachers in Kikuyu town church hall yester- issued a 14-day strike notice Conference. day said the government is reluc- after their talks flop But Knut gave TSC a 14-day ul- tant to apprehend those involved timatum to revoke the transfers and this is hurting their business and scrap the performance con- and in the end the legitimate bar E\2OLYHU0XVHPEL0DWKHZ tracts, arguing they were against owners are blamed on sale of the 1GXQJ¶XDQG.LUHUD0ZLWL teachers’ welfare. Addressing the illicit brews. #3HRSOH'DLO\.H press in Naivasha, Knut secretary Kiambu Director of Liqour general Wilson Sossion denied that Geoffrey Kaara said they have in- Relations between the Teachers they had walked out of the meeting tensified patrols across the county Service Commission (TSC) and as alleged by TSC. and are pursuing some suspects the teachers’ unions yesterday Instead, Sossion said it was the and alcohol outlets which are no- took a downturn after the former TSC commissioners who called for torious. Teachers declared performance contracting more time to review the demands perfor- irreversible. by teachers afresh. TSC took the hard-line position Speaking separately Macharia .LVXEDOHDUQLQJ mance as the Kenya National Union of said the ongoing reforms in the Teachers (Knut) issued a 14-day sector had brought a positive im- PDWHULDOVRXW con- strike notice after their talks with pact. However, she declined to tracts are TSC flopped over the latter’s deci- comment directly on the strike E\QH[W\HDU sion to transfer 85 head teachers. call when requested to do so by meant to On Wednesday, a meeting be- journalists. E\'LQDK2QGDUL tween teachers and their employer TSC and the union have been #GLQDKRQGDUL improve ended in disarray when the union DELIST TEACHERS Knut secretary general holding a meeting in Naivasha Wilson Sossion with other Education Cabinet secretary stormed out protesting the hard- to resolve the stalemate. She said educa- Macharia said TSC would soon XQLRQRIÀFLDOVDGGUHVVHVWKH Amina Mohamed has directed line stance by TSC. gazette a list of teachers who previously, there was a high num- the Kenya Institute of Curriculum tion stan- Nonetheless, TSC vowed not to had been removed from the of- SUHVVLQ1DLYDVKD\HVWHUGD\ ber of teachers’ absenteeism from Development (KICD) to start de- dards revoke the transfers as it insisted ficial register for professional 1)050,*3&3".8*5* class but this had changed drasti- veloping teaching materials in Ki- that teachers’ appraisal and per- misconduct or immorality. cally since the onset of reforms. suba language ahead of the 2019 -Macha- formance contracting will go on ers’ performance and raise educa- Macharia announced it would academic year. despite protests by Knut. 7KLV VKH VDLG ZRXOG KHOS tions standards. soon become mandatory for Amina, who was appearing be- ria Yesterday, TSC chief execu- eliminate cases of school “Teachers appraisals and per- teachers to undergo refresher ERDUGVRIPDQDJHPHQWKLULQJ fore the Senate Education commit- tive Nancy Macharia vowed the formance contracts are meant courses through professional VXFKWHDFKHUVZKRFRXOGUXLQ tee over a petition filed by the com- government would not budge to to improve education standards development centres to be run WKHOLYHVRI\RXQJOHDUQHUV munity, said her ministry made “a Knut’s demands or relent in the and Kenya is ranked the best in jointly with Kenyatta University mistake” that saw lower primary ongoing reforms to improve teach- Africa where we get invitations and other universities. school pupils in the community taught in Dhuluo language. “We apologise if we made any mistake,” the CS told members 0RPEDVDUHVLGHQWVGHFU\ of the community when they ap- 0DJLVWUDWHRUGHUV$3ERVVWR peared before the team yesterday. WHVWLI\LQEDE\3HQGRLQTXHVW WUDI¿FOLJKWVEUHDNGRZQ Coast Region Traffic commandant appear before her today after the officer E\6RSKLH1MRND E\'LFNHQV:DVRQJD Emmanuel Okanda said his depart- WEATHERTODAY failed to do so yesterday. #3HRSOH'DLO\.H #3HRSOH'DLO\ ment had deployed more police offi- Koima was the then Kisumu Central s.AIROBI 27° A three-month breakdown of traf- cers to the roads to control traffic. A Kisumu court yesterday, for the third AP commander and was in charge of fic lights in Mombasa has continued He said he had written to the County time, ordered a senior Administration the team that quelled riots in Nyalenda s-OMBASA 29° to disrupt traffic on the roads, leaving government to begin repairs. Police commander to appear before it to area during the period baby Pendo was commuters stuck in traffic for hours. “If the lights fail, traffic control is testify in the inquest on the killing of baby assaulted. s+ISUMU 32° Commuters are calling on the Coun- completely interfered with and there Samantha Pendo. In an earlier appearance before the in- ty government to repair the system say- is set to be a snarl-up, which ends up Resident magistrate Beryl Omolo quest in June, Koima had a difficult time s.YERI 25° ing the breakdown is causing snarl-ups inconveniencing motorists and more directed Senior Superintendent of Ad- explaining where officers under him were and accidents especially in Saba Saba, so confusing pedestrians on when to ministration Police Benjamin Koima to during the time the baby was assaulted. s7AJIR 36° Buxton and Kengeleni areas. cross,” said Okanda. PEOPLE DAILY \ Friday, October 5, 2018 #WhackyWorld 3 ZLWK.LPDWKLZD0XWHJL #NLPDWKLPXWHJL Idi Amin Dada of Uganda Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire, He reportedly killed more than 100,000 civilians and was said to eat his enemies, now Democratic Republic of the or had them thrown to the crocodiles. He declared himself King of Congo Scotland, “Conqueror of the British The Congolese general seized power in 1965 and thought of himself Empire,” and “President for Life.” as some sort of demigod. The evening news had to begin with a scene Nevertheless, he was best known of him descending from the clouds — and forbade newscasters to as “The Butcher of Uganda,” mention anybody but him by name. He also prohibited the wearing but his official title was “His of leopard-print hats Excellency, President for and walked around Life, Field Marshal Al with a walking stick Hadji Doctor Idi Amin he claimed took the Dada, VC, DSO, MC, strength of eight men and Conqueror of to carry. He changed the British Empire.” his name to Mobutu In 1979, he was Sese Seko Nkuku ousted by Uganda Ngbendu Wa Za Banga rebels backed (“The all-powerful by Tanzania warrior who, because Army. of his endurance and inflexible will to win, goes from conquest to conquest, leaving fire in his wake”). Mobutu fled to Togo, then Morocco, during a rebellion where he died of prostate cancer in 1997. Emperor Bokassa of The Central African Empire Are these men Jean-Bedel Bokassa was a self-styled Emperor and is suspected of cannibalism. During his 14-year reign, he reportedly kept wild animals to throw his enemies to, and was rumoured to have political opponents cooked and served to visiting dignitaries. He insisted all school uniforms include a gigantic picture of his face and charged huge amounts for them. During one protest organised by a vilest dictators group of kids, he had the army open fire, gunning down dozens of pre-pubescents. In 1976, Bokassa threw a lavish ceremony for himself costing his country’s entire GDP. He was overthrown three in recent history years later. The world of dictators is replete with cases of insane cruelty and mind boggling acts of brutality which have been attributed to deeply-seated sense of insecurity. Francois Duvalier Rafael Trujillo Nicolae Ceausescu of ‘Papa Doc’ of of Dominican Romania Haiti Republic Ceausescu demanded that his, nearly illiterate, wife be made part of the New Francois Duvalier was President for Rafael Trujillo (or “El Jefe”) York Academy of Sciences and the Royal Life of Haiti until 1971.
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