NON-SUPERSYMMETRIC EXTENSIONS OF THE STANDARD MODEL KENNETH LANE Department of Physics, Boston University, 590 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215, USA The motivations for studying dynamical scenarios of electroweak and flavor symmetry breaking are reviewed and the latest ideas, especially topcolor-assisted technicolor, are summarized. Several technicolor signatures at the Tevatron and Large Hadron Collider are described and it is emphasized that all of them are well within the reach of these colliders. 1 Introduction troweak interactions have been in place for almost 25 years. 4 In all this time, the standard model has The title of my talk was chosen by the organizers withstood extremely stringent experimental tests, and, while it was not their intention, they have the latest round being described at this conference defined my subject by what it is not. That leaves by Brock, 5 Tipton, 6 and Blondel. 7 Down to dis- it for me to define what it is. So, in this talk tances of at least 10−16 cm, the basic constituents 1 “non-supersymmetric extensions of the standard of matter are known to be spin- 2 quarks and lep- model” means Dynamical Electroweak and Flavor tons. These interact via the exchange of spin-one Symmetry Breaking. To be specific, I will dis- gauge bosons: the massless gluons of QCD and the cuss aspects of technicolor 1 and extended techni- massless photon and massive W ± and Z0 bosons color 2,3. of electroweak interactions. There are six flavors I begin in Sec. 2 by reiterating why it is still each of quarks and leptons—identical except for important to study scenarios in which electroweak mass, charge and color—grouped into three gen- and flavor symmetry are broken by strong dynam- erations. ics at moderate, accessible energy scales. This The fact that the QCD gauge symmetry is ex- is followed in Sec. 3 by a review of technicolor act in both the Lagrangian and the ground state of and extended technicolor, focusing on the more the theory implies that quarks and gluons are con- modern aspects—walking technicolor, multiscale fined at large distances into color-singlet hadrons technicolor, and topcolor-assisted technicolor. In and that they are almost noninteracting at small Sec. 4, I will discuss several important signatures distances. However, confinement and asymptotic of these strong dynamics that can be sought over freedom are not the only dynamical outcomes for the next 10-15 years at the upgraded Tevatron gauge theories. Even though gauge bosons nec- Collider and the Large Hadron Collider. For the essarily appear in the Lagrangian without mass, most part, these signatures involve the produc- arXiv:hep-ph/9610463v1 23 Oct 1996 interactions can make them heavy. This happens tion of technihadrons ρ and ω and their de- T T to the W ± and Z0 bosons: electroweak gauge sym- cay into pairs of technipions, π π , W π and T T L T metry is spontaneously broken in the ground state Z π , and possibly dijets. I restrict myself to L T of the theory, a phenomenon known as the “Higgs these hadron colliders not only because they are mechanism”. 8 Finally, fermions in the standard the only new high-energy machines anywhere near model also must start out massless. To make the real axis, a but also because they have the quarks and leptons massive, new forces beyond greatest reach of all machines under consideration the SU(3) ⊗ SU(2) ⊗ U(1) gauge interactions are for the unknown physics of the TeV energy scale. required. These additional interactions explicitly break the fermions’ flavor symmetry and commu- 2 Why Study Strong Electroweak and Fla- nicate electroweak symmetry breaking to them. vor Dynamics? Despite this great body of knowledge, the in- teractions underlying electroweak and flavor sym- The theoretical elements of the standard SU(3) ⊗ metry breakdowns remain unknown. The most SU(2) ⊗ U(1) gauge model of strong and elec- important element still missing from this descrip- aSome might view my saying this as the kiss of death. tion of particle interactions is directly connected to 1 electroweak symmetry breaking. This may mani- to search for technicolor and extended technicolor fest itself as one or more elementary scalar “Higgs as well as the standard model Higgs boson, its sim- bosons”. This happens in supersymmetry, the ple extensions, supersymmetry, and so on. Hadron scenario for the physics of electroweak symme- colliders have powerful reach by virtue of their try breaking that is by far the most popular. 9 high energy and luminosity, but extracting clear Notwithstanding its popularity, there is no ex- signals from them can be quite demanding. Thus, perimental evidence for supersymmetry. 10, b We detectors should be designed to be sensitive to, do not know the origin of electroweak symmetry and experimenters should be prepared to search breaking. for, the signatures of dynamical electroweak and If the dynamics of the Higgs mechanism are flavor symmetry breaking. So far, there is little unknown in detail, those of flavor are completely indication of this in the large LHC detector col- obscure. We don’t even have a proper name, much laborations. less a believable and venerable “mechanism”, for flavor symmetry breaking. Models with elemen- 3 Summary of Technicolor and Extended tary Higgs bosons, whether supersymmetric or Technicolor not, offer no explanation at all for the quark-lepton content of the generations, the number of genera- Technicolor—the strong interaction of fermions tions, why they are identical, and why flavor sym- and gauge bosons at the scale Λ ∼ 1 TeV— metry is broken—the bizarre pattern of quark and TC describes the breakdown of electroweak symme- lepton masses. try to electromagnetism without elementary scalar Dynamical electroweak and flavor symmetry 1 bosons. Technicolor has a great precedent in breaking—technicolor and extended technicolor— QCD. The chiral symmetry of massless quarks is are plausible, attractive, natural, and nontrivial spontaneously broken by strong QCD interactions, scenarios for this physics that involve new inter- resulting in the appearance of massless Goldstone actions at specified, experimentally accessible en- c 11 bosons, π, K, η. In fact, if there were no Higgs ergy scales. Technicolor is a strong gauge inter- bosons, this chiral symmetry breaking would itself action modeled after QCD. Its characteristic en- < cause the breakdown of electroweak SU(2) ⊗ U(1) ergy is ∼ 1 TeV, so it may be sought in experi- to electromagnetism. Furthermore, the W and Z ments of the coming decade. Extended technicolor 2 2 2 masses would be given by MW = cos θW MZ = (ETC) embeds technicolor, color and flavor into a 1 2 2 g NF f , where g is the weak SU(2) coupling, larger gauge symmetry; this embedding is neces- 8 π NF the number of massless quark flavors, and fπ, sary to produce the nonzero “current-algebraic” the pion decay constant, is only 93 MeV. or “hard” masses of quarks and leptons. At the In its simplest form, technicolor is a scaled same time, ETC offers a simple group-theoretic up version of QCD, with massless technifermions explanation of flavor in terms of the representa- whose chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken at tion content of fermions. As we explain shortly, Λ . If left and right-handed technifermions are the scale at which ETC symmetry is broken down TC assigned to weak SU(2) doublets and singlets, re- to color ⊗ technicolor is O(100 TeV). Neverthe- spectively, then M = cos θ M = 1 gF , where less, the effects of this interaction are observable W W Z 2 π F = 246GeV is the weak technipion decay con- at the TeV energy scale in terms of the masses and π stant. d decay modes of the technihadrons, ρ and π , that T T The principal signals in hadron collider ex- populate technicolor models. periments of “classical” technicolor were discussed Because we are so completely ignorant of long ago. 12,13 In the minimal technicolor model, electroweak and flavor dynamics, experiments at with just one technifermion doublet, the only TeV energies, which for now means those planned for the Tevatron and the LHC, must have the cThe hard masses of quarks explicitly break chiral sym- greatest possible discovery potential. They ought metry and give mass to π, K, η, which are then referred to as pseudo-Goldstone bosons. bThose who would cite the apparent unification of the dThe technipions in minimal technicolor are the linear SU(3)⊗SU(2)⊗U(1) couplings near 1016 GeV as evidence combinations of massless Goldstone bosons that become, ± now have to incorporate the scenario of supersymmetry via the Higgs mechanism, the longitudinal components WL 0 breaking mediated by new gauge interactions. and ZL of the weak gauge bosons. 2 prominent collider signals are the modest enhance- METC: ments in longitudinally-polarized weak boson pro- 2 duction. These are the s-channel color-singlet gETC ¯ 0 mq(METC) ≃ mℓ(METC ) ≃ 2 hTT iETC , technirho resonances near 1.5–2 TeV: ρT 1 → METC + − ± ± 0 2 WL WL and ρT 1 → WL ZL. The O(α ) cross sec- (1) tions of these processes are quite small at such where hTT¯ iETC and mq,ℓ(METC ) are the techni- masses. This and the difficulty of reconstructing fermion condensate and quark and lepton masses weak-boson pairs with reasonable efficiency make renormalized at the scale METC . observing these enhancements a challenge. If technicolor is like QCD, with a running cou- Nonminimal technicolor models are much pling αTC rapidly becoming small above ΛTC ∼ ¯ ¯ 3 more accessible because they have a rich spec- 1 TeV, then hTT iETC ≃ hTT iTC ≃ ΛTC . To trum of lower mass technirho vector mesons and obtain quark masses of a few GeV thus requires < technipion states into which they may decay.
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