FRIENDS OF ALTON ABBEY NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The 32nd Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Alton Abbey will take place at Alton Abbey on Wednesday 11th July 2012 after lunch in the Abbey Church Nominations are invited for ALL Office Bearers and Ordinary Members of Council. Nomination papers should be returned to the Hon. Secretary, Dr Jill Hurley, Greensleeves, Bentworth, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 5JT, or to the Alton Abbey address below. on or before 27th June, using the enclosed form. AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of the previous AGM - July 2011 3. Matters arising 4. Trustees’ Annual Report and Accounts 5. Chairman’s Report 6. Abbot’s Report 7. Election of Officers 8. Election of Ordinary Members of Council 9. Appointment of Independent Examiner 10. Forthcoming Events 11. Any Other Business AOB should preferably be advised to the Secretary at least 24 hours prior to the AGM at the address above; 01420 562126; or email: [email protected] __________________________________________________ ARRANGEMENTS The AGM continues to be held on St Benedict's Day. It is an ideal opportunity to meet other Friends and your Council. We are very grateful to the Abbot and Community for this special “family” day which they host in their home every year for Oblates, Companions and the Friends of Alton Abbey. The Abbot and Community will send you a personal invitation to attend the Conventual Mass and lunch, which precedes the AGM. Friends of Alton Abbey, Alton Abbey, Abbey Road, Beech, Alton, Hants, GU34 4AP 1 MINUTES OF THE 31st ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDS OF ALTON ABBEY HELD ON 11th JULY 2011 AT 1.45PM Present: Mr Christopher Pluck Chairman Major Michael Isherwood Vice-Chairman Mr Ian Munro Treasurer Dr Jill Hurley Secretary Council Members: Mrs Barbara Henry, Ms Margaret Kerlogue Mrs Lynne Rapson, Mrs Audrey Sherren, Dr Sally Turner The Rt. Revd Dom William Hughes OSB Abbot The Revd John Draper Oblates' Representative and 17 Ordinary Members. The Abbot started the meeting with prayer. 1. Apologies: 24 Ordinary Members 2. Minutes: The Minutes of the 2010 Annual General Meeting, previously circulated, were confirmed and signed. 3. Matters arising: None. 4. Trustees’ Report and accounts: The Treasurer spoke about the previously circulated accounts, explaining that our reserves are reduced this year as we made a substantial payment to the Community for necessary repairs e.g. the boiler replacement. He also reported that Gift Aid on fund-raising events would no longer be raised, as the administration of this is beyond the remit of volunteer Trustees. Dom Andrew and the Community had suggested this change in response to our Examiner's advice on the requirements of HMRC. The sum lost will be about £500. Adoption of the accounts was proposed by Mr Chris Pluck, seconded by Mr Tim Whishaw and accepted by the meeting. 5. Chairman’s Report had previously been circulated. He added that it had been a successful year; added to by the very successful Open Garden weekends in May and July this year, which had raised over £4000. He thanked everyone for their support, the Council's dynamism, and Ian Munro and Jill Hurley for their hard work for the Friends. 6. Abbot’s Report had previously been circulated; and he confirmed that exciting things are now happening at the Abbey. Two Postulants had been clothed as Novices last week; and two more Postulants plan to join the Community soon, with two further aspirants coming for talks in the near future. The Holy Spirit is acting amongst them, which is a joy. He thanked the Council for their varied ideas for fund-raising, and all the Friends for their love and support of the Community, which is much appreciated. All are welcome at the Abbey, always. 7. Election of Officers: All Officers had agreed to stand again, and had been duly proposed and seconded, so were confirmed for a further year. 8. Council Members: All Members had agreed to stand again, and had been duly proposed and seconded, so with no other names submitted, they were confirmed unchanged. The Secretary again encouraged Members to consider standing next year, as fresh ideas and skills were always needed; Anna Rose Knatchbull-Hugessen offered, and will stand next year, as the Constitution requires nominees to be proposed and seconded and delivered to the Secretary at least 2 weeks before the AGM. 9. Independent Examiner: The Treasurer again pointed out the excellent service provided by Mrs Jackson, and reported that Council had agreed to increase her Honorarium to £150 next year. Mr Tim Whishaw proposed and Mrs Lynne Rapson seconded the re-appointment of Mrs S J Jackson as Independent Examiner. This was agreed unanimously. 10. Forthcoming events: The Chairman drew attention to the further events this year, Magic and Music on Friday 12th August; Col. Patrick Daniell’s Open Garden at Itchen Abbas on Sunday 28th & Monday 29th August; 9th Annual Abbey Lecture on Friday 7th October, a Film of the search for lost family history during the tumult of the Indian Mutiny in 1857. Tickets are available today. 11. Any other Business: None The meeting closed with prayer. 2 FRIENDS OF ALTON ABBEY Registered Charity No: 284876 Report of the Trustees for the year to March 31st 2012 The Council of the Friends of Alton Abbey, being the Trustees of the Charity, present their Report for the year ended 31st March 2012. The members of the Council, elected at the AGM in July 2011, were Chairman Mr Christopher Pluck OSB Obl. Vice-Chairman Major Michael Isherwood Treasurer Mr Ian Munro Secretary Dr Jill Hurley Council members: Mrs Barbara Henry Ms Margaret Kerlogue Mrs Lynne Rapson Mrs Audrey Sherren Dr Sally Turner Ex Officio The Abbot The Rt. Revd Dom William Hughes OSB Appointed by the Abbot : Oblates’ representative:The Revd John Draper OSB obl The Charity was established on 13th April 1982 and registered by the Charity Commission on 7th June 1982. The original Constitution was revised in 1988, 2001, and 2004. The Charity’s address is Alton Abbey, Abbey Road, Beech, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 4AP The Object of the Charity is to support the charitable work of Alton Abbey by inviting and receiving funds in the form of subscriptions, donations and the holding of events. Funds are expended or transferred to Alton Abbey in response to specific requests and at the discretion of the Council. In the 12 months to March 2012 such funds amounted to £9959. Membership of the Friends of Alton Abbey is open to any person or group that supports the object of the Charity on payment of the subscription prescribed from time to time by the Council. The current membership is as follows (2011 figures in brackets) Life Members 124 (124) Annual Members 197 (186) Group Members 2 (2) Total 323 (312) The Charity’s financial year runs from 1st April to 31st March. The at tached financial statements show the income and expenditure for 2011/2012 and the balance as at 31st March 2012. The Charity has accounts with National Westminster Bank plc, CAF Bank Ltd., and Charities Official Investment Fund (COIF). The Honorary Independent Examiner is Mrs S. J. Jackson A.C.M.A., The Maize, Lower Stanton St. Quintin, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 6BY (signed) On behalf of the Council by the Chairman Christopher Pluck 3 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 March 2012 Registered Charity No: 284876 Unrestricted Restricted Total Total Notes Funds Funds 2012 2011 Income & Expenditure Income Subscriptions (Gift Aid/Covenant) 2 10850 10850 11499 Subscriptions (Other) 1500 1500 793 Top up Gift Aid 0 0 0 Donations (Gift Aid) 3 563 563 658 Donations (Other) 479 479 349 Fundraising & Appeals 4 8985 8028 Tax Refund 0 0 0 Deposit Interest 187 187 124 Total Income 22564 22564 21451 Direct Charitable Expenditure Abbey Expenditure 5 9959 9959 27400 9959 9959 27400 Other Expenditure Fund-raising Costs 4 1151 1151 1849 Administration Costs 6 278 278 411 1429 1429 2260 Total expenditure 11388 0 11388 29660 Net Income for the year 11176 0 11176 -8209 Fund balances brought forward 29275 0 29275 37484 Fund balances carried forward 40451 0 40451 29275 BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 MARCH 2012 Current Assets 2012 2011 Debtors (tax refund & events) 7 625 595 Balances at Bank - Nat West Current a/c 289 208 - CAF Deposit a/c 4787 15722 - COIF 34750 12750 TOTAL 40451 29275 Current Liabilities Accrual 8 0 0 Net Assets 40451 29275 represented by Unrestricted Income Funds 40451 29275 Restricted Income Funds 0 0 40451 29275 4 FRIENDS OF ALTON ABBEY Registered Charity No: 284876 Notes to the Accounts for the period ended 31 March 2012 1 Accounting Policies These Accounts have been prepared under the historic cost convention and in accordance with the applicable accounting standards and the Statement of Recommended Practice on Accounting by Charities. 2 Subscriptions 2012 2011 £ £ Gift Aided Rebate due (20/80) 8673 8930 Rebate due (20/80) 2168 2518 Transitional Relief 1 Apr 2011 to 5 Apr 2011 9 0 Rebate per £180 previous year's subscriptions, late claim 51 11499 3 Donations £ £ Gift Aided 450 501 Rebate due (20/80) 113 141 Rebate per £56 previous year's subscriptions. Late claim 16 658 4 Fundraising & Appeals Costs Proceeds Net Net £ £ £ £ Christmas Cards 557 1161 604 560 Calendar 103 354 251 0 Open Gardens 150 5806 5656 1875 Music & Magic 89 739 650 0 Abbey Lecture 252 925 673 1378 Abbey Entertainment 0 1566 Gilbert White 0 845 Quiz (cancelled) 0 -45 1151 8985 7834 6179 5 Abbey Expenditure £ £ Guest House Soft Furnishings 3500 Guest House Beds 1814 Drain Repairs 1630 Washing Machine 1536 St Benedict's
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