E1356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 26, 2016 should take the time to commemorate Taiwan, HONORING METRO TRANSIT more the dam was at the end of its usable life an important economic partner and vital ally in SYSTEM OF THE YEAR and required more and more costly repairs Asia. each year. This past year, the world witnessed Tai- HON. KEITH ELLISON The complete replacement of the dilapidated logging dam was a collaboration between wan’s third peaceful transition to power as the OF MINNESOTA Chippewa National Forest, Leech Lake Band first woman was elected in Taiwan. The 23 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES million people on the island represent the only of Ojibwe, Minnesota Department of Natural Monday, September 26, 2016 democracy in the Chinese speaking world. Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Taiwan has been a reliable partner in East Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council, Mid- Asia. According to the U.S. Dept. of Com- congratulate Metro Transit on being named west Glacial Lakes Partnership and Ottertail merce, U.S. trade in goods with Taiwan Transit System of the Year. This year, Metro Power Company. The new Rock Arch Rapids reached US$ 66 billion last year. For a popu- Transit served nearly 86 million riders while of- not only improves access to Cass Lake for lation of only 23 million, Taiwan has become fering excellent and reliable service. aquatic life but also access to the lake by out- the United States’ 9th largest trading partner The American Public Transportation Asso- door enthusiasts, and minimizes erosion of in 2015. Also, Taiwan is the state of New ciation’s Outstanding Public Transportation Cass Lake’s shoreline to preserve the beau- York’s 6th largest export market in Asia. System Achievement Award reflects accom- tiful campgrounds, trails and beaches of the On Taiwan’s National Day, we reaffirm the plishments made between 2013 and 2015. Chippewa National Forest for years to come. Please join me in congratulating the staff at strength of the U.S.–Taiwan relationship and During this time, Metro Transit increased rider- Chippewa National Forest and their commu- the United States commitment to the Taiwan ship, expanded access, improved sustain- nity partners for their prestigious achievement. Relations Act. It is an honor and privilege to ability practices, and increased overall suc- support our friend and partner Taiwan and cess in system safety. Metro Transit was sin- f highlight the bonds that connect us. gled out among all North America agencies TRIBUTE TO HENDRICKS COUNTY, that provide more than 20 million annual pas- INDIANA f senger trips. Metro Transit plays a vital role in the Twin HON. TODD ROKITA RECOGNIZING TABLE TO TABLE’S Cities by providing clean, safe, reliable, and OF INDIANA EFFORTS DURING FOOD RESCUE affordable transportation service every day to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AWARENESS WEEK thousands of commuters, residents, workers, and visitors. In 2015, Metro Transit had its Monday, September 26, 2016 HON. DAVID LOEBSACK highest ridership in 30 years, with total annual Mr. ROKITA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rides of over 85 million. Metro Transit’s com- recognize and salute Hendricks County, Indi- OF IOWA mitment to sustainability through its transition ana, as the Indiana Bicentennial Torch is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to lower emission vehicles benefits everyone scheduled to pass through the county on Fri- Monday, September 26, 2016 in the region, whether they use transit or not. day, September 23, 2016. The county sits on the southern part of Indi- Mr. LOEBSACK. Mr. Speaker, today I would Metro Transit not only makes transportation more accessible to workers, it also employs ana’s Fourth Congressional District. It was like to recognize the wonderful work of Table named for Indiana Governor William Hen- to Table during Food Rescue Awareness over 3,100 people in the Twin Cities. I am pleased to say that Metro Transit con- dricks, who was serving at the time the county Week, which is being held September 24th tributes to the quality of life and preserves the was formed in 1824. The county seat is lo- through 30th. For the last twenty years, Table livability of the Twin Cities by mitigating traffic cated in Danville, which happens to be the lo- to Table has been committed to collecting nu- impacts, providing easier access to local busi- cation of my primary district office. Hendricks tritional, high-quality food from donors and dis- nesses, reducing air pollution, and improving County is recognized as a logistics and trans- tributing it through food establishments, food circulation throughout the cities. portation hub in Indiana and for the many mo- pantries, meal sites, and shelters to those who On behalf of the residents of Minnesota’s torsports companies that are headquartered need it most in Johnson County. 5th Congressional District, I congratulate the there. I grew up in poverty, and I know firsthand entire Metro Transit System, its employees, In this year of the Hoosier Bicentennial, what it is like to worry about where my next and its Board of Directors, for their efforts and communities throughout the state are cele- meal might come from. Growing up, my single significant contributions to the Greater Min- brating Indiana’s past and present through Bi- mom relied on food stamps at times in order neapolis Area, and for their nationally recog- centennial Legacy Projects. These projects to be able to feed my brothers, sister and me. nized achievements in providing the highest are generally, culturally inclusive, celebratory, I strongly believe that no Iowa child or family quality transit service. engaging and inspiring to youth and young should go to bed hungry or have to wonder f adults and create a legacy for the future. The how they will afford their next meal. organizations responsible for the twenty-five Hunger unfortunately continues to be a CHIPPEWA NATIONAL FOREST Legacy Projects throughout the county are: major problem in America and for many Iowa RISES TO THE FUTURE Avon-Washington Township Public Library, families. In Johnson County, one in seven Cascade Middle School, The Porch, residents relies on nutritional assistance in HON. RICHARD M. NOLAN Brownsburg Educational Foundation, Rotary some way. That is why I am so grateful for OF MINNESOTA Club of Plainfield, Indiana, Plainfield Chamber Table to Table’s efforts to fight food insecurity. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Commerce, Hendricks County Parks and Founded in 1996, Table to Table was the first Recreation, First Baptist Church of Amo, B&O food rescue charity in Iowa. Since then, Table Monday, September 26, 2016 Trail Association, Inc., Montrose Farms, to Table has provided the equivalent of 12.5 Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Danville Rotary Club, Friends of Hendricks million meals consisting of food that would recognize the dedicated natural resource man- County Museum, the Town of Avon, the Town otherwise have been wasted and deposited in agement professionals at the Chippewa Na- of Brownsburg, RAHC Committee, Avon Com- the landfill. This great organization has over tional Forest for their excellent work on the re- munity Heritage Festival Board, Wa-Pe-Ke- 100 regular volunteers, collects from over 40 placement of the Knutson Dam at the outlet of Way Chapter of the National Society Daugh- donation sites, and delivers to 36 agency Cass Lake to the Mississippi River. ters of the American Revolution, Brownsburg sites. Staff at the national forest and their commu- Chamber of Commerce, Scrapbasket Quilt On behalf of all of my constituents, I would nity partners earned the ‘‘Rise to the Future’’ Guild of Brownsburg, K–Kids Club of Danville like to thank Bob Andrlik, Executive Director of award, one of the U.S. Forest Service’s most South Elementary School, Greater Danville Table to Table, for his years of service, and prestigious awards, for their utilization of a de- Chamber of Commerce and Animalia, Inc. Table to Table for providing quality nutrition for sign called Rock Arch Rapids, which allows Hoosiers look forward to their enduring con- those who need it. I know I join my col- aquatic wildlife to travel freely between Cass tribution to our state’s legacy. leagues, friends, and fellow Iowans in wishing Lake and the Upper Mississippi river. Before And on this day, Mr. Speaker, in the year in Table to Table the best of success during this the construction of Rock Arch Rapids, the which we are celebrating Indiana’s 200th birth- year’s Food Rescue Awareness Week and Knutson Dam, a logging dam built in the early day, I am proud to recognize Hendricks Coun- urging folks who can to contribute food or vol- 1900’s, blocked the passage of fish between ty for the contribution of its residents to the unteer. Cass Lake and the Mississippi river. Further- past, present and future of Indiana’s history. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:18 Sep 27, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26SE8.002 E26SEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS September 26, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1357 HONORING SERGEANT PATRICIA who have overcome adversity to express Act of 1979, which serves as the basis for our ORISINI themselves through poetry. relationship. I am proud to say that the United Thank you to SUNY Plattsburgh for your States continues to build relations with Tai- HON. PETER J. ROSKAM commitment to honoring this day by hosting wan. OF ILLINOIS events in celebration year after year. I want to I am honored to travel to Taiwan on this joy- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wish you great success at this year’s event.
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