Thursday, Jan. 9, 2003 ! Volume 9, Number 19 Page 1 of 8 Simpson emerges; The changes Dem vacuum Howey !"##$%&'$(&)*$+&",*-$,..$#./0 By BRIAN A. HOWEY in Indianapolis By early this week, the inactivity after the big names passed on the Democratic 2004 gubernatorial race was noth- Political ing less than surreal. It was almost as if Gov. Frank O’Bannon had placed a pox on his office, and marquee Democrats ranging from U.S. Report Sen. Evan Bayh, Lt. Gov. Joe Kernan, former U.S. Rep. Tim Roemer, and, finally, former House Speaker John Gregg The Howey Political Report is published by NewsLink were bailing. Inc. Founded in 1994, The Howey Political Report is Long-time Democratic operative Mike Harmless was an independent, non-partisan newsletter analyzing the amazed. He recalled the time he went to see former Terre political process in Indiana. Haute Mayor Pete Chalos, and said he was “thinking” about Brian A. Howey, publisher running for Congress. Chalos almost dismissed him then and Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington writer there, saying, “Don’t waste my time.” Jack E. Howey, editor “Let me rephrase that,” Harmless countered. “I am going to run for Congress and I’m seeking your help.” The Howey Political Report Office: 317-254-1533 As Harmless surveyed the littered Democratic guber- PO Box 40265 Fax: 317-968-0487 Indianapolis, IN 46240-0265 Mobile: 317-506-0883 natorial dustbin, he said, “Someone is just going to have to step up and say, ‘I’m running.’” [email protected] www.howeypolitics.com That first act of boldness occurred this morning, when a hoarse State Sen. Vi Simpson, riding a wave of Washington office: 202-775-3242; indignation over comments made by IUPUI pollster Brian Business Office: 317-254-0535. Vargus that Indiana isn’t ready for a woman governor, said Subscriptions: $250 annually via e-mail or she is forming an exploratory committee. fax; $450 annually including the HPR Daily “I do so not to satisfy personal ambition, nor am I Wire. Call 317-254-1533 or 254-0535. interested in making history, I am taking this step today © 2003, The Howey Political Report. All rights because I owe Indiana more than it will ever owe me,” reserved. Photocopying, Internet forwarding, faxing or Simpson said to several hundred supporters outside the gov- reproducing in any form, in whole or in part, is a viola- ernor’s office, including the entire Senate Democratic caucus tion of federal law and is strictly prohibited without in an electrifying speech. “Today. Indiana needs strong lead- consent of the publisher. ership. I put my record of fiscal responsibility against any- “OK. I’ve made some changes. ” Ticker: Ford announces for LG p. 2 Bayh, Quayle and Hillary Clinton p. 4 - Senate President Pro Tempore Robert D. 2004 Horse Race: Scott v. Bayh p. 5 Garton, R-Columbus, on removing Sen. Teresa 2003 Horse Race: McDonald, Lloyd Lubbers as education chair, to the Indianapolis spar in Evansville p. 6 Star Columnists: McDaniel, Colwell p. 8 Thursday, Jan. 9, 2003 Page 2 of 8 SEN. FORD SEEKS LG NOMINATION: State Sen. David Ford, R-Hartford City, has officially launched a campaign for lieutenant governor in 2004. He has a website dedicated to the campaign at http://www.davidford2004.co m. Ford joins former nation- al Republican committee- woman Jean Ann Harcourt as candidates seeking the job. “I am convinced that Indiana will elect a Republican governor in 2004,” Ford said on his body in this Statehouse. This election Rep. David McIntosh for missing scores website. “I am fortunate to shouldn't be about labels. It should be of congressional votes during the 2000 have had an opportunity to about ideas and which person can move gubernatorial campaign, the three-term get to know each of the cur- this state forward. Today, I believe I’m congressman from Seymour would face rent Republican candidates. We will have a stronger tick- that person.” the same dilemma. et if there is also support But even that wasn’t bold enough Former Democratic Chairman and confidence in the gov- for former Democratic National Chairman Robin Winston doesn’t believe that’s nec- ernor’s running mate. Joe Andrew, who told the Indianapolis essarily the case, telling HPR that Hoosiers should have the Star he would skip the exploratory com- McIntosh never effectively addressed the opportunity to get to know mittee and plunge in, if that’s his decision. issue. But the other part of that equation is both members of the GOP “We may well have a primary here,” that in recent American political history, team well before the 2004 Andrew told the Star. members of Congress have a dismal primary election and con- vention. I have given the Still wafting in the wind was U.S. record of returning home and capturing idea of seeking the office of Rep. Baron Hill. Insiders insisted after the governorship. In addition to McIntosh, lieutenant governor a lot of Evan Bayh’s decision not to go that he former Rep. Steve Largent, like Hill a thought and prayer. Many wouldn’t abandon his 9th CD seat, with sports star, lost a 2002 gubernatorial race Hoosiers would consider it fears by some Democrats that it could eas- in Oklahoma even after he resigned his a privilege to serve with a ily turn Republican in a special election. congressional seat almost a year in Republican administration, But Hill came under heavy pressure, advance. and many could serve well. I will not suggest that I am reportedly from the Bayh organization and The other problem Hill presumably the only choice for the Gov. O’Bannon, to reconsider. Bayh’s is weighing is that the gubernatorial breed office of lieutenant gover- concern is to have a strong gubernatorial of politician is vastly different than the nor, but I believe, for the candidate to run in tandem with his Senate congressional breed. Bayh and Ohio Gov. reasons set forth below, re-election campaign. George Voinovich are exceptions. Political that I am uniquely quali- Hill is, apparently, the key choice figures such as U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter of fied.” of a number of party elders, including Pennsylvania couldn’t make the guberna- REED PRESSES FOR EDU- Chairman Peter Manous. torial hurdle, but have thrived at the con- The problem for Hill is that after gressional level. Continued on page 3 Indiana Democrats castigated then-U.S. A Hoosier governor must be more Page 3 of 8 Thursday, Jan. 9, 2003 of a schmoozer with a high degree of Crow era and start marking drinking foun- retail appeal, whereas firebrands and ideo- tains with ‘men only’ and ‘women only’ logues (which Hill is not) may be better signs. Maybe we ought to make women suited for Congress. go to the back of the bus. Or maybe, just For the record, Hill thrives at retail maybe, opinion makers from across the politics, jogging across the state in 1990 state, and, more importantly, the political when he ran against U.S. Sen. Dan Coats, parties, ought to be doing some soul CATION INCREASES: A as well as in his three CD races. searching as to why it’s deemed accept- skimpy increase in educa- able and something that induces so little tion funding will mean fur- Clearing the field? outrage as to rule out half our population.” ther cuts in summer school Simpson told HPR a week later, programs and fewer teach- The hope of Manous, Bayh and ers in the fall, Secretary of others was to “clear the field” in order to “There are many conversations going on throughout the state. It is not an exagger- Education Sue Ellen Reed preserve recources while taking on OMB told lawmakers Wednesday ation to say that I have heard from women Director Mitch Daniels, Ambassador to (Steve Walsh, Post-Tribune). (and men) from north and south who are Germany Dan Coats (who is vividly sig- Reed received a somewhat outraged by the obvious oversight and nalling to Hoosier friends his interest in a chilly reception at the who are encouraging me to take the leap. gubernatorial run), or State Sen. Murray House Ways and Means “Is it possible that we have moved Clark or McIntosh. Committee as she outlined beyond? There are obstacles -- put in her budget for public educa- But as Andrew stated, Bayh may place by the party, by legislative leader- tion that includes 3.5 per- have been the only one strong enough to ship and by the press -- very few can cent increases in tuition do it. Hill might have had a narrow win- 'imagine' a female chief exec,” Simpson support for local schools in dow of opportunity -- Monday and asked. “Most are surprised to know that each of the next two years. Tuesday -- to enter and come across All of the increases wanted 19 women have served as governor of strong enough to keep others out. But that by the department would their respective states, Arizona and opportunity probably is past. And anyone add an extra $156 million to Kansas have had two. Ten female candi- who watched Simpson kick off her candi- the budget in 2004 and $160 dates ran this year, and six women are dacy could feel real energy. million the following year, currently serving as governor. Even Reed said. She left the task Asked about Manous’ apparent Kentucky had a woman, and it did not dis- of finding a way to pay for support of Hill, Simpson said, “I don’t integrate nor did it surrender to Indiana.” the budget to the lawmak- think the party chairman chooses the can- Asked by the Star’s Mary Beth ers.
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