University of Technology ChemnitzZwickau Department of Computer Science Theoretical Computer Science and Information Security Technical Rep ort TRF Breaking and repairing a convertible undeniabl e signature scheme Markus Michels Holger Petersen Patrick Horster June Strae der Nationen Phone D Chemnitz Germany Fax Limited distribution notes This rep ort has b een issued as a Research Rep ort for early dissemination of its contents In view of the transfer of copyright to the outside publisher its distribution outside the University of Technology ChemnitzZwickau prior to publication should b e limited to p eer communications and sp ecic requests After outside publication requests should b e lled only by reprints or legally obtained copies of the article Breaking and repairing a convertible undeniabl e signature scheme Markus Michels Holger Petersen Patrick Horster Theoretical Computer Science and Information Security University of Technology ChemnitzZwickau Strae der Nationen D Chemnitz Germany Email fmmihp ephoginformatiktuchemnitzde Novemb er Abstract In Boyar Chaum Damgard and Pedersen intro duced the concept of con vertible undeniable signatures They proved that those schemes exist i oneway functions exist and further gave an example of a practical convertible undeniable scheme which is based on the ElGamal signature scheme In this pap er we present an attack on this signature scheme After the conver sion that means the signer releases the secret parameter so that his signature can b e checked by any verier we can show that there is no security at all A key onlyattacker can forge the signature scheme universally Thus this scheme might still b e used as an undeniable signature scheme but it p ossesses only selective but no total convertibility The attack can also b e applied to Pedersens mo dica tion of that scheme We further show how the convertible undeniable signature scheme can b e repaired so that the attack do esnt fails and discuss a p ossibility to strengthen the security of the scheme Intro duction A prop erty of conventional digital signature schemes is that once a signature is released by the signer everyb o dy can check its validity There are situations where this prop erty is not desirable Here the signer should b e able to determine which verier should b e able to verify a sp ecial signature and without limiting the set of p ossible veriers In Chaum and van Antwerp en suggested the notation of undeniable signature schemes which are characterized by the following prop erties The signer can decide freely at any time to whom he wants to prove the validity of his signature on a do cument The signer can prove that a wrong signature is not valid disavowal proto col The signer can prove that a valid signature is indeed valid conrmation proto col The signer cant prove that a valid signature is not valid The signer cant prove that an invalid signature is valid As a result the signer cant deny signatures he has issued b efore Chaum and van Antwer p en prop osed the rst undeniable signature scheme later Chaum presented another scheme with zeroknowledge conrmation and disavowal proto cols However a disadvantage of the scheme given in is that several veriers not trusting each other are able to verify a signature simultaneously This attack was prop osed by Desmedt and Yung criticized by Chaum and later strengthened by Jakobsson Furthermore Jakobsson p ointed out that in the proto col given in the prover never knows what signa ture is b eing veried This can b e used by a blackmailer to show the validity of a signed compromising message to the signers enemies if the signer agrees to prove the validity of an inno cent signed message However there are ways to overcome these weaknesses By proving that either the signature is valid or the prover is the chosen verier its imp ossible for this verier to convince other veriers later this mechanism is called designated verier pro of see for details Additionally mo died concepts were presented Fujioka Okamoto and Ohta suggested to combine the disavowal and conrmation proto col and Boyar Chaum Damgard and Pedersen prop osed the concept of selectively convertible undeniable signatures In the later concept undeniable signature schemes can b e converted into conventional signature schemes for all messages or in the selective case only for chosen signatures They proved that secure convertible undeniable signature schemes exist if oneway functions do Furthermore they presented an ElGamallike selectively convertible undeniable signature scheme In this pap er we review this ElGamallike selectively convertible undeniable signature scheme show how to break this signature scheme after it is converted for all messages and how to repair it Furthermore we discuss how to strengthen the security of the repaired scheme An ElGamallike convertible signature scheme Now we briey review the signature scheme describ ed in Initialization The certication authority cho oses large primes p q with q jp and a generator with order q These parameters are common to all users Key generation x and computes y mo d p Further Each user generates secret parameters x z Z q z more he calculates u mo d p His secret keys are x z and his corresp onding public keys are y u Signature generation t To sign a message m a signer picks random t k Z and computes T mo d p and q k r mo d p He solves the signature equation T t hm z x r k s mo d q for the parameter s using the collision free public hash function h The triple T r s is the signature on the message m Conrmation proto col The signer can convince any verier of his choice of the validity of a signature As the verication equation T h(m) z r s T y r mo d p r s holds if a signature is valid the signer can prove that the discrete logarithm of y r mo d p T h(m) to the base T mo d p is the same as the discrete logarithm of u to the base using the zeroknowledge proto col of the equality of two discrete logarithms due to Chaum Clearly it is assumed that proving the equality of two discrete logarithms cant b e done without the help of the signer Disavowal proto col The signer can convince any verier of his choice of the invalidity of a wrong signature As the verication equation T h(m) z r s T y r mo d p does not hold if a signature is invalid the signer can prove that the discrete logarithm of r s T h(m) y r mo d p to base T mo d p is dierent to the discrete logarithm of u to base using the zeroknowledge proto col of the inequality of two discrete logarithms due to Chaum Here it is assumed that proving the inequality of two discrete logarithms cant b e done without the help of the signer Selective conversion By releasing the secret value t exactly the signature which uses t can b e checked by any verier using the equations tT h(m) r s u y r mo d p and t T mo d p Total conversion By releasing the secret parameter z every signature can b e checked by any verier by equation Clearly the authenticity of z can b e checked by z u mo d p Breaking the totally converted scheme We demonstrate how the signature scheme can b e forged universally if the secret parameter z is released Then the underlying conventional signature scheme is insecure The task of an attacker is to nd T r s for a given message m such that T h(m) z r s T y r mo d p a As he knows z and y he picks a random a Z and computes r y mo d p and q d T r mo d p using an arbitrary integer d Z Then the verication equation is q transformed to 1 r (T dh(m)z s) mo d p r y 1 Therefore a r T d hm z s mo d q This equation can b e solved for parameter s by 1 s T d hm z a r mo d q As a result T r s is a signature on the message m b ecause T h(m) z dT h(m)z T r 1 adT h(m)z a(s+a r ) s r y y r y mo d p Thus the signature scheme might b e used as a selectively convertible undeniable signature scheme but is not totally convertible into a conventional one Clearly the same attack can b e applied to Pedersens mo dication of this scheme after the scheme is totally converted by the signer Again if the conversion is only selectively done by distributing pieces of the parameter t to several agents and this is the main contribution of that pap er the attack do esnt work and the scheme is still secure in this case Discussion The design problem of the scheme describ ed in section after total conversion is the following By cho osing the parameter T in relation to r the scheme can b e transformed into an insecure variant of the Metasignature scheme where one co ecient more precisely co ecient A is chosen equal to zero see for details As a result it is necessary that there are at least two authentically known parameters used as bases in the verication equation In the conventional ElGamallike signature schemes these are the generator and the public key of the signer According to this fact it is p ossible to countermeasure attacks similar to the one describ ed in section as we will show in the next section Furthermore an implication of the attack is that additional nonauthentic parameters here the parameter T do not increase the security of a signature scheme but might even weaken the system Such a signature scheme based on the discrete logarithm can b e regarded as a variant of a further extension of the Metasignature scheme However it can always b e reduced to a variant of the Metasignature scheme by substituting every nonauthentic parameter except r and s by a multiplicative u v w combination of y and r eg T y r mo d p with
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