____PORTLAND, FRIDAY lit; I'uniiiiiu mi**/ —— — 7 ***' M ii u If ttl __ _ M W18CELIAMBOU8. ISCEIiLANEOUS. Vi A M l Kl> Is published every day (Sundays excepted) by TO LHT. 6 THE DAILY PRESS Portland Publishing Co., THE NEW WORLD’S STANDARD. ^«ok Wanted, To Let. daily press. At 109 Exch^xie Street, Portland. A COOK- at U. S. TENEMENT, No. 244 1-2 Congress st., nearly BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dollars a Apply Hotel, Terms:—Eight Year in advance. Warehouse S S1m>2t,tf A opposite the City Hall. Apply on the premises ^oiwxAmj. Carpet Portland, nom s to 5p.ii., or at No. 27 lirown st. -■ AT TUG STEVENS. We invite tb** attention of both and The Maine State Press Boy Wanted! Ini mediately iu\-.l|H'v_A^B. City Fridiy Spacious and Elegant Chambers TN Conn readers Woniag, May 27, 1670. Countin«-R„oni ot a Wholesale Store. Good To Kent. try to the following lis«t of Port- l* published every Thursday at rc<luired- Address P. O. Dux 2H3. a land BUSINESS Morning wheeleT&wilson bonso—possession (riven rbo Urst ilavol HOUSES, which arc among it in my26*3tnce $'.50 a year; paid at $2.00 a & PAHTotJune. Inquire at 49 Bt. Republican State advance, 85 87 MIDDLE ST,, Soring m>25*3t the most reliable establishments in the City. Convention. year. [SILENT who _ FEED) Wanted! The citizens of Maine rejoice iu the KEAZEB BLOCK. TO progress Rates of DRESSER WANTED. LET. Advertising of Human Freedom and Equal Rights, achieved Advertising.—One inch of space, ■pfAIR Agency. by J. P. ATWELL & CO., 174 the Nation under the direction ot the °*co*umil» constitutes a SMITH, IN Middle Street. National “square.” HENRY C. k 1U0 Exchange st. FLUENt"bLOCK, $l.o0 per square daily first week. 75 cents NOYES CO., 0FFICES Republican Tarty during the last decade; who per week three Either or Agricultural second Administration of after; insertions, or less, $1.00; inform tlieir friends and the Single in Suits. fmiiScEiicnt* St StMMto* heartily the Tresident Boy Wanted. SAWYER & continuing every other day after first week, 50 RESPEOTFULLLYpublic that have leased the above These offices are the most desirable in tbe WOOnrORD, No. 119 Kxeliausc St. Grant in i s measures to secure national cents. generally they to do general city prosperity well known rooms, and are now to exhibit A /V\^ work in a Wholesale store. being situated and beated steam. prepared -Q.Address p- pleasantly by by the restoration of confidence abroad and tran- Half the “PiuPMt D. Hox 2139. Desk room square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; and bent '•circled Block?’ ever jny24dlw» Also, and des-ks furnished it desired. Auctioneer. one ottered in this and mar9.it t quility at home; who endorse its wise policy for tho week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. market, comprising all Ae%v « boicc Biyleft of HOLM KS, Na, 327 OongrepaRt. reduction of the national debt and its suc- Special Notices, oue third additional. Wanted. c-y7- Auction Salcf applaud Under head To Let, every Evening. Private Sales during the day. cessful endeavors of “Amusements,” $2.00 per S|AN 13 to 18 years of age. one who is to establish economy and houcsiy aA x. BOARD. A Front Parlor Chamber to a square three or active, lione-t and not alr.ild oi work. in the per week; insertions less $1.50. BRUSSELS, ami administration of the government; who ap- AfT’y lo WOODMAN & WITHgentleman wile. Apply at 141 C x'ord St. Agencies lor Advertisements inserted in the “Maine LITTLEJOHN, Sewing Machines. • y-* 3t Feb 19 dtf prove tho record the party in Maine on all ques- State Press” (which has a circulation 28 Oak St. W. S. large TAPESTRY, DYER, 158 Middle St over If. H. Hav’i*. All tions of public policy, including its consistent and in every part ot the State) for $1.00 per kinds of Machines for sale and to let. square ri elements to Let. Repot*ing. straight-forward etfo ts lor of the for first and 50 cents for THREE Boarders Wanted. the suppression insertion, per square PLY, frem $4 to HOBS & BAKER, 145 Middle St. (over evils $12 per month, in Portland and Shaw’s.) of are to send dele- each subsequent insertion. or Gentlemen can be accommoda- M intemperance, requ.sted S y1 ted ATCape Elizabc’b. Enquire of N. M. & Q. H. 54 Mfdd'e over Address all communications to with hoard at No. E’ree street. Woodman, WALDEN, Street, gates to a State to be held in Ctrauile 29} 28 Oak Street, and J. C. WOODMAN, Lock, Me serve jfir Co. {Improved Howe.) Convention, Exlra & «l iliH PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Superfine Common Grades --- iny!9*2w janSdtt_ 1 Exchange St. Ml-*?, June lain, at 1S70, eleven o’clock a. 51, lor tlio purpose ol -of- Wanted Bakers. Immediately! UeCt i-V W, O. Dominating a candidate for Governor and to trans- ,0 work ou COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. BUSINESS * Arctic class Store anil Office* on Stuct CARDS inr?lors. 11irte1mcn Refrigera- Exchange act sucli other business ®.s Apply to FIKSTbetween Middle an«l Fore Streets. Apply to may properly como be- ■"ykht J.F. fore the Convention. .MERRILL, Cross Street. W. II, ANDEtt<ON, Boots and Custom At Office ot Shoos—Gents Work. >atban 59 Exeh The — GREENE d- DAN Webb, Esq, No, inge basis of representation will bj as follows: FORTH, dec30ltf WALTER BERRY. No. 101 Middle Street. CARPETINGS __ Each to vn Wanted. city, and plantation will be entitled to CIVIL KNG TO Books; Gr-i-s mid one delegate and one additional delegate lor every j Window Jb trst LEI. tationrrs. INKERS, Shades & Fixtures, Class Coat ami rant Makers 75 votes cast lor Ihe Republican Candidates for 74 cor* HOrT. FOti(1 * Middle, Exchange Strrrt, BREED, 92Middle Street. Governor All of wbicli will be offered and sold at the ,{*\ew At 91 Middle street, (upstairs) in t£G8. A fraction of 40 votes will be * «rk E’nnic llniett” and entitled PORTLAND, MK. at great reduction tiom A* S. loan additional del egate. manuracturerb* FfiUVALD, Merclmnt Tailor. Book-Binders. prices. With fijteen years' are ence and experi- a Delegates required to be actual resid ts o CivP Engineering In all branches, Purveys and a iborough knowledge of the business >n all eocd Pressman. myGtl3w ns SMALL & SHACKFORD, No. 33 flam Street. the Estimates tor Ronds and Railroads. Water Stipp'y branches, lj. C. N. pledges himseli to sell Cai:- For Sale or to I.et. municipality iliey claim to represent in the Con- and Water J* Des PETs at a ioweb vention. wer; gns. Specifications and BATE than ever before offered Agents halt of a nice two double Estimates tor Wood and iron m this market. Wanted, story house, sit- Bonnot Bridges and Ko ds. uaicil five rr.iies irom the and Hat Blcachcry. The State Committee will Knickerbocker kite lu«. o., ot ONE city ami within ten be in session in the Re- Cdas. E. Greene. J. II. nnnntis walk H. E. Das forth. 1 liLW YORK. Til 8 18 ill llVtx nlHnof n of It. It. Station. "For Inrthcr UNDER WOOD, No. Congress Street. Room ot No Old Goods or par- 310* ception the Hall, at 9 o’clock the Old Styles! reliable and best dividend ticulars ot SAMUEL morning roy7d3m# paying ;n tlie inquiie BELL, at his new ol ihe ror Companies IJcot ami Convention the reception of the creden- Portland, April 9,1870. tt country. It* assets now exceed and its ShneStore, Sin Congresssireet, second door $7.200,0C0. castor New Brush manufacturers. tial ol and to hear income in 1SG9 was over $5,000,000. Cily Building, Port'and, Me. apidllf delegates and determine all ol FOR THE D. WHITE & SON, No. 9 Market Earnest, active and reliable men are wanted for Square. contested elections, subject to ratification the OBLM1DO NICKERSON, local and by traveling agents in Ma.no and New Hamp- Coven t'on. shire. to rT< > I aET\ Apply Coal and Wood, •James G. SHIP upon Ell. Trade t CHARLES Blaine, Chairman. orMP WHITE, Manager, PAUL PRINCE <St W«. P. Spring mr2Gd&wtt on coiner of Pearl and Cumberland sis., SON, foot of Wilraot street. Frye, _ Augusta, Me. Cyrus M. No. 103 STORESfilled up in good style lor Apothecary,Dry Goods Powers, Commercial Street, or Frederick Kouie, Partner Millinery business, wilh cemenfed cellars and Cabinet Furniture Manufacturers. MARRETT, "POOR & Wanted. water conveniences. Wm. k. Lowell, Corner of Commcrciil anti Market sts, over T. II. CO., THEO. JOHNSON A No. Jos. II. aud Shipsmllh Business, at No Also, Houses on Pearl Ft., and Cumberland Ter- CO.. 13) Union Street. West, Wes cn & Co. 187 Commercial I’aul Stevens. St., Portland, Me. Terms liber- race, filled with all modern abund- al. t or ini I conveniences, S. s. 00 her information call at the ance of pure hard and soft Marble, PORTLAND, MAINE. Middle shop, walcr. Now ready Ibr oc- Cabinet Makers. Timothy Street, _<myi6ii) s. young. cupancy. Apply to Walker, B5P“Freiglits and Charters procured at the Fhnjt- S. S. R! H & SON, 133 Exchange St. (COFFINS.) Mm. P. Wingate, Have now in stock a most ./. L. est noti e. nnTdOni Wanted. FARMER, Stanley T. Pullen. 47 Dan forth street. •J. W. Wakefield, GIRL who can augCdlf_ Carpenters and Builders. Assortment come well recommended to do Hiram Knowlton, Complete A woi k in a at Gorham R. K. GATLEY. fondly Village. *T. M. DOLLEY, No. 17 Union Street.
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