~ROP KEEP IN NEWARK FIn T YOUR MONEY I THE NE KP ST AT HOl\1E The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, February 23, 1950 Em's teps Up Drive No Riots WhenNHS Scout Leaders ArelNo Classes In New ' P' h Of Classe.'1 Left Alone . • Named Cadet Corporal Expert Advise PTA SeekIng III case Used to be when teachers left lhe Honored At Annual Grade School UntIl At Valley Forge A cad. Iron Lung classroom it was a signal for bedlam Dinner On Thurst.lay D I' t' M ] 16 Audience On How To to break loose. and there was no let- • et. lea lon, arc 1 . up until some alert student look-out Ot'ganize Play PIau 'fo Canvas..<; Local IndusLries, yell ed. "Ch ese it. she's coming back!" Eight Receive Awards At Blue BUilding Will Be In Full Opera- Business Firms; Civic Clubs Not so anymore-at lcast not at th') YMCA Aide OuUines Practical To Be Approached Newark High School. w here you can And Gold Banquet; About tion Before End Of Month,. 100 Attend Officials Say Approach To Community . now find classC's without any faculty Recl'ea Lion Problem Thc local V t~rans . of Fo.relgn Wars supervision whatsoever actin" in a t 'ppcd up thcll' dnvc thIS w ck to . b Eight scout troop leaders received Classes will not start in Newark's S C vide Newnrk. with a portable iron ~Ulet. orderly manner. every head bent awurds at the annual Blue and Gold new elementary school building unt il What it takes to make a well­ pro . f' conlnlunl' ty LIse with I Industnously over. <t .. book. dillnel' fOl' Ne\"al'k scout.s and cubs I'n It lh d d . round d community recreation pro­ lung fOI ICC . At least so PnncJpal Frederick B 'v _ a el' e e icalton ceremonies 011 gram and hO\\l a town does about get­ plans canvass local CIV IC clubs and Kutz claims. He says it's all a part of the First Presbyterian Church last 16. school oITicials said thi s I? ~eaerlc(h. tll1g one organized was described by industnes. Ia new honor study hall plan. which Thursday evening. The event was a About $212 was contflbuted by the he adds is "wor king fine." How he part o( the local obsel'vance of the Originally, the district's primary Norm~n ~ord, community secI'e(ary 0 the Wtlmll1gton YMCA in a tnlk at the publi c duri.ng the 3-day demonstratIO n knows is a mystery, since, apparently, 40th a nn iversary of scouting. i~~i1 S26~~I~ ~s rSoCohn~du lset~u cttoL II .me oVael'o IU'nntdo Februa ry meeting of the Parent­ til(! chest I' spIra tor here last week. neither h e nor any other faculty mem- Leaders honored at the affair were: Teacher Associntion lust Thursday i'l added to the $100 contrIbuted by bel' is in a position to check on it Arthur Ayers. Francis Reinhart, E. C. March I. The building, construction of the hIgh school auditorium. the VFW Post as the drive's start leaves first-hand. Battenbender, Troop 55; Alfred P loger. which is now practically complete, The audience came away wi th " some $1,000 slill required for the pur- Adopted by only a relatively few Wil liam 0 Skold. Wayne D. Peoples, will not be furn ished in tim to per- clem'-cut" praclical approach to whal chase of the a!'tiflcial respirator. high schools in the country. the pla n. Troop 56; Joh n DOLTal a nd Fred Brown, mit the early opening. However, th l.! is now a much discllssed probl m in Many Newarkers inspected the d e- whIch w~s lI1troduc e ~ h.ere .recenlly on Sea Scout Ship Admiral W. H. P. ~~~o~ ~dw~~ l ! ~ r~~,f~llw~~e~;it~~ !1 before Newark- the need for a year-roun,t vice dUl'ing the demonstration here an experunental baSIS, IS aune? ~t ~n - Blandy. No. 250. The dedication exercises will bring recreation project. last weck-end in a trailer parked be- couragll1g qualItIes or seU-dlsClplll1e About 100 attended the banquet a nd a number of prominent state officials MI'. Ford stressed the fnct that an p fore the Newark Newssta nd. They and good citi.zenshi . in the ,?upils. heard the principal speaker. Robert D. here, including Gov. Elbert N. Cary I, adequate progl'am must nnt serve 0 ..... found tbe respirator to be a compact, Students ale pelmltted to Jom an un- Smith, assistant scou executive of the Sen. J. Allen Frear, and Rep. J. Caleb Forge Military Academy particular age gl'Ollp but nlust meet easily transported me~ h anism. useful ~~~:r~~:~ :!~:~e~r~~~ aO I;;~u~~~ermt~:;. Del-Mar-Va CounCil, Boy Scouts of Boggs. The speaker will be Dr. George Cadet Roger T. Wyatt, 16, son of Mr. the needs of every member of the com ­ munity. He said that the three baSIC not onlY tor P?110 VIctIms but for bel' who regards them as trustworthy America, stress the fact thal the chief R. Miller. Jr., state superintendent of and Mrs. A. Earl Wyatt, of 719 Wollas­ requirements for organizing a com ­ cases of suffocatIOn • . smoke a nd have further been approved by the aim or scouting is to build bettel schOOl s. The program will begin at 8:15 pOlson~ng, ton Avenue, Newarl< , has won a tem­ munity project were: widespread inter­ drownin g, electrocutIOn and the lIke. Student Council. ci ti zens. His topic was "Scouting as a p. m. in the high school a uditorium. porary appointment as cadet corporal. est, an obvious need, and adequate fl­ Promotions are made by the schoo l nancial backing. beO:l:~\~~:sC:~'I~:;d t~~/~~I~C b;' i~a~~!~ PL~~I: o~.t~ ~:s , ~ ~ :~~ti s:~·~~~~dont~he:~ Vi;i~;'~ e l_ Mar_va Council has grown ~~~~~: t~~:~~,~t:.:~~:t~~1r ~(:St:~~~~~:!i~ Following his talk, he xhibited two as evidence of th e cadet's fltlless (or 10 the VFW Post, Barksdale Road. I own for an e ntire period, with only a 37 per cent since Jan. I. 1948, the of Education last Friday. films. The first. "Play town U. S. A ." Checl(s may be made out to the "VFW Istuden t coordinator in charge to check speaker said. with I ,210 boys joining further respon 'ibiJity in .leadershi p descJ'ibed how Decatur. ])1., 11 typiCA l 45e Iron Lung Fund:' attendance and report infractions of troops the past 12 months. The coun- w~a~~p~'in~~~y~c~:~~a:~ i ~igc~ e~~I,'i~::, training. mall community. went about develop­ Under terms of the purchase con- the rules. cl l membe~shlp now tolals 6,436 boys fective in June. She will succeed Miss ing a community play program. TI1f' tract a factory technician will deliver \ I WIth 2,616 111 the adult leader group Alice Viet who resigned last Novem- second oullined procedul'es by whiclt the ~quipmen t and conduct a school II-Man Committee lSI The spea~e r told of plans for the bel' ' 7 - Year - Old Is Hurt other communities have orgnnized a r . struction for a ll members of the con1lng Jamboree at Valley Forge whe" The boal d also authollzed the pur- Fatally By Car On program on a long-term basis. ~rel:nd police departments. Once pur- Named F or I-Day Re{1 40,000 boys wi ll assemble on the s!te chase of a 3-gang lawn mov/er to re Later, Mrs. Grace Gibb, physical eriu­ chased the iron lung will be centrally • whele George Washll1gton and hIS Iplace worn out equIpment. cation instruclOI·. announced that a loca ted and quickly available in an troops cam.ped dunng the fi ght (or - South College Ave. drive seeking funds for an enlarged Cross Drive, March 51 summer recreation program here wtll emergency. Every doctor would have lIberty AI~ e ncan State To Check On open March 27. MI·s. Gibb has volun­ access to it at no charge to the patient. -,-- rl oop 56 staged the tenderfoot 111 - Katherine Lare, Newarl< First­ teered to direct the campaign. Curti Morrison, who heads the VFW Zone CapLains And Solicitors To I ductlon cer emony, a court of a wal'ds Town Fluorine Plan Grader, Hit After Dashing The PTA sponsored li brary mo vi ' ~ ·tt e sa id that lette rs are being M k F' I PI At M t I was 111 charge of Tl oop 55, a nd th,' I series. offering selected films fOl' e to local civic and fra- eel emony of "I?iping the sl{J ppel From Between Park Autos co ~~~ . ~ve~k a e ,lOa ans ee - youngsters on allernate Saturday ~:~na l I ~roups and to the Newark 109 Thursday , aboard" was presented by Sea Scouts Full Details On Experiment Go Seven· year-old Katherine Lare, a mornings at the State Theatre, was schools asking for cont r ~bu tions . Mem- . --.-, Iof ShIp 250. Guests were lI1troduced Soon To Health Board first grade stUdent at the Newark reported to be working out success­ b f the committee Will also canvass Plans fOl Newalk s one-way Red by Paul D Lovett. schools, was kiUed Monday afternoon fully. Attendance has been high, ac­ N:~:rk industrial plants and business Cross "blitz" campatgn, slated for The Rev. Theodore L Ludlow gave when she darted from between two cording to Mrs.
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