Mountains Are Listed by Their Official Names and Ranges; Quotation Marks Indicate Unofficial Names

Mountains Are Listed by Their Official Names and Ranges; Quotation Marks Indicate Unofficial Names

INDEX Volume 25 0 Issue 57 0 1983 Compiled by Patricia A. Fletcher This issue comprises al1 of Volume 25 Mountains are listed by their official names and ranges; quotation marks indicate unofficial names. Ranges and geographic locations are also indexed. Unnamed peaks (e.g. Peak 2037) are listed following the range or country in which they are located. All expedition members cited in major articles are included, whereas only the leaders and persons supplying information iti the Climbs and Expeditions section are listed. Titles of books reviewed in this issue are grouped as a single entry under Book Reviews. Abbreviations used: Article: art.; Bibliography: bibl.; Obituary: obit. A Alaska, arts., 77-80, 81-86, 87-92, 93-97, 98-101; 139-52 Abi Gamin (Garbwal Himalaya), 252-53 Alaska Range (Alaska), arts.. 87-92, Abuelo (Patagonia), 209 93-97; 139-48, 149-50 Acay (Argentina), 206 Alaska Range (Alaska): Peak 9050. See Accidents: Annapuma, 240, 241-42; Broken Tooth. Peak 11300, 148 Annapuma III, 239; Bhagirathi II, Aleta de Tiburbn (Patagonia), 212 253; Broad Peak, 271; Cho Oyu, 232; Alfred Wegener Peninsula (Greenland), Everest, 8-14. 22-29, 227, 228, 183-84 229-30; Gasherbrum II, 269-70, 271; Alligator Rock (Rocky Mountain Gongga Shari,, 291-92; K2, 273, National Park, Colorado), 171 295-96; Kuksar, 283; Kun, 265; Allison, Stacy, 30-34 Langtang Lirung, 235; Makalu, 220; Alpamayo (Cordillera Blanca, Peru), Manaslu, 236, 237; Nanga Parbat, 284, 192, 194 288; Nun, 263. Porong Ri, 295; “Alpe Adria.” See Greenland, Peak 3270. Shivling, 257 Altai Mountains (USSR), 298-300 Aconcagua (Argentina), 206-7 Altar Group (Ecuador), 184 Adela (Patagoma), 209 Amadablam (Nepal Himalaya), an., AdrSpach (Czechoslovakia), 129-3 1 30-34; 222 “Aene Pinnacle” (Sierra Nevada, American Alpine Club, The: Blue Ridge California), 155 Section. 344; Cascade Section, 344; Africa, 216 New Ybrk Section, 345 Aguado, Pace, 209 American Medical Research Expedition to Adefroide (Ecrins Massif, France), 214 Everest, scientijic articles on, 230 Alai Range (USSR), 298 Amma, So, 247 353 THE AMERICAN ALPINE JOURNAL 1983 Ancohuma (Cordillera Real, Bolivia), 203 Banks, Gordon, 268 Andes (South America), archaeology, Barbeau, Mount (British Empire Range, art., 54-67 Ellesmere Island), 175, 177 Andrews, Edmund D., 40-47 Barendregt, Jaap. 263 Andrew% Rosie, 214-15 Barker, Richard, l-7 Angmagssalik (Greenland), 183 Barrard. Maurice, 270-71 Annapuma (Nepal Himalaya), 240-42 Barrera. Humberto, 213 Annapuma II (Nepal Himalaya), 239 Bartlett, Alan, 154, 163-65 Annapuma III (Nepal Himalaya), 239-40 Baruntse (Nepal Himalays) 221 Annaourna IV (Neual Himalava), 239 Bass. Richard, 8-14 --” Annapurna South <Nepal Himalaya), 243 Bates. Robert H., 317-18 Antarctica, 213 Batian. See Kenya, Mount. Anthoine, J. V. (MO.), 259 Baxter-Jones, Roger, 35-39 Anton Goering (Mtrida, Sierra Nevada Bear Creek Spire (Sierra Nevada, Cal- de, Venezuela), 184 ifornia), 155 Anyemaqen (Kunlun Mountains, China), Bear Dome (Sierra Nevada, California), 292 159 Apacheta (Cordillera Quimsa Cruz, Bear Peak (Front Range, Colorado), 166 Bolivia), 205 Becher, Gianni Pais, 180 Apts, Eduard, 246 Be&, Dugan, 69-72 Arctic, 175-79 Beckey, Fred. 48-53, 148-49, 153-54, Argentina, 59-61, 206-7, 209-l 1 174 Arias Guillem, 239 Beghin, Pierre, 219 Arko, Vojslav, 209-10 Bell Buttress (Boulder Canyon, Artesonraju (Cordillera Blanca, Peru), Colorado), 170 187, 194, 195 Belukha (Altai Mountains, USSR), Asgard, Mount (Baffin Island), 179 298-300 Asia, 216-97 Belvis, Lluis, 228 Assinibiune, Mount (Rocky Mountains, Berger, Hans, 224 Canada), 175 Bernstein, Jeremy, 318-19 Atoroma (Cordillera Quimsa Cruz, Betancourt , Jose, 184 Bolivia), 205 - Bettembourg, George% 203 “Atoroma, Piramide de” (Cordillera Bhagirathi (Garhwal Himalaya), 253 Quimsa Cruz, Bolivia), 205 Bhagirathi II (Garhwal Himalaya), 253 Atun Pace (Cordillera Vilcanota, Peru), Bhagirathi 111(Garhwal Himalaya), 253, 199 256 Audoubert, Louis, 228-29, 236-37 Bhattachatya, Debabratra, 262 Axt, Wolfgang, 246 Bhattarai, Kishore, 245 Ayallaco. See Khala Cruz. Bhoir, Neeta, 260-61 Aymerich, Pere, 236 Bhora, Gopal Singh, 244 Bhrigupanth (Garhwal Himalaya), 259 Bhrikuti (Nepal Himalaya), 245-46 B Big White Peak. See Longpo Gang. Baffin Island (Canada), 178-79 Bilczewski, Adam, 220 Baffin Island: Peak 2000, 179; Peak Black, David, 81-86 2400, 178-79; Peak 3800, 179; Peak Black Canyon of the Gunnison (Elk 4cO0, 179 Range, Colorado), 171 Bago, Mount (Sierra Nevada, California), Black Widow Slab (Boulder Canyon, 153 Colorado), 168 Baintha Brakk II. See Ogre II. Blackbum, Mount (Wrangell Mountains, Balconies (Pinnacles National Monument, Alaska), nrr.. 98-101 California), 162 Blob Rock (Boulder Canyon. Colorado), Balmat, Bernard, 187 168 Balmat, Jean-Paul, 237 Blockhouse (Cascade Mountains, Bamba Dhura (Garhwal Himalaya), 249 Washington), 152 354 INDEX “Blossom” (British Empire Range, Oxygen Transport to Human Tissues, Ellemere Island), 177-78 Jack A. Loeppky and Marvin L. Boardman. Peter D., 22-29; death of, 27 Riedesel, editors, 317 Bodkhona (Fanskiye Gory Mountains, Rock Climbs in the White Mountains USSR), 298 of New Hampshire, Ed Webster, Bojohaghur Duanasir (Karakoram Range, 326-27 Pakistan), 280 Surviving Denali: A Study of Accidents Bolivia, 202-5 on Mount McKinley, 1910-1982, Jonathan Waterman, 331-32 Bonington, Christian, nn., 22-29 To Stand at the Pole: The Dr. Cook- Book (Rocky Mountain National Park, Admiral Peary North Pole Contro- Colorado), 17 1 versy, William R. Hunt, 324-25 BOOK REVIEWS Total Alpinism, RenC Desmaison, Alpine Club Library Catalogue, The 3 19-20 Alpine Club, 329-30 Traprock: Rock Climbing in Central An Ice Climber’s Guide to Northern Connecticut, Ken Nichols, 330-3 1 New England, Rick Wilcox, 327-28 The Trekker’s Guide to the Himalaya Ascent: The Spiritual and Physical and Karakoram, Hugh Swift, 328 Quest of Willi Unsoeld, Lawrence Trekking in the Himalayas, Stan Learner, 317-18 Armington, 329 Everest: A Mountaineering History, A Walk in the Sky: Climbing Hidden Walt Unsworth, 303-6 Peak, Nicholas Clinch, 308-10 Everest the Cruel Way, Joe Tasker, When Men and Mountain Meet: The 306-8 Explorers of the Western Himalayas 50 Years of Alpinism, Riccardo Cassin, 1820-75, John Keay, 311-12 322-23 Yosemite Climbs, George Meyers, 326 Bouchard, John, 319-20 Filming the Impossible, Leo Dickinson, Boulder Canyon, (Front Range, Col- 314-15 orado), 166, 168, 170-71 Great Expedition Hoaxes, David Boundary Peak 74 (Coast Mountains, Roberts, 323-24 British Columbia), 174 High Adventure: A Biography of Boyd, Dan, 8-14 Reinhold Messner, Ronald Faux, Bracht, Biff, 48-53 318-19 Braithwaite, Paul (Tut), 35-39 High Altitude Physiology, John B. Breitenbach, Mount (Lost River Range, West, editor, 316 Idaho), 165 High Altitude Physiology and Med- Bridwell, James D., l-7 icine, Walter Brendel and Roman British Columbia, 173-75 A. Zink. editors, 316 British Empire Range (Ellesmere Island), Hypoxia: Man at High Altitude, John 175-78 Sutton, Norman Jones and Charles British Empire Range: Peak 5915, 178 Houston, editors, 316-17 Broad Peak (Karakoram Range, Pakistan), K2: Mountain of Mountains, Reinhold 271, 272, 273 Messner and Alessandro Gogna, Broad Peak North (Karakoram Range, 312-14 Pakistan), 272 Kongur: China’s Elusive Summit, Broderick, Mount (Yosemite, California), Chris Bonington, 310-l 1 163 Man at High Altitude, Donald Heath “Broken Tooth” (Alaska Range), 148 and David Reid Williams, 315-16 Brook, Elaine, 35-39 Mountains of North America, Fred Brower, David, 337-39 Beckey, 325-26 Brujo Group (Chille), 207 On Edge: The Life & Climbs of Bubuli-MO-Tin (Karakoram Range, Henry Barber, Chip Lee with David Pakistan), 280-81 Roberts and Kenneth Andrasko, Buhler, Carlos, 184 320-22 Burger, David L., 152 355 THE AMERICAN ALPINE JOURNAL 1983 Burgess, Adrian, 224 “Chaipiurco” (Cordillera Utubamba, Burrieza, Daniel, 205 Peru), 201, 202 Buscaini, Silvia Metzeltin, 209, 211, 235 Chand, Prem, 266 Changabang (Garhwal Himalaya), 25 l-52 Changtse (Tibet), 294 C Chappaz, Xavier, 189 Charlotte Dome (Sierra Nevada, Cal- Cabinet Mountains (Montana), 165 ifornia), 162 Cachi (Argentina), 206 Chatrefou, Denis, 235 Calcagno, Gianni, 267 Chearoco (Cordillera Real, Bolivia), 205 Calegari, Santino, 199 Checkerboard Rock (Rocky Mountain California, urr.. 110-12; 153-65 National Park, Colorado), 171 Callis, Patrik, 48-53 Cheesmond, David Malcolm, 174-75 Campa (Cordillera Vilcanota, Peru), 199 Cheney, Michael J., 217, 221-22, 224-25, Campese, Ostilio, 202-3, 267 231-32, 235-36, 237, 239, 240, 242, Canada, 173-75 243, 245, 246, 247 Candlestick Tower (Canyonlands National Chile, 54-57, 59, 207, 209, 212-13 Park, Utah), 165 Chilkat Range (Alaska), 152 Canyonlands National Park (Utah), 165 China, arts.. 40-47, 48-53; 290-97 Caras (Cordillera Blanca, Peru), 187 China. See also Tibet. Carrington, Rab, 276 Chinchey (Cordillera Blanca, Peru), 185 Carter, H. Adams, 296, 324-25 Chiquito Dome (Sierra Nevada, Cal- Carter, Madeleine. 346 ifornia), 159 Casarotto, Renato, 272 Chiring We (Garhwal Himalaya), 249-50 Cascade Mountains (Washington), 152-53 Cho Oyu (Nepal Himalaya), 232-33 Cashan Este (Cordillera Blanca, Peru), Chogori. See K2. 187 Cholatse (Nepal Himalaya), or?., 15-21; Cashmere Crags (Cascade Mountains, 231 Washington), 152 Chopicalqui (Cordillera Blanca, Peru), Castellsague, Miquel, 252 189-92, 194, 195 Castle Rock (Boulder Canyon, Colorado), Chopiraju (Cordillera Blanca, Peru), 166, 168 185 Castleton Tower (Utah), 166 Chrome Dome (Boulder Canyon, Catalina (Patagonia), 2 12 Colorado), 168 Catantica (Cordillera

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