SPECIAL MUSIC EDITION THE SPELT' UM "All We Know Is What Students Tell Us - NUMBER 38 VOLUME XLV. STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1930 OLD GRADS RETURN NORTH DAKOTA BANDS Reynolds Tells TO SEE 'DOC' PUTNAM Vagabonds ENTER STATE CONTEST Musical Forms The other day an old grad dropped North Dakota has been divided into Of "Does" Method into Music Hall to call on "Doc." The Tour Orient six districts for the state band con- To Change With "old timer" immediately greeted him test next summer. Four winning as Wamberg, a piccolo player in the Next June bands from each district will be en- Desires of Men For Cooperation band in 1914-15. The next day an- tered in the state-wide event. Leo H. other "grad" dropped in—Earl Yer- Haesle of Grand Forks, president of Large Returns Of Satisfaction Director Teaches New Men rington, from Wenatchee, Wash—a Five North Dakota State the state band directors, has named To Have Much Self sax man and first tenor of the Musicians Will Sail On the following district directors: J. I. Paid To Writers Quist, Grafton, northeast district celebrated quartet of 1914-15. That President Pierce And Listeners . Confidence was on Wednesday when the band E. C. Meyer, Cooperstown, southeast Dr. J. E. Prescott, Steele, south cen- BAND MEN ALWAYS was rehearsing, and Yerrington was LEAVE SEATTLE JUNE 14 VITAPHONE CANNOT taken upstairs and introduced to the tral; J. E. Jorstad, New Rockford REPLACE MUSICIANS "PLAY FOR KING" bunch. A perusal of the band class- China, Japan, the Philippines, north central; and H. M. E. Covell book for 1914-15 showed the two Crosby, northwest. Exact Promptness And , Pep names together. In that band were Hawaii On Itinerary It is expected that the final con- Modern Trend Is Toward Im- Instilled From First C. A. Williams, Theodore Stoa, Geo. Of Journey test will be held in Fargo this sum- provement Of Civic Dixon, Park Tarbell, Elmer Uggen, mer. Last year the contest was at Music Centers Practice Boyd Naughton, all in Fargo today; Five North Dakota State College Jamestown, when thirty-one bands and the well known Bachman (Mackie) musicians have secured a contract participated. "Doc" acted as one of Many persons have wondered how I am frequently asked by young and his brother, Myron. Other mem- with the Dollar Steamship Line and the judges. men, and women, too, what is to the "Doc" Putnam has been able to se- bers were J. A. Anderson at Morris, American Mail Service covering a cure such cooperation among mem- future of music? Will it pay to study Minn.; Roy Boyd, Jamestown; Albert tour to the Far East on board the music and what branch of music will bers of his band, especially the excel- Shunk, T. A. Benson, Michigan; Fred S. S. President Pierce which sails lent cooperation among the different Orchestra Will bring the largest return ? The art of Gram, Enderlin; Harry Critchfield, from Seattle, Wash., on June 14, re- music will live as long as there are sections of the band. An attempt at Spearfish, S. D.; and A. L. Froemke, turning by way of San Francisc,o, Broadcast First an explanation, to say the least, on human beings on earth. Human be- Valley City. 1915—fifteen years ago— Calif., on August 6, a tour lasting ings will express themselves in music the part of a member of the band for and Wamberg and Yerrington Lbadn't 56 days. Concert Program three years, might be of interest at as long as emotion lives—as long as changed a bit; and both said "Doc" The State men who will make this men dream and women love. Those this time. hadn't changed any either—in looks or trip, and the instruments they play During the fall term, after the tal- Program Will Consist Of who are gifted in giving voice to their actions—the same old "pep". Calen- are as follows: Henry Presler, direc- emotions and reproducing what they ented, but untrained musician is se- dar years mean nothing when the tor and manager, piano, banjo, and Standard Classic lected by "Doc" to become a member dream will always find those who can heart stays young. guitar; Ernest Larson, saxophones, Numbers of the organization, he receives much absorb but cannot create. There will clarinet, and trumpet; Charles Brown, always be the composed and the audi- valuable training that will cause him saxophones and trumpet; Owen Jones, The North Dakota State College's to work with others as a unit in the tor. The material law of supply and Girls Glee Club violin and saxophones; Clarence Put- Orchestra will make its bow to the demand will apply to the art of music organization, rather than to depend nam, drums. public, March 19, for the first time in upon his neighbor or some other mem- as to any other productive vocation. Meets For Hour Itinerary two years. The orchestra, under the The forms of composition will change ber of the band that he thinks might Leaving from Seattle the S. S. direction of Dr. C. S. Putnam, will be a little better than himself. He —have changed—to meet the chang- During Luncheon President Pierce stops at the follow- broadcast a forty-five minute concert ing desires of the listeners. The forms is taught to have confidence in him- ing ports: Victoria, Yokohama, Kiobe, over WDAY. This program will con- self and to count his own time and and implements of musical expression Group Broadcasts, Sings At Shanghai, Hong Kong, Manila, Hono- sist of standard classic numbers which will change—have changed—to meet to "come in" at the right time. To lulu, and San Francisco. A total of are well liked by most audiences and be exact. Convocations A n d changed tastes in auditors. Compos- four days will be spent in each port, which are sure to please the radio ers will compose, players will play, It takes almost the entire fall term Holds Concerts affording ample time for sightseeing, audience. The only regret the direc- for "Doc" to mold together the indi- singers will sing, auditors will listen as the orchestra members will be off tor and the members of the orchestra till the end of time. viduals of each section so they will duty while the ship is docked. have on this occasion is that the stu- play as a section, and finally to mold Keeping body and soul together Appreciation Giant Liners dents themselves cannot have the op- Music as an art pays large returns the sections into a huge mass acting during the noon hour with only a portunity of hearing the orchestra in staff of music for nourishment is The Dollor Line operates nine giant in the satisfaction of refinement to as one individual unit—the band. liners sailing to and from the Orient a convocation period. Because there Of the many benefits students re- difficult, but members of the Girls' him who writes, who renders, and who via the Short Straight Rout. These are very good, classic orchestras in listens. Art of any kind always lifts ceives from the band tone quality, Glee club have thriven on it for "One this section of the country, the lack Fleeting Hour" three times a week. liners are sister ships, all 21,000 tons, the worker and recipient alike out of proper breathing, and volume—not a 535 feet long, and luxurious to a most of this opportunity should be felt lot of noise—stand out to be im- As yet no ,.regular period for glee themselves, broadens and deepens modern degree. Each of these Presi- deeply by the students. They can off- their emotional natures, enlarges their portant. club rehearsals has been provided in dent boats affords big wide decks, a set this, however, by utilizing the ra- A fitting phrase for the members to the class schedule, but by having horizon of mind and spirit, and thus glassed-in promenade, open air swim- dios in the fraternity and sorority enriches the world. Riches do not always do their best is well expressed three regular periods a week, as was houses and in the private homes in ming pool, a theatre, tennis court, mean money alone. Mental and spirit- by one of "Dot's" favorite expres- begun this term, it is expected that cafe, library, smoking room, music the city. sions, "always play to the King", no credit will be given from now on. ual power, that indomitable will to dp rooms, etc. The, orchestra, with thirty players, and be our best, is the wealth of a matter if you are playing basketball This term the glee club has met dur- Reorganized has been rehearsing several weeks on game or giving a concert before the ing the noon hour on Mondays and nation. Music makes for that in a "In anticipation of this voyage we this program. The orchestra contains large degree. largest crowd or before the most Thursdays and also Monday after- have found it advisable to reorganize mostly students, but downtown musi- learned musicians. "Always play to noons at 4 o'clock. But what of the financial gain to our band to the aggregation which cians have been invited to join us and the composer and the performer of the King." Gives Concerts will be in the employ of the steam- several, especially interested in or- Phrases "Doc" uses to create a feel- the future? "There is always room The glee club sings once or twice ship line," the director said today. chestral training, have come out to ing of unity, the playing of the num- at the top" is as true of music as a year at convocations as well as "The orchestra shall be known as the us.
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