243 SWEDISH STUDIES By R. J. McCLEAN swedish Studies have not previously been dealt with in j\the YWML, an attempt will be made to cover publica­ tions of the last few years within the field of Swedish language and literature, including place-name and personal­ name research. LANGUAGE. The Swedish Academy's dictionary,l similar in plan and scope to the NED, has reached fascicule 142, as far as the word kniivel. Ostergren's Nusvensk ordbok, 2 of which the fourth volume is now. complete, covers the modern language only, giving forms, meanings and examples from current usage. The new and enlarged edition of Hellquist's Svensk etymologisk ordbok, 3 one of the most original works on etymology that have appeared in recent years and extremely wide in scope, has now reached the word sal. The same author's Det Sviinska Ord­ forrddets Alder och Ursprung4 is an exhaustive study of the Swedish vocabulary. English and American students of Swedish are well provided for. Bjorkhagen's Modern Swedish Grammar and First Swedish Book, 5 excellent in method and material alike, have each ap­ peared recently in a third edition. An American university teacher has produced a mimeographed Swedish grammar based on a word count and similar to E. Haugen's Beginning Nor­ wegian (see YWML, vii, 200).6 There is also a shorter grammar, in German.7 In the series of annotated texts for American 1 Ordbok Over Svenska Sprdket, utg. av Svenska Akademien. I distribution: AlB Lindstedts Universitets-BokhandeI, Lund (in progress). 2 O. Ostergren,Nusvensk ordbok,A/B Wahlstrom och Widstrand, Stockholm (in progress). 3 Svensk etymologisk ordbok, av E. Hellquist, ny omarbetad och utvidgad upplaga, Lund, Gleerup (in progress). • E. Hellquist, Det Sviinska Ordfiirrddets Alder och Ursprung: En iiversikt, Lund, Gleerup, 1929-30. 5 1m. Bjorkhagen, Modern Swedish Grammar, 3rd ed .. StQckhoim, Nor­ stedt och soner (Svenska Bokforlaget), 1935; First Swedish Book, 3rd ed., Norstedt och soner (Svenska Bokforlaget), 1936. 6 W. G. Johnson, Beginning Swedish, Minneapolis, Burgess Publishing Company, Mimeograph Publishers, 1936. 7 W. Wolf, Kleine schwedische Sprachlehre, Heidelberg, J. Groos, 1931. 16-z Swedish Studies colleges A. L. Elmquist has published a revised edition of Fiinrik Stals Siigner.8 A new edition of the standard English­ Swedish dictionary9 and the first part of the Swedish-English section,10 both very full, have recently appeared. A supplement to Soderwall's dictionary of medieval Swedish 11 is now in pro­ gress and has reached part v, down to forekoma. The well-known Altschwedisches Lesebuch, 12 edited by the late Adolf Noreen, has been revised and republished by his son. A number of scholarly studies on medieval and early modern Swedish subjects have appeared within the last few years. V. Jansson has published a critical edition of the Old Swedish Legendarium; 13 G. teijstrom has traced the evolution of the indefinite article in North Germanic; 14 K. Larm has published an historical and semasiological study of the definite article in early Old Swedish; 15 G. Mattsson has studied the subjunctive in Old Swedish; 16 in his book on West European Syntax, N. Beckman describes new syntactical features of the Scandinavian and. other West European languages; 17 K. G. Ljunggren has published studies on the relationship between verbal particles and verbs in Old Swedish,18 and on verbal compounds in six- 8 J. L. Runeberg: Fiinrik Seals siigner, edited with introduction, notes and vocabulary, by A. L. Elmquist, Rock Island, Illinois, Augustana Book Concern, 1936. 9 Engelsk-svensk onlook, compiled by K. Klirre, H. Lindkvist, R. Nojd, and M. Redin, Stockholm, Nordstedt och soner (Svenska Bokforlaget), 1935. 10 W. E. HarloCk, Svensk-engelsk ordbok, A-K, Stockholm, Norstedt och soner (Svenska Bokforlaget), 1936. 11 K. F. Soderwall, Ordbok Over svenska medeltidssprdket, Supplement, Hafte 5. Av W. Akerlund, Lund, Berlingska boktryckeriet (in progress). 12 E. Noreen, Fornsvansk Liisebok, Pa grundval av A. Noreens Altschwe­ disches Lesebuch, Lund, Gleerup, 1932. 13 V. Jansson, Fornsvenska legendariet. Handskrifter och sprdk (Nordiska Texter oCh Undersokningar, iv), Stockholm, Gebers; Kopenhamn, Levin og Munksgaard, 1934. 14 G. Leijstrom, Om obestamda artikeln. Ett bidrag till nordisk sprdkhistoria (ibid., iii), Stockholm, Gebers; Kopenhamn, Levin og Munksgaard, 1934. 15 K. Larm, Den bestamda artikeln i aldre fornsvenskan. En historisk­ semologisk studie, Akad. avh. StoCkholms hogskola, Stockholm, Bonnier, 1936. 16 G. Mattsson, Konjunktiven i fornsvenskan, Akad. avh. Lund, Gleerup, 1933· 17 N. Beckman, Viisteuropeisk syntax. Ndgra nybildningar i nordiska och andra vasteuropeiska sprdk, Goteborgs hogskolas arsskrift, Goteborg, Wetter­ gren och Kerber, 1934. 18 K. G. Ljunggren, Studier Over forhdllandet mellan verbalpartikel och 'verb i fornsvenskan, Akad. avh. Lund, Gleerup, 1932. .
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