CANADA SABHA OF CHITRAPUR SARASWATS Sweekar S P E CI A L P O I N T S O F (CSCS NEWSLETTER) INTEREST: VOLUME 5, ISSUE 2 M A Y 2 0 1 1 Upcoming Satsang Upcoming Satsang Important Dates Maya and Vivek Kulkarni cordially invites CSCS members to join in for Sunday Jun 19, 2011 Satsang to celebrate the Birthday of H.H.Parijnanashram Swamiji III at their residence 3727 Queenstone Drive, Mississauga. Please send your RSVP by June 11th to Maya Kul- karni at 905-566-7908. The Satsang from 11:30 to 1 pm will be followed by Prasad Bhojan I N S I D E courtesy of the host. Your presence will be appreciated. The directions will be provided lat- THIS ISSUE: er. Prasad bhojan will be followed by Annual general Meeting from 2:30 to 3 pm to go over the items for fiscal period Apr 1, 2010 to Mar 31, 2011. ANZ Sammelan 2 Important Dates in May and June Annual Math 2 Vantiga May 1 Punyatithi at Gokarn—H.H. Parijnanashram Swamiji I Chitrapur 2 May 4 to 11 Brahma-Kalsshanga-Rathostava at Shri Anantheshwar Temple,Vittal Saraswat Census May 27 Vardhanti at Gokarn—HH Parijnanashram Swamiji I Srivali Trust 3 Jun 3 Punyatithi at Shirali—H.H. Shrimat Pandurangashram Swamiji Jun 7 Vardhanti at Shirali- H.H. Shrimat Anandashram Swamiji Sannidhi Chitrapur Sun- 3 beam Jun 8 Vardhanti at Mangalore-H.H. Shrimat Vamanashram Swamiji Sannidhi Yuvadhara 4 Jun 10 Vardhanti at Mallapur-H.H.Shrimat Shankarashram Swamiji Sannidhi Jun 15 Khagrassa Chandragrahana Violin Concert 4 Jun 15 Birthday of PP Parijnanashram Swamiji III Sponsorship 5 Appeal Photos 7 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 2 P A G E 2 Annual Math Vantiga Paying the annual Math vantiga is not mandatory. But it is a sacred duty of every bhanap who is gainfully employed. Math depends on the vantigas for sevas performed for daily, viniyogas and maintenance of all sacred samadhis and math facilities. Even though the vantiga can be given at any time during the fiscal year, the members are requested to remit their annual vantiga preferably in the beginning of the year. Those who are not certain whether they have paid their vantigas can call the Sabha Treasurer Vinayak Shanbhag (email: [email protected] or ph: 905-286-4896) at any time . We have remitted all the vantiga collected so far to the Math. It is hoped that the FUTURE members will pay their 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 vantigas as soon as possible. SATSANGS Those who wish to Australia-New Zealand Meet—April 2011 sponsor future The above two day meet was just concluded on April 23, 2011. The sammelan meet satsangs are requested to contact report will be published in the June issue of Sweekar. Maya Kulkarni. Math Calendar We have received the calendars and will be distributed during the Jun 19, 2011 satsang at Vivek and Maya Kulkarni’s residence. Chitrapur Saraswat Census The first Census of our Community was attempted in 1896,under the inspiration and patron- age of the Late Shri Shamrao Vithal Kaikini and its results were published in the “Chitrapur Panchang”. The next Census was taken in 1912, after Kanara Saraswat Asso- ciation came into being in 1911. The subsequent censuses were taken in more comprehen- sive scope and details in 1922, 1932,1945, 1956, 1971, 1991 and 2001. These census, like most others were restricted to gathering primarily demographic & social characteristics of population. The KSA is embarking on a mission of conducting Census of Chitrapur Saras- wat Community as a Centenary Year Project by not only retaining usual demographic focus but also partake of a Household Consumer Expenditure Survey. The results derived will help KSA to yield not only demographic data but also understand social and economic problems faced by community so that appropriate steps can be taken to plan our activities for progress & well being of community. We are taking help of Sabha Pratinidhis of Chitrapur Math and other well wishers in their voluntary capacity to reach out to each Households in Areas where Chitrapur Saraswats have strong presence. And in other areas where members of Chitrapur Saraswat Community have very small presence or resid- ing abroad, we want to reach out to them through our website www.kanarasaraswat.in There are two separate Census Forms uploaded on website one for Chitrapur Saraswats residing in India which containing 6 parts and another for Chitrapur Saraswats residing out of India which contains only one part. I appeal every Bhanap to participate in this historic census by uploading Form from KSA website and start filling immediately. You may send soft copy to our email id [email protected]. Last date for submission of Census Forms is 30th May 2011. SWEEKAR P A G E 3 Srivali Trust Ten years ago, Chitrapur, located near Shirali in Uttar Kannada, was like any other Indian village battling poverty, unem- ployment and a rising insecurity about an uncertain future. There was neither a high school nor a hospital. Women had no opportunities of earning an independent income. Young men were forced to migrate to cities in search of a livelihood. Fortunately, Chitrapur also housed the Shri Chitrapur Math – the spiritual nucleus of the Chitrapur Saraswat community. Under the able guidance of its dynamic and far-sighted 11th Mentor ( Mathadhipati ) Shrimat Sadyojat Shankarashram Swamiji many committed and capable volunteers from the community came forward, from the world over, to transform the lives of the locals, irrespective of their caste, creed or religion. The first seed of change was sown in 1997, when the Srivali Trust was formed to promote projects promising sustainable development in the vital areas of health, education and self-employment. For the first time, every villager in Chitrapur felt that timely medical aid, a regular income and a life of dignity were not far-fetched dreams ! For more information please visit http://www.chitrapurmath.net/srivali_trust/srivali_trust.asp Chitrapur Sunbeam The Chitrapur Sunbeam (Chitrapur Ravikiran) was started with the Blessings of H.H. Shrimat Anandashram Swamiji in January 1954 as a quarterly. Earlier, i.e. from 1933 to 1953, the "Math News and Notes" were circulated as a supple- ment to the monthly Kanara Saraswat Magazine. The objective of the Sunbeam was clearly highlighted in the Editorial for the Inaugural issue: 1. Propagation of Dharma 2. Publication of Math accounts, news, and notes, and 3. A means of periodical contact between the Math and the 'little community which created the Math'. Shri H. Shankar Rau, the Founder Editor, further wrote "Hitherto, the Math and the line of Sadgurus were the great unify- ing influences. To these is now added the Sunbeam. It's light should be welcomed in every Chitrapur Saraswat Home. It will give us light without the heat. It will keep in view the light of all lights. The common source of all. It will not engage in any controversy of any kind......" The Ravikiran was converted to a monthly journal from January 1976 as desired by H.H. Shrimat Parijnanashram Swamiji. It contains Aashirvachans & Pravachans of our revered Swamijis, and so also teachings of other great saints. The Math Calendar, Festivals, Monthly Annapoorna List, H.H. Swamiji's schedules, forthcoming events, Report on Mahasabha & Standing Committee decisions and Math Accounts are regularly published. You can receive the Sunbeam every month through your life time for a nominal subscription of Rs 4,500/- only, for those out side India.All correspondence regarding publishing material may be addressed to the Editor, Shri V Rajgopal Bhat, C 8 Balkrishna CHS, Seven Bungalows, Andheri (W) Mumbai 400 053 For prompt action regarding subscriptions, change of address etc., please contact Shri V P Hattiangadi, 18/D Balgovindas Society, Taikal Wadi Road, Mumbai - 400 016. P A G E 4 Yuvadhara A perennial spring of creativity and commitment; a bubbling stream of novel ideas and inspiration; a gushing river of posi- tive energy and enthusiasm – this is what the Chitrapur Yuvadhara symbolises… A growing family of caring, fun-loving, but responsible young adults between 15 and 35 with immense talent in varied fields, Yuvadhara members may have the ambition to reach for the sky, but this intent is rooted firmly in the stability and the spiritual strength drawn from a 300- year-old Guru Parampara. Born in the cultured and sensitive Chitrapur Saraswat community; blessed with a Guru who tries His best to be accessible and who has made them aware of the importance of total fitness of body, mind and spirit and nurtured by a dedicated band of qualified guides who devise innumerable programmes to channel their boundless potential, all members of the Yuvadhara have begun to bond effortlessly, become knowledgeable and proud about their roots and priceless heritage and turned eager to contribute, in whatever manner they can -- to brighten the lives of those around them and lighten the loads of the less privileged. Can there be a better way to flow towards the future? Objectives: To deepen the connection of youngsters with the Math, the Guru Parampara and the Chitrapur Samaj. The objectives of Chitrapur Yuvadhara are --- Provide a Forum to Chitrapur Saraswat youngsters to come / bond together To create awareness of existing activities connected to Shri Chitrapur Math and to participate in them Provide opportunities to youngsters to expand learning, develope new skills while providing a valuable platform for self expression To make youngsters aware of social, cultural and spiritual responsibilities through manifold activities For more information and activities of Yuvadhara please visit http://www.chitrapurmath.net/yuvadhara/yuvadhara.asp Violin Concert P A G E 5 Sponsorship Appeal from Chitrapur Heritage Foundation– USA P A G E 6 Published Articles Following are list of articles that were published in Sweekar volume 4, Issues 1-12 April 2010 to Mar 2011 May 2010 : 2009 Tercentenary Scholarships Award presentation August 2010: Age of Saraswat Community by Dr, Kanak Raval; Guru Purnima in Karla by Vanita Kumta September 2010: H.H.
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