Texas Fruit & Nut Production Figs Jim Kamas, Monte Nesbitt & Larry Stein Extension Fruit Specialists, Texas AgriLife Extension Introduction Texas has been largely unsuccessful, but small Throughout history, figs have been dooryard plantings can certainly meet all of a grown and prized as one of the classical fruits family's needs and provide some limited in- sought out by ancient civilizations. It is be- come from local sales. Figs must be ripened lieved that figs are native to western Asia and on the tree, are quite perishable and well were spread throughout the Mediterranean by planned marketing will be needed if even mod- man. Figs were brought to California from est commercial ventures are pursued. Spain in the mid eighteenth century and they Common figs are generally grown as were then spread to warmer growing regions spreading, multi-trunked trees that can grow east of the Rocky Mountains. They are gener- to twenty feet in height. They have fibrous, ally limited in cultivation to areas where win- shallow root systems and are relatively sensi- ter minimum temperatures do not go below 5⁰ tive to drought stress. Because of the wide F, although stem tissue can be injured at tem- swings in winter temperatures, figs commonly peratures well above that. In winters with sus- suffer mild to severe winter injury in all but tained cold, mature trees can survive tempera- the warmest parts of the state. In severely cold tures in the low teens but trees can sustain se- winters or more northern growing locations vere damage during dry winters or if plants are not properly acclimated. Figs should be planted in well drained soils and can grow well in either coarse sandy soils to relatively heavy clay soils. Figs are one of the most problem-free fruits that can be grown in mild winter areas. In sandy soils however, fig trees can suffer extensive damage from root knot nematodes There are four distinct horticultural types of figs, but climatic factors preclude the cultivation of all but the common fig in Texas and other states along the Gulf coast. "Fruit" of common figs are parthenocarpic (formed without fertilization) and are actually fleshy when fig trees are frozen to the ground, some stem tissue with no seeds. The structure is varieties produce a crop on the new current known as a synconium and the resinous inte- season's growth, while others will wait to come rior contents are actually unfertilized flower back into production the following year. structures. Commercial fig cultivation in 'Celeste' (aka ‘Celestial) is a small, brown to Standard Varieties purple fig that is adapted to the most diverse There are several standard fig varieties that portions of Texas. 'Celeste' appears to be the have been grown throughout the south, and most cold remain reliable choices for home or limited hardy of all fig commercial production. The characteristics of varieties that the fruit "eye" is a major consideration in ad- have been aptation. Varieties with an open eye may be evaluated in susceptible to dried fruit beetle feeding or Texas. The souring when rain enters the interior of the tree is large, fruit. vigorous and very produc- tive. 'Celeste' usually ripens in mid to late June, well be- fore most other fig varieties in Texas. 'Celeste' fruit has a tightly closed eye which inhibits the entry of the dried fruit beetle and rain that may cause fruit souring. 'Celeste' has excellent fresh dessert quality with a rich sweet flavor. It Fig Eye Characteristics is an excellent processing fig, either frozen or Left, open eye. Right, closed eye processed as fig preserves. Do not prune ma- ture Celeste trees heavily because this can re- 'Alma' is a duce the crop. Although relatively cold hardy, common fig va- 'Celeste' usually does not produce abundant riety released by fruit in years where winter injury is sustained. the Texas Agri- cultural Experi- 'Texas Everbearing' (aka 'Brown Turkey', ment Station in 'Ramsey', 1974. It is a late 'Everbearing'), season variety while not quite with very high as cold hardy fruit quality. The as 'Celeste' , fruit skin is will produce a rather unattrac- fair to good tive, however the flesh has an excellent rich, crop on new sweet flavor. The tree is moderately vigorous, growth follow- very productive and comes into production at ing severe an early age. The eye of 'Alma' fruit is sealed freeze injury. with a drop of a honey-like resin that inhibits In addition, 'Texas Everbearing' ripens fruit the entry of the dried fruit beetle and reducing over an extended period of the summer from on-the-tree fruit souring. 'Alma' is very frost June through August, making it prized as a re- sensitive, especially as a young plant and is liable producer almost every year. The fruit is most adapted when grown no more than 200 medium to large, with a reddish-brown skin miles from the Gulf of Mexico. 'Alma' typically and a reddish-pink pulp. The fruit has a mild produces little or no fruit in years following sweet flavor. The fruit is plump with a short severe freeze injury. stem and moderately closed eye which reduces fruit souring on the tree. In very wet years, however the fruit can sour or crack. 2 Varieties for Trial Planting state. It has a mild flavor and is quite sweet More recently, variety trials have identified ad- when fully ripened on the tree. ditional promising varieties that are suggested for trial plantings. 'Lemon' is a fig vari- ety that was found growing on the banks of a levee near Del Rio, Texas. It has an attractive yellow skin with a creamy, smooth flesh and a closed eye. ' Lemon' 'LSU Purple' was has a unique flavor released in 1991 by with mild citrus LSU and is quickly notes. It has pro- becoming a stan- duced well in Fred- dard in many fig ericksburg and San growers' fields. Antonio and is sug- Medium to dark gested for trial plant- purple skin with a ings on the southern strawberry colored half of the state. flesh, this fig has a 'Lemon' is somewhat cold tender, but produces mild, sweet flavor that many find most appeal- moderate crops on new growth in years winter ing. The fruit has a closed eye which deters freezes kill it to the ground. insect an fungal problems near harvest. LSU Purple is relatively cold hardy and widely 'Bournabat' is a fig variety that is believed to adapted across the Gulf Coast. have originated in the town of Bournabat, on the Turkish Aegean coast, northeast of the Planting & Care town of Smyrna. It was introduced into the Fig trees are traditionally planted as dormant United States through France. It bears a large rooted cuttings in late winter or early spring fruit with a pinkish skin and a juicy, sweet lus- and perform well if planted two to three inches cious flesh with a unique flavor and texture. deeper than grown in the nursery. Because trees can reach heights of 20 feet, trees should be planted no closer than 16' apart. Dig a hole deeper and wider than necessary for the root system. Place the tree upright at the proper depth. Crumble the soil around the roots, and pack it down several times during the filling operation to bring all roots into con- tact with moist soil. After planting, water the tree to settle the soil firmly around the roots. Do not fertilize at the time of planting. The Blue Giant was introduced by Fanick's Nurs- initial growth of the young fig tree will come ery in San Antonio. It is a large fig with a pur- from stored carbohydrate reserves in the ple skin and a pinkish flesh and a closed eye. young trunk and roots. The dormant trunk It is less cold hardy than 'Celeste', but is quite should be cut back by approximately one third productive in south and coastal parts of the at planting to help compensate for root loss 3 when it was dug in the nursery. Because dor- young and mature fig trees. mant pruning is an invigorating action, we suggest that even dormant potted plants be cut Insects & Diseases- Fig rust (Cerotelium back to encourage vigorous growth the first fici) is the greatest disease threat to fig produc- season. tion in Texas and disease severity is worse in areas or seasons with high rainfall. Infected Figs perform best when planted in locations leaves exhibit browning on the leaf surface that receive full sun exposure. It is common to with orange fruiting structures on the lower see figs planted on the south or east side of a part of the leaf. Severely affected leaves fall home or barn to help protect from cold winter prematurely leaving the tree weakened and un- temperatures and to make sure morning sun able to ade- help dries fruit and foliage quickly after an quately ripen evening rain. the crop. Sanitation, In sub-tropical locations, figs can be grown as raking and single-trunked trees, but are commonly grown destroying as multi-trunked plants in more temperate infected parts of Texas. In years when figs are frozen to leaves is an the ground, they typically respond by sending important up a multi- part of dis- tude of new ease control. shoots. Once shoots are There are approxi- currently no mately two conventional feet high, it is fungicides best to go and labeled for select five or the control Fig rust on foliage six strong of fig rust. Organic materials containing cop- shoots to be per are generally effective at controlling fig kept as new rust if applied at the first onset of the disease.
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