I— to — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, March 3, 1988 I 3. 1988 — 19 I ^ N O M E S HELP WANTED lilJpORSALE Automotive CARS DRIVER and Driver IFOR SALE S H i D k e s GRACIOUS 7 room plus . Aide. Vlondov-Frlday C o lonial In the P o rter Specioli Souiick to transport Special Street area. Formol fk CHEVY 9 passenger Im- Semis Education chlldrerr, 2 dining room, 1st flo o r |CAR8 palo Wagon 1900. Auto­ to 3 years old. Call 14x25 fa m ily room , 2 IFOR SALE matic with air. Best Robertson toughest Connecticut Wheel­ otter. Sp-7467.________ Bagpipes brighten the c(ay 1 J m ^ I fireplaces, 3 bedroom s HawpEimiY/^ Coventry squads ch a ir Service 721-9253 with walk upattlc,2 cor iNWGELLAieUS M U S T A N G 1983. 6 c y ­ 1980 AMC Concord sto- In tobacco stand /5 or 741-0787 between 8-4, for elementary students /3 oarage. Anne Miller I K I M E L ^ ISERVICED linder, automatic, tlon wagon. 57,000 Monday-Fridav. Real Estate 647-OOOO.a 60,000, A /C , A M -F M miles, great running In action tonight /13, seesseatseei Stereo. $1900 or best OA COVENTRY. An excel- TOTAL NOME a OFFICE CARKimiVa price.,.ODD lobs, Trudclng. condition. Automatic, ITTlBUDINESD offer. 646-1418 7am- power steering and Ovc lent opportunity to own CLEANINO SERVICES REMODtUIN SSimCIS Sop^^POlntlng H o m e r e p a ir s . Y o u 5pm. your own country and papsring, remo­ name It, we do It. Free brakes. AM -FM stereo. TuesO UiJoPPORTUNITIES DaNy,WesMy.MonlMy CempMe home la ^ n and re- val. 872-0237. OLDS Vista Cruiser 1972. home. Reasonably modeOngWespadaMMlnbaih- estimates. Insured. 643- $2,195 or best offer. Tb uri LowRalM OaO First $200 takes Itl I EARN up to 50% on your priced 5 room Ranch roome and khehena. Small soale 0304. ________ ' 646-6794. Hillsti COMMERMAL CLEANIN8 ow am erelal work. Reskilered, In­ 643-2034. sales of Avon products. with spacious kitchen sured, mfarsnoee. 6 d d S and Ends sewing C A D IL L A C 1W6. W hite, Join us for the New and living room lo­ SERVICES-RADaOTR done In m v hom e. C d ll NISSAN' Sentro Wagon loaded, 3,ft0 miles. Year. C a ll 647-1990. cated on large rural for a as# atOmois J I ^ I M • 649-7606.____________ 1983. Front wheeh $14,900. 646-5422. B og drlve. Intermittent lot. $121,900. Century21 SPRING Cleanup Lawn GRAND' Wagoner 1986. BO] E p ste in R e a lty 647- TAUM A»DidATIS wipers, cloth Interior, White, excellent condl- 8895.D Custom buHdlng, tram-' mowing. Hedm trlm- runs excellent. $2495. Mond Real Estate R00KKEEFM8/ ■ ming. Related truck­ tlon, 34,000 mires. MCOMETAX Ing, additions,' ranova- C a ll otter 4:30.649-0204. $14,900. 646-5422. BONUS! BonusI BonusI Hons and roonng. FOr a ing. Professional Teig A rare find for the PRESTME ROORNG eaulpment. Insured. PLYMOUTH Horlzon- quality Job at- a good Rooflne of aH types. Shinglee, CAMARO 1985. Block, 5 pricel Just 14 years old References. Ray Hardy 1981. 77,000 m iles. One speed, AM -FM 911HQME8 • prioa... Call Bud at flat roeOng. roof lepalra. owner. Excellent con- lUanrljTatTr U m lJi Mai this 6 room Raised INCOME TAX 646-7973. cossette, air. Excel­ AN work gutrtM M d. dltlon. $1100. 742-0207. Seal ! o nIfor sale Ranch Is graced with PREPARATION>RE l i l r l O l lent condition Must approxim ately 8 Call noon t In Your Homo CAMARO IROC-Z 1987. sell. $6500. 643-1395 wooded acres. 3 bed­ Block with silver. WTNI All reel estate odvertlsed In Inloudlng; Rental and Sole M e T .S . 742-7831 the M anchester H erald Is rooms, ' fully ap- Propftatorshlp. Call Jim Wheeler We ore expanding our 12,000 miles, loaded. Casta) sublect to the Foir Houslno pllonced eat In kitchen, BUILDERS housecleanlng servi­ $13,500. 649-5305. , Friday, March 4, 1988 DiRos Act of 1968, which makes It CLYDE Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 2 full baths, fireplace, 7 4 2 -1 0 0 9 ces to Bolton, Man­ Y U G O 1987. 12,000 m iles. CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. V Swens Illegal to advertise any pref­ lower level lust waiting 646-27R7 chester „Vernon areas. 30 Cents erence, limitation ordlscrlm- Best offer. 537-2462. • ROUTE 83, VERNON to be finished Into a PLANNINQ/OE8 IQN 10 years experience, Inatlon based on race, color, a S4 Ragal Cpa. *7295 religion, sex or notlonof family room. Sulfable 6E0ME E. MROSEII, m. SERVICE IMlfuioMie excellent work done. HONDA 1981 Civic. Auto­ Daui for horses. Handy Tol­ C a ll 647-1545 after 3:30. matic transmission. 54 Camaro Ooupt • *8495 M origin, or on Intention to Ptsiaiiliiiil Tta PngiraUis • CUSTOM HOMES The make ony such preference, land section. $189,900. ISYIARSfXPSRISNCE Excellent condition. 44 Ponllao Tiana Airi *10,795 TS Jackson & Jackson ■ ADDITIONS $1950. 646-1319. 7:30 p limitation or discrimination. PERSONAL SERVICE 55 Monia Carlo 88 *12,995 The Herald will not know­ Reol Estate 647-8400.O ■ De c k s fLAdRSANOING HAWNES TREE SERVICE Assocl REASONASLE RATES ■ SIDING Bucket, truck ft ohippar. Stump S8Ea(;on4 4r. *4995 ingly accept any advertise­ MANCHESTER. Beauti­ • Floors like new. 86 Chav. AatrovM *10,195 Buccit ment which Is In violation of CEILINGS REFINISHED removal. Free aatimataa. LPNs ask hospital a • Specializing In older floors the law. fu lly decorated and Im- 649-6880 CONCRETE WORK Special consideration for SB Cantury 4 dr. *6995 refresi maculate Cape on e • Natural ft stained floors SD u t h e r N New Eng- a FRAMING CREW sidarly and handicapped. A M C Concord 1978, 4- SS Toyota oaat. van *M95 busline. 7 rooms, 3 • No waxing artymoris door, excellent condi­ 88Cavaliar4dr. *6495 nd pans land classified ads AVAILABLE Retir reach nearly 800,000 bedrooms, 2 car det- ENROUED A6ENT J im Vdrfallli - 848-5750 647-7^53 tion, strong running 88 Cantury 4dr. *9995 homes In Connecticut =* ached garage. Beauti­ I t years IRS Experfenee economical cor, new 86 Camaro Z28 *13,995 The and Rhode Island. The ful hardwood floors, Tai WeearaHon / OofiNMiia / Tm fARRAND REM09ELIN6 tires, etc. $950. Won't SSOIdaDattacpd *12,995 retiren A roof 3 years old. Exte­ Room addMone, daeke, roofing, lost long! Coll 872-1527. A price for a basic 25 87 Chav. CatabrHy 4dr. *10,9v5 to 11:31 rior recently painted. E«»ait In Na« a Old Taa Laws tiding, windoam end guttere. for pay increases word od Is only $55 and iHEATINfi/ HANDYMAN 87 Pont. 6000 4 dr. *10,995 Bemar w ill appear In 43 news­ This home "must be KIRIEIILEE D. OWEIU Baokhoe and buSdozar teevksa Hama Imprevamant - Folntlns seen". Strano Real Est­ avaHaMa. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. I plum rind - aoMmonta FInlilwd - TIMna - 07 Cantury 4dr. *10,995 Studies papers. Fo r m ore In­ 646-6079 Andrew Beck, spokesman for care provided by Manchester form ation call Clossl- ate 647-7653.D Rut. M7-8609 LIsM Carpentry • ODD JOSS - CADILLAC LImosIne srCuMatiidr. *12,495 Demand follows Hartfoi INtURBO the hospital, said today he does Memorial Hospital.” insurai ned, 643-2711 and ask TOLLAND. Expandable 2 Rs l 845-8849 ' 1973. Excellent condi­ fo r detalls.o bedroom Cape nestled TAX,ATTORNEY R.A. DAVIDSON BARRY SCANLON tion, new radlals, all 8 7 2 - 9 1 1 1 RN contract OK not know how many licensed “I will leave if I don’t get a discuss among' apple trees on (Waawseematsi 646-2411 free ottlmotM power, runs great! practical nurses are employed at raise,” LPN Susan Shaw said in 046-1701 M A N C H E S T E R - 7/4 Du­ Will advise and prepare M T S H E i m o m r plex. Spacious new ad­ approximately 2 acres. Start your own busi­ the hospital. They make about $10 an interview. "That’s how I’ve all tax ratums. IMI8CELLANEDU8 dition. Ideal for large Gorgeous grounds with REMODELING Claanad, Basiraem t Murien ness! First $5500 takes an hour. According to Beck, been feeling.” Though Shaw has 8 e n i( fom lly. $185,000. T u lly fleldstone fireplace Itaw o y! C oll 872-1527. Iautdmdtive B y Andrew J. Davis LPNs and nurse’s aides are no qualm s with granting raises to and barbecue. Conve­ WHITMAN From the sm all^ repair to Real Estate. 643-0005. taa Downey Drive., Apt. A StrWea It Our Otminmi PONTIAC Grand Prix and Alex GIretll Senio niently located. Call the largest renovation, we non-contract employees. registered nurses, a raise should VANTED Manohealar, saa-ISOI Bua. Phona 742-83S2 ILARD8CAPIN6 1985. A/C. AM/FM. RECONDITIONED. Otoot Manchester Herald contact BRAND new Raised fo r details! $157,900. will do a complete |ob. Start u tility body to r 3/4 ton The new base salaries and pay also be forthcoming to the LPNs. Ranches located In a 26,000 m iles. $7500. Coll Elderly oborer- Full Klernan Realty. 649- ^to finish. Free estimates. pick-up truck. Call ot­ differential provisions for regis­ she said. "We are all in it beautiful area of North 1147.0 649-6803 otter 5pm. " A contract agreement between Tuesda; V In p erso n ; PLUMBINB 6 HEATIN6 ter 6pm. 643-0150. tered nurses will go into effect together,” Shaw said. Coventry. 1900 square YBO Heritage Kttchen A WHITHAM UNDSCAK p.m.
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