,,',t ·~·U February 16, 2000 .,Fe,-"..(,:~.l ·r"..:)..C,. st Page 5 • Southwest Standard Dr. Drew discusses sexuality at SMS By SAMANTHA PHArr brenk from "Lovellue." Pinsky said like the one's The Southwe$l Stal\dard he has gained it lot from the tour, answered on "Every time I come into a college "Loveline." Why do guys like to see two arena I learn something new," he Aside from women together sexually? CUll a said. p r e v i 0 II sly person get AIDS from oral sex'? Pinsky began his presentation at III e n 1 i 0 \1 C d What nrc the effects of the drug SMS discussing knowledge he has questions, audi- ecstacy'? learned from hosting "Loveline," He ence members The preceding questions were said he has noticed many differences asked n variety only a small portion of those between the sexes. of other ques- answered for SMS students when Men. according to Pinsky, are tions. the Students Activity Coucil brought more concerned if they nrc adequate One audience MTV's Dr. Drew Pinsky to Juanita while women are concerned about member asked K. Hammons Hall for the the men. why she was Performing Arts Sunday night. Pinsky said these differences unable to Pinsky's presentation was enjoyed show a lot about the diverse ways achieve orgasm. by the large audience of students people approach relationships. "There me a despite Pinsky's exhaustion. He had Pinsky said women tend to focus bunch 01' willful been traveling for two days and on how the man feels. He said they helpers out through bad weather. Traveling to need to start asserting their needs here," Pinsky Springfield, Pinsky was nearly hit first. j 0 kin g I y by a coal train. He also pointed out that men, answered, cor- Pinsky, co-host of "Loveline," has although they seldom realize or relating with been working with talk radio and understand it, are happier and the humor television since 1983 when he was a healthier when ill a monogamous heard through- (Left) Dr. Drew Pinsky answers questions about relationships, sex third-year medical student. Since relationship. out his prescn- and drugs. (Selow) Pinsky signs an autograph for Amanda Merkle that time, he has had many co-hosts. Pinsky told his SMS audience ration. following his presentation at Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the When the show was syndicated, some of the more common questions Pinsky's sug- Performing Arts, (Photo/Maureen Callaghan) . Pinsky was allowed to suggest a he faces in his work relnte to men's gestiun to the new co-host. and he selected Adam fascination with lesbians and why audience member was to talk to and date rape drugs. ever, he has witnessed a rift open away with knowledge about ques- Corolla, who he works with on nice guys never get the girl. other women and find out what Pinsky said every sexually ncti ve over the past five years represented tions they al ways wondered but MTV today, Pinsky said certain ideas to keep works for them. Throughout the woman should keep emergency con- by today's college students. never knew who to ask. Pinsky described his partnership in mind regarding the emotional evening he suggested talking to traception. He explained the pills me He said people seem to have Ecstacy is a very harmful drug with his co-host as a sort of "road- well-being of one and one's partner other people and talking to one's safe and, despite myth, is not an fewer problems sexually and t(~ey that can cause psychological and runner and coyote relationship." include mentality, empathy, respect. significant other. Communication abortion. seem to be becoming more comfort- physical "lock-lips," bizarre behav- Viewers see Pinsky's and reality and youth. was II major theme of Pinsky's Students were comfortable asking able in their relationships. ior and brain damage, Pinsky said. Corolla's unique relationship on Youth is where he directs most of advice. Pinsky a variety of personal ques- Pinsky was available for nuio- People can get AIDS from oral "Loveline." Pinsky said the bicker- his attention, he said. Other words to Pinsky not only addressed the tions. When later asked it' he ever graphs after his presentations and sex. especially when it is performed ing is not an act. remember are uttunemcnt. time. numerous humorous questions was raced with a question that total- many students helped themselves to on a man, he said. "I'm pissed as hell at him attachment, continence and the here- regarding sex, body types and ly threw him off-guard, Pinsky said free condoms, 'l-shirts and hats And why do men like watching (Corolla) most of the time," he said. and-now. nbnormalties, he also discussed 110. courtesy of Pinsky's website, Dr. two 01' more women get Intimate? Pinsky is touring colleges and After Pinsky spoke he opened the issues relevant to college students "It's not a freak show," he said. Drew.corn. Pinsky simply chuckled and said, universities during an off-season nom to audience questions. much such as emergency contraception Pinsky went on to explain, how- If nothing else. students came "If one is good, two arc belle!'." Chili Cook-off to raise m.oney for Kids Cafe This year, the main items are a the Flintstones, a graveyard, a foot- pontoon boat and a jet boat. There ball locker mom and many more. are also many sports items up for "It's fun to sec the costumes that auction such as an autographed people come up with," Chancellor poster of Kurt Warner and an auto- said. "It's amazing the thought that graphed picture 0(' the Kansas City people put into it." Chiefs. Fifteen local bands have volun- Chili team members also will be teered their time to play during the bringing items to auction. The pro- cook-off. Bands such as "Fern" and ceeds from the individual teams will "Combo.corn" will he playing this count toward the People's Choice year. Award. Each band will play for 45 min- '" The People's Choice Award is utes with (I 15illlinute'intClfvltt. rr;' -. given to the team that raises the "I really look forward to the music ; 'most money. and the bands:' ChhJlcclli~'}' ~a1Cl~.. Teams raise money from the auc- This year, the bands have record- lion and any games a team may ed a professional CD entitled "Chili decide to hold. Mix." which will be on sale for $5. In the past, teams have had ruffles Chancellor said it is II good sample at their booths, casting. contests, of the local bands. basketball shooting contests lind T-shirts and buttons also will be even a jail and bail (this is where sold during the event. team members walk around "arrest- Tickets for the cook-off can be ing" people, and charge $J ransom bought at Dillon's, lOA and Express to get them out). Lane Stores for $2 or at the door for All teams also will have U lip jar $3. set up at their booth so people who The proceeds from the cook-off Contestants have themes for their respective booths. The best chili determines the winner. (Photos contributed/Bob Chancellor) enjoy their chili can drop in a hand- will be donated to the Kids Cafe ful of change 01' a few bucks. program 10 finance renovations and By AMELIA BEAMAN clubs and families make up these other than beef. Wild game is not The first place winner from each This year two People's Choice new kitchen equipment at the Boys The Southwest Standard teams. Not only is the cook-off allowed. category will move on into the Awards will be presented; one for and Girls Club facilities. annual, but also many of the contes- To start oft' the judging, teams will finals. Professional chefs from Twin corporations and the other for small "We'd like to raise ilt least what Music, raffles, games. an auction, tants. be selected randomly and put into Oaks Country Club, the Tower Club groups or businesses. we raised last year (around beer and chili; All of these things "It's fun to see the same people categories consisting of to teams and others will judge the finals. Awards also will be given for the $90,000)," Trainor said. "Hopefully will beat the 19th annual Sertoma come back every year," said Bob per category. Trophies will be presented at 4 p.m, best chili, the best booth, the best we '\I surpass that number." Chili Cook-off beginning at 10 a.m. Chancellor. the publicity chairman III each category, there will be n along with the conclusion of the costumes and for showmanship. Chancellor hopes to raise about Feb. 19 at the University Plaza for the Sertoma Chili Cook-off first, second and third place given. cook-off. Marcia Trainor, executive secre- $100,000, hopefully more. Trade Center. Teams can make any kind or chili One contestant from each team will A $900 raffle will be held tary for the Sertorna Clubs, said peo- Come help support the Boys and More than 100 teams have entered they desire, It won't be just the stan- be a judge for the preliminaries. The throughout the day, which is money ple get really elaborate with their Girls clubs, get ready for some chili and will make more than 900 gal- dnrd chi! i with ground beef. Other judges will blind sample six to eight that can be spent toward 11 cruise. booths and costumes. mixed with creativity and enjoy the lons of chili.
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