13 Da´Il E´Ireann

13 Da´Il E´Ireann

13 DA´ IL E´ IREANN 161 De´ Ma´irt, 17 Feabhra, 2004 Tuesday, 17th February, 2004 2.30 p.m. ORD GNO´ ORDER OF BUSINESS 13. An Bille Airgeadais 2004 — Tairiscint Leithroinnte Ama don Roghchoiste. Finance Bill 2004 — Allocation of Time Motion for Select Committee. 6. An Bille um Mo´ tarfheithiclı´ (Dleachtanna agus Ceadu´ nais) 2004 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Motor Vehicle (Duties and Licences) Bill 2004 — Order for Second Stage. GNO´ COMHALTAI´ PRI´OBHA´ IDEACHA PRIVATE MEMBERS’ BUSINESS 38. Tairiscint maidir le Vo´ ta´il Leictreonach. Motion re Electronic Voting. P.T.O. 162 I dTOSACH GNO´ PHOIBLI´ AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF PUBLIC BUSINESS Billı´ o´n Seanad : Bills from the Seanad 1. An Bille um Binsı´ Fiosru´ cha´in (Fianaise) (Leasu´ ) 2003 [Seanad] — An Dara Ce´im. Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) Bill 2003 [Seanad] — Second Stage. 2. An Bille um an mBord Bia (Leasu´ ) 2003 [Seanad] — An Dara Ce´im. An Bord Bia (Amendment) Bill 2003 [Seanad] — Second Stage. 3. An Bille um Chosaint Mha´ithreachais (Leasu´ ) 2003 [Seanad] — An Dara Ce´im. Maternity Protection (Amendment) Bill 2003 [Seanad] — Second Stage. 4. An Bille um Thruailliu´ na Farraige (Fora´lacha Ilghne´itheacha) 2003 [Seanad]—An Dara Ce´im. Sea Pollution (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2003 [Seanad] — Second Stage. 5. An Bille um Dhlı´ na Farraige (Pı´ora´ideacht a Chur faoi Chois) 2001 [Seanad]—An Dara Ce´im. Law of the Sea (Repression of Piracy) Bill 2001 [Seanad] — Second Stage. Billı´ a thionscnamh : Initiation of Bills Tı´olactha: Presented: 6. An Bille um Mo´ tarfheithiclı´ (Dleachtanna agus Ceadu´ nais) 2004 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Motor Vehicle (Duties and Licences) Bill 2004 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do leasu´ agus do Bill entitled an Act to amend and extend leathnu´ an Achta Airgeadais (Dleachta the Finance (Excise Duties) (Vehicles) Act Ma´il) (Feithiclı´) 1952 agus an Achta 1952 and the Finance (No. 2) Act 1992 in Airgeadais (Uimh. 2) 1992 i leith dleach- respect of certain duties or licences leviable tanna no´ ceadu´ nas a´irithe ata´ intoibhithe no´ or issuable thereunder and to provide for ineisithe faoi na hAchtanna sin agus do related matters. dhe´anamh socru´ i dtaobh nithe gaolmhara. —An tAire Comhshaoil, Oidhreachta agus Rialtais A´ itiu´il. 7. An Bille um Sheirbhı´s Bhuise´adaithe agus Comhairle Airgid 2002 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Money Advice and Budgeting Service Bill 2002 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do dhe´anamh Bill entitled an Act to provide for the socru´ maidir le seirbhı´s bhainistithe fiachais development and implementation of a debt a fhorbairt agus a chur chun feidhme management service to assist individuals in d’fhonn cuidiu´ le daoine aonair le linn managing, reducing and discharging con- fiachas tomhalto´ ra a bhainistiu´ , a laghdu´ sumer debt; to facilitate co-operation agus a urscaoileadh; d’fhonn comhoibriu´ between persons and the Minister for idir daoine agus an tAire Gno´ thaı´ So´ isia- Social, Community and Family Affairs for lacha, Pobail agus Teaghlaigh a e´ascu´ chun the purpose of establishing companies to 163 cuideachtaı´ a bhunu´ chun an tseirbhı´s a provide the service; to provide for those shola´thar; do dhe´anamh socru´ maidir leis na companies to enter into agreements with cuideachtaı´ sin do dhe´anamh comhaon- the Minister to provide the service as local tuithe leis an Aire chun an tseirbhı´s a service providers; to provide for the shola´thar mar shola´thraithe seirbhı´se a´itiu´la; principal objects of local service providers; do dhe´anamh socru´ maidir le prı´omh- to confer on the Minister functions in chuspo´ irı´ sola´thraithe seirbhı´se a´itiu´ la; do respect of the funding, monitoring and thabhairt feidhmeanna don Aire maidir le evaluation of the service; to establish a cistiu´, faireacha´n agus measu´nu´ na seirbhı´se; National Money Advice and Budgeting do bhunu´ Coiste Comhairleach Na´isiu´ nta Service Advisory Committee to consult um Sheirbhı´s Bhuise´adaithe agus Comh- with and advise the Minister on matters of airle Airgid chun dul i gcomhairle leis an policy relating to the service, and to provide Aire agus comhairle a thabhairt don Aire i for related matters. dtaobh nithe a bhaineann le beartas i nda´il leis an tseirbhı´s, agus do dhe´anamh socru´ i dtaobh nithe gaolmhara. —An tAire Gno´thaı´ So´isialacha, Pobail agus Teaghlaigh. 8. An Bille um Choimisiu´ in Imscru´ du´ cha´in 2003 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Commissions of Investigation Bill 2003 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do dhe´anamh Bill entitled an Act to provide for the socru´ maidir le coimisiu´ in a bhunu´ o´ am go establishment of commissions from time to ham chun imscru´ du´ a dhe´anamh i dtaobh time to investigate into and report on nithe a gceaptar gur ca´s suntasach leis an matters considered to be of significant bpobal iad agus tuarasca´il a thabhairt ar na public concern, to provide for powers of nithe sin, do dhe´anamh socru´ maidir le such commissions and to make provision for cumhachtaı´ na gcoimisiu´ n sin agus do related matters. dhe´anamh socru´ i dtaobh nithe gaolmhara. —An tAire Dlı´ agus Cirt, Comhionannais agus Athcho´irithe Dlı´. 9. An Bille Poist (Fora´lacha Ilghne´itheacha) 2001 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Postal (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2001 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do dhe´anamh Bill entitled an Act to make provision for socru´ maidir le scaireanna in An Post a the issue of shares in An Post and the sale eisiu´ int agus maidir leis an Aire Fiontar and disposal of shares in it by the Minister Poiblı´ do dhı´ol agus do dhiu´ scairt for Public Enterprise, to reduce the number scaireanna ann, do laghdu´ an lı´n stiu´ rtho´ irı´ of directors of An Post appointed by the ar An Post arna gceapadh ag an Aire Minister for Public Enterprise under section Fiontar Poiblı´ faoi alt 23(1) den Acht um 23(1) of the Worker Participation (State Pa´irteachas Lucht Oibre (Fiontair Sta´it), Enterprises) Act, 1977, to provide for the 1977, do dhe´anamh socru´ chun ainm an change of the name of the Director of Stiu´ rtho´ ra Riala´la Teileachumarsa´ide a Telecommunications Regulation to the athru´ go dtı´ an Stiu´ rtho´ ir Riala´la Director of Communications Regulation Cumarsa´ide agus do dhe´anamh socru´ i and to provide for connected matters. dtaobh nithe comhghaolmhara. —An tAire Fiontar Poiblı´ 10. An Bille um an gCu´ irt Choiriu´ il Idirna´isiu´ nta 2003 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. International Criminal Court Bill 2003 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do dhe´anamh Bill entitled an Act to provide for the socru´ maidir le cu´ irteanna sa Sta´t agus punishment by courts in the State and by P.T.O. 164 armchu´ irteanna do phiono´ su´ cinedhı´othu´ , courts-martial of genocide, crimes against coireanna in aghaidh na daonnachta, coire- humanity, war crimes and other offences anna cogaidh agus cionta eile ata´ faoi within the jurisdiction of the International dhlı´nse na Cu´ irte Coiriu´ la Idirna´isiu´ nta, Criminal Court, which was established arna bunu´ faoi Reacht na Ro´ imhe den under the Rome Statute of the Inter- Chu´ irt Choiriu´ il Idirna´isiu´ nta a rinneadh sa national Criminal Court, done at Rome on Ro´ imh an 17 Iu´ il 1998; da´ chumasu´ e´ifeacht 17 July 1998; to enable effect to be given to a thabhairt d’iarrataı´ o´ n gCu´ irt sin ar requests by that Court for assistance in the chu´ namh chun na coireanna sin a imscru´ du´ investigation or prosecution of those no´ a ionchu´ iseamh, lena n-a´irı´tear iarrataı´ offences, including requests to arrest and chun daoine a ghabha´il agus a thabhairt surrender persons, to freeze assets and to suas, chun so´ cmhainnı´ a reo agus chun aon enforce any fines or forfeitures imposed by fhı´nea´lacha no´ forghe´illeadh a fhorchuir- it; to make provision in relation to any fidh sı´ a fhorghnı´omhu´ ; do dhe´anamh socru´ sittings of the Court that may be held in the i nda´il le haon suı´onna den Chu´ irt a State; and to provide for related matters. thiono´ lfar sa Sta´t; agus do dhe´anamh socru´ i dtaobh nithe gaolmhara. —An tAire Dlı´ agus Cirt, Comhionannais agus Athcho´irithe Dlı´. 11. An Bille um Banc Forbartha Chomhairle na hEorpa 2004 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Council of Europe Development Bank Bill 2004 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do dhe´anamh Bill entitled an Act to provide for the socru´ maidir le ceadu´ the´armaı´ an Chomh- approval of the terms of the Agreement for aontaithe um Banc Forbartha Chomhairle the Council of Europe Development Bank na hEorpa agus do dhe´anamh socru´ i and to provide for matters (including dtaobh nithe (lena n-a´irı´tear´ ıocaı´ochtaı´) a payments) related to that Agreement. bhaineann leis an gComhaontu´ sin. —An tAire Airgeadais. 12. An Bille um Imscaradh Misean Sı´ocha´na Idirna´isiu´ nta 2003 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. International Peace Missions Deployment Bill 2003 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht da´ u´ daru´ , faoi re´ir Bill entitled an Act to authorise, subject ceadu´ roimh re´ o´ Dha´il E´ ireann, dı´ormaı´ de to the prior approval of Da´il E´ ireann, the na Buan-O´ glaigh a chur chun bealaigh le despatch of contingents of the Permanent haghaidh seirbhı´se lasmuigh den Sta´t le Defence Forces for service outside the State misin sı´ocha´na idirna´isiu´ nta arna mbunu´ with International Peace Missions estab- chun dualgais sı´ocha´na a chomhlı´onadh, lished for the performance of peace duties, agus chun na crı´che sin do leasu´ an Achta and for that purpose to amend the Defence Cosanta (Leasu´ ) (Uimh.

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