Nov. 13 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994 8 years ago when you and others exposed your- Line, linked forever with all of those who went selves to considerable risks to stand up for free- before and all of those who will come after. dom here in your own country, following Well, Mr. President, you symbolize the link through with the remarkable people power between our two nations, which is equally as movement of President Aquino, where people strong and will always exist. We are linked by held flowers in the face of tanks and captured our history; we are linked by the populations the imagination of the entire world. that we share, the Americans here, the Filipinos And now, sir, under your leadership we see there. But most of all, we are linked by our the Philippines moving forward, respecting the shared values, our devotion to freedom, to de- dignity, the rights of all people and aggressively mocracy, to prosperity, and to peace. pursuing a modern economic program designed And for that common devotion, I ask all of to bring prosperity to all the tens of millions you to stand and join me in a toast to President of people who call these wonderful islands their and Mrs. Ramos, to all the people of the Phil- home. ippines, to their health, to their prosperity, and You know, President Ramos is a fitting leader to their eternal partnership with the United for this time. We know in America that in States. 1946Ðhe doesn't look that oldÐ[laughter]Ðbut in 1946, he won the only Filipino scholarship NOTE: The President spoke at approximately 3:40 to the United States Military Academy. I met p.m. in the Ceremonial Room at the Malacanang several others of you who graduated from West Palace. In his remarks, he referred to President Point here today, and all of you know that when Fidel Ramos of the Philippines and his wife, one graduates from West Point, heÐand now Amelita; and former Philippine Presidents sheÐbecomes a member of the Long Gray Diosdado Macapagal and Corazon Aquino. The President's News Conference With President Fidel Ramos of the Philippines in Manila November 13, 1994 President Ramos. Thank you, Mr. Secretary. and I recognize the value of enhancing the secu- Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Today rity and stability of the Asia-Pacific region and President Clinton and I took concrete steps to- reiterated our commitment to the peaceful reso- wards enhancing Philippine-American relations. lution of conflicts. We agreed that only under During our bilateral meeting, I expressed my such conditions can the full economic growth sincere appreciation to President Clinton for the and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region be real- substantial participation of the United States ized. Armed Forces in the commemoration of the I assured President Clinton that the Phil- 50th anniversary of the Leyte landing, 3 weeks ippines will continue to support the peace- ago. keeping initiatives of the United States and the Our meeting this afternoon enabled us to dis- United Nations, as we have recently manifested cuss a wide range of issues with direct import in a dispatch to Haiti of an initial contingent on our bilateral relations and the peace and of 50 international police monitors, or IPM, stability of the Pacific. I acknowledged our debt from this country. And I also congratulated him of gratitude to America's commitment, to Amer- for the United States role in the series of break- ica's strength, and to America's keeping faith through agreements for peace and development with her ideals and values in such areas as Haiti, in the Middle East and in the Korean Peninsula, the Persian Gulf, and the Korean Peninsula. which has lifted our hopes for its eventual We both agreed to build our partnership on denuclearization. the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit, I have been assured, in turn, by President reinforced by our common commitment to de- Clinton that they will encourage a higher level mocracy and the rule of law. President Clinton of investments by Americans. I also acknowl- 2074 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 14:15 Nov 07, 2000 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00672 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 C:\94PAP2\PAP_TEXT txed01 PsN: txed01 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994 / Nov. 13 edged his government's support for our bid to We had a very good bilateral discussion in attain newly industrializing country, or NIC, sta- which the President expressed the Philippine tus by the turn of the century. We further position and the interest of the Filipino people agreed to find ways and means to improve our very articulately to me on a very large number two-way trade. The United States continues to of issues. be our number one trading partner, and we I would like to point out in general that over believe that we can greatly expand our trade the last 50 years, the relationship between the by the further lowering of trade barriers. United States and the Philippines has changed, To accelerate trade liberalization, President has grown, has matured, but we are still very Clinton and I agreed on the urgency of the much bound together in ways that I think are ratification of the Uruguay round of the General positive. There are, after all, 100,000 Americans Agreement on Tariffs and Trade by member and more who make their home here perma- countries. I assured him of the Philippines' com- nently, and in the United States there are about mitment to trade liberalization and investment 11¤2 million Americans of Philippine ancestry. facilitation, which must be accompanied by con- We admire your democracy, and we have es- ditions of national stability and political will. pecially admired all the things which have been We also agreed that the Asia-Pacific Eco- done in the last 8 years. We have an important nomic Cooperation, or APEC, leaders summit security relationship. You heard the President in Indonesia will be a landmark forum that will talk about the joint exercises. I also was able shape the future course of the economy of the to inform President Ramos that the United entire Asia-Pacific area and, indeed, of the States will be able to supply the Philippine world. Armed Forces with two C±130's soon and that And we both affirmed the value of the Phil- ippines-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty, or the we will continue to discuss the possibility of MDT, and its contribution to regional security shared equipment to build up the strength and and stability. We agreed that our joint exercises, the security of the Philippine Armed Forces. which are planned by the Mutual Defense We talked about regional security in general, Board, should be continued to ensure the inter- and I want to again thank publicly President operability of military units. Ramos for the support that he has given to I appreciate President Clinton's effort to help the agreement we have reached in cooperation resolve the longstanding issue of the claims of with the South Koreans and the Japanese with Filipino veterans of World War II with the North Korea, in which North Korea has agreed United States Government. Even as I acknowl- to become a nonnuclear state and to remove edged the concern of leading members of the that threat of the proliferation of weapons of U.S. Congress for the restoration of Filipino vet- mass destruction. I also thanked President erans' rights. I welcome these assurances that Ramos for the participation of the Philippines the United States will work hand-in-hand with in our remarkable international coalition in the Philippine Government in helping to pro- Haiti. mote the welfare of Amerasians in the Phil- Finally, we discussed our economic relation- ippines. ships. Most of what should be said has already President Clinton and I renewed our commit- been said by President Ramos, but let me say ment to the protection of the environment and that I was deeply impressed when the President the preservation of the world ecological balance. came to the United States and told me that And lastly, I reiterated my appreciation for his new policy was trade, not aid. That's a wel- the warm welcome, hospitality extended by come message. President Clinton and the American people dur- The United States purchased $5 billion in ing my visit to the United States last year. We products from the Philippines last year. We are look forward to moving Philippines-United the largest investor here. We like being the larg- States partnership to a higher and more mutu- est purchaser and the largest investor. This ally beneficial level in the years to come. morning, the Secretary of State hosted a break- Thank you very much. Salamat. fast which I attended for leading American busi- President Clinton. Thank you very much. ness interests here, and I pledged to the Presi- First, let me thank President Ramos for the dent I would do what I could to increase the warm welcome that the United States delegation interest of the American business community has received here in the Philippines. in investment in the Philippines. 2075 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 14:15 Nov 07, 2000 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00673 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 C:\94PAP2\PAP_TEXT txed01 PsN: txed01 Nov. 13 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994 We both support GATT and hope that both them. And the most recent example is the visit of our legislative bodies will ratify it shortly. here in Manila and later on in the Subic area I am going home when I leave the APEC con- of the ships that went on to participate in the ference to achieve that objective, and I hope Leyte landings.
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