SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE Literary Number JUNE, 1922 Sigma_.J,(a.ppa Triangle . ",, . --. ~-- · -- - . - . - - VOL. XVI ' JUNE, 1922 NO.3 I ' ~Jl:' OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF SIGMA KAPPA SORORITY '~ I . GEORGE BANTA Official Printer and Publisher 45,Q to 4. ~ 4 Ahn ~ip St.,, !"''enasha, Wjsconsin TRIANGLE DIRECTORY Editor-in-chief MRS. FRANCIS MARsHALL 'VIGMORE clo The Orland Register, Orland, Cal. Chapter Editor FRITZI NEUMANN 124 S. 43rd St., Philadelphia, Pa. Alumnm Editor HANN AI:I A. S~ILLMAN 38 Granite St., Westerly, R. I. Ex~hange Editor MABEL GERTRUDE MATTOON 127 N. Malabar St., Huntington Park, Cal. Contributing Editor MRs. GRACE CoBURN SMITH 2137 Bancroft St.,. Washington, D. C. Circulation Manager HATTIE MAY BAKER 24 Sunset Road, West Somerville, Mass. All communications regarding subscriptions should be sent direct to Miss Baker. SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is issued in December, March, June, and September. All chapters, active and alumnre, must send all manuscript to their respective editors (at the addresses given above) on or before the Fifteenth of October, January, April, and July. Price $1.50 per annum. Single copies 50 cents. Entered as second-class matter October 15, 1910, at the post office at Menasha, Wis., under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for- mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized, July 31, 1918. SIGMA .KAPPA SORORITY Founded at Colby College in 1874 FOUNDERS MRS. L. D. CARVER, nee Mary Caffrey Lowe, 72 Fayerweather Bt., Cambridge, Mass. ELIZABETH GORHAM HOAG (deceased). MRS. J. B. PIERCE, nee Ida M. Fuller, 1126 Kentucky St.~. Lawrence, Kan. LOUISE HELEN COBURN, Skowhegan, Me. MRS.nn G. W. HALL, nee Frances E. Mann, 221 ESt. N. W., Washington,· A A A GR!-ND COUNCIL •, ·President · ETHEL HAYWARD WESTON, Madison, -Me.• '· vi~e-president·' ' LORAH MONROE, 1408 East Grove St., Bloomington, Ill. Secretary RUTH E . LITCHEN, 607 Olive St., Leavenworth, Kan. Treasurer MRS. MARY LOUISE GAY BLUNT, 603 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Grand Counselor MRS. EULA GROVE LINGER, 97 University ·Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. A A A OTHER OFFICERS Grand Registrar JOSIE B. HOUCHENS, 1208 West California Ave., Urbana, Ill. Custodian of the Badge RUTH HENRY, 507 Prairie Ave., Dallas, Tex. Chairman Extension Committee ELIZA ALEXANDER, 705 E. Empire St., Bloomington, Ill. Delegate to Panhellenic MRS. ETHEL HAYWARD WESTON, Madison, Me. Sigma Kappa Historian EMMA E. KINNE, 214 S. Craig St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Chairman of National Philanthropy MYRTICE D. CHENEY, 78 Mellen St., Portland, Me. Chairman of Panhellenic MRS. NORMAN McCAUSLAND, JR., 517 Angell St., Providence, R. I~ ROLL OF CHAPTERS A'cTIVE ALPHA, 1874 Colby College, Waterville, Me. BETA AND GAMMA Consolidated with Alpha. DELTA, 1904 Boston University, Boston, Mass: EPSILON, 1905 Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. ZETA, 1906 George' Washington University,· Watlhington, D. C. ETA, 1906 Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Ill. THETA, 1906 University of Illinois, Champaign,: Ill. : IOTA, 1908 University of Denver, Denver, Colo. · KAPPA, 1908 Owing to ruling of university faculty the charter was sm:rendered in 1911. LAMBDA, 1910 University of California, Berkeley, Cal. Mu, 1910 University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Nu, 1911 Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt. Xr, ·1913 University of Kansas, ~awrence, · Ka'n. OMICRON, 1913 Jackson College, Medford, Mass. PI, 1915 Leland Stanford, Jr., University, Cal. RHo, 1917 Randolph-Macon Woman's College,' Lynchb.lirg, Va. SIGMA, 1917 Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex. TAu, 1918 Unive1·sity of Indiana, Bloomin'gton, Ind. · . UPSILON, 1918 Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. Pru, 1919 . Rhode Island State College, Kingston, R. I, CHI, 1919 Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Psi, 1919 University .o.f Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. OMEGA, 1920 Florida State College for Women, Tallahassee, .Fla. ALPHA BETA, 1920 University of Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. ALPHA GAMMA, .1921 Washington State College, Pullman, Wash. ALPHA DELTA, 1921 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. ALPHA EPSILON, 1921 Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. ALPHA ZETA, 1921 Cornell University, Itli~ca, New York. ALPHA ETA, 1921 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. ALUMNJE ·;· Portland Alumnm Portland, Me. Boston Alumnm • Boston, Mass. New York. City Alumnm New York, N. Y.: Washington Alumnm . Washington, D. 0. Bloomington Alumnm Bloomington, Ill. Colorado Alumnm Denver, Colo. Central New York Alumnm Syracuse, N. Y. Los Angeles Alumnm • ·. Los Angeles, Cal. Worcester Alumnm Worcester, Mass. Kansas City Alumnm • Kansas City, Mo. Buffalo Alumnm Buffalo, N,'y;· · -·· Chicago Alumnm Chicago, Ill. Central Ohio Alumnm Cohnnb\18; Ohio. Dallas Alumnre • Dallas, Texas. CONTENTS A Sabbath Blessing. 279 "Kenneb~c" and Other Poems by Louise Helen Cobum (An Im· preSSIOn) . 280 Some Alpha Authors . 283 Frances Elizabeth Chutter . 284 Maud Edna Kingsley. 287 On a Bust to Milton. 288 Francis M. Wigmore . 289 Some Sister G1·eek Authors. 291 The Poem Contest . 292 Columbine to Harlequin . 292 The First Vacation ... .. ... ... .... ........................ -. 293 Hiking Song . 295 A Prayer . 296 This Year's Honor Students........ ... .... ..... .......... .. 297 Message from Our Grand President......................... .. 307 Convention Notices . 309 Commencement . 317 The Campaign for an Alumnre Building at Colby . 318 Resolutions . 320 New York City Panhellenic Association Plans Clubhouse.... ... ... 321 Page Every Sigma Kappa ... ; ................................ 324 Our National Philanthropy Department: · Letter from Henry Van Dyke............................. 325 The New World of Matinicus............................. 326 Island . 331 From the Editor's Easy Chair . 332 TRIANGLE Advertisement . 342 Exchanges . 343 With Our Active Chapters...... ...... ... ... .... ........ ... .. 360 With Our Alumnre Chapters. 397 Directory . 409 Advertisements . 417 ILLUSTRATIONS Our Founder Poet, Louise Helen Coburn .... ..... .. ...... Frontispiece Francis M. Wigmore and Daughter. 289 Lydia Bisbee, Delta............ 297 Edith Crosby, Delta. 297 Alice Evelyn Ladd, Nu....................................... 299 Lila Winchester, Nu.. ...... .. ..... .. ........... .... ... .. 299 Helen Mcintosh, Sigma....................................... 300 Anita Swearinger, Tau . 301 Susie Kamp, Tau . 301 Helen Louise Tabor, Phi...................................... 302 Gert1·ude Kehl, Psi. .. 303 Frances Landon, Psi . 303 M"abel Helveston, Omega................ ........ .... ....... 304 Elizabeth Summerlin, Omega. 30·1 I1·en e Wendling, Alpha Beta........... .. ..... 305 Katherine Whittlesey, Alpha Beta. 305 Katharine Harris, Irwina Dorr, Ele~. nor Dorr, Sara Merritt and Grace Morris, Alpha Zeta. 306 Myrtice D. Cheney . 325 Twin Lights, Matinicus Rock, Me. 326 Herring Gulls on Nesting G1·ound, off Matinicus................. 327 Arctic Terns, fl'Om Matinicus Rock. 329 Congregational Chmch, Matinicus. 330 Mabel Lyons Stone and Daughter, Margaret Frances. ... ........ 336 Hannah A. Stillman. 397 OUR FOUNDER POET, LOUISE HELEN COBURN SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE VOL. XVI JUNE, 1922 NO. 3 Literary Number A SABBATH BLESSING · Beneath this fragrant pine where I must resf May I be blest, While overhead the. birds their chorus raise In Sabbath praise ! Into some upper chamber of my heart I'll draw apart, And there in sweet remembrance of His name His peace I'll claim. Daily for me He breaks the living bread And I am fed, My cup of blessing overflows the brim Glad thanks to Him. But should I ever find my Olivet, Could I forget That there my Master deathless victory won­ 'l'hy will be done ! My times I know are in His hands alway I'll trust today, And let a Sabbath blessing fall on me From fragrant tree. GRACE CoBURN SMITH. 280 SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE "KENNEBEC" AND OTHER POEMS BY LOUISE HELEN COBURN AN IMPRESSION Wandering one day on the wooded banks of a gently flow­ ing stream, I saw the birds dart from limb to limb, or startled fly from the ground to a place of safety in the tree-tops, utter­ ing their faint twitters of joy or fear. Little did I heed these winged songsters till, lo, a note of limpid sweetness fell upon my ear. The note swelled into a song which thrilled my heart. It made me forget my care and rejoice with the thru~h. I knew then that life was worth living, and that God made the world and it was good. Such a feeling comes to one when one finds among the walks of life a singer who sees the beauty in all around us, who feels the heart-throbs of life, and who catches a vision of the truth of things as they really are. The impression is even stronger when the song comes from the heart of a friend, revealing depths of thought and feeling that before had been hidden in the soul of the singer. Then our hearts go out in gladness which our dumb lips are unable to express. Such was the impression that Louise Helen Coburn's poems made upon her friends. You, who know that the author was in her college days one of the Founders of Sigma Kappa, are prepared to expect something of merit and you will not be disappointed. Sister Coburn has never posed as a poet, but from the richness of her life has given us these poems as the natural flowering of native genius combined with truest culture. 'fhe poems all are lyrical, expressing the writer's thoughts and feelings concerning the things that most vitally interest her. She does not essay merely to please the fancy by rhyme and rhythm, but with perfect harmony she expresses in simple verse the sentiments awakened in
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