DOCUMEIIT RESUME ED 249 748 EC 170 860 TITLE Ove- ght and Reauthorization Hearing on the Rehabilitation Act of 1983. Bearings before the Subcot 'Nitta. on Select Education of the Committee on Education and Labor. Rouse of Representatives, Ninety -- Eighth Congress, First Session Narch 21 and 23, 1983). INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C.Rouse Commettee on Education and Labor. PUB DATE 84; NOTE ' FUR TYPE 4114*I 1/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) EDRS PRICE NFO1 /FC18 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Compliance (Legal); Disabilities; *Federal Legislation; Federal Programs; Bearings; Rehabilitation; *Vocational Rehabilitation 'IDENTIFIERS *Rehabilitation Act 1973 ABSTRACT Excerpts are presented from the March 1983 hearings on oversight and reauthorization of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Prepared statements are included from federal officials; representatives of professional rehabilitation and education associations and state and local agencies; etudents; and other interested persons. In addition to the statements, letters and supplemental materials on the topic are also, provided from associations, agencies, university faculty, and federal officials. The statements touch on amendisents to the act, provisions for independent living, rehabilitation research, and rehabilitation training. (CL) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRA are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** OVERSMNi MS IIIMMIZATION HEARING ON 911E RIMAKITATION ACT ffir 1 I,. a) air HEARINGS BICFOWIC SUBCOMMITTEE ON SELECT EDUCATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-EIGHTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION HEARINGS HELD IN WASHINGTON, D.C. ON MARCH 21 AND 23, 1933 Printed for the use of the Committee on Education and Labor SIOPAIIIIIIHT Of IIMICATION NATICNIAL NOTTIOTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION // CENTER IERIC1 document tom Aeon ',Produced as /wowed horn the pavan at ereenliallan Oncproiltnea Wei r hinges haw bat n mad, to r*VOXtUCt.On qUatIN Peen of .nate Dr WOW* stated m rha *mu meta, ae net nrfosaa repasamat arriarol N4f pootteao of polacy GOVIDENNISTAT POINTING MPH'S the r, 0 WASHINGTON : IOM CONTENTS Hearings hel21. d in Washington, D.0 on: 1Pass Mardi 198 March 23, 1983 Statement or 157 Dame, Gary. Under Secretary, OfficeofPlanning, Budget and evaluation. of Education 160 Cox, James A., Jr., executive director. Nstiocal Amedation of Reluddlita ten Facilities 126 Debug, Janne. Access Living. Chicago. III 81 **ter, Norma, director. NeW ,%11,07 Commission for the 1 Elmer Bartels, Director. Massecimsette, --, Commission;ernon Arre Commissioner. Texas Rehabilitation Counniaion;Donald %dell.deems director, Division of Blind Services, Florida 173 Friedel, Lex, director. Independent, Living Research UtilivatibnPreject, Houston Tex as Pietinak, Adele M. Edward, candidate, nelsebilitation couniellag, Kent Sate University 114 Spears, Marvin O., president, National Rehiltilitation Amor iation, S Paul. Minn 3 Walker._ klarthe, National Comet on Rehabilitation IMucit tea. Kent, Ohio t, 114 Prepared *Memento, letters, supplemental materials, at cetera: Weser, i ,,L., Deputy Under Secretaty for Planning, Budget, WA Eval- uation, 1 of Education. jwapered statement cf......... ....,......... 189 Cox. James, Jr., executive director. NationalMINCiatiOnof Rfithabiliio- tion Facilities. letter to Cliairman Murphy enclosing requested informa- tion. dated April 11, 1983 163 Wong, JaAttachmes, AccessLiving, Chicago, Al.: mentA 83 i Attachment B Jr 86 Resolutien from the Nationid Council of Independent Living Pro. grams 99 Frieder, Lex, director. Independent Living Research Utilisation Project, Houston, Tex.: statement of 90 "ForIPreparedmmediate Release," dated March 21, 1983 102 "Prniect Overview," 105 Resource Materials for Utim article entitled 107 Kramer, Norma F.. executive!rector. New Commission for the Blind, statement on behalf of the Council of State Adminixtratore of Vocational Rehabilitation 198 Melvin. Dr.. the National &Iodation of Rehabilitation Facilities,pre- pared etaternent of 130 Murphy, Hon. Austin J.. a Representative in from the State of Pencurylvania, and chairman, Rubcinnmitteeon Education, open- ing statemen of 158 Pietexak.Adellte. on behalf of the National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE), statementof 116 Sew% Mar-la 0.. t. National Rehabilitation Association: Prepared statement er 46 Executive eu of Minnesota Division of Vocational Rehabilita- tion fiscal year 1861 economic analysis 12 "Independent Li vi Centers in Region V," article entitled 26 "Promoting Rehabilitation Progreso," pamphlet entitkd 76 IV Pep Prepared statements, letters, oupplemental materials, at ceteraContinued Walker. Martha, president, National Council on Rehabilitation Educe- tion. statement oo behalf of 120 APPENDIX Bean, William J., Ph. D.. Chief, Independent Branch, U.S. Department of Education, letter to dear colleague dated July L 1983 with enclosure sps. Cooney, Rear Adm. David M., USN (Set.?, piealdent arid- chief executive officer, Or i4wiIl Industries of America, Inc., prepared statement of 240 Coen, George A.. Commissioner. of Rehabilitation Semkes. US. Depart-, meat of Education, information memorandum dated June 21, 1983.. 408 Consortium for Miens with Devekponental Disserilitles, statement of 277 Craig, Patricia Johnson, director. Department of Human Resources, Na tional Aisodation of Counties, letter to Chairman Murphy. dated March 10, 1083 303 Griswold, Peter P., president, Council of State Atbninistrators of Voca- tional Rehabilitation, Waehinetuo, DC., letter to Chairman Murphy, dated April 7. 1983 211 Hunt, Palmer S., for Commoner of Re'utbilitidion Services. Mike of Special Education and RehabilitatieeServicea, US. Department of Edu- cation: "Econumsic Gains for Individvals and Governments Through Voce- tional Rehabilitation," report entitled. 307 . "In-House SenefltdCoet Radom Stadelederal Program of Vocational Rehabilitation Fiscal Year 1971 to 1980," repot entitled- 312 "Characteristics of Persons Rehabilitated in Fiscal Year 1980," report entitled 321 "Caaeload Trends Through Fiscal Year 1982," report entitled 331 Kingsley. Roger P., Pb. D., &rw.W. congressional relations division, gov- ernmental affairs department, the American Spriechlanguattellearing ----- Association, prepared statement of. .251. Loreni. Jerome R., pterosaur and director, Southern Illinois Univenrity of Carbondale. Carbondale, Ill, letter to Judy Waffler, dated June 30, 1983 with endealire 373 McDonough. Dr. Patrick J.. associate executive Armicee=dent tor of professional and government affairs, and Guidance Aseociation and American Rehalnlitation 4. leatoci- atian, prepared statement of 270 Petty. Robert IL, eitecative director, the National for the Blind, Norman. Okla., letter to Chairman Murphy, dated 1983 278 Rehabilitation Act: Subcommittee Explanation of Funding dans. 351 Romer. Joseph D.. director of gurvunimeutal drain, Nathan' Easter Seal Society, letter to Chairman , dated March30, 1983 EZI Schloss, Irvin P.. director of governmental relations, American Founds- tires for the MIA, statement of Spears, Marvin 0., president, National Rehabilitation Association, letter to Chairman Mul, dated March 21,1983 212 The Rehabilitation Coalition. recommendation of 353 Tsosie, David J., chairman, Education Committee, Navajo Tribal Council, letter to Chairman Perkins enclosing a statement, dated March 30, 19K1 214 United Cerebral Palsy Aaniciations, Inc., statement of 292 5 OVERSIGHT AND REAUTHORIZATION HEARING ON THE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1983 MONDAY, MARCH 21. 1983 House orREPRIMENTATIVED, Coursrmie ON ReUCATION AND LAaoa, SUBtX)14111TTBE ON Sneer Entic Anow, Washington, D.0 The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at. 10a.m., in room 2261, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Austin J. Murphy (chairman of the subcommittee) priding. Membere present: Representatives Murphy, Williams,and Bart- lett. Staff present: Judith Wagner, professional staff; Tanya staff assistant; and Patricia Morrissey, minority legislativeasso- ciate. Mr. Mumma% Good morning. This morning's hearing is the first of 2 days ofmert in prep- aration for the reauthorization of the Rehabilitation M. Weare fortunate- In this subcommittee to have juriedictitmover several that have always received strong bipartisan support in The Rehabilitation Act isone of them. Even during the year of Gramm-Latta,when the administration was calling for block grants for almost every socialprogram, in- cluding the Rehabilitation Act, and while -,, was giving the President much of what he wanted,not a was heard from either side of the aisle in either the Houseor the Senate in support of making changes in the Rehabilitation Act.', When the dust had finally settled in fiscalyear 1981, Congress had seen fit to extend the act and again increase its funding, al- tlm*h modestly. When you havea winner, a that works, it only makes sense to stick with it You don t it. When possible, you strengthen it. For this reason I believe it is safe tosay that the administration will not find much support in Congress for its latest recommenda- tion for abandoning the Rehabilitation Act, the New Federalism block grants. We have not yet received the additional the administra- tion says it will be aending us to amend the and I -am not sure why we need two bills sincewe Airead; inctretawhat they really want to do to the program. Again, the
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