CIATION OF ALUMNI ORGE WILLIAMS COLLEGE Gaiety . charm ... hospitality in the fin est French-Canadian tradition ... make the Hotel de LaSalle th :,~,w•ir~~you,::~::~;:~ in Mon- ~ .- . \~ . .. tasteful dance music. , ':7 cg 5 1k,.~R.eottt, ~~ delightful French-Canadian decor . superbly ~ prepared meals . dancing nightly . ~ e~o~,tfor J~fontreal's literary, musical and theatrical folk . .. made for gay informality . All restaurants are air-canditianed. - 200 modern rooms . .. every convenience for the traveller, presented with Old \Vor:ld courtesy that enables the Hotel de LaSalle to retain its happy combination of modern comfort and picturesque atmosphere. ~ Hotel de LaSalle Drummond at St. Catherine St., Montreal, Que. Published quarterly by The Association of Alumni, Sir George Williams College, 1441 Drummond Street, Montreal 25, Quebec, Canada. Advertising offi ce, 1063 Beaver Hall H ill, Montreal 1. T el. UN. 6-4628. Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Printed for the publishers by R apid Press Ltd., Montreal. Editor: BoB HAYES, B.A. Associate Editor: ALEC S. FINEBERG, B. CoM. VOLUME 9, NUMBER 2 VACATIO N ISSUE J U LY 1953 CONTENTS College Counselling Service Claimed Canada's Clearest 3 The Principal 's Page 7 The President's Page 9 Process of Degeneration Sometimes Begins in College 11 Valedictory Address Stresses New Duties and New Burdens 20 One of the most Resourceful Leaders in the Jewish Community . 30 Postgrad Patter 33 A College is what its Students Make it 35 Lost Alumni . 37 A Proud and Happy Occasion 39 Convocation Prizes and Special Awards 41 Service Professions Need Graduates 44 '53 G raduates 45 ~ working with Canadians in every walk of life since 1817 ••• Greenshields & Co Inc Underwriter. and Di,rribUUJrt of Canadian Security I 11u• ,,MY BAN·H" TO A Ii/II/ON CANADIANl 507 P lace d 'Armes, Montreal • • • • • • • • .. ~jj). Ottawa Quebec Sherbr0oke Toronto BANK OF MONTREAL Ju ly 1953 MARC SCALA The Best Judoka Artist at Work Learn how to protect yourself against aggres­ sion, by following the Marc Scala courses. FREE TRIAL LESSON CAN AD I AN ACADEMY OF JUDO JUDO BU ILD!NG, 1423 DRUMMOND STREET MArquette 0060 2 The Postgrad: eoJJer;e eouHlelluu;, StvWJce eJai.meJ ea11,aJo .Id, eJeal/,ed,t IR GEORGE WILLIAMS COLLEGE h as a more comprehensive program for S dealing with student personality problems and mental hygiene than any other college or university in Canada, Dr. Earl Hay Adams, the college's consultant in mental hygiene and attending psychiatrist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital said here recently. Dr. Adams and David B. Smith, director of the college student personality ( counselling ) service, discussed the program at a meeting of the Westmount High School Home and School Association. Mr. Smith, a trained psychologist who teaches at the college, described the way in which the counselling service deals with the personal problems of the students. "We try to settle these problems as quickly as possible," Mr. Smith said, "so that the student will be able to get the most out of his college studies. We go further than just settling these problems, too, because we try to fit these students into courses to which they are best adapted." Dr. Adams, who was students mental hygienist at Columbia University in New York for 15 years, said that in some cases the student will have deeply emotional problems which cannot be handled by the counselling service. "That is where I come in," he said. "We must settle these problems, because like every other college and university, Sir George Williams is building future leaders of the community." Marconi /or over 50 years - the greatest name in radio -· Serving North American defence and Can­ adian industry in the design, development and mandacture of:- • Radio Communication Equipment - Land, Sea and Air o Electronic Navigation Aids • Radar • Crystals • Nuclear Instruments Electronic Research and Consulting Services CANADIAN MARCONI CO. 2442 TRENTON AVE . , MONTREAL 16 July 1953 3 THE SWISS ELECTRIC RAZOR WITH A PROVEN POPULARITY · The only one of i ts kind in the w orld operating two entirely different shaving heads on the same axle. 1. Screen rotating head shaves without irritation. Rejuvenates the skin by self-massaging. 2. Straight cutting head cuts long hair in a matter of seconds. Can be used for the nape of the neck, the moustache, whiskers and super­ flous hair. Durability. Its simple construction assures long years of service. Genuine electric motor with computator as in other well known brands. Compact format in spite of a strong and powerful motor. Noiseless. No unpleasant vibrations, no magnetic disturbances. Factory guaranteed against all defects. Only $29.50 Special Price to Collegians and Graduates - $20.00 LA SOCIETE HELVETIA ENRG. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR CANADA 34 5 Craig Street East, Montreal LAncaster 7001 4 The Postgrod B~dJ.~ ~ppea/:d, to 'l:fou ~,;am HOUGH the official closing of the Building Fund took place some time ago, T the Alumni executive and the editorial board of the "Postgrad" believe that a final effort should be made to encourage graduates to subscribe to the Fund. This appeal is directed to 3 groups of grads: - 1. Those who already contributed, and did not pledge a further amount, but who would like to give an additional contribution now; 2. Those (particularly out-of-towners ) who received publicity about the campaign, including, in some cases, their pledge card, but neglected to send in a contribution; 3. Those who, for various reasons, were never canvassed. If you fall into one of the above categories, please use the convenient space below, and mail it, along with your cheque, to the Association of Alumni, c/ o Sir Georges Williams College, 1441 Drummond St., Montreal, P.Q., Canada. Cheques should be made payable to: - Sir George Williams CoHege Bldg. Fund (An official receipt fo r Income Tax purposes will be mailed all contributors. ) Enclosed find my cheque ( or Money Order ) in the amount of $ .. _ Dollars 100 as my contribution to the S.G.W.C. Building Fund Campaign . This is . .. .my first contribution . .. .... an additional contribution. Name of Grad .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. Faculty and Y ear Address. July 1953 5 · 7Ae GREATEST GASOLINES EVER SOLD IN .CANADA! IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED 6 The Postgrad THE PRINCIPAL'S PAGE eo.Ll,er;,e C~t jH,Cll.ea,d,e4 'k/dl,, New "olio.me" UI, Su;Jd By DR. K. E. NORRIS Principal, Sir George Williams College A LL IS quiet around the College during the summer vacation period - except, of course, for the Summer Session and preparation for the winter term for which registration will commence in six short weeks. The Summer Session, old-timers will recall, was started in 1940, as a wartime acceleration measure. It now enrolls almost as many students as there were in the Winter T erm in 1940. The present enrollment for the Summer Session in the College and Schools is about 1900 ( 1150 of whom are in the College), whereas there were only 2083 in the regular term in the College and Schools in 1939 - 40 ( 624 of them in the College). Actually the Summer Session in the College proper now is almost twice as big as the regular Winter T erm was in 1939-40. Work continues on the plans for the new College building, while at the same time leases arc being allowed to expire on the properties and efforts are going forwa rd to raise the balance of the original financial objective. The higher echelons of the Campaign are still at work, and slow but steady progress is still being reported. There is every prospect that the original schedule, commencing the building ln the spring of 1954, can be adhered to, and planning is going forward to that end. No major Faculty changes are anticipated for next year, and there will be only a few major course changes. Although the curriculum continues to evolve over the years, the basic emphasis remains the same, - general education, with a blend of the practical and the cultural which is the hallmark of a Georgian degree. As graduates may well imagine, budgeting in the College has been something of a problem this year, as a result of the decision that the Quebec institutions might not share in the federal government grants to universities. Last year's grant of $71,583 covered the operating deficit of the College and left a very small surplus. This year, in spite of most stringent economies in budgeting, a considerably greater burden than usual will be thrown upon the Metropolitan Joint Fund of the Y.M.C.A. July 1953 7 HIGH QUALITY OFFICE FURNITURE e AND EQUIPMENT FOR EXECUTIVES AND GENERAL OFFICES • We especially invite consultation with our Interior Architecture and Office Planning Division which provides, free of charge, plans and suggestions for efficient and economical Layouts for Executive and General Offices use. Schools, Colleges and Universities . • OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT BRYCE R. CLARKE, Manager Office: UNiversity 6-8521 Office and Showrooms: 101 5 Beaver Hall Hill Montreal Th.e Po stgrad THE PRESIDENT'S PAGE By GORDON DONALDSON President, Association of Alumni Sir George Williams College N THIS issue of the Postgrad I would particularily like to address these few I remarks to the recent graduates, whom we sincerely welcome to our ever-growing Association with the hope that we may count on your full support and cooperation in all future undertakings which may benefit and increase interest and growth in your alumni organization. A letter of congratulation and an enclosed data sheet was sent out to all 1953 graduates. We urge you to please complete and return this form to the Association of Alumni office, c/o Miss Joyce Beddows, as quickly as possible.
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