Fighter (Coiled Blade, Drill Sergeant, Myrmidon, Silverblade Hunter) Some take up arms for glory, wealth, or revenge. Others do bale to prove themselves, to protect others, or because they know nothing else. Sll others learn the ways of weaponcra to hone their bodies in bale and prove their mele in the forge of war. Lords of the bale eld, ghters are a disparate lot, training with many weapons or just one, perfecng the uses of armor, learning the ghng techniques of exoc masters, and studying the art of combat, all to shape themselves into living weapons. Far more than mere thugs, these skilled warriors reveal the true deadliness of their weapons, turning hunks of metal into arms capable of taming kingdoms, slaughtering monsters, and rousing the hearts of armies. Soldiers, knights, hunters, and arsts of war, ghters are unparalleled champions, and woe to those who dare stand against them. Some warriors are known for their skill in bale, others for their mastery of their weapons. silverblade hunters are those who have trained in the use of true silver, re ning their skills beyond those of normal warriors by taking advantage of the weightlessness nave to their prefered metal. Coiled blades are mighty vanguards, leaping into bale and growing strong on the ebb and &ow of violence. Regardless of their broader movaons, coiled blades revel in the thrill of combat, only truly coming alive when their life is on the line and their skills can be put to the test. Role: Fighters excel at combat(defeang their enemies, controlling the &ow of bale, and surviving such sores themselves. )hile their speci c weapons and methods grant them a wide variety of taccs, few can match ghters for sheer bale prowess. Class Features Hit Die d10 Skill Ranks per Level ./ 0 1nt Class Skills 2crobacs, 3lu4, Climb, Cra, Diplomacy, 1nmidate, 5nowledge 6dungeoneering7, 5nowledge 6engineering7, 5nowledge 6maral7, 8ercepon, 8rofession, Ride, Survival, Swim Starng )ealth 5d6 x 10 gp 6average 175 gp7 )eapon 8ro ciencies Simple, Maral 2rmor 8ro ciencies Light, Medium Shield 8ro ciencies Shields Table: The Fighter 6Coiled 3lade, Drill Sergeant, Myrmidon, Silverblade Hunter7 Maneuvers Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Max. Known Readied Stances Level combat training , deeds 6heroic recovery, man of acon, unbreakable7 , 1 01 02 00 00 grit , insncve, 3 3 1 1 maneuvers , maral tradion , mithral armament 2 02 03 00 00 taccian 61Aday7 . 3 2 1 coiled might , deeds 6ready for trouble, 3 03 03 01 01 5 3 2 1 ulity trick7 , mithral armor training/ . 0. 0. 01 01 Tension 6017 6 . 2 2 taccian 62Aday7 ,mithral weapon 5 05 0. 01 01 6 . 3 2 training, weapon training 6017 6 06 05 02 02 deeds 6warriorBs determinaon7 6 . 3 2 7 07 05 02 02 Tension 6027 7 . 3 3 C 0C 06 02 02 D 7 . 3 3 E 0E 06 03 03 greater taccian , weapon training 6027 C . deeds 6improved warriorBs 10 010 07 03 03 determinaon7 , taccian 63Aday7 , C 5 . tension 6037 11 011 07 03 03 D E 5 5 5 12 012 0C 0. 0. D E 5 5 5 13 013 0C 0. 0. Tension 60.7, weapon training 6037 10 5 5 6 1. 01. 0E 0. 0. deeds 6greater warriorBs determinaon7 11 5 5 6 15 015 0E 05 05 taccian 6.Aday7 11 6 6 6 16 016 010 05 05 Tension 6057 12 6 6 6 17 017 010 05 05 master taccian , weapon training 60.7 13 6 6 6 1C 01C 011 06 06 DD 1. 6 7 6 1E 01E 011 06 06 armor mastery , tension 6067 1. 6 7 6 20 020 012 06 06 taccian 65Aday7 , weapon mastery 15 7 7 6 Combat Training (Ex): 2 coiled blade is considered an Expert praconer, gaining spheres and talents as appropriate. Coiled blades choose whether to use Charisma, 1ntelligence, or )isdom as their praconer modi er when they rst gain the combat training class feature. Deeds Myrmidons spend grit points to accomplish deeds. Most deeds grant the myrmidon some momentary bonus or e4ect, but there are some that provide longer lasng e4ects. Some deeds stay in e4ect as long as the myrmidon has at least 1 grit point. The following is the list of base myrmidon deeds. 2 myrmidon can only perform deeds of his level or lower. Unless otherwise noted, a deed can be performed mulple successive mes, as long as the appropriate amount of grit is spent to perform the deed. Unbreakable (Ex): Starng at 1st level, a myrmidon is trained very well to protect himself against the many unnatural elements of this world where he must rely on only his wits and training to protect him from harm. He can spend 1 grit point as an immediate acon to gain a 0. circumstance bonus on a single saving throw. Heroic Recovery (Ex): Starng at 1st level, a myrmidon spend 1 grit point as a swi acon to recover a single expended maneuver. Man of Acon (Ex): Starng at 1st level, a myrmidon can spend 1 grit point as a swi acon to gain a circumstance bonus on a single 2crobacs, Climb, or Swim check equal to his class level. Ready for Trouble (Ex): Starng at 3rd level, as long as the myrmidon has at least 1 grit point, he gains a 02 bonus on iniave checks and )ill saves to resist compulsion and fear e4ects. 1n addion, if his hands are free and unrestrained, he can spend 1 grit point as part of making an iniave check to draw a single nonD hidden light or oneD handed weapon or to draw and don a shield 6except a tower shield7. Ulity Trick (Ex): Starng at 3rd level, as long as the myrmidon has at least 1 grit point, he can perform any of the following ulity tricks. The myrmidon must declare the ulity trick he is using before using the ability. Field Banda e: 3y using a healerBs kit to quickly dress and bandage a wound, the myrmidon can grant 1d6 temporary hit points per three character levels to himself or an adjacent creature as a fullD round acon. These temporary hit points cannot increase a creatureBs hit points beyond its normal maximum, and last for ten minutes. 2 creature can only only receive the bene ts of this ability once per day or unl they have received magical healing equal to or greater than the amount of temporary hit points granted by the myrmidonBs eld bandage. This ability also halts a bleeding wound, stopping a creature from taking further bleed damage. Makeshi Tool: Should he need a tool in a combat situaon, the myrmidon makes due with his weapons. He is not penaliHed for not having a proper tool when making skill checks in combat. 1mprovise )eapon: The myrmidon can use objects not intended to be normal weapons or cobble together something that can be used as a weapon. He only takes a I2 penalty while wielding improvised weapons, rather than I.. Warrior"s Determinaon (Ex): The myrmidon gains an uncanny ability to force himself through many hardships and keep on going through his superior training and experience. Starng at 6th level, he can spend 1 grit point as an immediate acon to negate a single condion currently a4ecng him unl the end of the encounter, at which point it returns as if its duraon had not been interrupted. The myrmidon can acvate this ability even if he would not normally be able to act because of the condion in queson. 2 myrmidon can use this ability mulple mes in an encounter, spending 1 grit point and negang a single condion each me he does. 2t 6th level, the myrmidon can temporarily negate the fagued, shaken, or sickened condions using this ability. 2t 10th level, a myrmidon can temporarily negate the daHed or staggered condions, or ignore the e4ects of a disease 6including ability damage he may have taken from the disease7 using this ability. 2t 1.th level, a myrmidon can temporarily negate the exhausted, frightened, or nauseated condions using this ability. Grit (Ex) 2t 1st level, the myrmidon makes his mark upon the world with nerves of steel and superior training. Through determinaon, verve, or otherwise dumb luck, the myrmidon is capable of forcing incredible feats of daring and skill through their own tenacity. 1n game terms, grit is a &uctuang measure of a myrmidonBs ability to perform incredible acons in combat. 2t the start of each day, a myrmidon gains a number of grit points equal to his myrmidon iniaon modi er 6minimum 17. His grit goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than his myrmidon iniaon modi er 6minimum 17, though some feats and magic items may a4ect this maximum. 2 myrmidon spends grit to accomplish deeds, and regains grit in the following ways. Crical Hit: Each me the myrmidon con rms a crical hit while in the heat of combat with a weapon with which he has )eapon Focus or is in a weapon group associated with a discipline he has Discipline Focus for, he regains one grit point. Con rming a crical hit on a helpless or unaware creature or on a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the myrmidonBs character level does not restore grit. Killin Blow with a Maneuver: )hen the myrmidon reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a maneuver or with a weapon he has )eapon Focus with, he regains 1 grit point. Destroying an unaended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the myrmidonBs character level to 0 or fewer hit points does not restore any grit.
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