Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March1993 Daily Egyptian 1993 3-4-1993 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 04, 1993 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1993 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1993 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March1993 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SOUlherfl iilinois University at Carbondale Thursday, March 4, 1993, Vol. 78, No. liS, 20 Pages Edgar puts higher educa ion on t--~ .. - By Jeremy Rnley ",mion for SIUC •• 2.8 percent Politics Writer Budget recommends $37 million inc.rease for state program increase. Bill Capie, associate vice­ receiving Ie funds lhat expected Gov. J,m Edgar's budget 3ddress economic recovery. The pace of recommended a S72 miliion consumer purchases in vilal areas increase 10 SI.9 billion. from Edgar. tile recommended presidenl of adminislration. said Wednesday placed higher any additional money sent to the education high on the Slate such as automobiles. housing and Debra Smitl~y. spok.... woman for increase is pleasing. durable goods has quickened. In lBHE, said it is • relief 10 find whal "I am v~ry pleased, especially University is needed. priorities Jist . and educaticn Officials from the Presidenl ' officials are pleased even though short, the Dlinois economy is bock funds could be given though the that he put Iligbcr education in his and Chancellor's office could IlOl they ~ _ j not gel all they wanted. ontra<"k.- Slate did not match IBHE's tlwe top priorities: he said be for comment. Edgar saId the slale is escaping Edgar backed Ilis oplimism by proposed amount Hodel said II still is too early to reached lhe grip of recession and there is recommending 0 $37 million "The governor placed higher guess whether the General Edgar also addressed !be income hope for the stale r.cooomy. inc~ase for hjgber education in education Iligh in Ilis budge!. and Assemb ly will approve the HUt surcha rg\~ . wbich provides "More of OUT people are operations budget. that's good to hear." she said. recommended increase and how money to education and local working." he said "Most of our The lIIinois Board of Higher Ross Hodel. spokesman for mum SIUC couJd receive. people are confident 2bout an Education in January IBHE. said afler two years of I BHE recommended $175 Group wants time to consider equity By John Rezanka BUI some participants in the SpecIal AssIgnment Writer IAAC meeling said Ihey did not undersland why the comminee An slue commJlfee studying postponed discussing specific pooposals f'lT equity in w..>men ' t; recommendation. in lhe Sex &juily athletics decided it needed more Cornmillee's Title IX compliance lime 10 male recommendation . plan. and some members said the Charlone West. associate committee seemed 10 be sIalling or. director of athlelics. said JAAC the changes. """"hers would iJenefil from mo<e Tht: InlcrcolJcgialt Athletic information about specifk AJvisory Commiuee mel recommeodations in the plan. bul Wednesday and said it needed she was disappointed !be pian was morc time and information to not discussed during the meeting. decide 00 a 10 p equal ~- I>e discussed by memben before Ibe plan is submitted to --Gus Bode ~J _ '7 SIUC President John Guyon. The IAAC did not indicaIe when it next would address !be report. ~1I "I am concemed that some pans of it are too prescriptive. especially (Ihe chronology of recornrnendatio) at the very. very StatlPhoIo by IIlI:a Von HOOI( ~£- end.- West said. "1 think (SEC) is almosl anempting to micr<>-manage Measuring method how we adminislcr the gender Jackie Rossi of Chicago measures the lunlor In product design, w:s using wood, Gus says the committee is equily issue. height of the abstract model she Is building plastic; and glue 10 finish lIP some toucMs going to call a huddle on t!lis !or materials and methods class. Rossi, 1\ on her model Wednesday Ilflemoon. play. _ EOUrTY, JI8!Ie 5 Attorney general to speak Students petition housing hike on African-American crisis USG approves $2 fee increase to get WI DB on the airwaves By Todd Schlender Cole. student body president, In a surprise mo':ct the council By Thomas GIDSon teligion, sports,law and labor. General AssIgnmeo rt Writer supponed the inc_se. A letter decided 10 add a resolution to the Minorities Writer The heatings starled in from Courtney Macke, president of agenda in favor of a $2 student fee SeplemllerinOUcago 8Ild have The Undergraduate Student the Residence Hall Association, increase to provide funding for Th. attDmey genernl will be included other cillcs around !be Government Wednesday pOSt­ also stated il was in favor of lhe WiDB's transition from cable 10 ~,lg SlUdenlS and others in the !We since then. pone i a vote on a housing fee increase. But other students 10 broadcasL SIUC communily to provide Bwns wiD conduct hearings increa '" after SludenlS presen\l".d a attendance who announced their At least 40 supponers of lhe testimony on lhe problems from 12:30 to 5 p.m. petition opposing il. and instead opposition to the increasI" led the campus radio slat ion were in senate to d-Iay 3ction until attendanc<:. James facin~ black men when he has a Wcm-lay at !be sruc Student appro,ed a $2 fee incnas.: to pul a Graham, counci. hearing on campus next week. Centet aoditoriulTL WID8 011 the air. -.:onsensus oould be reached. l'PJlreSCtItative from !he College oi illinois Attorney General One of the most wg>:nt issues The large audieoce at the Denise Young, usa repre­ T,.-lmical Ca=rs and a ju;tior in Roland Burris has called ft!ci,tg the Uoiltld StaleS IDday is meeting included sUppo!1a'S of the sentative !'!ool Brush Towers and • IO',illlOll from Maywood. proposed senior in administmior; of justice 8IIe/lUon to !he crisis CO<lCCrTlinll lbe circumstances of African· WIDR funding amid a number of that the .......rnnent be added to the Afncan·American males American males. said Jim S1udenlS opposed 10 the housing from Sch&umburg. !:IOIIgbt forward agenda and the.:ouncil agreed. through the formation of a LeaCh, a spokesman for the increase. • petition w;tb 57t student When the bill i:8.me up for a vO'e. commiss;;JO established in 3UOmey geneml. The proposal to increase student signatures in opposition to the tile council passed it nearly August 1'192. leach:;aid ifll1iJln;s does DOl bousing fees by $72 10 $1 ,584 a increase. unanimously. with 24 votes in semester Wb discussed again by The council voted to table the favor, one t)pposed and two The coo'mission ml:mbers do anything soon to belp the Ed Jones. director of University resohaion1 and many council abstentions. U~ the 1= plans. include recDi.'Ilized leadels from loIou.."iog. members said tIley would try to the radio station expects 10 the fields of bUsiness, education. _ BURRI$, page 5 The council W3! to vOle 00 the gauge student opinion before broadcast to !he OJbondale area as proposal at this m ~ting. Brad voting at the nex1 meeting. early as next .-pring. - - -- r -::""-'!'T~·l~~:~~.:. ffdi.~~>r'."" '''':~ Fundralslng festIval, ROTC cadets gather Opinion -5eepage4 AlumnI council Women's basketball new programMing at SIUC back house t:laaallled to offer scholarships to face ISU In first undenNayforWSIU to socialIze, relax -5eepage 15 to super students round of tournament ~ -5eepage20 -S~ory on page 6 -Story on page 7 -StOl)' on page 14 -StOl)' on page 20 ~ t~ Marc:I! 4, 1993 0 .11 1\ I :.:(jll r, ltl · .... "IH I, IIIIJ\ln"" til' r II 'I, 1,.,llfl.lll Slue, I Sy K8Yin Bergquist $por1s Edi1Dr Firth, Scott selected to all-MVC The ... i. a saying in basketball team; Bolden honorable mention that it is han! to beat a team three times in the same season. SIUC seniors Anita Sooll and The sruc womeo's basketball Kelly Pinh bave been named to lhe All-Missouri Valley Cunference AII-MVC team tearn wiU ~e1 its chance to do just women's basketball team. that when it plays the minois Stall: Tonya Baucom, SW Mo. Redbirds tonight at the sru Alena Salulei Tiffany Bolden was an honorable mention selection. Caryn Brune, minois State in the fin;! round of the Missouri Kelly Flrth, S. Illinois Valley Conference ToumamenL Firth and Scott were joined on the first learn by eight other Ann Hollingsworth. WICb. St The Salukis, 17-9, downed lSl1 Melody Howard. SW Mo. t.... ice this season en ""~. a 12-4 players, including Ihe Southwest Missorui State Irio of Tonya Ann Miller. lowa conference mark and the o. 3 Julie Rittgers Drake seed in the twmamenI.lSU. lG-lS, Baucom, Melody Howard and Secelia Wtnkfield AnIta Sc:oct, S. Illinois dropped three of its last four game'> Shannon Struby. Creighton Other Iirst-teamers WClIO: lUinois 10 finish 6th in the MVC with =6- SeceIia WmkfJek!, SW Mo. 10 mark, the Redbir4s' worsl State's Caryn Brune, Wichita Stale's Ann Hollingswonh, league ftnisb since 198~. Honorable Mention On Jan. 16. the Salukis lopped Northern Iowa's Ann Miller. Drake's Julie Rittgers and ISU. 73-64, and Feb. 21. SIUC Tiffany Bolden, S. Illinois rallied behind poinl /luard Anila Creighton's Shannon Struby. Joining Bolden on the honorab1e Carrie Coffman. Bradley Scou's career-high 30 points to top Becky Aynn, Creighton the Redbirds, n.fJ5. mentioo list were Bradley's Carrie Coffman. Creigluon's Becky Aynn Mindy H.:ndrickson.
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