mittee (or committees) on which you would like to serve and drop a note to the chairman volunteering your services. He' ll be most happy to hear from you , and you will find that you will really enjoy being a " member of the team". If you can't plan far enough in advance to be sure that you are going to be able to attend the convention this year, there will still be plenty of opportunities for you to volunteer your services when you arrive. A Divi­ sion convention manpower committee under the chair­ THE RESTORER'S CORNER manship of Vice-President Jack Winthrop will be in operation at the Antique/Classic Division convention By J. R. Nielander, Jr. headquarters barn. This is the little red barn with the yellow windsock located about a half mile south of the airport control tower. Drop by the barn and let Jack, or one of his committeemen, sign you up to serve on the committee of your choice. The manpower com­ mittee will be happy to help you make that choice if you are undecided, and they will be able to assist you in scheduling your volunteer periods so that there will be CONVENTION MANPOWER (AND WOMANPOWER) no conflict with any forums, workshops, etc., which of the convention. Your Division headquarters barn you might want to attend. Your officers and chairmen Convention planning becomes a very real and time requires four volunteers operating four three-hour look forward to the pleasure of meeting you and work­ comsuming part of the lives of all of your Division shifts per day, or a total of 128 shifts during the ing with you . Please don't disappoint them . convention chairmen and co-chairmen about now each convention. spring. They are all very busy determining what their Your Division will again this year be operating a CONVENTION EQUIPMENT committees will need in the way of manpower and booth in the commercial display building, and it re­ Your Division's forums committee is still in need equipment, as well as finalizing their operating plans quires two persons on duty for two three-and-one­ of various items of projection equipment for use in the for the convention. Over the years they have been able half-hour shifts per day, or a total of 32 shifts during Division forums tent during the convention. These to improve their services with the addition of more the convention. In cidently, the booth will be equipped items include a 40 x 40 projection screen , a 16mm sound and better equipment, as well as with a yearly increase with a new show-and-tell picture and sound projector movie projector, an opaque projector, and a 35mm in the number of you members who have volunteered which will present our Division story to all who pass slide projector. Your Division parking committee can to help on the various Division convention committees. by. Graham Gates of Lakeland,Florida, has put together also use additonal mini-bikes, motor scooters or This year the improvement in the equipment situation this most interesting presentation . trail bikes. This equipment need not be new or be the will be manifested primarily in more wheels and better By totaling the above shift requirements, we see that latest models. It just must be in good working con­ communications for both your Division parking com­ the four largest Division committees (parking, security, dition. It can be contributed to the Air Museum Founda­ mittee and your Division security committee. What headquarters and display booth) require 712 shifts for tion for use by the Division and thus qualify as a both of these committees now need are more vol­ full operation. If each volunteer would work two of charitable deduction. Or, with reference to the ve­ unteers to man the many positions which each com­ these shifts during the convention, we would need 356 hicles, if you could lend yours to the parking com­ mittee must operate. As an example, your Division volunteers to provide the smooth and efficient service mittee for the convention period, this, too, would be parking committee operates four three-hour shifts which our members expect and deserve. Last year we per day between 7:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M. with a two reached our all time high of convention volunteers, a great help. hour break at air show time. There are ten posts and it was 170 including the chairmen and co-chairmen. MEMBERSHIP CONTEST to be manned, so this works out to 320 three-hour This is just a little less than half of what we need so that shifts during the eight convention days. In addition, each volunteer can work a little and enjoy a lot. Our membership contest is progressing, and we the Division parking committee finds it necessary to be The above mentioned committees, while they are have had a few winners so far. There is still plenty of set up and operating two days before the convention the ones requiring the greatest number of volunteers time for every member to win a pair of goggles and a starts, so this adds about 40 more three-hour shifts to help them to do their jobs successfully, are only a helmet, as well as to take a crack at the big prize of a making a total of 360 for the Division parking commit­ small part of the total number of Antique/Classic Divi­ five year free membership in the Division. You will help tee over a ten day period. Your Division security com­ sion convention committees. Elsewhere in this issue is your Division to better serve you by providing you mittee will be operating four posts during the day and printed a complete list of the Division convention with a bigger and better magazine and by increasing two at night resulting in a total of 24 three-hour shifts committees along with the names and addresses of member services when you help to increase the Divi­ per day, or 192 three-hour shifts during the course their chairmen and co-chairmen. Please pick out a com­ sion membership. The VINTAGEAI!1PLANE Editorial OFFICIAL MAGAZINE Staff EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION INC. of THE EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Publisher P.O. Box 229, Hales Corners, WI 53130 Paul H. Poberezny CopyrightO 1978 EAA Antique/Classic Division. Inc., All Rights Reserved. Editor (Dick Stouffer photo) MAY 1978 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 5 Don Stretch's Ercoupe 4 15-0. David Gustafson Associate Editors: TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cover Photo by David Gustafson: Dick King's Sopwith Pup on the field at Old Rhinebeck.) H. Glenn Buffington, Robert G. Elliott, AI Kelch , Edward D . Williams The Restorer's Corner by J. R. Nielander, Jr. ... .. ... ... ... .. 2 Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Associate Editorships are assigned 210-170 ?Whazzat? by Bill lusk . .. .. .. .. ... ...... .... ...... 4 to those writers who submit five or more articles .which are published in THE VINTAGE AIR­ The MU.seum That Flies by David Gustafson . ... .... .... .. ... .. .. 6 PLANE during the current year. Associates receive a bound volume of THE VINTAGE AIR­ Vintage Album .... ........... .. .. ..... ... ...... .. ... ...... 14 PLANE and a free one-year membership in the Division for their efforts. POLICY-Opinions Building The Fuselage of a Replica SESA by Neil M. Thomas . .......... 16 expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. Bill Chomo Reports: Pickling Engines . .. .. ... .. .. ..... ... ... 19 Restoration Tips: San Diego Jenny by Chris Sorensen ....... ....... .. 22 Directors " Whistling In The Rigging" by David Gustafson . ... .. .. .. ....... .... 24 'ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION William I. Ehle n AI Ke lch Ro ute 6 Box 506 7016 W. Bo nniwell Road OFFICERS Tampa , Florida 33616 Mequon, Wisconsi n 53092 PRESIDENT Cla ude l. Gray, Ir. Mort on W. lester J. R. NIELANDER, JR. %35 Sylvia Avenue Box 3747 Northridge, Ca liforn ia 91324 Martinsville, Virginia 24112 P.O. BOX 2464 FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33303 Dale A. Gusta fson Arthu r R. Morgan 7n4 Shady Hill Drive 3744 N. 51st Boulevard M ilwaukee, W isconsin 53216 EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION MEMBERSHIP VICE·PRESIDENT Indianapolis, In'diana 46274 JACK WINTHROP Richard Wagner M. C. "Kelly" Viets o NON-EAA MEMBER - $20.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/ RT. 1, BOX 111 P.O . Box 161 RR 1 Box 151 Class ic Divisi on, 12 mo nthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; one year mem­ ALLEN, TX 75002 lyons, Wisconsin 53148 St ilwell, Ka nsas 66065 bership in the Experimental Aircraft Ass ociatio n and se parate membership ca rd s. SPORT AVIATION m agazine not included. Advisors SECRETARY o EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA. Antique/Class ic W. BRAD THOMAS, JR. Rona ld Fritz Stan Gomoll Divisio n, 12 monthly iss ues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLA NE AND MEMBERSHIP CARD. 1969 Wilson , NW 1042 90t h Lane, NE 301 DODSON MILL ROAD (Applica n.t must be current EM member and must give EAA membership number.) PILOT MOUNTAIN, NC 27041 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504 Min neapolis, Minnesota 55434 John R. Turgyan Robert E. Kessel TREASURER l S30 Kuser Road 445 Oakridge Drive E. E. "BUCK" HILBERT Trenton, New Jersey 06619 Rochester, New York 1461 7 8102 LEECH RD. Robert A. White UNION, IL 60180 Box 704 Zellwood, Florida 32796 THE VINTAGE AIR PLANE is owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., and is published monthly at Hales Corners. Wisconsin 53130. Second class Postage paid at Hales Corners Post Ottice, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130. and additional mailing ottices. Membership rates tor EAA Antique/ Classic Division. Inc.. are $14.00 per 12 month period ot which $10.00 is tor the publication ot THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE .
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