May 25, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 9457 SALUTE TO COMMANDER AL Upon graduation, Commander Bernard was HONORING THE CITY OF BERNARD given his third command, the USCGC Deci- TORRANCE sive in St. Petersburg, Florida; he later HON. SONNY CALLAHAN crossdecked to USCGC Resolute. HON. STEVEN T. KUYKENDALL OF ALABAMA Most recently, he was selected in 1998 to OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES become the liaison officer to the House of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, May 25, 2000 Representatives in Washington, where I can Thursday, May 25, 2000 Mr. CALLAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I would like to personally attest he has served every man Mr. KUYKENDALL. Mr. Speaker, I rise ask my colleagues in the House of Represent- and women who wears the Goast Guard uni- today to recognize the City of Torrance. For atives to join me in honoring a man of out- form with great distinction. the last 41 years, the City of Torrance has standing accomplishment, Commander Al Ber- Over the course of his 24 years of service honored and acknowledged the men and nard. to the United States, Commander Bernard has women of our military during its annual Armed Commander Bernard is retiring from the demonstrated his versatility by serving bril- Forces Day Parade. United States Coast Guard this week, and I liantly in both the military and legislative are- The Torrance Armed Forces Day Parade is would like to call attention to his extraordinary nas. Al Bernard has been recognized for his an important event for the residents of the and meritorious service to his country. achievements with numerous awards, such as South Bay. Torrance boasts one of the oldest Mr. Speaker, as you know, the Coast Guard the Bronze Star with ‘‘V’’ device for valor, the and most noteworthy Armed Forces Day pa- is an invaluable branch of the United States Purple Heart, and Meritorious Service Medal rades in the country. Thousands of people, military. The men and women of our Coast many waving American flags, lined the streets with an ‘‘O’’ device. He has also received Guard keep our waters free of narcotics and last Saturday to honor our Armed Forces. seven Coast Guard Commendation Medals illegal aliens, perform almost all of the search Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen was also on and rescue missions for the United States and with ‘‘O’’ device, the Coast Guard Achieve- hand to participate in the celebration. provide security and safety in our waterways. ment Medal, the Combat Action Ribbon and The parade has persevered during the last This is just a small sampling of the duties various other awards. 41 years. It has been protested, glorified, and performed by the Coast Guard. We all owe He was also selected as the 1989 recipient even scaled back at times. But despite the cir- them a huge debt of gratitude for the services of the U.S. Navy League’s Captain David Jar- cumstances of the day, the City of Torrance they provide. vis award for professional competence and in- has held the parade to pay tribute to the men For 24 years, Commander Bernard has spirational leadership. and women of the Armed Forces. This is a faithfully performed these and other duties in valued tradition in the South Bay, one that will Mr. Speaker, I know my colleagues join me service to our great country. Prior to donning continue for years to come. the Coast Guard uniform, Commander Ber- in congratulating Command Al Bernard on an I congratulate Torrance Mayor Dee nard was also a proud U.S. Marine, where he illustrious military career. Likewise, we salute Hardison on the success this year’s parade. I served as an infantryman in Southeast Asia. his wonderful wife, Ann, and their two children, also commend the citizens of Torrance for He has spent more than half of his life in serv- Jason and Bernadelle, who made the many they are the ones who have helped keep this ice to this nation and today, we are a grateful sacrifices military families make in supporting tradition alive. We live in a great country. It is nation for his sacrifice. their husband and father all these years. We our Armed Forces who are responsible for From his humble beginnings operating small wish Al the best of luck in all of his future en- protecting and defending our freedom through- boats as a coxswain to his assignment as liai- deavors, for he is truly a fine example for all out the world. son officer to the House of Representatives in Americans. f Washington, Commander Bernard has per- formed each and every job as a true patriot. f COMMENDING ISRAEL’S REDE- He quickly rose through the ranks of the PLOYMENT FROM SOUTHERN Coast Guard and in 1979, he was accepted to HONORING MAKIA EPIE LEBANON Officer Candidate School. After receiving his commission, Al’s first assignment was as a se- SPEECH OF curity officer at Training Center New York, HON. MARTIN FROST HON. LOIS CAPPS Governors Island. Just a year later, he was OF TEXAS OF CALIFORNIA promoted to First Lieutenant and deck watch IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES officer on the USCGC Courageous, in Cape IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Canaveral, Florida. He was then chosen to be Wednesday, May 24, 2000 Thursday, May 25, 2000 executive officer of USCGC Shearwater in Key Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I want to join my West, Florida. In addition, was made the sen- Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay colleagues in commending Israel for its coura- ior controller at the Pacific Area/Twelfth USCG tribute to a special young man, Makia Epie, of geous withdrawal from Lebanon. The Israeli District Rescue Coordination Center. Cedar Hill, Texas, who is proving to be an out- action sends a strong signal that Israel is very From there, Al Bernard’s military career sky- standing addition to the Air Force Academy. serious about pursuing a comprehensive rocketed. He received command of his first peace with all its neighbors. At the same time, Makia, who entered the Academy in the fall of ship, the USCGC Nantucket, in Roosevelt it is critical for this Congress to demand a ces- 1997, has been named Flight Commander for roads, Puerto Rico. It should be noted that Al sation of all terrorist activities in southern Leb- the upcoming academic session. I know the is the first American of Puerto Rican descent anon and to strongly encourage the govern- to command his own ship. entire 24th Congressional District joins me in ment of Syria to remove its troops from Leb- Due to his exceptional abilities, Commander celebrating this accomplishment. anon as well. Bernard was relocated to Washington to serve As Flight Commander, Makia will assist the f his country at USCG Headquarters. He later Cadet Squadron Commander in developing received command of another cutter, the and training the basic cadets. Makia will work GRANTING PERMANENT NORMAL TRADE RELATIONS TO CHINA USCGC Citrus, which was homeported in to ensure that cadets develop the right military Coos Bay, OR. After finishing another produc- attitude and attention to duty. He will do this tive tour, he was made chief, Cutter Manage- by setting an appropriate example in leading HON. JOSEPH R. PITTS ment Branch, Coast Guard Pacific Area in Ala- his flight drills. OF PENNSYLVANIA meda, California. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES While on duty in California, he was selected Makia’s performance in the Air Force Acad- to attend the U.S. Naval War College, where emy deserves the highest praise, and I extend Thursday, May 25, 2000 he graduated with distinction, earning a Mas- my sincerest appreciation for his service to his Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, I was pleased with ter of Arts Degree in National Security and country. I wish him and his family the best in the passage of yesterday’s legislation to grant Strategic Studies. their future endeavors. Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) to VerDate jul 14 2003 13:56 Sep 16, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E25MY0.002 E25MY0.
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