VOL 60 NO. 1 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 21,1984 Homecoming w e e k e n d kick off tonight Brian Sheridan * Past! and present members of This weekend the atmosphere the crew team will grab their oars on campus will be one of celebra- for the annual alumni crew's race tion asj Mercyhurst alumni and Saturday morning at Somerheim students get togetherifor the fifth Park. "The crew race is a tradi- annual Homecoming. tion,"Bukowski said. "It started & As opposed to previous years, Prior to kick off time a car|parade this year's Homecoming is being will leave Zurn parking lot and pro held in mid-September instead of ceed to the Erie Veterans Stadium late October. At 2 p.m. alumni and students VThe main reason for the meet for the game and the crown change," says Gary Bukowski, ing of the Homecoming King and director of alumni relations, "is Queen. This year, Jean Monjewsk that the alumni board felt that peo- will crown the second Homecom ple really did not get to see the ing King and Queen of Mercyhurst 0 •beauty of the campus. Last year, seniors Antoine Thomp | SAC Chairperson, Jean son and Barb Hanley won the title Moniewski, agreed that the move After the game, the alumni will was a wise decision. attend an "After Glow" party and a Hu^We^had a problem with last buffet supper at St. Markfs Center. years (Homecoming)-because it At59 p.m., both groups wJll^then was the same day as Hallo w e e n . ? l t have^the opportunity to attend the was just bad timing." 1 Homecoming dance at the Cam- The Laker football game, which pus Center. f * the weekend is centered ,! around, Bukowski expectsf*aboutl 250 also played a role in scheduling alumni? to return to their? almal! this year's event. The Lakers will mater. J| | ; take on the Red Flash of St. Fran- "It's definitely grown every year cis on Saturday,^September 22 J at and it's becoming a bigger and 2p.m. at the Erie Veteran/s bigger event/' Bukowski; said. Stadium.' Plans are already underway for •J* « A full slate of activities for both next year's Homecoming alumni and students are schedul- Festivities. - *• > • Buffalo Bijlls heard ed before and after the game. Moniewski also believes * Mercyhurst students will be able Homecoming is becoming bigger to take part in a tailgate party ;on and better as the years progress. Friday from 8-10 p.m. on .the Egan | "I thinkfall of the activities will exclusively on WMCY Deck. j E generate a lot of school! spirit." "The tailgate party is something Rain or shine, this year's jWMCY, the campus radio sta- Through the cooperation of Erie new," Moniewski adds, "and I Homecoming will be a:wonderful think it will be a.great opportunity tion, has added another feature to Telemedia, subscribers to this chance forlstudents to start new its programming. i cable company are able to hear all to meet a lot of new people." friendships or rekindle old ones. Along with supplying the cam- the games of the Pirates, Bills and 4* pus and the Erie community with Lakers on Chanel 33 \ all of the Pittsburgh Pirate games, : About a half a dozen students WMCY now also provides both and faculty members helped bring communities with the Mercyhurst the games to the'college and the INSIDE Lakers and Buffalo Bills foptball Erie area. i games. \j£ £ i WMCY Program Director, Rick Gaining weight... ...p. 3 In the Spring, WMCY confirmed Wendt said many of these new WELCOME a contract with the Pttsburgh developments have come about Pirates l and began broadcasting because of the possible addition of Letter to editor... ...p. 4 their games-in xfune. £& % an FM radio station. "Many institu- Two montha-later, the station tional programs were developed made an agreement with the Buf- now so that they could be used in Weekend ...p. 7 ALUMNI falo Bills making it the only station the future," Wendt said in Erie to broadcast! both the Steve Curcio, faculty advisor of * Pirates and the Bills. the station^ safd, "WMCY is taking Sports ...p. 8 The exclusive c o v e r a g e of these steps toward fufilling radio needs two professional teams ^extends in the community and in providing beyond the gates ofhhe college. all kinds of programming." * - -• PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD SEPTEMBER 21,1984 New faculty join r By Susan Marcy 1975 Mercyhurst graduate. York. Dr.fKeck graduated Eight n ew f ac u I ty Veneziana will teach all from Fordham Universitylas members have joined various basic$food courses and is in a graduate student in May. j departments throughout the charge of the Clipper's John! Campbell has college as of this Fall term. Cove, Top of the Hill Club, become |a| member of jthe New in the area of political catering and meal prepara- biology department, he will science is Dr. David Allen. tion for the seminarians^ at serve as assistant professor Allen will take over pre-law St. Marks. ? of the department, while Ray- advising and law-related a? A native of Erie, Veneziana mond Buyce will be an assis- courses in the absence of has been employed with the tant professorfin the depart- Dr. Barry Grossman who wil Marriott Corporation in Pitt- ment of geology. ?|I 1 fisw" be on a leave of absence this sburgh, Philadelphia and f Kathy Wachterfis new in « » » • year. Allen received his B.A., Washington, D . C . the fashion merchandising The recently completed sidewalk allows Townhouse and Briggs Apart M.A., and Ph.D from the Jean-Marc Baier is the new program in human ecology. ment residents more accessibility to the campus. *f •> i University! of Wisonsin- director of the dance depart- Additions to the faculty on Milwaukee. Dr. Allen ment. He received his B.F.A. a full-time basis jjinclude; especially likes the! small from Southern Methodist Irene Brown, math depart- college atmosphere University. Accompanying ment; Alan Gick, ^business because it will allow him to Baier in the dance depart- department; Robert Dolwick, Po|p go the prices! get to know his students on ment will be June Lee Hines. music Idepartment? and An- m Those who utilize the pop when the price of soft drinks a one-to-one basis. Frank Scalise is a new t h o n y v G r i m a I d i, I a r t machines I on campus [may in the supermarket is raised Mark Gridley, a new member of&the business department. J^jpjB 5r|3 have noticed Ian increase in by 2.5 cents or more, the member of the psychology department; Scalise receiv- These four members the price of*a single can of price of a can at the vending deaprtment, will play a dou- ed both his B.S. and M.S. previously taught at Mer- pop. One can is now 55 machines must be raised a ble role at Mercyhurst. from Purdue University. cyhurst on al part-time basis. cents, an Increase? of five nickel. | I | Gridley will be teaching New in the philosophy and Shelle Barron, another cents over last spring. | courses at the D'Angelo religious studies department graduate of Mercyhurst, William Kennedy, director The elevation of the ven- School of Music in addition is Dr. Frederick Keck. Keck joins the art department on a of student services, explain- ding machine prices is simp- to his psychology courses. is originally from New York part-time basis while William ed that the price hike is a ly an indication of how Hired in the hote City J and was J previously Erickson becomes a part- direct result of an increase in things are all over, not just restaurant management pro- director of religious educa- time employee of the. Com- the price of sugar.J here at Mercyhurst, jsaid gram is Samuel Veneziana, a tion ^n*Long Island? New munications department. Tie further pointed out that Kennedy. * """ RESPONSIBLE. MOTIVATED PEOPLE TO WORK FOR! THE Editor Photography Editor Assistant Editor Staff Photographers Also Needed Return to Mailroom, Box 128 Name Campus Address Phone 1985 PRAETERITA SEPTEMBER 21,1984 THE MERCIAD PAGE 3 are Interested in pJanning the weekly liturgy to attend their Donnelly joins committee meetings held every Tuesday. | | Donnelly believes the Cam- Campus Ministry team pus Ministry should provide a welcoming atmosphere of Christian hospitality for all of By Gena Kost organizing the lEucharistic the 3 Mercyhurst community. Walking through 211 Main, Ministers ;for each Sunday "Campus Ministry^is vital to an unfamiliar voice may be Mass in the chapel. W f the college community. It's a heard. The distinctive accent More student involvement comfortable i place where is that of Karen Donnelly, the in planning each weeks liturgy students, faculty and ad- new Campus Minister. is one of many ideas Donnelly ministrators can get together Donnelly will oversee the has initiated. 1 informally," she stated. duties of Marie Martone who She has also added an even- The new environment resigned in July. ing Mass to the Sunday liturgy seems to be accomodating to The new Campus Minister is schedule to accomodate Donnelly who is a native of responsible for coordinating those students who go away Rhode Island. "I feel very such volunteer programs as for the weekend. much at home here," Donnelly the Mercyhurst folk group, Beginning in£ O c t o b e r , a|10 said. The people are friendly convalescent home visiting, p.m. Mass willlbe said each Camous Ministry's Karen Donnelly.
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