13938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 18 Mr. SPARKMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent H. R. 10730. A bill for the relief of Edgar H. Ingham; to the that my colleague the gentleman from Alabama [Mr. JAR­ Committee on Claims. MAN] may extend his own remarks in the RECORD on two H. R.10731. A bill for the relief of· J. H. Redding, Inc.; to different matters and to include therein certain tables. the Committee on Claims. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, it is so H. R.10732. A bill for the relief of Ervine J. Stenson; to the ordered. Committee on Claims. There was no objection. H. R. 10733. A bill for the relief of Addie Myers; to the Com­ Mr. HOFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to mittee on Claims. extend my own remarks in the RECORD. By Mr. MACIEJEWSKI: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, it is so H. R.10734. A bill for the relief of Anton Nemec; to the ordered. Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. There was no objection. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION REFERRED PETITIONS, ETC. A joint resolution of the Senate of the following title was taken from the Speaker's table and, under the rule, referred Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid as follows: on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: S. J. Res. 307. Joint resolution vesting the chairman of the 9408. By Mr. ENGLEBRIGHT: Senate Joint Resolution Inaugural Committee with authority to determine the loca­ No. 2, relative to purchases of woolen materials and products tion of stands along the inaugural parade route; to the Com­ for national-defense program; to the Committee on Military mittee on the District of Columbia. Affairs. 9409. By Mr. KRAMER: Resolution of the California SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED State Firemen's Association, urging the appropriation of. The SPEAKER pro tempore announced his signature to an sufficient funds for the United States Forestry Service so enrolled joint resolution of the Senate of the following title: that the forests of the United States and the natural re­ S. J. Res. 302. Joint resolution authorizing the President to sources of the country may be protected and preserved; to invite foreign countries to participate in the Pan American the Committee on Agriculture. Cotton Congress. 9410. Also, resolution of the California State Firemen's BILL PRESENTED TO THE PRESIDENT Association urging the adoption of amendments to the Mr. PARSONS, fro:rn the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ present Federal laws making it mandatory to deport or expel ported that that committee did on Thursday, December 12, any alien from the United States who does not avail himself 1940, present to the President, for his approval, a bill of the of the right of citizenship within a specified time; to the House of the following title: Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. H. R. 658. An act for the relief of the estate of Dr. B. L. 9411. By Mr. STEARNS of New Hampshire: Petition of Pursifull, Grace Pursifull, Eugene Pursifull, Ralph Pursifull, Rev. William M. Kittredge, of Antrim, N. H., and 42 others, Bobby Pursifull, and Dora Little. urging all possible aid to Britain short of war; opposition to American intervention in the European and Asiatic wars; ADJOURNMENT and the strengthening of our own defenses; to the Com­ Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House do now mittee on Foreign Affairs. adjourn. 9412. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Daughters of The motio;n was agreed to; accordingly <at 1 o'clock and 53 American Colonists, Topeka, Kans., petitioning considera­ minutes p. m.) the House, pursuant to its previous order, tion of their resolution with reference to the Mary Ball, adjourned until Wednesday, December 18, 1940, at 12 o'clock mother of Washington, resolution; to the Committee on the noon. Post Office and Post Roads. 9413. Also, petition of the Vermont State Chamber of PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Commerce, Rutland, Vt., petitioning consideration of their Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bills and resolutions resolution with reference to aid to Great Britain; to the were introduced and severally referred as follows: Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: H. R. 10725. A bill to relieve disbursing officers, certifying officers, and payees in respect of certain payments made in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES contravention of appropriation restrictions regarding citizen­ ship status; to the Committee on Claims. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1940 By Mr. ROBINSON of Utah: The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and was called to order H. R. 10726. A bill appropriating to the State of Utah the by the Speaker. sum of $49,860.76, being 37Yz percent of moneys received by The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., the United States from the Independent Coal & Coke Co. for offered the following prayer: the wrongful taking of coal from land located in the State Heavenly Father, Thou whose sacrificial love is always of Utah; to the Committee on the Judiciary, stooping to our needs, whisper to our hearts: "I am near." By Mr. SCHIFFLER: Bring to our remembrance the Christ that we may feed upon H. R. 10727. A bill authorizing the city of Wheeling, W.Va., Him in our hearts by faith and thanksgiving; were it not for to purchase and construct, maintain, and operate bridges Him, the Old World would, indeed, be a vast asylum of despair. across the Ohio River located wholly or partly within said Oh, come, Holy One, and let us hear again the glad tidings city; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. of great joy. Let them sing in the hearts of children and the By Mr. HOFFMAN: aged; let them permeate the cottages of the poor and the H. R. 10728. A bill to amend the act of May 19, 1916 (ch. homes of the rich. We pray that Thy spirit of unselfish 117, sec. 6, 39 Stat. 120) , as amended August 29, 1916 (ch. brotherhood may possess us, giving thought to those who 417, 39 Stat. 582) ; to the Committee on the Civil Service. need it, sympathy to those who crave it, praise to those who deserve it, and affection . to those who are starving for it. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Show us, blessed Lord, that the highest joy of life is in Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private bills and resolutions renouncing selfishness that we may help and save others. were introduced and severally referred as follows: Oh, let the Star of Bethlehem light up the dark places in all By Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: lands; when once it ceases to shine, there will be a dull, black H. R.10729. A bill for the relief of Mattie E. Baumgarten; socket in the world's sky; have mercy, 0 Lord, forbid and to the Committee on Claims. remember us. In our Redeemer's name. Amen. 1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 13939 The Journal of the proceedings of Monday, December 16, PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE 1940, was read and approved. Mr. COX. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ad­ MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT dress the House for 1 minute. A message in writing from the President of the United The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the States was communicated to the House by Mr. Latta, one of gentleman from Georgia [Mr. CoxJ? his secretaries, who also informed the House that on the There was no objection. following dates the President approved and signed bills of [Mr. Cox addressed the House. ~His remarks appear in the the House of the following titles: Appendix of the RECORD.] On November 25, 1940: EXTENSION OF REMARKS H. R. 9589. An act granting a pension to Frances Folsom Mr. COX. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex­ Cleveland Preston. tend my remarks in the RECORD by further including a state­ On November 26, 1940: ment as to the Communist connections of Mr. Weschler, and H. R. 960. An act extending the classified executive civil that I may also insert in the RECORD as a part of my remarks service of the United States. an article appearing in a recent issue of Mercury in which On November 29, 1940: Mr. Weschler's connections with the Communist Party are H. R. 4561. An act for the relief of Mrs. George C. Hamilton shown and in which the PM is referred to as the uptown and Nanette Anderson; and edition of· the Daily Worker. H. R.10543. An act to make the excess-land provisions of The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the the Federal reclamation laws inapplicable to the lands of gentleman from Georgia [Mr. CoxJ? the Washoe County Water Conservation District, Truckee There was no objection. storage project, Nevada, and the Pershing County Water PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE Conservation District, Nevada. On November 30, 1940: Mr. STEARNS of New Hampshire. Mr. Speaker, I ask H. R. 10465. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to unanimous consent to address the House today for 5 minutes punish the willful injury or destruction of war material, or at the conclusion of any special orders heretofore made. of war premises or utilities used in connection with war The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the material, and for other purposes," approved April 20, 1918. gentleman from New Hampshire [Mr. STEARNS]? On December 16, 1940: There was no objection. H. R. 658. An act for the relief of the estate of Dr. B. L. EXTENSION OF REMARKS Pursifull, Grace Pursifull, Eugene Pursifull, Ralph Pursifull, Mr.
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