Notice of Comprehensive Receiving Water

Notice of Comprehensive Receiving Water

Public Noticc Massachusetts Department of EmlironmentaI Protection Bureau of Resource Protection Boston Region 1 Winter Street Bostoil, MA 021 08 Public notice is hereby given [or City or Brockton, Massachusetts to perform tlie follonriilg Snpplemenlal Eti\lirorlniental P~.ojecl-Comyrellensive Receiving Water Assessment in compliance wilh Cousent Degree Civil Actio~iCase No. 1:06-cv-11334- NMG. The assessment includes biological and chemical sampliilg at tell sanlpling locatiolls by city staff and CDM for years one (2009) and thee (201 1) of the Assessme~~t during the monlh of August. According to the SEP, docu~lletltatioilof the assesslllellt \\rill be lnacle in the SEP Completion Report, \vhic11 sliall be submitted March 3 1, 2012. The curreut estinlate to co111pleteall \\fork is $95,000. The De~>al-tme~lt\vill co~lsiclerall \vrittetl coillillellts on Il~eCity of Bi.ockton's Co~llprchensiveReceiving Water Assessment received bv 24,2009. Additional i~lfor~llation gard ding this application may be obtained by coiltactiilg the Department at (617) 654-6536. Written comments mnst be addressed to: Jennifer Wood, MassDEP, One Winter St., 6"' flool*,Bostoil, MA 02108. "City of Chm~zpio~zs" DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER February 26, 2009 CERTIFIED h1AI L 7007 07 10 0002 5712 6798 I. Andrew Goldberg Assistalzt A tto~nc)lGeneral n'lassachuset~sOffice of the Attorney Gener:11 One Asl1hurlon Place 18th Floor Boston, MA 02 108 Subject: 13roclcto11,R'lassach~rsetts Wastewater. ColIection/T~.ctltn~enCFacility C.'onscnt Dccl-ce Ci\lil Action Cnse No. I :06-cv-l1334-iUR'lC; Dear Mr. Goidberg: 'The City of Brocktol~is subnzitting 111is Draft Scope of Services in co~nplinnccwith the sul?iect Corlsen~Decree requirelnc11(for tllr Supplenlental E~l\liso~z~nentalProject (SEP): "Con~pl.ehcnsiveliecei\li~zg L\'atcr Assessnlenl (the Assessn~ent)." Specifically, Appendix A of thc Collsent Deci-ee stipulates that the City sl~allsubmit for approval to EPA and Mass DEI' a draft Scope of Services for the Assessment, inciudi~~ga schedule for completion of the Assessn~entand identification of the coilsultallt the City intends to usc to conduct the Assesslncnt. The Asscsslnent shall include two low flow surveys conductecl over a period not to cxceed thee years. Low flour sllall be defined as flows equal to the August median flow or lo\ver. 'fhe ~lssessnlentshall include chemical and biological sampling of approsjmately 10 stations in locatiolls upstream of thc Srockton discharge to the co~lfluenceof the h4atfield and Town Rivers, including all lnajor tributaries, and repotqing the i.esults of the chemical and biological sa~npling. The cheli~icalancf biologica1 sampling proglGams,scheduling dctails, and cost collsicleratiolls arc described further belo\v. CI'I'Y HAI,I,. 45 SClIOOL STREET, BROCKTON, MASSACIIUSETl'S 02301 TEL: 1508) 580-7135 FAX: (508) 580-7169 Elnail: [email protected] Snmpline; Locations: In accordance wit11 the requirement of the SEIJ, the attached figure identifies the proposed ten sampling locations, fiom the Rrockton Advanced Water Reclalllatiol~Facility (AWRF) to the Taunton River. The attached table provides additiollal detail for cach localion, including \\latercourse identification, whether or not the location was illcluded iu pre\lious DEP sa~nl)ling/tcstinggItcstigprograms, saml)ling location and acccss inlbr~nation,and the nearest collfluence of tllc river. system. As llotecl in the table, eight or the Len locations were included in previous che~nicaland biological testing by the h4A DEJ' Division of Waterstled Mal~agement(DWM) as detailed in the report 2006 DWM En\~ironmentalMonitoring Overview (CN277.0). The other two sites are included to comply \\lit11 the SEI' requirement to include tnajor tributaries of the river system. Tlle cl~emicnlsampling plSogramwill includc salnpling and lab testing for dissolved oxygen le\lels, pll, alkalinity, total hardness, turbitlity, spccific contluctance, total dissolved solids, nitrogen series (nitrate, nitrite, amnlonia, and total kjeldahl): chlorophyll A, and total and tlissolvcd orthophosphatc. Sainples will be taken at each of the ten locations for each of the noted cheinical tests, and transported to a testing lab. Alpha Analytical or a similal. facility will bc utilized to perform the lab testing for ail water samples under this program, CDh4 will coordinate the program, coilect and deliver thc saml)les, and review and report results. It is estimated that each round of testing will incliide confirmatiot-,of satnpling locations, coinpilation of precipitation and streamflo\\l data, t\\ro days of ficld \vosk for two, 2-person teams, compilation of all testillg resulrs, and a "Field Colllpletio~~Memo" sutnmarizing the procedures and results. Biological Sanll>lingPro~~+a~n: The biological sampling program will inclnde macroinverlebrates and habitat assess~nenl (using USEPA rapid bio-monitoringlbio-assess~~~e~~tprotocol, or RBP), fish colnn~u~lity, 1)ei.iphyton assessilleill (quantitative analysis of microalgae, bacteria, and101fungi oil subnlerged substrates) and ~nacropllytes(qualitati\lc analysis of vegetation at the sampling site, such as water. srstrvrort?waterworl, and pond\veed.) CDM will coorclinate the program. perform the field work and classifications (i.e., identification to familylgenus), and review and report results. It is estimated that each round of testing will illclude confirmation of sampling locations, compilation of precipitation and strealuflow data, five days of field work for one, 4- person team, in-house lab work for identificatioll to fanilylgenus, coinyilatioll of all sampling and analysis, and a "Field Completion Memo" sumnlarizing the procedures ant1 results. Tile chemical and biological sanlpling programs as noted above shall each be performed in years one (2009) and three (201 1) of the Assessment. To comply with the requirement to sample during "low flow" conditions, sa~llplingwill be performed in August of each sampling year. Precipitation levels (via NOAA) and the USGS strean1 gage level of the Taunton River shall be monitorcd prior lo each year's sampling program, ailtl \+rill be documented for tbe five days prior to sampling. Following completion of the year-ll~reesalnpli~lg program and fieid coml>lclion nlelnos, tile SEP Complelion Report shall be siibtnitted by h4arch 3 1, 201 2, as stipuhted in thc SEP. Cost Consideratio~ls: Thc SEP includcs a requirement that the City shall expend a total of no more tllan $80,000 to\\lard the cost of ll~eAssesslnent. Fi~rther,the City sllail include tlocumcntation of the cspendittlres made in collllectio~lwith the Assessment as part of the SEP Completio~iReport, \vhicI~shall be submittccl by I\/larcli 3 1, 20 12. '1'0 colnplck thc chemical and biological sampling programs in years one ancl [hree of the program, plus all reporling, lhe c~1nc111 cstimate to complete all work is $95,000. In order to cost cffectivelp complctc the final scope of work while limiting additional costs to the City beyond the require~l~entof the SEP, (he City of Brockton intends to utilize City personnel to assist CDM staff with field work where possible. Additional cost savings will be evaluated thl.oughout the program to ensure that the final Scope olWork is properly colnpleted in a cost effective nlanner. In accol.tlance wit11 Secfioil 73 of the Consc~itDecree, I certify under penalty of law that this docu~nerltand all attacllmcnts were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance ~vitha system designed to assure that qualified pessonncl properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based 011 nly inquiry of the person or persons \vho manage the system, or those persons directly resj~onsiblefor gathering the infowlation, the infol-nzation submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I an) aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false infolmation, including the possibility of fine and iml>risonment for kno\ving \riolations. We trust this information meets your expectations regarding the required scope of \vork for the Comprehensive Receiving 1Vate.r Assessment. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 508-580- 7135 regarding any cluestions or comments on this information, Sincerely, .-' 4g4+40.*-.--A - ------ Michael L. Thoreson cc: C:]~icf,En\li1.o1lmentu1 Section (.EI~II~II:II >I.\lr. 70117(1710 O(IOZ 5712 GSOJ L7,n\~ironnlentrlland 1lcsour.ccs Di\lisiotl United States Department of .luslicc 1'.0. Bos 76 1 1, J3cn Frankli~lStation \I'ashinglon, D.C. 20044 Barbara r-icaly Sttiith (,T:I~.~JI-II;I) XI:\IL. 7087 r1.110 no02 5722 68.11 f\ssislatlt U.S. Attorney .lo1111Joseph Moukley US. ('our~llot~se I Courthouse \Vay, Suite '3200 Boston, MA 022 10 'I'ouia Uandro\\~icz Sr. I4n forcement C:ounscl [J.s.II'A Tvlail Codc: S171, Olie CJongrcss Slrccr Boston, Mi\ 02 1 14-2023 Slevcn Couto En\~ironmcn~aIEngineer 1J.S. EI'A h4ilil (:ode: SI<\\' Onc Cong~~cssSt~cct 13osto11,Mi\ 02 1 14-2023 Dave 12urlis C;I:I~'~II:II;I) JLIII. 7007 0710 ~IOIJZ 5721 6~73 Mass~ch~rseltsDepartment of I~n\lironrnen~oII'rolcc[ion Sotrthcasl Regional OSlice 20 Ri\lei.side Drive I,ake\rille, All/\ 02347 .losepli Shcphertl, 1\IIAlll<l', SI!R ('I;I~~I'II~II.:I)!I:~II, 7111b71171(1 ~IIIIII 5722 GSSO Sack I.lanlm, h/l/\lJl,P, Boslon (;I~I<'I'II:II.;I) >I:\II. 71107(1710 (IIJOZ ~1126s97 John C:ondon, Chicf Financial Officer Elai~leCztia, DPIV i\dnlinisl~.ativeAssistant 1)nvicl Nol.ton, \'if:~tcsand Sewer Contract Adrninistlator Lorry Rowley, Utililics St~l)crintc~ldcnt Gregory A. lioy, C:DI\!l C:a~nh~.idgc Ian \\I. Mcntl: C'IIM l'rovitlcllcc Site DEP watercourse Comments and Location Nearest Confluence Access Number Sampling Site? ** Upstream of wastewater Salisbury Plain Salisbury Plain River 1 Yes treatment facility discharge to Sargent's Way River and Edson Brook Sal~sburyPlain River Major Tributary; Upstream of Salisbury Plain River 2 Edson Brook No confluence with Salisbury Plain Treatment Plant and Edson Brook River Salisbury Plain Downstream from Belmont Salisbury Plain River No good public access, possible 3 Yes River Street, East Bridgewater and Edson Brook private access.

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