Birding Opportunities Taxonomy, Season and Abundance Key SNA Bird Checklist Sp Su Fa Wi at Black Dog Nature Preserve SNA The names and taxonomic arrangement of species Eastern Wood-Pewee O O O follows that of the Checklist of the Birds of Minnesota Alder Flycatcher O O Black Dog Nature Preserve SNA is an (January, 2005) prepared by the Minnesota Ornitho- Willow Flycatcher C C U expanse of wetland and prairie communities logical Union (MOU) Records Committee. Least Flycatcher C C C in the Minnesota River Valley of the Twin The seasons in the checklist are defi ned as follows: Cities area. The 126 acre unit was named Eastern Phoebe O O O after the great Dakota Sioux chief. Black Sp (Spring) = March, April, May Eastern Kingbird O O O Su (Summer) = June, July Dog Nature Preserve SNA contains Northern Shrike O O Fa (Fall) = August, September, October, November Bell’s Vireo O O excellent examples of mesic and wet Wi (Winter) = December, January, February prairies, and degraded calcareous fen plant Yellow-throated Vireo O O communities, which are among the rarest Abundance codes are defi ned as follows: Warbling Vireo U U U Red-eyed Vireo U U U plant communities in the state. A calcareous C = Common — present, relatively easy to fi nd fen is an endangered plant community U = Uncommon — observed, may be diffi cult to fi nd Blue Jay C C C U dominated by grasses, sedges, and other O = Occasional — may or may not be present in any American Crow C C C C year Tree Swallow U U U vegetation adapted to its unusual calcium- R = Rare — has occurred at least once, may recur rich groundwater, which fl ows year round. Bank Swallow O O O These habitats are host to a variety of Barn Swallow C C C SNA Bird Checklist Sp Su Fa Wi wetland bird species, both during migration Black-capped Chickadee C C C C and for nesting. An urban sanctuary, Black Canada Goose C C C O White-breasted Nuthatch C C C C Dog Nature Preserve SNA lies within the Mallard C C C O House Wren C C C Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. Blue-winged Teal O O O Sedge Wren C C C An interpretive sign marks the end of a Ring-necked Pheasant U U U U Ruby-crowned Kinglet O O hiking trail through the Refuge that traverses Least Bittern O Eastern Bluebird U U U the site parallel to the railroad track. This Great Blue Heron U U U Hermit Thrush U U trail traverses good willow fl ycatcher, sedge Great Egret U U U American Robin C C C O wren and common yellowthroat habitat. Turkey Vulture O O O Gray Catbird C C C Look for goldfi nches, yellow warblers and Bald Eagle O O O Brown Thrasher O O O cardinals here in abundance. Bell’s vireo Sharp-shinned Hawk O O European Starling C C C C and yellow-breasted chat are rarities that Cooper’s Hawk O O Cedar Waxwing C C C U have been documented here. A total of 81 Broad-winged Hawk O O O Tennessee Warbler O O bird species have been seen on the SNA. Red-tailed Hawk U U U U Orange-crowned Warbler O O Located in the Minnesota River Valley. This Sora O Nashville Warbler O O SNA is comprised of prairie, mixed sedge, Killdeer U U U Yellow Warbler C C C willow and cottonwood wetlands, mixed Ring-billed Gull C U C O Yellow-rumped Warbler C C woodlands, and brushy areas which are Herring Gull O O American Redstart O O found along Cliff Road (Dakota Co. Road Rock Pigeon O O O O Northern Waterthrush O O 32). Access is from a large parking lot on Mourning Dove C C C Common Yellowthroat C C C Cliff Road, where the interpretive trail starts. Short-eared Owl O Wilson’s Warbler O O Birder access is rated as good. Ruby-throated Yellow-breasted Chat R Hummingbird U U U American Tree Sparrow C C U Downy Woodpecker C C C C Chipping Sparrow U U U Hairy Woodpecker C C C C Henslow’s Sparrow R Northern Flicker C C C O Fox Sparrow U U SNA Bird Checklist Sp Su Fa Wi This checklist contains the names of all birds that have been documented at this site by reli- Song Sparrow C C C able observers, including Bob Janssen, volun- Black Dog Lincoln’s Sparrow U U teer observers, as well as MOU records, and Swamp Sparrow U U U data contained in research reports. Funding for White-throated Sparrow U U this project was provided in part by the State Nature Preserve Harris’s Sparrow O O Wildlife Grants program administered by the U. Dark-eyed Junco C C C S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Checklist layout Scientifi c and Natural Area Northern Cardinal C C C C by Jennifer Lintelmann. Persons interested in Rose-breasted Grosbeak C C C the sources used in preparation of this list may contact Project Supervisor/Nongame Specialist Red-winged Blackbird C C C O Katie Haws at 218-308-2641. Common Grackle C C C O Brown-headed Cowbird U U U Orchard Oriole O Baltimore Oriole U U U BIRDChecklist House Finch U U U U American Goldfi nch C C C U Additional Observations For more information contact DNR Information Center, 500 Lafayette Rd. St. Date: ________________________________ Paul, MN 53155-4000, 651-296-6157 or toll-free 888-MIN-NDNR (646-6367). Weather: _____________________________ Equal opportunity to participate in and benefi t from programs of the Minnesota _____________________________________ Department of Natural Resources is available to all individuals regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard Observers: ____________________________ to public assistance, age, sexual orientation, membership or activity in a local commission, or disability. Discrimination inquires should be sent to the Minnesota _____________________________________ Department of Natural Resources, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155- 4031; or the Equal Opportunity Offi ce, Department of the Interior, Washington, _____________________________________ D.C. 20240. _____________________________________ This document is available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities by calling 651-297-1158 (Metro Area, TTY 651-296-5484, 800-657-3929 Notes: _______________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Tomorrow’s Habitat for the Wild and Rare is the state’s conservation action plan for protecting © 2008 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Minnesota’s native animal species that are rare or Division of Ecological Resources likely to become rare in the near future. DNR Web Site: www.dnr.state.mn.us.
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