2054 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 35 An Assessment of Orthobaric Density in the Global Ocean TREVOR J. MCDOUGALL AND DAVID R. JACKETT CSIRO Marine Research, Hobart, Australia (Manuscript received 20 May 2004, in final form 18 April 2005) ABSTRACT Orthobaric density has recently been advanced as a new density variable for displaying ocean data and as a coordinate for ocean modeling. Here the extent to which orthobaric density surfaces are neutral is quantified and it is found that orthobaric density surfaces are less neutral in the World Ocean than are potential density surfaces referenced to 2000 dbar. Another property that is important for a vertical coordinate of a layered model is the quasi-material nature of the coordinate and it is shown that orthobaric density surfaces are significantly non-quasi-material. These limitations of orthobaric density arise because of its inability to accurately accommodate differences between water masses at fixed values of pressure and in situ density such as occur between the Northern and Southern Hemisphere portions of the World Ocean. It is shown that special forms of orthobaric density can be quite accurate if they are formed for an individual ocean basin and used only in that basin. While orthobaric density can be made to be approximately neutral in a single ocean basin, this is not possible in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere portions of the Atlantic Ocean. While the helical nature of neutral trajectories (equivalently, the ill-defined nature of neutral surfaces) limits the neutrality of all types of density surface, the inability of orthobaric density surfaces to accurately accommodate more than one ocean basin is a much greater limitation. 1. Introduction The density of seawater is a significantly nonlinear Density is used in oceanography for a variety of pur- function of temperature, pressure, and salinity, and the poses. Its horizontal gradient is used to deduce the ver- nonlinearity that causes oceanographers the most tical shear of horizontal velocity (assuming geostrophic trouble is the so-called thermobaric nonlinearity, which balance) and, because small-scale turbulent mixing is so is primarily due to the pressure dependence of the ther- weak compared with the lateral mixing of mesoscale mal expansion coefficient (or equivalently, the tem- eddies, it is important to be able to calculate the sur- perature dependence of the sound speed). The idea faces along which this strong lateral diffusion occurs. that properties are mixed predominately along isopyc- Oceanographers assume that the strong mixing of heat nals has a long history in oceanography, and the ther- and salt that is achieved by mesoscale eddies occurs mobaric nature of seawater led Reid and Lynn (1971) along the locally referenced potential density surfaces. to form a series of potential density surfaces referenced Shrinking this argument to a point defines the so-called to a series of different pressures in order to better ap- neutral tangent plane and the smallness of the observed proximate the surfaces along which the ocean mixes dissipation of mechanical energy in the ocean gives tracers. Following de Szoeke et al. (2000) we call these strong support to this being the correct plane in which isopycnals of Reid and Lynn’s (1971) patched potential the strong mesoscale mixing occurs (McDougall and density surfaces. Jackett 2005b). Oceanographers would like to analyze McDougall (1987a) defined the concept of a neutral data and run layered ocean models with respect to sur- tangent plane along which fluid parcels could be ex- faces that everywhere coincide with neutral tangent changed without feeling any buoyant forces. While planes, but the equation of state dictates that this is not these neutral tangent planes are well defined, they do possible and various compromises must be made. not link up to form a well-defined neutral surface be- cause of the thermobaric terms in the equation of state. Corresponding author address: Trevor McDougall, CSIRO Ma- The ill-defined nature of a neutral surface was dis- rine Research, Castray Esplanade, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia. cussed by McDougall and Jackett (1988) who showed E-mail: [email protected] that individual neutral trajectories in the ocean are © 2005 American Meteorological Society Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 02:37 PM UTC JPO2796 NOVEMBER 2005 MCDOUGALL AND JACKETT 2055 helical in nature. Nevertheless, McDougall and Jackett We “road test” orthobaric density in the global (1988) and later Jackett and McDougall (1997; the neu- ocean, finding that it is significantly less neutral than is tral density software was available online at http://www. potential density referenced to 2000 dbar. Also, ortho- ml.csiro.au/ϳjackett/NeutralDensity) showed that, baric density is significantly non–quasi material while the helical nature of neutral trajectories may al- whereas 2 is 100% quasi material. low a significant mass flux to move vertically through In this paper we regard in situ density ϭ (S, ⌰, p) the ocean without the need for small-scale mixing ac- to be a function of salinity S (expressed on the practical tivity, the ill-defined nature of neutral surfaces is small salinity scale), conservative temperature ⌰, and pres- in the sense that a well-defined surface [such as can be sure p [p is absolute pressure minus 0.101 325 MPa ϭ calculated with the neutral density algorithm ␥ n of 10.1325 dbar; see Feistel (2003) and Jackett et al. (2005, Jackett and McDougall (1997)] can be found that is manuscript submitted to J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.)]. almost neutral everywhere; this statement will be fur- Conservative temperature (McDougall 2003) is propor- ϭ ther quantified in this paper (see Figs. 4 and 5). tional to potential enthalpy (referenced to p 0 MPa) De Szoeke et al. (2000) sought a density variable, and is a factor of more than 100 closer to being pro- portional to the heat content of seawater than is poten- called orthobaric density that is as neutral as possible ⌰ but is restricted to be a function only of pressure and in tial temperature . The difference between and is not central to the present paper and we shall sometimes situ density, that is, ϭ (p, ). Such a pycnotropic ⌰ variable has the desirable properties that (i) a geo- simply refer to as temperature. In sections 2–4, we quantify the nonneutral and non- strophic streamfunction can be found in each surface so that the horizontal pressure gradient can be ex- quasi-material aspects of orthobaric density surfaces and compare these attributes with those of other types pressed in the convenient and numerically accurate of density surfaces. The reason for the irreducible and form of a divergence along the orthobaric density sur- significant nonneutral behavior of orthobaric density is face and (ii) the potential vorticity equation written in isolated in sections 5 and 6. One of the main conclu- terms of gradients of orthobaric density does not con- Ϫ2 sions of de Szoeke et al. (2000) is that the non-quasi- ١p ١ ϫ · ١ tain the baroclinic production term material nature of orthobaric density also characterizes since this is zero. finely patched potential density surfaces. In sections 5 Orthobaric density is a clever combination of pres- and 6 we show that this is incorrect; the explanation sure and in situ density that has the property that, so involves the important distinction between local helic- long as water mass variations occur in a monotonic way ity and the interhemispheric water mass contrasts. The with pressure (see section 5 below), can be made to paper ends with a discussion section. be quite neutral. We will show that in practice this means that it is possible to tune the orthobaric density variable so that it is a good approximation to neutral 2. Orthobaric density and vertical stability density surfaces in a single ocean basin. However, a Orthobaric specific volume is defined by the fol- major point of the present paper is that cannot be made to be approximately neutral in the global ocean. lowing relationship between total differentials (de Here we seek quantitative answers to the following Szoeke et al. 2000): three questions: (i) how close is the vertical gradient of 1 orthobaric density to being proportional to N2, the d ϭ d͑1ր͒ ϩ dp, ͑1͒ 2 2 square of the buoyancy frequency, (ii) how neutral are c0 orthobaric density surfaces, and (iii) how quasi material where c0 can be regarded as an approximation to the is orthobaric density? A variable is said to be quasi sound speed that is restricted to be a function only of material if it only changes when irreversible mixing oc- ϭ pressure and density, that is, c0 c0 (p, ), and the curs. If a fluid parcel does not change its salinity and boundary condition ϭ 1/ is applied at p ϭ 0 dbar. conservative temperature, then the value of a quasi- Orthobaric specific volume and the integrating factor material variable of the fluid parcel will also be un- are also functions only of pressure and density, that changed. Examples of quasi-material variables are en- is, ϭ (p, ) and ϭ (p, ). tropy, salinity, potential temperature, potential enthal- Here we discuss orthobaric density, ϵ 1/, rather py, and conservative temperature (see McDougall than orthobaric specific volume. The corresponding to- 2003). Variables such as density that vary with pressure, tal differential form is even for fixed values of salinity and conservative tem- ⌽ ϭ Ϫ ⌫ ͑ ͒ perature, are said to be non–quasi material. d d 0dp, 2 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 02:37 PM UTC 2056 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 35 ϭ ϭ Ϫ ϭ Ϫ ⌰ and the boundary condition is applied at p 0 c0 c c0(p, ) c(p, , ). The derivation of the last 2 dbar, the integrating factor ⌽ϭ(/) is also a func- expression in (5) followed the same route as that of de Ϫ1⌫ tion of only p and , 0 is an approximation to the Szoeke et al.
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