STAR PROVIDER DIRECTORY DIRECTORIO DE PROVEEDORES DE STAR 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711) • DellChildrensHealthPlan.com/members WITH YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. CONTIGO EN CADA PASO DEL CAMINO. Serving Travis, Williamson, Caldwell, Hays, Lee, Bastrop, Fayette, and Burnet counties — Travis Service Area TS-PD-0010-17 TR1A-0917 With you every step of the way. For more information about the Dell Children’s Health Plan, call 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711) or visit DellChildrensHealthPlan.com/members. 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711) DellChildrensHealthPlan.com/members Part of the Seton Healthcare Family, dedicated to providing exceptional care with a human touch. Dell Children’s Health Plan STAR Provider Directory Directorio de proveedores de STAR Travis Service Area Zona de servicio de Travis Travis, Williamson, Caldwell, Hays, Lee, Bastrop, Fayette, and Burnett Counties (Condados) Call toll-free/Llame a la línea gratuita 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711) DellChildrensHealthPlan.com/members With you every step of the way. Contigo en cada paso del camino. TS-PD-0010-17 With you every step of the way. For more information about 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711) Dell Children’s Health Plan, call DellChildrensHealthPlan.com/members 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711) or visit DellChildrensHealthPlan.com/members. Contigo en cada paso del camino. 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711) Part of the Seton Healthcare Family, dedicated to DellChildrensHealthPlan.com/members providing exceptional care with a human touch. Para obtener más información sobre Dell Children’s Health Plan, llame al 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711) o visite DellChildrensHealthPlan.com/members Parte de Seton Healthcare Family, dedicados a entregar cuidado excepcional con calidad humana. TS-PD-0010-17 Travis STAR Provider Directory Travis STAR directorio de proveedores Table of Contents/Tabla de contenido Important Information About Your Dell Children's Health Plan.............................................. 1 Información importante sobre el plan de salud de Dell Children's......................................... 2 STAR Hospitals/Hospitales................................................................................................... 3 STAR Urgent Care and After Hours Physicians/Cuidado urgente y después de médicos de horas................................................................................................................................ 4 STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario......................................... 8 Description of Physician Specialties/Descripción de especialidades de medico................... 36 STAR Specialists/Especialistas............................................................................................. 37 STAR Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse/Servicios de salud mental y abuso de substancias........................................................................................................................... 53 STAR Ancillary Providers/Proveedores auxiliares................................................................. 59 Drug Stores/Farmacias......................................................................................................... 60 Dental Services/Servicios dentales....................................................................................... 68 Vision Services/Servicios de la vista..................................................................................... 70 Index of Hospitals/Índice de hospitales................................................................................. 74 Index of Primary Care Providers/Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario....................... 75 Index of Behavioral Health/Índice de salud mental............................................................... 79 Index of Drug Stores/Índice de farmacias............................................................................. 83 If you have an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room Si tiene una emergencia, llame al 911 o vaya a la Sala de Emergencia más cercana 5/30/17 Page/Página 1 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711) ▪ dellchildrenshealthplan.com/members WELCOME Important Information About Your Dell Children's Health Plan You can go to an OB/GYN without a referral. You can use Dell Children’s Health Plan is a health maintenance the OB/GYN for a yearly checkup. You can also use the organization. We contract with the Health and OB/GYN for pregnancy or other female medical care. This Human Services Commission (HHSC) to provide benefits book lists Dell Children’s Health Plan OB/GYNs. Dell for STAR program members. We want you and your Children’s Health Plan Member Services can help you pick children to be healthy and to get the care you need for an OB/GYN. You can call 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711). sickness or injury plus preventive care like regular check- ups. This book lists all Dell Children’s Health Plan doctors. Family planning services are a covered benefit of the It also lists clinics, specialists, and hospitals. If you do not STAR program. You can get family planning services see your doctor, please call Member Services at without a referral from your PCP. Dell Children’s Health 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711). We can tell you if your doctor Plan doesn’t pay for family planning services because we is a Dell Children’s Health Plan provider. are a Catholic-based health plan. Your doctor can provide family planning services but they bill services directly to The member handbook tells you about STAR benefits. Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP). You will receive your handbook in your new member packet after you enroll. Please read this handbook. This You can go to a behavioral health provider for a mental book can answer many of your questions. Please keep it health problem. These doctors are also listed in this book. where you can easily find it. The provider can also help with alcohol or drug problems. You do not need a referral for this. You can also call Dell DELL CHILDREN’S HEALTH PLAN SERVICES Children’s Health Plan Member Services at 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711). They can help you pick a This provider directory lists all Dell Children’s Health Plan provider. doctors. It also lists clinics, specialists, and hospitals. These providers are in-network. Dell Children’s Health Plan may not pay for your health care if you go to a provider not in this book. It is very important that you pick a primary care provider (PCP). A primary care provider can be a doctor. A clinic can also be a primary care provider. This provider will give you most of your health care. If you need special care, he will refer you to a special doctor. You can pick a different doctor for each child in your family or you can pick the same doctor for all your children. You should pick a doctor whose office is close to you. Dell Children’s Health Plan Member Services can help you pick a doctor. You can call 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711). TS-PD-0001-15 STAR Page/Página 2 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711) ▪ dellchildrenshealthplan.com/members BIENVENIDA Información importante sobre el plan de salud de Dell Children's Puede acudir a un gineco-obstetra sin referido. El Dell Children’s Health Plan es una organización para el gineco-obstetra puede hacerle un chequeo anual. mantenimiento de la salud. Tenemos contrato con la También puede entregarle cuidado médico para Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) para embarazadas u otros tipos de cuidado para mujeres. En entregar beneficios a los miembros del programa STAR. este manual se incluyen todos los gineco-obstetras de Queremos que usted y sus hijos estén sanos y reciban la Dell Children’s Health Plan. Servicios al Miembro de Dell atención necesaria en caso de enfermedades o lesiones, Children’s Health Plan puede ayudarle a elegir un además de cuidado preventivo como chequeos gineco-obstetra. Puede llamar al 1-888-596-0268 regulares. En este manual se incluyen todos los (TTY 711). doctores de Dell Children’s Health Plan. También se incluyen clínicas, especialistas y hospitales. Si no El programa STAR cubre el beneficio de servicios de encuentra a su doctor, llame a Servicios al Miembro al planificación familiar. Puede recibir servicios de 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711). Podemos informarle si su planificación familiar sin referido de su PCP. Dell Children’s doctor es proveedor de Dell Children’s Health Plan. Health Plan no paga los servicios de planificación familiar, porque somos un plan de salud católico. Su doctor puede El manual del miembro le informa sobre los beneficios prestar servicios de planificación familiar, pero se de STAR. Lo recibirá en su paquete para miembros facturarán directamente a Texas Medicaid and Healthcare nuevos después de inscribirse. Lea este manual. Puede Partnership (TMHP). responder muchas de sus preguntas. Consérvelo donde pueda encontrarlo con facilidad. Puede acudir a un proveedor de salud del comportamiento en caso de problemas de salud mental. Estos doctores también aparecen en este manual. El SERVICIOS DE DELL CHILDREN’S HEALTH PLAN proveedor también puede ayudarle si tiene problemas relacionados con alcohol o drogas. No necesita referido En este directorio de proveedores se incluyen todos los doctores de Dell Children’s Health Plan. También se en este caso. Puede llamar a Servicios al Miembro de Dell incluyen clínicas, especialistas y hospitales. Estos Children’s Health Plan al 1-888-596-0268 (TTY 711). proveedores son de la red. Es posible que Dell Pueden ayudarle a elegir un proveedor. Children’s Health Plan no pague su cuidado de la salud si acude a un proveedor que no aparezca en este
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