Document 4015 in Box 1 of Job 13390 Scanned on 10/18/2013 9:15 PM by Docufree Corporation jlj" ! ljjljllj l J.M. "Buddy" Phillips, Executive Director Florida Sheri ffs Association Please allow me to introduce you to a special edition of The I hope you' ll join me in Sheriffs Star magazine, our Annual Guide to Government. welcoming those Sheriffs. You Each year, we research and compile important informa- can read more about them in the Sherdfs' biographies begin- tion for use by state agencies, legislators, local o5cials and ning on page 31, And be sure to catch our story about the anyone else needing a road map of public o5cials and gov- New Sheriffs School on page 52. ernment o5ces. That's what you' ll find in the front of this Which brings me to another thought. In the past, some magazine. people have proposed term limits for local o5cials. What I'd In the last 12 pages, we' ve included updates on criminal like to point out is the fact that there seems to be a natural justice issues that you' ll be hearing about in the 1997 Leg- "term limit" built into the system —the views of the voters. islative session. You can also read what two of your legisla- In the past nine years I've been associated with the Flori- tors have to say about what will take place in the halls of the da Sheriffs Association, we' ve had 66 new Sheriffs in the state Capitol. of Florida. Some counties have experienced more turnover Expect your Florida Sheriffs to be out there in full force than others, but still it's a large number considering there are during the session, as always, getting across vital information only 67 counties. to lawmakers and assuring a continued tough stance on So I'd like to offer my view: There is no need for term crime. limitations. Let the voters decide. This year, Florida lawmakers may recognize a few new faces in the crowd. Twenty new faces to be exact, as in this past election 12 incumbent Sheriffs were defeated and eight J.M. "Buddy" Phillips retired. Executive Director Notrlda Sh~ As~on Page ««so« ~ 4 ~ 4 44 ~ 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 ~ ~ 1 * «1 4 4 4 ~ e 4'44« OIcere *t *1oil Ilute 4 4 «1 1 4 set 14 1 Volume 4i, W. 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O' Emaib )sbOsupernet. net Phone (904) 8774185 Fax (904j N-8865 Horisla Leg 1+7 1 ttttttttttt 444 4444444$ W FIsttlsbs ~aa ~ 44 It«4*otto 1st «4 tt«61 ~'Tclcphonc /FAX ijjlasabers earl Aslabrs ~44te»lt't«t' 4 «1 tM Iaok CNCt I ~ A messagefrom Geoffrey Monge, President Florida Sheriffs Association s we rapidly head toward the Commission on Law Enforcement beginning of the 2 1st century, Accreditation. This group of Sheriffs, we are witnessing several pro- Chiefs of Police and others, have gressive moves in the law enforcement developed a procedure whereby all profession throughout Florida and the Florida law enforcement agencies may U.S. choose to participate in the accredita- thetic with the striving and tolerant Six years ago, the Sarasota SherifFs tion process. This process assures ofthe u eak and the wrong —some Office adopted Community Policing that proper written policies are in time in your life you uill have been (CP) as the method by which we pro- place and are being followed. It will all of these; do not equate money vide law enforcement service in Sara- greatly enhance the professionalism of wi th success —there are many suc- sota County, The basic concept of CP law enforcement and reduce our lia- cessful money makers uho are mis- is to get back into closer contact with bility. I'd like to note that of the first erable failures as human beings. the people we serve so we can work 10 agencies to be accredited this what counts most about success is by " together to identify and solve prob- Commission, nine were Sheriffs' how aperson achieves it. lems. As I thought about this recently, offices. We congratulate them all, I was reminded that the Florida Sher- along with the Commission, for bring- Lastly, let me say thanks to all who iffs Association, through its thousands ing accreditation to our state. read this and are involved in helping of members, has been practicing a As I close, let me quote Hugh our association by supporting the form of Community Policing for many Shearer: Florida Sheriffs' Youth Ranches. years, Our Honorary Members be- "Florida's Charity for Florida's Chil- come the eyes and ears of the Florida "No one will ever get out ofthis dren" will celebrate its 40th anniver- Sheriffs Association across the state u orld alive. Resolve therefore: sary this year, and we thank you all for and help keep the association in tune Maintain a reasonable sense ofval- your continued support. By working with their needs and concerns. Also, ues; take care ofyourself. Good together, we will keep Florida a great education is an important part of Com- health is our major source ofu ealth state in which to reside, munity Policing and by providing —without it, happiness is almost information and crime prevention impossible; be cheerful and helpful articles in The Sheriff's Star maga- —people will repay you in kind; zine, we are keeping our membership avoid angry, abrasi ve persons— Geoffrey Monge informed. they are generally vengeful; avoid Sheriff, Sarasota County Another important step taken by zealots —they are generally humor- President of the Florida law enforcement is the work less; be tender uith theyoung, com- Florida Sher8s Association recently completed by the Florida passionate ui th the aged, sympa- THE SHERIFF'S STAR f JANUARY / FEBRUARY 199'7 1 11 2 THE SHERIFFtS STAR 4 JANUARY / FEBRUARY I 999 DISTRICT I DISTRICT II DISTRICT III DISTRICT IV ' frrf Irf I!Irffffrffr THE SHERIFF'S STAR A JANUARY / FESRUARY 1997 3 g Business and Professional Community Affairs Health Care Administration, Rag uhatlon Div/sions Agency for Divisions Emergency Management Administration Management Services Administration Housing and Community Health Policy & Cost Control Divisions Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco Development Health Quality Assurance Administration Certified Public Accountants Resource Planning & Medicaid Quality Assurance Administrative Hearings Hotels & Restaurants Management State Health Purchasing Building Construction Florida Land Sales, Capitol Police Condominiums & Mobile Corrections Juvenile Justice Communications Homes Operations Operations Facilities Management Pari. Mutuel Wagering Health Services Management & Budget Human Relations Commission Professions Management & Budget Programming & Planning Information Resource Real Estate Programs: Commission Regulation Admission Labor & Employment Security Information Services Technology & Release Authority Administrative Services Motor Pool Adult Services Blind Services (Vehides/Aircraft) Children & Family Services, Interstate Compact Labor, Employment & Training Personnel Management Dept. of Planning & Research Safety Services Administration Probation & Parole Services Workers' Compensation Purchasing Adult Services Unemployment Compensation Retirement Alcohol, Drug Abuse & Environmental Protection Vocational Rehabilitation State Employees' Insurance Mental Health Divisions Children & Family Services Administration & Technical Lottery Military Affairs Developmental Sewices Services Divisions Adjutant General Economic Services Air Resources Management Administration Sub-District Administration Environmental Resource Corporate Sales Tourism, Trade and Permiing Financial Management Economic Development Citrus Law Enforcement Games & Contract Florida Dept. of Citrus Marine Resources Management Transportation Economic/Market Research Recreation & Parks Information Resource Dtvtstons Food Service Business Unit State Lands Management Communications & Fresh Fruit Business Unit Waste Management Information Security Governmental Affairs International Marketing Water Facilities Management District Operations Business Unit Marketing Administration Finance & Administration Processed Products Business Marketing Services Planning & Engineering Unit Planning/Research & Sales Scientific Research Support Administration, Governor and at least 3 Law Enforcement Revenue 'Board of Cabinet Members Divisions Programs Governor Criminal Investigations Administrative Services Treasurer Highway Safety & Criminal Justice Child Support Enforcement Comptroller Motor Vehicles Information Systems Compliance & Education Divisions Criminal Justice General Tax Administration Executive Clemency, Florida Highway Patrol Standards & Training Information Services 'Board of Drivers Licenses Human Resources Operations & Account ("Pardon Board") Motor Vehides Local Law Enforcement Management Administrative Services Assistance * Ncn-Depanmentat Agency 4 THE SHERIFF'S STAR 6 JANUARY I FEBRUARY I 997 Commissioner of Agriculture Legal Opinions of Education (a Cabinet member) Agent
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