Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1980-90 The iH lltop Digital Archive 10-31-1986 The iH lltop 10-31-1986 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 10-31-1986" (1986). The Hilltop: 1980-90. 161. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090/161 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1980-90 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • ·• •• i Policy. board 42_.10 upset victory unable to hold meeting due to Bi s o n defeat N • C.A&T By Stanley R. Verrett ' play 85-yard drive. The BisOn got the from 30 yards out, and Wootson fail- Hilltop S1aff Reporter ball right 'back two plays later on an ed from 25 to give the Bison the ball • absenteeism ~- interception by Thomas Jones that at their: o~n- ~0-yard line.. - . • The Bison amasseC! 607 yards in was returned to the A&T 39-yard ~~-ya rd ~41! consisted of 14 plays, \ total offense, including 429 yards on line. including 12 rushes as the Bison push- the ground en route to a 42-10 upset Epps scored from 21 yards out ed their way.down the field. The two By Alonza L. Rober1son victory over the North Carolina State three plays later, and John H3rvell's passes were a 13-yarder from Debose Hill1op Staff Reporter A&T Aggies Saturday at Greerle extra "point put the Bison up 14~. tO Johnson, and a ·picture-perfect Stadium On the Howard campus. The Bison thWarted the next A&T . alley-oop from Debos~ to redshin tvleeting officially for the first time With the win, the Bison's third drive and received the ball at their freshman . wide · re'ceiver De-rrick this year. the Howard Uni,•ersity. S1u­ consecutive, ,Howa·rd no'v has a 4-3 own 49-yard line after George Hor- Faison from 32 yards out for the • den1 Association Polic>' Board \vas record, and a.re 1-2 in the- Mid­ rison's punt. touchdown. On the play, the 6' 4'' unable 10 conduct formal · busin"ess Eastern A1hletic Conference. The Eight plays later, Reed was in the Faison simply went up and over A&T Tuesday night due 10 poor Aggies fall to 6-1 overall, a nd 2 ~ 1 ·in end zone again, this time from two defensive back C hris ·Barber, who attendance. the MEAC. yards o ut. The big play in the Bison's stands 6' I .'' The policy board is comprised of Tailback Harvey Reed once again 51 -yard drive was a 25-yard comple- ''That was . o ne . of the turnin·g the student council presidents from !urned in an excellent performance tion from Lee Debose to .Jimmie points," -Jeffries said of Faison's • ea_ch individual sctiool and college at for the. Bison, rushi.ngfor 151 yards Johnson to the Aggie 15. reception. Howard, HUSA President Ona on 28 ca rr ie~. and adding three A&T's Juan Jackson took the e·n- The Bi son added another Alston and Oli,'er. Johnson, the ad­ touchdowns . His .backfield mate, sui ng kickoff 63 yards to the Bison touchdown late in the fourt.h quarter : ministrative assistant for the - Ronnie Epps aided the cause with 145 31, and· the Aggies took just three on an eight yard run by reserve ' Undergraduate Student Association. yards on I 8 carries. Epps also scored plays to score from there, and nar- quafterback John Javis. - Only siX student council presidents a touchdown. · · rowed the Bison lead 10 21-10. The Howard secondary did a com- of the university's 17 were present: The Bi son dominated the The Bison scored once more in the mendable job of. controlling A&T Due to the others' absence, ··we nationally-ranked Aggies from start first ha.If, on Reed's third quarterback A-Ian Hooker, who can't really do anything official," to firtish, earning Coach Willie Jef­ touchdown, a IO-yard run .that put entered the "game ranked aqiong the said Alston citing the student govern­ f~ies wha~ he calli:d ''the biggest win the Bison up 28-10· at the half. Jef- nation's leaders in passing1efficiency. ment's c:onst itutional rule on since I've been here.'' . fries said that that was when he Hooker passed f~r I 54 yards, but quorums. After the Aggies drove down· the realized that the Bi son were · mor-t importantly, was denied a Fredric \Valls, President of the field with ~he- opening kickoff a.nd d~minatirig the game. co1;1chdO\\'n pass, and intercepted Liberal Arts Student Council, ap­ began the scoring with a 27-yard field . ''I thought we were okay when we twice. peared the most perturbed over the goal by Derrick Woolson, the Bison went up 28-10 at Jhe half," Jeffries .Jeffries also praised ·the play of small 1urnout. He motioned that the r~spo nded with 21 consecutive points said . junior linebacker~ Sheldon Hamilton, to set the tone for the remainder of The Bison put 1ogether perhaps \\' ~o has emerged as a consistent board consid~r fining any future . · Photo ... hs b . wa .0 , E:T.ckSonrrh, Hlllto ·absentees. Though the board made · H · rd I · ith I ·-bo· g P • ) .-. ' P the game. their best drive of the season after the tackler and pass rusher for the Bison. • no formal deciSon, it did decide that' owo ans roar w opprova (~ . v~ w~1le Dl_sO~ defensive boc~ _ The fi rst of these came on a seven­ l\VO teams traded. missed field goals t Hamilton finished with nine tackles proxies, written or· ''live human ~nthony Sc~t:t 21. a~d_ li~~k~ Ma~1n Jac~son, ~7, · ~onverge on yard run by Reed that capped a nine- · in the third quarter. Harvell missed and two sacks on 1he afternoon. bodies'' would be allowed to count North Corolino A& TS• wide: rece:1ver Herbert Herbison, ~· .· I . for attendance, but not for vot~ng purposes. Alstoll.,!l~ So gave a brief ·financi3.I Grad ~chool \ Day inf or ms stu(l·e~ts . repon on ,-tUSA 's 1986 summer and fall budget.. According to 1he report, 8 )· Melonie McCall progranis in law, communications, an annual stipend, said the recruiter. ' HUSA's proposed summer budge! Hi l~1op Scaff Reporter business administration, a ll ied Recr~iters ror t~e graduate p.nd . was $26,000 dollars, however the ac­ health, deri.tistry, engineering, professional· schools came from tual monies spent totalled $24,634 Ho"·ard University held its 16th political science, and social sciences. · various backgrOunds. Students, pro­ dollars. annual· Graduate and Professional Many partit:ipating schools also of­ fessors, and Howard alumni alike Included in the budget were ex­ Schools lnforma1ion Day, sponsored fered programs of interest to worked to infor·m Howard st udents about the many opp.ortunities •. ecurive stipe11ds, s1aff stipends, office by 1he Career Planning and Place­ underclassmCJl:l. A program offered at expenses and funding to sponsor-pro­ ment Student Resource Center in the the L.B. Johnson School of the available tO them. · grams such as Community Day, a · Blackburn Center's Hilltop Lounge University of Texas, Austin allows Charles Car, HOward Law School underclass.men to study there while graudatf ~nd an instructor at the Punch-Ou1 party and the Steel Pulse and Ballroom, on Oct. 23. •• co11cert. Approximately JOO . of the best working to~ard admission after State Univers it ~ of New York, Buf­ ''\\le made money ($1051 dollars) known schools sent recruiters. Par­ undergraduate study. falo, said he likes to come to Howard I on the Steel Pulse concert above the - 1icipating .schools included Boston The "Graduate and Profe"ssional and recruit black student.I. ''I recruit Decause:I want to see more minorities ten percent donated to the UniversitY, Harvard Law School, the Schools Information Day also expos­ I AMA NOLA Freedom Fund,'' · University of C hicago Graduate ed students to several fellowship pro­ in .th ·field of law, " he ' said. Howard University Political "' Alston Said. The freedom fund pro­ gratns. Florida State UniVersity1 for Schools, Temple University. and Col­ I example, 1 particiP.ates in the Science Professor Patricia Ruffin I . vides direCi material ·ass istance to umbia LaW School. •• liberation organizations in South · The programs' purpose is ''to McKnight Black Doctoral Fellowship also served as a recruiter for the New Africa and Nambia. make. it easier for students to make . Progr~m. ~es igned 10 address the School for ·Social Research. ••1 want 7 After informing the policy boarri decisions about graduate school," underrepre~enta tion of black fa,culty to belp recruit black students to the 'lecruiten Ann Schneider and Janice hOm Callwiic- · -new school," she said. Dr. Ruffin ~asserstrom 1hat HUSA ''S proposed fall budget is - Jeanne Nelson said, director of at colleges and u,niversities in Florida, Onlvenlty dftcribe their gioduate ·-m to student o.borah Dulose. ·' according lo Florida State Universi- said that she gractuated from the New $24,054 dollars, Alsto.n said that Career Planning and Placement and . Datryl Clagget, a senior in the . ty recru1te~s.' School and is interested in helping spread out over sessions," Claggett ''thus far I'm happy with everything event coordinator. As a student School of Communications, said that The F~llowship helps black Howard students become aware of said.
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