North Bay Regional Informafion Sonoma.state University Library \' \ ', I ' ; \ \ ' .. ·, . ) ' l i !i )• l (~REEN Sonoma State ,.t l) /\ '{ ·s ) LArrsr • ;\Lt;UJ\.\ I\ HI:IZL ! I). 7 l i ~_;,.. - . '. ~ ~: 1 • ' I Sonoma Stole University's award-winning, student-produced newspaper since 19 /9. Peace activist Cindy Sheehai;i inspires students to seek change a specialist [a higher rank] and then a 24 year-old special­ Sheehan drew million/> of tele­ what Sheehan saw as hypocrisy MATT llicE ordered the private out of the ist in the motor pool repairing vision viewers worldwide and in the Democratic Party led her Staff\\-riler truck,"' said Sheehan in her Humvees, was, according to as many as 1,500 visitors on a to split from it in 2007, after lecture. "The true story, and his mother, forced into a mis­ daily basis. In spite of her tena­ majority Democrats authorized Bringing powetful direct­ why he's a hero is that his com- sion that was not his duty. She ciousness Sheehan was never continued funding of the Iraq ness and a correspondin~ sense War. of loss and hope, international­ She sees problems with the ly known peace activist Cindy political structure in the United Sheehan visited Sonoma State States as the biggest obstacle to Fri., May 15 to deliver a lecture peace. focusing on how we can help "The two party system in President Barack Obama end this country is a fraud, a myth. the wars and occupations in the When we vote for this system Middle East. we legitimize it," said Sheehan Sheehan was the focus of in her lecture. intensive media coverage for President Obama, though her controversial 'Camp Casey' new and promising to make Iraq war protest. changes, also drew Sheehan 's The camp was an informal ire for what she sees as the same gathering of activists and other policies in a new wrapper. war families near former Presi­ "I don't think he's tak­ dent George W. Bush's Craw­ ing steps [to end the war], he's ford, Texas ranch. Despite the making it slower. He never sensational coverage, the camp promised a quick withdrawal and pr6test weren't carefully in his campaign either," said laid out in the manner of a tra­ Sheehan. ditional social demonstration. She also said that his poli­ "It wasn't planned, it wa$ cies were overshadowed by his spontaneous," said Sheehan. "It message of hope and change really had a significant impact when she felt nothing vital was on the country and discourse. seeing any immediate prog­ Remember that back then most COURTESY// MAIT RICE ress. people approved of George Peace activist Cindy Sheehan speaks to a crowd in the main gym Fri. May 15 about "There's the continued Bush and the war," she contin­ how we can help President Obama end the wars and occupations in the Middle East. cross border bombing in Paki­ ued. "The rest of the world was stan," said Sheehan in her lec­ surprised to see Americans who mander ordered him to go on further alleges that the person­ granted the face to face meet­ ture. "He's really following the didn't" the mission and he said no. It nel who offered up their condo­ ing with President Bush she so Status of Forces Agreement ~~-~- As a precursor to her views was corrupt," she sai . " at's lences covered the true circum­ desired. signed by the 13us aa'rnimstia­ on President Obama and the what makes him a hero, not this stances of his death with a lie, As a part of her Camp tion and the puppet Bush ad­ ongoing Middle East conflicts false cover up. He was mur­ something she believes is com­ Casey project and longer-term ministration in Baghdad. Don't Sheehan offered the tragic sto­ dered, not murdered by the in­ mon among military deaths. peace efforts, Sheehan support­ be bamboozled by hope, it's a ry of her son's final mission in surgent who pulled the trigger, "The fact that I'm a mother ed Democratic Party candidates four letter word." Iraq and her vitriolic hatred of murdered by foreign policy. whose child was killed reso- and possibly had some effect Sheehan's dislike of Presi­ the policies that she believes George W. Bush might as well nates with• most people," said on the influx of Democrats to dent Obama's policies stems led to it. have been over there shooting Sheehan. national office in the 2006 mid­ from her frustration with the "I was told, 'he volun­ our soldiers." Resonate it did. Through term elections. two party system and the be- teered for the mission, he was Casey Austin Sheehan, four weeks in Camp Casey, However, problems with SEE SHEEHAN Pc. 4 Residents look to take action President Arminana given about 'spillover' p~rklllg issue a positive review by CSU . MORGA'.'<! CAR\ \JAL According to Reinhold, are in use in Santa Rosa and StaffWritP-r · out of the 23 California State Petaluma where a majority of AMANDA CRAVER the decision was made, others ing undargraduate education in University (CSU) campuses residents acknowledged the responded that the blame did the field of science and technol­ Copy Editor Student "overspill" park­ that exist within city limits and congestion near the Santa not lie on President Arminana. ogy. ing has become an issue for have residential neighborhoods Rosa Junior College campuses Earlier this spring, Presi­ The suggestion of a rela­ The grant received frotn "M" section and "R'' section within the university jurisdic­ and areas surrounding the fair­ dent Ruben Arminana's three­ tionship between the book store the Keck Foundation funded residents, and a proposal to re­ tion, SSU is the only campus grounds in both cities. year review by the California and Barnes and Noble came the school's microanalysis lab­ strict parking in specific resi­ that does not have an ordinance If a majority of residents State University (CSU) Board from a committee of adminis­ oratory. dential areas has been made. within the city that allows for doesn't request the program of Trustees began with the trators, faculty members and These are only a few of the This proposal was made by special resident parking per­ in the nearby Rohnert Park collection of numerous letters students. accomplishments and achieve­ Rohnert Park residents and mits. Of the campuses that do IJeighborhoods, the city will from faculty, students and com­ The committee neglected ments reviewed by the board. will be open for discussion not have those ordinances, it is not put the progr<llil in place. munity members. to inform the senate of their Most of the accomplishments on May 26 at the city council because they are located within There is generally a fee His petformance assess­ recommendation before any achieved by President Armi­ meeting. industrial areas or are removed associated. with permit pro­ ment included a review of com­ decision was reached. nana were viewed in a positive "The residents in M sec­ from residential areas and do grams for residents who wish munity and faculty satisfac­ In addition to the GMC, light by the Board of Trustees, tion and R section indepen­ not have an impact to enact these restrictions. tion, campus and community the renovation of Darwin and and his contributions to the dently brought their concerns "What I am looking to do According to Reinhold, these relations, overall management Salazar Halls, the construction campus earned him the approv­ to city council:' said Rohnert is enact an ordinance similar to fees range from $15 to $20 an­ of the university, educational of the Schulz Information Cen­ al of the board. Park Sgt. Wulff Reinhold. all of the other cities that have nually in Santa Rosa and Peta­ leadership and major achieve­ ter, and the increased campus In· addition to his past ac­ "City council gave this to CSU campuses abutting their luma areas. ments on the campus. student housing were discussed complishments on campus, Rohnert Park Public Safety to residential neighborhoods," .. "I think that in better fi­ On Tue., May 12, the CSU and reflected upon with ap­ President Arrninana's goals for research and •provide propos­ said Reinhold. "Once the or­ nan'Cial times the city might Board of Trustees concluded pro_val. the future were reviewed as als." dinance is in place, it is then absorb the costs of such a pro-­ their review of President Armi­ The board was in favor well. The City of Rohnert Park up to residents that feel they gram," said Reinhold. "But I nana. While reviewing his of the new housing available In the upcoming years, Department of Public Safety are affected by the congestion don't think they're in a posi­ achievements, the board dis­ to students and the contribu­ President Arminana hopes to was recently notified of the ef­ from non-resident parking in tion to do so. That will defi­ cussed the completion of the tion that additional dorms have continue campus and commu­ fects on certain neighborhoods their areas to request that their nitely be a factor as to who is Green Music Center (GMC) as made to the residential commu­ nity relations, improve reten­ by motor vehicle congestion, particular neighborhood be a going to pay the costs," well as the opening of the Mu­ nity on campus. tion and graduation rates and particularly by non-residents. designated preferential parking According to Professor sic Education Hall. Over the past five years, expand the sources of funds The claim has been made that area."' Helmut Wautischer, student'-, In their discussion, the President Arminana has dedi­ accessible for support of the the neighborhoods adjacent to Parking permit programs faculty and staff have been GMC was a topic of controver­ cated $200,000 per year to­ university.
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