30 L5 33 30 19 35 25 32 36 5E 47 T5

30 L5 33 30 19 35 25 32 36 5E 47 T5

1927 - No.I EARTHqUAKE REPORTS, t{EtrV ZEAIAND AIÌD trrJr, Register-{Lo-r:l_L*-npgfq1 on, and Suva, Xi.ji. L927 January lrns.IIÉrom: Lati-tude - 4lo 17tS. L,ongitud.e - l-Z4o 46tn, Ileight above sea l-evel - 401.1 f,eet. SUVA; T,atitud-e 1Bo 9 rS. longi túae - LZBo 26 tE . ileight above sea level 1O feet. Instruments: - liÉ-Lringtone (a) lrirne l{orizontal Seisrnograph No , Zo. E-v conponent, , l magirification, 5.6. Period, T=2To! secs. llndanped" (h ) l\li1ne-Sharv ilori zontal Seisrnograph No,ll . I'T-S coroponent. Magnification, l-ro" Period, T I tO"B éecs. Ifagietic d,ampingo 33 c I (c) Mnlne-Shavr Horizontal Seismograph No.16. E-,i,i component. trfiagnification, L5O. Period r fó.5 seós. After Jàn. p_1,t,.n. T = lO s€;cso Magnetic d,arnping, 2]:I $uva: (a) lfirne Tr.rin-Boorn }îóri zont,al SeiSmogíaph. B-W and N-S cornponen' Magniflcation, 6, Period,, T = lo-seós. Ulndanped, fime. is Greenv'rj.ch Mean îine Oh or 241y I Greenv'rlchr rnidnight, Date Phase Ti.me Peri or plitude Distance G. M. T. A5 A5 d.egrees Remarks hrrrs Ja"n. 3 Cr 11 14 23 iP t4 J/ o.9 Azimuth roughly ES3" iL I4 4g tr'eIt mi1d1y on both sid.es M T+ 5L1 106 of Cooi; Strait. e 13 30 L5 e 33 30 s (" = Small). 0 11 03 i.P 15 49 20.4 iS 19 35 SRl 20 L2 e! 2J, 47 1[ 24 12 L2 16o M 24 27 T2 q7 TT 25 32 t2 6'.o 11 i? I 36 5e Srnall locaI shock. Not fel /^ l_1 iP }B 2z -/L) Small local shock. Not fel l.20 zJ- J) ;A 19.8 eP 40 o7 fnitial phases of E-\;f corntr iS 43 +7 onent lost, urhile changÍng L 45 40 paper " M 46 42 1-3 39 M 47 47 t5 121 L/ zz 38 Distant quake" 20 111 20 orl0g i tsi ? i 2C 45 i 2t 1) Probably Cehtral_ knerica. eL J) 2I 858o' Srnall near quake. phases indistincte L waves sma1l and irreguJ_ar. ...1'. , !Îfv".i L927 - No. 2 EARTTTQ,UAI{E RXP0RTS, NEV ZSALAND Ai;D FrJr. q'l:or^ Rooi vvr 4fi.nn.. vtlto -- -o* - * Pqqlnf_on qr:r, Well ing!_ggr and -1W-ffiuary=OPgervaj !-urqr--&j i. - Phase ?ilne eriod Ampl-itude DistancF (! m in },'(. la -1 48. Ag d.egrees | alaD-)t/ Remar'ks --..--*-*+ h nn F--.sr =.P--+-- T-* Òr î Suva u&l'l . Z-! .l É(. 1 14.0 ]S (QA cir, .sv.) Ille11j-nEt on --, \ 240 v') 28 2?.8 (t1-',1/- iF IU / :n- 54 3 5.9 L.r!4.2 l- l_ 12q iq r.) ou r77 rQ 10 L lost in overlap of M IV L5 20 >2550 paper. M 20 r, lB _>2o8o M /t 4, 13 >1230 tr'eIt at Vila, Nevr 1\,7 2+ 3l 14 Bro Ilebrid.es, vrith daniage T,[ zo oo 13 BrO to buildings. Apparent M 2B 05 L6 ljro origin, ArnbrSm f sland. M ).4- L5 13 330 (reported by cable) r{Ig, o6 40s o 05 24 2+.o (N-S ) iP l0 52 5 12.g Itl Azirnruth. N-24o 16r',f = r-1 55 4 4B 3350 241. is T5 OB Ipiceltqe approx.3 ln <Rn - 15 lB 1B )vv :t_L 9's-16+i58.- L7 55 Nev,7 lls51ides. M OO z1 ' ar lu 2100 À'l 21 40 L7 110C M 24 55 1,5 970 1\[ 26 ío 13 ))ur'/^ 1\r: 2ó L5 I2 3c0 $:rye n v) .Y j3 nQ. 9.1 id Jrù l-0.0 1mltS [1n 11. O L\) Jtî 15 "2 24 {e,1-}.igg_tqn pD tr ts' 2A- tri( +\-//1 r\ id - 23.2 (r_w) iL 5c XpJ.centre satne as that m 5.3 0' 10 65 of previous shocit. iL 54 07 lir ,6 25 L5 t7o ]rf cr- a5 L5 l_60 }I 04 35 L2 l'2o {0 42_ OB 23.9 (]r-s ) J! +7 35 xauid fl50 iL 54 l_o !I 57 L5 n[ -lll/1 58 30 L5 tav u1 59 42 M 00 20 L4 Rn !Jl^ 02 50 1ú- c3 25 12 An /\ \J 64231 23'4 iP +7 5, !U--^ This quaiie ijE;'l'rl"oè- iL i2 0'i tition of the previous 5+ 30 ctua.líe suc about 16secs. and i* tÉe rirou.e e ceed ing i t by intense of tite trlro. As the .br.+o qu"alces Lì:ne super.impcsed.g the arnplltud.es L liaves òf the represent their combined. ef f.ects. L927 - No" 3. EARTT{qUAIG REPORTS, NEW ZEAIAI{D AN! FrJr " Regi ster_llr oin: rilp{: Log . 9b_s_e-fvat orvl fg*r f;il€.! o nÀ_ and__S uv a, -EIJlo L92T January --bffi;** --'fffie-F@ffi Phase G' I[.T" AE Alr d,egrees Reraa::ks .--W.rna Ò-- s sn January ll u % 2+ 0 6422q iP " ;i ;Z 23.7 (r-s) is 52 03 it ,4 25 Suva s 6 46,0 e qé.à ÌHffì"fi:':àffà,1 l;"i:'l,u i 48.2 indlcations of two i 48.6 successive quakes. 25 i 2g.2 Srnall quakes r Frobably from the sarre origin as 2, i 2 16.0 previous [gl].-L's'!"% quakes, 25 o_ 7 5.t 22 2L.4 e? lU 20 Epioentre, New Hebrides. is I ozt, Near that of previous I oraS quake. M 07 oo 15 6o Suva o_ Z 5.2.8 :,a.5 eP 55.9 is 5B.a I 59.t mnìs M g- 03.3 4.5 IIe-tr_inEtgq 2, (O 231040 F xi? 23"1 (n-l'r) 15 58 Epicentre, New }iebtid es. is 20 07 Near that of previous ru zoro Z Ta quake isRl zL oo 10 " m Zt 25 r0 1oo it 22 45 nÀ 24 45 1' 24O M 28 47 L5 2LO M 30 30 L2 lgo M 32 55 10 l8o * 23 l-o. 3? 23 -o_ "1 (li-s ) iP !rt5 5 7 1 l_óJI , 15 i 1615 , Li is zoo4 6 Lz isRl 20 9 33 sRz zL 031\ el 22 43 .j;r 2J +5. t4 65 M 28 55 t4 l-go M 30 05 13 130 Suva \./t-l éJ-i IU.O *v+vI O a nv iP 13.L^ ' 1 minute added" to ilrese iPR r3.5 Suva tjrraes. is J,5 "r iL L6.Z mms ]f \2.3 tT M 20"3 12 M 2r"o L6 :.92'/ - No. 4-" EARUIqUAIM RTPORTS, lútr\Î ZEALAND Ai$D FIJ]. Regis'uer from; Dominion =oH-#Lo:v--w@tu*ltii.ttY.'/ . a.lÎU&ff -r)ate Time --er:.od---- _aJoplitude -Distance in lhase G. lf" a ó^n î" rrli AN Oegrees Reriarks LY' t/ .-é ! __ ixms s"_ _-----i-:-î--- u u Iyli4_+aqsr_Qq Jan. 26 e w) ss Probably a repetiticn of previous qualce, Suza na -) va-. f DT unknov.rn. ó iJOo) SS trVel1inat oir 26otl 06 oo 26.7 1-, E,P -/) Epi-cenire 1 New Fleb,rides. I n1 00 Near tnat of prernious vvaQ -ri ì( quake e i 16 55 sRr t7 2' el 2r+ M 25 ,' 1"5 37 nFn Srrva P11 l-6.3 ? Dî unknowrlr is 11.1 ?h.ases doubrtful. iL L2 "4 )A n l( Ue r r-r_49!-og " t) 36 t5 z5.Y (s-n) i.? 4t 42 Epieentre , Ilerirr lîebride s . PRr- 42 05 Near thai of previous PR2 42 Li .ia t' r.F quake. IU +)^ )( ml 4J 6,( L2 :L 4b ié 55 M 50 ì0 ),7 I7O M i6 15 l? -lln i'[ 58 45 rL3 B+ o!5 36 \9 23 (x-s P 4t" 42 "5 ) eS +5. 54 isRl 46 42 L 48 zo M lo 55 r( A,t M 54 45 l_4 l: M 55 t5 4J qa- Suva 0 L5 36"0 iP 10, i 1"f iniinutes ad_ded. to ìa 38,5 these Suva times 40 "5 " iI Ar!.5 ilms Iî 42 "7 1i M 44,9 J.2 flreIl-i neton 27 L6 o3- s Appears to be fror-n saltre orÍ-gin as pleviours quaKes 27 PRr l-B 22 2q (2+) " iS )A t? Ipicentre near that of L.' pIe]rjr. ous qLlakes L 1/^r' :|2 " 'tR -t/^ r) Errga A rva/ (ro ) eS t8 "T ]il,'e Li-inet on 2B x8 + 15 s Nevr llebrid es Suva . e t.E iB ^B eS 2l-.f-1 j ciIJ r'^ / .,lc r ) f927 No" 5. EAR$IqUAÍG RT?ORTS I NE\Y ZEAIA}TD AND T'IJI. Register.ibojLi--gog and, $uvae Fiji, tYz'/ J anuary *b;te- - ErTú_am-p-rl-Cuàe bistà-n6Tn -,^Òn Phase G' nir' To aE Au d.egrees Remarks IYZ'/f /ìaD h. n è .ranuary:-4_-rf-glSn_r_!r w"!}rr!@---_ 29 eS 13 09 X-2 e11 +- - New Hebrides" Suva r3 04.5 'vVeLlineton 29e L, 34 05 New ltrebrides o 37 4a " 42 'i- suva e g 3a.5 e 33.9 eL 34"7 W: Comparison is interesting of the above series of 1f quakes from the New ltreb'ni-des rsl-andsr lvith the two oceuring sirniÌar series iróm the same region at the sarle .tiry: of rhe year in 1g25-;;e liJàr---íúi_ from tr'eb.

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